
Hell's Resonance

In front of absolute power, everything crumbles . . . If Ethan could choose which person he'd reincarnate into, he'd choose the strongest person in his favourite book- the ever powerful protagonist, Noah. Somebody who has his powers practically handed on a plate with the help of his omniscient, overpowered system. And to his delight, Ethan gets reincarnated right where he wants. Except, he's not in the body of Noah. And he definitely doesn't have a system. In a world where monsters threaten humanity's existence, powerful humans called gatekeepers venture into gates, risking their lives to protect everybody. But the path to a gatekeeper is not an easy one. Can Ethan make it to the top? Can he hope to grow as strong as the protagonist? Can he survive in this period of turbulence, where Noah's presence shakes numerous forces, both within and outside the planet? And most importantly. Is Noah really as amazing as Ethan thinks?

J_Striker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
78 Chs


"Mana can be broadly classified into two types. Mage type and Physical type. Most awakeners can only use one of these two. Only very few people get to experience both types of mana. However, most of you will not constitute this small minority. This privilege is only reserved for the luckiest people."

Ada droned on, speaking in her usual sadistic tone. Though she didn't hate most students other than Ethan, she still managed to fire a couple of jabs within every single sentence she spoke. It was, frankly, very annoying. Especially considering the fact that she constantly tried to get him in trouble by popping random questions when he least expected it.

"Luna! What is the third type of mana?" Suddenly, Ada's eyes landed on the seat right next to him. She had been targeting Luna ever since her 'social death' a couple of weeks ago. "Stand up!" Luna slowly got to her feet, looking around anxiously. Lately, her social anxiety had crept up, replacing her general warm, bubbly personality when she was in front of others.

"I....I'm sorry. I d....don't know." He stared at her with pity. This was the consequence of relying too much on stuff like popularity. You never knew when it could disappear. "You don't?" Ada frowned. "I'm taking away a point from you. Sit down!" Luna sat down meekly as a few snickers ran through the class.

He didn't know why, but he felt bad for her. He wished that she didn't have to go through this. No. Who was he kidding? He knew why he felt bad for her. Since the day she'd arrived in KGS, she'd always stuck to him. Even though was pretty much the most hated guy in Class 10. Because of Douglas.

Luna could have easily thrown him away, turning towards any of the other, more 'popular' kids. Yet, she still stuck to him. And now, what had resulted was a social suicide. A complete separation from others. And that was because she was friends with him. Because of Douglas. He was trying to ruin the lives of him and the people around him. And looking at Luna, it seemed like he was succeeding.

He clenched his fist. No. Luna wasn't important to him. She wasn't a 'friend'. She didn't deserve the same status as Crookie. Because she was fake. She was devious. He'd seen so many people exactly like her ruin 'lower class' people's lives simply for their enjoyment. This was all an attempt to trick him. Right?

He glanced at her pale face. Then why did he feel so guilty right now? "Ethan? Are you listening?" Suddenly, Ada's voice crept into his ears. "Yes, ma'am." He put any thoughts of Luna aside. "Tell me. What is the third type of mana?" He glared back at her. They hadn't even been taught the three types of mana yet. But if he said that he didn't know, she'd take away a point from him.

"Oppressive mana is the mana that monsters use. It's different from both physical and mage type mana." He sat back down. "You're almost correct." Yeah. Because she could never compliment him. "Oppressive mana is also used by Contracters. Terrorists who make up evil terrorist organisations that try to actively harm humans. So if you ever find somebody using oppressive mana, make sure that you report them immediately."

Oppressive mana. The same thing that he'd felt when he touched that mysterious white orb on Hydragyros. Generally, any gatekeepers who came in contact with oppressive mana would feel an intense sense of rejection from their bodies, just like Ethan had. But there were always exceptions. Some humans, called 'Contractors', used this mana in the same way that awakeners used physical and mage type mana. And they made up organisations like Haven. The same place that Noah had thought Ethan was from.

Well, he wouldn't have to worry about Haven for now. At least not for the next two months. They would eventually get involved with Noah anyways. All he had to do was get far away from him when that happened. He yawned as he glanced outside the window, already wishing that the class would get over.

A week had passed since Ethan started attending the meetings of the Combat Club. Every single day, he would wake up at 4:30 in the morning for his extra classes with Senpai. Then, he'd actually attend the Combat Club with the rest of the members. Not everybody fought in duels every single day. Most of the times, people would simply observe while others fought.

Just how after Poisoned Snake and Scarred Wolf's battle, he'd only challenged her once- the day right after. Of course, he lost. But this time it seemed like the gap between them had widened. Perhaps Poisoned Wolf had learnt more from her battle the previous day that Scarred Wolf.

Ethan had also challenged Golden Lion twice after his initiation. The first time, he'd lost miserably. Probably because his style of fighting wasn't completely alien to Golden Lion anymore. But the second time, even though he'd lost, he could feel the gap between the decrease. Practising swinging his kusarigama to a greater speed faster had helped. Because the largest weakness in his current way of fighting was that he needed too much time to get combat ready.

"Alright! That's enough for today. You may leave." Suddenly, Ada's voice burst through Ethan's ears, disturbing his thoughts. Class was over 5 minutes early? Nice! Apparently, 25 minutes of dry, insulting humour was enough to tire her out. Tap...tap...tap. Her feet tapped on the floor as she walked out the class.

He stretched his arms behind, basking in the little sunlight that fell from the window. Now he'd have to break his back doing physical training in Obsidian Block. And then, he'd spend another 2 hours trying to control his mage type mana. The day wasn't over yet.

"Did you see her? 'I...I'm sorry. I d...don't know!' Haha! What a fucking loser!" Suddenly, he heard a loud voice in front of him. He looked up. It was Sam, the simp. Hmm. Sam the simp. Kinda had a nice ring to it. "Hey Luna! Why were you scared of Ada?"

Luna stared down as her face pale slightly. "Uh...um...It's because..." "It's because you're a fucking pussy?" A blonde haired girl cut in. "Hahaha! Don't scare her. Maybe she pissed her pants as soon as Ada made her stand up?" Sam slammed his hands against her desk. "Well? Do you?" Ethan frowned slightly. "N...no." "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear your voice. Did you piss your pants?" A couple of snickers ran through the room. Every single person was staring at Luna.

"No" Her clear voice ran through the room. Slam! Suddenly, Sam's fist shot through, landing squarely of her face. "Ooooh! That must have hurt!" Somebody in the audience commentated. "That's not the answer I was looking for. Did you piss your pants?" Luna raised her head slowly. "Cough...cough...Y....yes. Yes, I did." Sam grinned. "Did what?" Ethan could see a bruise on her face. Come to think of it, this wasn't the first time he was seeing one of those. Most people left him alone because Zack was slightly afraid of him. But, for Luna, there wasn't any cold protection of any sorts.

"I...I pissed my pants." Drip...drip...drip. Sam tipped a bottle over, pouring the contents over Luna's legs. "Well, ain't that fucking right?" Luna's face flushed slightly as she felt the entire classes the gazes on her. "Hahaha!" Laughter ran throughout the room. Everywhere Ethan could see, people were enjoying this show. They were having fun seeing her getting ridiculed. Just like when he was the boy. And even as Ethan Miller in middle school.

Not everybody was taking pleasure in Luna's embarrassment. Some people looked at her pitifully. Others in indifference. Maybe, he was a part of the latter. Yet.....this felt wrong. However much he said that Luna wasn't worthy to be his friend, that she was a scheming bitch, none of this felt natural. It didn't feel like she deserved this. Maybe he should defend her?

Screech! Suddenly Luna pushed her chair away. Tap...tap...tap. Her feet pounded on the floor as she walked away briskly. "Yeah, that's right! Clean up your piss, bitch!" Ethan could see her eyes starting to redden slightly as she disappeared through the door.

"Hahaha! That was awesome, bro!" "Thanks! I couldn't help it! She's just so fucking annoying!" "Hey! If we're talking about losers...." An orange haired boy called out. Ethan felt everybody's gazes turn on him. "We've got another piece of Class 1 material here!" A bunch of laughs ran through the room.

Sam grinned, slowly walking towards. "Mr Blue eyed know-it-all." Ethan's eyes glinted slightly. "Stay back. I'm not as easy of a target as her." Tap...tap...tap. Sam's footsteps echoed as he slowly walked towards Ethan. "Oh yeah? Because the last time I saw, you were already Zack's punching bag."

He drew closer to Ethan. "Poor little boy with his F rank potential. How long's it gonna be until you fall back. Until you're kicked out of this school?" Ethan stared right into his eyes. "More days than the number of points you've got." Sam's face turned ugly. Apparently, that was a sore point for him. "Shut up, you fucking commoner! Just because you've got more points than me doesn't mean that it'll stay that way." He screeched loudly. "It's fucking destiny. You'll be thrown away soon enough. Just like the useless bum you are."

Ethan stared at him indifferently. "You can dish it out but can't take it, huh? Well, I'd expect nothing less from Keystone's finest simp. Is that the new girl you're creeping out after you forgot about Luna?" He glanced at the blonde haired girl.

"Shut your goddamn mouth!" Whoosh! Sam's fist flew through the air, heading towards Ethan's stomach. "I told you...." Whoosh! Ethan dodged the blow. "....I'm not as easy of a target as Luna." Slam! He pounded his fist right into Sam's face. At the exact place where he'd hit Luna. For some reason, that made hitting him feel a hundred times more satisfying.

"Oof!" Sam was thrown to the floor by the force of the blow. Ethan looked around. "Why aren't you laughing, you pieces of shits? Don't you find these kinds of things hilarious?" Slam! He kicked Sam, making him clutch his stomach in pain. "Stop! What the hell are you doing?" The blonde haired girl cried out in distress. Ethan looked around. "You goddamn sickos! Where's your demented side now?Huh?"

Nobody replied. Not because they were ashamed, but because they were disgusted by him. His words could never pierce them. After all, he was 'beneath' them. "Zack's not gonna stay at the top for a long time." His blue eyes bore into Sam's hunched figure. "I suggest you abandon him. And try to be less of a scumbag." Tap...tap...tap. Ethan walked out of the classroom, his feet falling on the floor lightly as he entered a corridor.

"Fucking hell!" He placed his hand in his hair staring ahead in anger as he walked away. He'd been bullied in both of his lives. So beating up Sam should've felt good, right? Getting back at those condescending freaks should've been satisfying. Yet....he didn't feel any of those things. Guilt weighed down on him, crushing his heart. Should he have helped Luna? But she wasn't his friend. She was a thieving bitch who would abandon him eventually. She had to be. Right?

Beep! Suddenly, his watch beeped loudly. Ethan stepped outside the building. There was no connection inside. So he'd received messages on his watch as soon as he stepped outside. Which was surprising, considering the fact that he didn't have many people that message him.



[You have 2 new messages]






[Sender: Carl Miller]

[Hey Ethan! I'm sorry as couldn't talk to you for the last two months. It's nice out here in the Barren Lands. Most monsters don't attack us, so we're safe most of the time. And in the off-chance that our convo is attacked, we've got some skilled gatekeepers to protect us. So it's a lot safer than my job back in Centin. You don't need to worry about me.

Anyways, I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I'll be able to come back to Dragopolis in about two months. I'll be staying there for a week, so we can have you and Estelle come up and meet me. If you don't have too much work, that is.

But the bad news is that we're heading into blackout territory. I won't be able to send or receive any messages until I come back to Dragopolis. I'm really sorry for that. But don't worry. I'm as safe as I could have been over there. And the two of you will be protected by your schools.

I'll be back before you know it.




"Dad...what are enough getting yourself into?" Ethan murmured slightly. He wasn't stupid. He knew his father. And he could tell that his job wasn't as simple as he was letting on. He just hoped that his father wasn't doing something stupid. Well, not that he could stop him even if he wanted to.

"Hahh..." He put his hand on his forehead. So many things were happening right now. He could feel the stress piling up in his head, wanting to break out. He'd go crazy if things stayed this way. The only thing keeping him sane was talking to Estelle on the weekends. But even that might not be enough. He couldn't exactly tell her about his problems.



[You have 1 new message]






[Sender: Noah Evans]

[Come to Obsidian Block at 10:00 p.m. today. Don't be late.]



"Fucking hell...." And now there was another thing for him to worry about. Getting involved with Noah right now, especially when the Haven conspiracy brewing in the background was a terrible idea. But Noah's message right now wasn't a request. It was an order. And getting on his bad side was a terrible idea. Especially since he was the protagonist of 'The Ghost System'.

"Ah....fuck!" He swore loudly.




[Message sent]

[I'll be there.]

The new chapter is here! The chapters are pretty long nowadays, aren’t they? Anyways, the next Combat arc is gonna start pretty soon. How did you guys like this ‘normal’ arc? Was it boring? Was it fun? Did you get annoyed by the stuff that happened in it? Let me know in the comments. thanks for reading! J_Striker out.

J_Strikercreators' thoughts