
Hell's Nemesis

A young man by the name of Dominic awakes in the dark and is filled with rage. So much so that he wants to kill. He doesn't know who he his, all he knows is that he must kill.

SuperMario3045 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Fall

Darkness all around. All Dominic could see was darkness. But when he looked up, he saw a light very high up. Like if he was on Earth, it would be as far as the moon but only a quarter of the size. soon it grew closer and its light grew in intensity. Then it shot out to 8 braziers that were surrounding Dominic. He could see around him was a weird red stone. Some parts soft, others as hard as diamond. Then the remaining light above had moved in front of him and into a chair that looked like a kind of throne. Then the light shifted into a humanoid shape with fiery wings and a burning gold ring above what was very clearly a handsome male's head. he was sitting across his chair with one leg on the arm of the throne and the other dangling down while he was leaning back on the other arm, looking straight at Dominic. "Now this is rather interesting" the man said. "Never has a mortal ever been to my domain here in Helar. At least, not moving about like you. I often get bored here in my prison. Those bastards will pay for what they have done to me. But first, I can see you have some questions, so what will you be asking?" He stared Dominic with an ice cold glare into his eyes. "Who are you and where am I?" he said angrily. He knew nothing about himself except for his name. He was pissed off with no idea as to why, but he felt the need to kill something. Anything. And if he didn't like the answers the person gave him, he may just try and kill him. The man replied with a laugh, "I am Aferim. You can call me Af for short. As for where you are, I told you earlier indirectly while I was speaking. You are in Helar, Home of Demons and Devils. It is what you mortals call Hell. Now who are you?" Dominic replied, "I am Dominic. I have no knowledge of myself besides that name of mine. If you have any information about me, I demand to know." Aferim was intrigued by this young man. He said, "I have no knowledge of you either but I know something that will. There are a series of tablets here in Helar that when you touch them, gives information to you about yourself. The demons and devils use it mostly for finding out things they have forgotten that was important. Their lives depend on it because their owners will be very angry." Dominic was pleased with this answer but now he has to ask two very important questions. Dominic asked his first question, "Why am I having this feeling of intense anger and rage, and the desire to kill?" Aferim replied, "This I do not know. Maybe because you were a very angry person during your time on the mortal plane or maybe it is because you are in my presence. But you know what will know? The tablets." Dominic was pleased with this answer as well but also a little disappointed as Aferim did not know. Now it was time for his second question. "How will I deal with the demons and devils? I'm sure they'll come after me since I am a human, right?" Aferim replied, "Simple. You kill them." Aferim's face turned serious as he said this. Now Dominic had another question because of the answer he got. "How will I kill those who live in Hell?" With this question, Aferim rose up out of his throne of red stone. When Dominic saw this, he realized Aferim was about 8 feet tall. Aferim walked to the wall behind his throne and started punching out all the softer stone he had put there a millenia ago. From behind the stone, he pulled out a massive 6 foot sword with glyphs down its blade similar to the Sumerian language but looked like a dialect in itself. When Dominic saw it, he took a step back. How was he gonna wield this massive blade to kill monsters? He was barely 5' 9" himself, let alone 6 foot. Aferim smiled when he saw this. "Worry not. This here is Verand. My long trusted weapon. And you should be honored to even be considered by me to wield it." The sword shrunk in size as Aferim handed it to Dominic. Now it was only 4' 6". 3/4 the original size. Dominic swung it around trying to get comfortable with the weapon. It had a red blade with a golden cross-guard and a pearlescent white grip, along with a fiery red gem pommel cut to be a sphere. Dominic swore he could see a fire within the gem. Now Dominic had another question. "Why are you here in the first place and why are you helping me?" Aferim simply replied, "I fell. Same as you. And as for why I'm helping you, it is because I got nothing better to do since I'm stuck in this Hell hole. Literally. Oh, and be careful. That sword, I swear it has a mind of it's own sometimes." As he said that, Dominic saw a fire glint from within the pommel. Dominic felt ready to kill and be released into Hell. Aferim said, "Now if you have no more questions, I'm going to ask you to walk into that trigram over there so I can expel you into Helar." as he pointed to the side opposite of his throne. Dominic did so and Aferim said, "Oh right. Can't have a sword without its sheath." He then unbuckled the sheath from himself and gave it to Dominic. It too changed its size to fit Dominic and the sword. Dominic hadn't looked at himself yet but he did when he put on the sheath. This was when he realized just how grungy his clothes were. He had on a gray shirt with what looked like bullet holes, pants that have been worn for way too long, and sneakers that were worn down to Hell. He decided that if he could get back home, he would take a nice hot shower, but that made him wonder what his home was like. He looked up at Aferim and said, "I'm ready." Aferim smiled a sinister smile and said, "Good luck." as he quickly made a series of hand signs and other weird gestures. when he finished, the trigram glowed a bluish white and transported Dominic.

Hey y'all. Sorry if there is anything you wanted answered that wasn't. I swear everything will come together later on. And I got the name Af for Aferim from angelarium. A website with names of angels and what they are angels of. Af is the angel of anger. I was planning on keeping it a secret that he was an angel even if the golden ring above his head was pretty obvious, I just really wanted to pay respects to the website. https://www.angelarium.net Thank you.

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