
Hell's Nemesis

A young man by the name of Dominic awakes in the dark and is filled with rage. So much so that he wants to kill. He doesn't know who he his, all he knows is that he must kill.

SuperMario3045 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Here Dominic was, falling out of the sky of Hell down to the ground. He panicked a little bit since he didn't know how much damage he can take. Despite the panic, he decided to land down the way a superhero would. After a minute of falling, he crashed into the ground, causing a crater to be born from his impact. Lucky me, he thought, I landed on the softer stone. He got up and brushed himself off. He took him a little bit, but he climbed out of the 10 foot crater he made. As soon as he climbed up, he saw a black obeliskian tablet with the same kind of Sumerian glyphs that were on his sword. This must be what Aferim was talking about, he thought. He walked up and touched the tablet. All of a sudden, his mind was filled with demonic images of murder and torture. After those images faded, he heard a voice that was a mix of a gravelly voice and robotic tone.

Dominic Reed Thallor (Cain Reincarnate)

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 190 lbs

Body Fat Percentage: 4%

Strength: Unknown, scales with rage

Speed: Unknown, scales with rage

Durability: Max of 100 Supernovas

Knowledge: Average Human High School Graduate

Age: 19

Titles: Overworlder, Slayer, Rager, Harbinger of Destruction, Doom, First Murderer

Miscellaneous: Likes puppies

That was all the tablet had to say before shutting down for him. "That wasn't very useful", he said aloud. "Except for that durability, that will come in handy." Hopefully the next tablet will give me more useful information about myself, he thought. All of a sudden, he heard a screech from behind him. He turned around and there was a little impish creature. Dominic laughed because he'd finally get to kill something. Just before he walked to it though, the imp screamed and charged at Dominic brandishing a dagger made of some sort of steel. He laughed and charged at the imp. He extended his hand out in a form similar to clawing someone. He reached into the imp's chest, splitting apart the alien ribcage and shattering its spine. He took his other hand and started to pull apart the ribs. He did it slowly while the imp was still alive. It tried to scream but it had no air to scream with. He then reached for its heart and ripped it out, crushing it. Dominic screamed in a rage, bellowing for miles around. Almost in a perfect response, he heard bellows and screams from around him. He then thought something weird. Wasn't there supposed to people here being tortured for all eternity? Why hasn't he found anybody else? Sure he just got here, but you'd think he'd see people on his way down. He decided that no matter what, no demons and devils will stop him from learning more about himself. Then off in the distance, he saw a tablet up high on a fortress of the red stone. That is a long way away, he thought. He started his walk on the way to the fortress. On his way there, he thought about the name beside his that was told to him from the tablet. Cain. Dominic remembered a story about Cain. Cain was the first murderer in The Bible and thus forced to walk Earth alone with his sin. He also watched some shows and movies about Cain being an anger ridden man who couldn't die. But How did he die and become reincarnated as Dominic? Was it because Cain lost his mark? He'd seen in some iterations that when Cain lost his mark, he could die. Dominic frantically searched his body for the mark. If Dominic remembered correctly, it looks like the jawbone weapon Cain used to kill Abel. Dominic didn't see the mark anywhere. He wasn't surprised as there is no way he could have the mark since, again, if he is the reincarnate of Cain, that means he died. Which in itself means he lost the mark. Dominic was a little disappointed because that meant he could potentially die again, if there is a demon or devil that has more power than 100 supernovas. He reached the base of the fortress and is now standing in front of a pair of large doors that are rounded up top. They are about 10 in width and 30 feet in height. Dominic hoped there weren't any demons or devils that large because it would suck fighting them. He decided to hold back his innate anger and rage and be polite. He knocked on the gigantic doors and waited for a response.