
C35 My Guardian Angel

I start to smile again as I think of all the things I could do. 'Aah, but I shouldn't go too far, or else I'll have nothing to build up to later.'


Natasha and Clint were walking away from Zadkiel and his sisters after bugging them.

"Did you get him?" She asks while looking forward.

He glances at her and says, "Yeah, what ab—" but stops halfway.

"What's the matter?" she looks at him.

Pointing at her shoulder, he says, "This is going to be a difficult mission."

She blinks, looks at her shoulder, then looks back, "Yeah..." She takes it off along with another she found.

"I didn't learn much about him in New Mexico, but to think he was this good on top of being a genius," he says while checking himself.

"It seems like 'geniuses' are popping up all over now," she states while taking the third bug off from Clint; he couldn't see where it was at.


"I think this is it."

"Whatever gave ya that idea? All the people dressed up like it's a ball, the sign that says 'Latverian Embassy,' or even the other sign that says 'Opening Ceremony?'" Ben waves his hands around.

"It was a joke," Johnny says in his defense.

"Oooh, it was a joke," Ben rolls his eyes.

"Yeah! It was a—"

"Don't—even—start," Susan gives them a dangerous glare. "We're here to see what's going on, not destroy the place."

They all walk into the main area.

"I don't think they would be able to do that all too easily," Reed is looking around at the building. "Whoever designed this embassy knew exactly what they were doing."

"I'll be sure to pass your praise to our Lord; I believe he would greatly appreciate it. Especially when it comes from Mister Fantastic himself."

Hearing a voice with a slight accent, they all turn to see a slightly 'round' man. He was dressed as well as anyone here but looked—honest—for some reason.

"You are?" Reed asks.

"Ah, where are my manners. I'm the ambassador stationed here. You may call me Jakob." He bows slightly.

None of them quite know how to respond, but eventually, Susan Speaks, "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"So, uh, when's the party start?" Johnny adds while 'scoping' the area.

Ambassador Jakob looks at his watch, "It shouldn't be too much longer. We're just waiting a little longer for any 'guests' that haven't made it yet."

His words held implied meaning, but the four didn't catch anything abnormal with his words.

"Jakob, there you are," the man they came here for approached from behind, walking to the Ambassador.


I whisper something to him.

"Landing pad?" he tilts his head, "Y-yes we have one, but what do you ne—oh. Yes, I'll make sure it's clear." Realizing what I was talking about, he walked off.

'I doubt he'll use it, but no harm in trying.'

I turn to the four and smile, "Well, you guys took long enough to find me."

"You didn't exactly make it easy."

"Speak for yourself, Torchie." The two are at each other, like always.

'That, or it's just how they cope when they're nervous.'

"So, when can we talk." Reed cuts to the chase and asks.

I look around at the gathering crowd.

Seeing some people I was expecting, I turn back and answer, "I'm sure we'll have plenty of time after the ceremony. Until then, enjoy yourselves; the food here is top class."

Walking away, I speak again, "Especially the dessert. I truly hope it's your cheat day, or else you'll be missing out."

I'll be giving a speech soon and I want to make sure the final preparations are done for our 'guests.'

SHIELD and Hydra are here for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if a few others show up too. I'll be sure to give everyone something for all their troubles.

'After all, they'll just become more suspicious and wary if they get nothing.'

I also know how to give without really giving.

'—I'll be sure to mess with SHIELD a bit more, though. Even if it's just for laughs.'


God may have been crazy, but he knew how to make shit.

My body has special 'properties' that I plan on abusing during my speech.

The illusions I have applied don't actually change the way I look. Instead, they change the way I'm perceived.

But only in person. Pictures and other media don't look any different, nor do the illusions apply through them.

On top of my already perfect looks, I also have an innate 'charm' I can activate. It's much like the kind some demons possess but without the—deviousness.

It's more of a neutral charm that won't drive a person to any specific course of action.

In addition, it's also more natural, meaning that while telepaths can sense it, it's not psionic in nature, and they'll have a hard time countering it for people besides themselves.

Of course, it's still a weak ability that isn't all that useful in the grand scheme of things—unless you want to win a crowd.

Like I'm doing now.

I've been releasing some of my illusions while I give my speech since better public opinion is rarely ever bad.

I didn't go overboard, though, since some people here would be able to tell, and if all the reports were positive, it would look weird.

'Heh, heh, heh. I just can't resist.'

There is one person I let take the full brunt, however. Not because I'm interested in them, but because I just want to see what will happen.

'Isn't this the second person I've messed with like this now?'

I must have a problem. I'll be sure to go easier this time.


"You in?"

"Yeah, but the security here's tighter than our own HQ. Just hope I don't run into anyone important."

"Copy. I'm heading in now," Natasha made sure her comms were well hidden before walking into the banquet.

She saw Zadkiel start his speech. He wasn't her goal, but she couldn't go straight to a back door or she would look suspicious.

She mingled with the crowd, making her way to the door while being sure to keep her face from Zadkiel's sight.

She wasn't sure if he saw her earlier when she tried bugging his sisters, but he gave her a weird feeling.

Like, he knows everything.

'I suppose it isn't too bad a feeling.'

As she continued her way, she caught glimpses of him, 'Not a bad feeling at all.'

She pinched her thigh, 'Focus on the mission, Nat! Now's not the time for a hookup.'

Focussing back on the mission, she made it closer to the door.

What she didn't know was that Zadkiel's smile grew, imperceptibly larger.

Before making it to the door, she double-checked the surroundings; this is when she made a mistake.

Her's and Zadkiel's eyes met, seemingly by accident, for only a sliver of a second. Though to her, it felt much longer.

Zadkiel had let her experience the full brunt of his 'charm,' plus a few extras—just for the fun of it.

The result was, 'Get yourself together! Now is not the time for that!' Taking a deep breath, she went to the door and slipped through, not at all worried about him seeing her face anymore—for some reason.

On the other side, she leaned against the door, 'What was that? I know he's good-looking—really good-looking—like a god in human form—'

'Nat!' Snapping out of her daze, again, she continues on her way to rendezvous with Clint.

But along the way, she notices that she has to 'go to the bathroom,' she tries ignoring it, but the 'urge' won't stop building.

She isn't a top agent for nothing, however. Fighting her way through it, she makes her way to Clint, and they start their search for anything useful.

He wasn't oblivious to her slowly reddening face and slightly more haggard breath.

Whispering, he asks, "Are you okay? You didn't run into any trouble, did you?"

"I'm—Mm—I'm f-fine, Clint. Let's just hurry up and get out of here. I have to go to the bathroom," she whispers back.

"I told you to go before the mission started," he shakes his head.

They eventually make it back to HQ with the intel they gathered. Though Natasha nearly crashed her motorcycle on the way back.

She even went straight to the bathroom before reporting. She was in there for much—much—longer than anyone else.


After Natasha went through the door, I continued my speech.

The audience was following along like good little sheep, making it all the easier to start off on a good foot.

When I was near the end, I heard a sound coming from the sky.

'As expected,' I smirk as everyone looks up to see Iron Man land next to me.

Once he soaks up enough attention, the armor folds away for Tony to walk out in a suit. He shakes my hand while smiling at the cameras.

Before I can speak, he says, "Stark Industries fully supports Latveria as long as this guy's in charge. He's my guardian angel after all!"

I roll my eyes, "Guardian angel, my ass. You just want me to..."

After that, me and Tony answered some questions while providing some comedic relief. Soon after, we left the stage and let the banquet start.

The time went fast and everything eventually ended, leaving behind Reed's bunch and Tony. I assumed both wanted to talk.

"Alright, come on. This isn't the place to talk."



Natasha won't be a love interest.

Half the Marvel fics I've read have her as the, or one of the MCs girls.

Go read them if you want that.


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