
Sweet Surrender*

The lunar eclipse had made our mating bond much more official then." The corners of his mouth curled up as the Vampire King watched her as a lion would a rabbit. 

Upset at her failed attempts to save both herself and the Vampire King from doom closing in on them like a trap cage, Luna's jaws clenched as her eyes fixed down on her tattoos.

They were married in the eyes of the gods and goddesses, strengthening their blood bond. 

They had these divine beings' protection, and their souls had been marked for eternity. 

She knew what it meant.

  If eons would pass and one of them ceased to exist as a vampire, the other mate will also draw his or her last breath with their beloved's name on their lips.

Their soul would reincarnate at the same place and time. 

Regardless of their physical form, their soul would recognize the bond they had in their past lives.

They would cross-realm after realm, universe after universe, time after time.

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