
Hell's Consort

"I will make you my queen." He grabbed the chains attached to the bed and closed the shackles around her wrists. "I'm the High Priestess. You can't—" Fear trembled through her mind and body. She couldn’t consummate this marriage if the Blood Beast truly decided to make her his queen. Luna must remain a virgin High Priestess in order to remain a vessel for Hecate's magic. "What are you planning to do?" “I will make you mine no matter what so that I can take control of the Vampire King's consciousness forever. He won’t be back anytime soon." Luna thought the Blood Beast was out of his mind for wanting to make the virgin High Priestess his mate. The consequences of that would… Her mind raced through all of the possible consequences. There was no way she could allow the Blood Beast to gain any more power. Especially if he gained that power by drinking the blood that was, laced with Hecate’s magic, running through her veins. She needed the Vampire King back. The Blood Beast moved on top of her body. He stopped when he was at eye level with her. The sudden intimacy was shocking, especially since she was tied down. Chest to chest, he removed her cloak and peeled off her flimsy dress. He growled. "If you struggle, I will rip your head off." +++ Luna was one of the few remaining Amazons who worshipped the goddess Artemis. As an Amazon, her ordinary life took an unexpected turn when a pack of rogue werewolves took over their home--the Sacred Valley. Left with no other choice, Luna flees into the nearest kingdom, the Vampire Realm, where she was captured to be part of the Vampire King’s Consortium. To avoid the fate of living and dying as a Harem girl for vampires, she offers to become the High Priestess and study dark magic in order to break the King's curse. If she is successful, she could request the King to grant her her well-earned freedom. There has not been an official High Priestess in the Vampire Realm for centuries. Not since the first High Priestess cursed the King to become the Blood Beast. When the Blood Beast tries to take the reins of the Vampire King's consciousness, the King was cursed to drain the blood and his victims' life force in order to pacify the other immortal inside of him. In order to try and maintain some semblance of control, the Vampire King is forced to maintain his strength and immortality by kidnapping women from all over the realm to be used for food and sex. But, what will he do when he finds a woman worth keeping, but he can't even touch her? Will he be able to control his hunger for blood and lust when he looks upon her delectable body? As the new High Priestess, Luna was able to become more powerful than ever before. As she did her best to break the Vampire King's curse, what will happen to her when the 'curse' latches on to her instead?

Parisian_Moon · Fantasy
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984 Chs

+ Seduction +

The sting of infuriating a single woman might be fleeting, but earning the wrath of the High Priestess, one who had once adored him, proved devastating. Cursed for not fulfilling her desires, he was now shackled to the ever-present threat of the Blood Beast within him, a creature that threatened to turn him deadly if not periodically unleashed.

As the Vampire King lounged, one elbow nestled amongst the plush cushions, an observer might mistake him for a man without worries. However, beneath this serene facade, perfected over millennia, his vigilant eyes never ceased their restless dance. While gracing a dancer with a nonchalant smile, his gaze remained ever-watchful, measuring each potential threat. At the same time, he delighted his eclectic gathering of guests with an array of exotic delicacies.

The satisfaction of satiating the relentless Blood Beast surged through him, a feeling of returning to one's own skin after a prolonged absence. Liberated from the shackles of his bloodlust, he could once again interact without the looming shadow of death. To quell the monster within, he'd offered a cocktail of blood and tormented souls, just enough to sustain his existence in the Underworld. He fervently hoped it would suffice.

The room pulsed with life as alluring dancers moved in sync with the rhythmic drums. As he savored his wine, a cynical thought crossed his mind, 'In this realm, women are often seen as mere ephemeral delights, momentarily cherished and then discarded for the next fleeting attraction.'

Yet, amidst the sea of captivating sights, the ethereal white-haired beauty with shimmering silver eyes stood out, moving gracefully to the flute's lilting tune. Intrigued, he mused, 'Such a unique visage. Could she be a new acquisition to this court? Her aura is so enigmatic.'

Distractedly sipping from his goblet, he was spellbound by the rhythmic movement of her hips. Her skirt, delicately perched on the curve of her hips, seemed perpetually on the brink of cascading down. Each twirl offered a tantalizing glimpse of her pale leg, courtesy of the skirt's daring slit. Clothed in a jeweled bodice and vibrant skirts, the hue of which mirrored her captivating eyes, her attire was paradoxically modest amidst the scantily-clad dancers around her, heightening her allure. A delicate golden circlet graced her forehead, offset by her cascading silver tresses. A ruby pendant, in the shape of a teardrop, dangled enticingly from a golden chain, settled between her breasts. Her radiant skin seemed to glisten, as if many had sought to enhance its luster, rendering her all the more beguiling.

Entranced, he could almost feel his fingers caressing her silky skin, anointing her with aromatic oils. Yet, he was all too aware that mere physical pleasures, however intoxicating, weren't always enough to appease the Blood Beast. At times, he had to plunge into darker depths, draining malevolent souls to maintain equilibrium.

Trapped in an eternal struggle, two powerful entities vied for dominance within a singular immortal form. The weight of coexisting with the Blood Beast, continually negotiating its insatiable demands, had worn him down. He had lost touch with his essence, and as the centuries unfurled, a numbness had taken hold.


Resigned to his haunting existence, he no longer tried to mask the peril he embodied. The weight of endangering all in his vicinity crushed his soul more than the torment of his curse ever could. But a wry smile touched the Vampire King's lips, as if distancing himself from past guilt.

Though his regal demeanor hid it well, an underlying fear gripped him—fear of unwittingly harming his devoted subjects.

His ruminations were abruptly interrupted as the ethereal dancer inadvertently neared him. As if drawn by a magnet, his body thrummed with primal need. Stretching subtly, he tried to temper the electric tension skittering under his skin. Alas, his cursed nature was making its presence felt, dragging him into treacherous depths. He knew the ramifications all too well; if he didn't find an outlet for this building tension—especially after indulging his insatiable thirst—he was treading on thin ice.

In a swift motion, he whirled, pulling the dancer towards him. His hand instinctively went to her throat, pressing her gently yet firmly against his throne. The pulse beneath his fingers was frantic, testament to the lifeblood that ebbed and flowed within her. He drank in her intoxicating aroma as he leaned down, his frame overshadowing hers.

Her voice, wavering under his touch, whispered, "Your Highness—"

A shiver danced down his spine, her voice's mellifluous timbre soothing and captivating. He could not resist; he pressed himself against her more intimately. Her initial resistance was palpable, but he was lost in the sensation of her, from the delicate press of her breasts to her fragrance, reminiscent of blooming flowers and fresh fruit.

As she pushed, he countered, intensifying their closeness. Her protests became muffled sighs, and the scent of her growing arousal filled the air, fanning the flames of his own desire. A smug satisfaction coursed through him, acknowledging the instinctive pull she felt in return.

He tightened his hold, whispering a husky command, "Stay still." But her defiance flared. "Release me, Your Highness!" The scent of fear shifted to something sharper, more intense.

His slow, deliberate movements elicited soft moans, signaling her body's reluctant surrender. As the tension seeped from her, her hands reached out, touching the curve of his back, a touch hesitant yet longing. Her wide-eyed realization suggested she was momentarily entranced, caught in a vampire's spell.

Without letting her contemplate her response, he encouraged her to explore further. Her touch was intoxicating, unlike anything he had ever known. As her hands ventured higher, he couldn't contain his pleasure, a low growl escaping his lips. Lowering his head to whisper in her ear, he confessed, "I want you."

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