
Hell's Consort

"I will make you my queen." He grabbed the chains attached to the bed and closed the shackles around her wrists. "I'm the High Priestess. You can't—" Fear trembled through her mind and body. She couldn’t consummate this marriage if the Blood Beast truly decided to make her his queen. Luna must remain a virgin High Priestess in order to remain a vessel for Hecate's magic. "What are you planning to do?" “I will make you mine no matter what so that I can take control of the Vampire King's consciousness forever. He won’t be back anytime soon." Luna thought the Blood Beast was out of his mind for wanting to make the virgin High Priestess his mate. The consequences of that would… Her mind raced through all of the possible consequences. There was no way she could allow the Blood Beast to gain any more power. Especially if he gained that power by drinking the blood that was, laced with Hecate’s magic, running through her veins. She needed the Vampire King back. The Blood Beast moved on top of her body. He stopped when he was at eye level with her. The sudden intimacy was shocking, especially since she was tied down. Chest to chest, he removed her cloak and peeled off her flimsy dress. He growled. "If you struggle, I will rip your head off." +++ Luna was one of the few remaining Amazons who worshipped the goddess Artemis. As an Amazon, her ordinary life took an unexpected turn when a pack of rogue werewolves took over their home--the Sacred Valley. Left with no other choice, Luna flees into the nearest kingdom, the Vampire Realm, where she was captured to be part of the Vampire King’s Consortium. To avoid the fate of living and dying as a Harem girl for vampires, she offers to become the High Priestess and study dark magic in order to break the King's curse. If she is successful, she could request the King to grant her her well-earned freedom. There has not been an official High Priestess in the Vampire Realm for centuries. Not since the first High Priestess cursed the King to become the Blood Beast. When the Blood Beast tries to take the reins of the Vampire King's consciousness, the King was cursed to drain the blood and his victims' life force in order to pacify the other immortal inside of him. In order to try and maintain some semblance of control, the Vampire King is forced to maintain his strength and immortality by kidnapping women from all over the realm to be used for food and sex. But, what will he do when he finds a woman worth keeping, but he can't even touch her? Will he be able to control his hunger for blood and lust when he looks upon her delectable body? As the new High Priestess, Luna was able to become more powerful than ever before. As she did her best to break the Vampire King's curse, what will happen to her when the 'curse' latches on to her instead?

Parisian_Moon · Fantasy
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984 Chs

+ Initiation +

Luna might have been rash in her decision to accompany Cederic into the Winter Woods.

"Cederic, where are we headed?"

He nonchalantly shrugged, his indifference palpable. "You're unnerving me," she confessed softly.

"To think my mere presence doesn't terrify you!" Cederic retorted with a playful smile. "Seems my reputation isn't as fearsome as I believed."

His gaze raked over her, assessing, as if appraising a piece of merchandise, perhaps a horse at a market, or something even more degrading. He let out a soft chuckle.

"Should I interpret that as a threat?"

"Only time will tell, My Lady," Cederic replied enigmatically.

After traversing a seemingly endless icy terrain, Cederic signaled for a halt with a raised finger. His attention was focused on the skeletal branches of the bare trees, and for a moment, Luna wondered if he was communicating telepathically with someone unseen.

A rush of adrenaline propelled her into action. She spurred her horse, urging it into a swift gallop, only to be intercepted by a cloaked rider, with three more shadowy figures trailing behind him. They emanated an air of menace, and Luna couldn't help but wonder if this was another of Cederic's schemes to punish her for her defiance.

Heart pounding, a sense of foreboding settled in her chest. She yanked the reins, intending to reverse her direction when a familiar voice halted her.

"Where do you think you're headed, young one? It's just me!"

Regardless of the voice's owner, Luna wasn't about to forgo any chance she had to flee from this treacherous kingdom.

Luna felt the urge to flee, as though a specter was at her heels.

"Luna!" Cederic's voice rang out, tinged with desperation.

"High Priestess!" Another voice, more mature and familiar, caused her to halt. She gently pulled back on the reins, looking over her shoulder in surprise.


He nodded, trotting closer. "Yes, it's me, High Priestess." Drawing back his hood, he fully revealed his features.

"Why are you skulking around so covertly?" Luna demanded, her voice shaky from the unexpected encounter. "You nearly scared me to death."

"My apologies, High Priestess." His regret seemed genuine, but it did little to clarify their mysterious presence.

Luna, despite the lingering chill on her skin, pressed on. "Where have you been, Fei? Cederic and I have been scouring the woods for you for what feels like an eternity!"

His eyes gleamed with mischief. "Oh, just around," he replied evasively, while the palace guards formed a protective circle around them. "Finalizing preparations for your initiation as the new High Priestess."

She raised an eyebrow, curiosity and apprehension mixing within. "What sort of initiation?"

"A time-honored ritual all High Priestesses must undergo on the first evening of their mission."

She knit her brows in confusion. "Then why are we congregated in this remote location? What's required of me for this mission? Why are both you and Cederic here, and who else is involved?"

A voice, smooth yet unmistakably authoritative, emerged from one of the cloaked figures. "It's in your best interest to remain uninformed for now."

It was Jon, the Vampire King's trusted advisor. "Some things are best learned in due course."




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