
Hell's Consort

"I will make you my queen." He grabbed the chains attached to the bed and closed the shackles around her wrists. "I'm the High Priestess. You can't—" Fear trembled through her mind and body. She couldn’t consummate this marriage if the Blood Beast truly decided to make her his queen. Luna must remain a virgin High Priestess in order to remain a vessel for Hecate's magic. "What are you planning to do?" “I will make you mine no matter what so that I can take control of the Vampire King's consciousness forever. He won’t be back anytime soon." Luna thought the Blood Beast was out of his mind for wanting to make the virgin High Priestess his mate. The consequences of that would… Her mind raced through all of the possible consequences. There was no way she could allow the Blood Beast to gain any more power. Especially if he gained that power by drinking the blood that was, laced with Hecate’s magic, running through her veins. She needed the Vampire King back. The Blood Beast moved on top of her body. He stopped when he was at eye level with her. The sudden intimacy was shocking, especially since she was tied down. Chest to chest, he removed her cloak and peeled off her flimsy dress. He growled. "If you struggle, I will rip your head off." +++ Luna was one of the few remaining Amazons who worshipped the goddess Artemis. As an Amazon, her ordinary life took an unexpected turn when a pack of rogue werewolves took over their home--the Sacred Valley. Left with no other choice, Luna flees into the nearest kingdom, the Vampire Realm, where she was captured to be part of the Vampire King’s Consortium. To avoid the fate of living and dying as a Harem girl for vampires, she offers to become the High Priestess and study dark magic in order to break the King's curse. If she is successful, she could request the King to grant her her well-earned freedom. There has not been an official High Priestess in the Vampire Realm for centuries. Not since the first High Priestess cursed the King to become the Blood Beast. When the Blood Beast tries to take the reins of the Vampire King's consciousness, the King was cursed to drain the blood and his victims' life force in order to pacify the other immortal inside of him. In order to try and maintain some semblance of control, the Vampire King is forced to maintain his strength and immortality by kidnapping women from all over the realm to be used for food and sex. But, what will he do when he finds a woman worth keeping, but he can't even touch her? Will he be able to control his hunger for blood and lust when he looks upon her delectable body? As the new High Priestess, Luna was able to become more powerful than ever before. As she did her best to break the Vampire King's curse, what will happen to her when the 'curse' latches on to her instead?

Parisian_Moon · Fantasy
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984 Chs

+ Consortium +

A moan escaped Luna's lips as she rolled onto her side, seeking refuge under the covers. Sleep had beckoned her once more, and as her consciousness returned, she felt the gentle caress of sunlight on her face. Blinking her eyelids open, she gradually oriented herself.

A soft, soothing woman's voice reached her ears, barely audible. "Girl, wake up."

It took her a while to gather her bearings. The room initially appeared hazy, but clarity soon followed. Her eyes fluttered open and closed, struggling to focus.

"You must be thirsty," the woman's voice spoke again, and Luna became acutely aware of the dryness in her mouth.

"Yes," she croaked, watching as the woman reached for the pitcher on the nightstand beside the bed. Water poured into a glass, which she extended to Luna.

Attempting to sit up, Luna realized her strength was lacking. She clutched the glass firmly, mindful not to spill a drop, and took deep, replenishing gulps. The cool liquid soothed her parched throat and spread its calming effect through her overheated body.

Gradually easing back onto the pillow, Luna's heavy eyelids intermittently fluttered open and closed. She needed sleep—a bit longer. However, the woman by her side gently shook her shoulder, rousing her.

As Luna struggled to sit up, the dull ache in her head intensified into a throbbing pain. She groaned, then slumped back against the pillow.

Her eyes grew heavier as she once again eased herself back.

Though her thoughts were muddled, a hint of clarity cut through the fog of confusion. She gradually jolted awake, panic taking hold.

"Where am I?" she demanded, her voice sounding rough from the alarm.

"Welcome to the harem, Consort," the woman responded, offering a warm smile. "I am Lady Clarence. You were unconscious for hours. Unfortunately, the head eunuch, Vali, was called away for a meeting and is busy preparing for the Banquet tonight. Hence, I've been tasked with explaining our roles and responsibilities within this Kingdom."

Lady Clarence exuded beauty with flaxen hair, a pouty mouth, and shapely hips. Luna glanced down at her own chest, feeling inadequate. How could she be a consort with her modest bust size? She compared it to Lady Clarence's ample curves.

"I don't think I'm physically capable of being a consort," Luna blurted, cringing at her insecurity. "I'm not attractive."

"Why don't you judge for yourself?" Lady Clarence handed Luna a grand mirror adorned with polished seashells.

Luna's reflection stunned her. For the first time in days, she felt clean and refreshed, her long silver hair cascading down her back. Jeweled combs held her hair away from her face, revealing elegant cheekbones. A touch of kohl emphasized her silver-grey eyes with a feline allure.

Standing up and turning, Luna gasped. "Oh, goddess." Much like Lady Clarence, Luna was draped in strips of alluring blue silk, designed to tantalize with glimpses of the treasures that lay beneath.

Lady Clarence chuckled gracefully at Luna's reactions. 'Even her laughter sounds refined,' Luna thought.

"What's your name, Consort?"

"I'm Luna, Lady Clarence," Luna replied, extending her hand in gratitude. "Thank you for taking care of me."

"You're welcome. I know you're new here," Lady Clarence responded, tossing Luna an apple. "You should eat while I give you a tour of our permitted areas."

Luna caught the apple but wrinkled her nose at it. She had been surviving on root crops and fruits while hiding from werewolves. Her stomach protested, yet she had no choice but to eat.

Perhaps she could find a way to escape and hunt for meat in the castle's kitchens.

"In the Consortium, there are five ranks: the Empress, the Concubines, High Consorts, Consorts, and Escorts. As Consorts, our role is purely for entertainment. We're limited to singing, dancing, and bloodletting."

Lady Clarence continued as they strolled down a dimly lit corridor toward the harem's entrance. "Males are forbidden from having sexual contact with us. Our virginity serves as leverage when King's guests or other royalty seek a trophy mate. The castle trades us for favors, be it gold, ancient treasures, or magical objects, in ways that benefit the King."

"Consorts are groomed to be perfect wives or mistresses. Scholars educate us in Ancient Languages, Classic Literature, Science, Mathematics, and History to captivate our future husbands. Additionally, we learn to sing, play instruments, and dance to entertain visitors during celebrations and after victories in war."

"In essence, we're pawns in a game of chess," Luna remarked, following Lady Clarence down the corridor that led to the harem's entrance. "So, it's like living in the Sacred Mountains again, surrounded by maidens, but with a price?"

At least, as a consort, she could evade unwanted attention, unlike other members of the Consortium.

Luna sighed with relief. She'd rather fight than be touched.

"Yes," Lady Clarence confirmed. "Sometimes, we're traded for gold, ancient treasures, rare magical items, or knowledge of dark arts. But often, we bargain for cursed witchcraft books to break the King's curse."


"The Vampire King is under a curse?" Luna's brows knitted together in confusion, and the tension heightened, intensifying the pain in her head. She massaged her throbbing temples with her fingertips, yearning for a moment of solitude to untangle the chaotic web of her thoughts.

Too much information!

"He was cursed by the first Empress, unknowingly the initial wife of Adam and the first female vampire in history—Queen of Darkness, Lilith," Lady Clarence elaborated. "It's rumored that the Blood Beast possesses the Vampire King, his soul irrevocably linked to it. He loses control when the beast hungers."

Lady Clarence continued, her voice low. "Blood slaves are sacrificial offerings and sustenance for the Vampire King. They're disposable, viewed as mere livestock. Most are prisoners from other kingdoms, women who committed heinous crimes, or troublesome servants. After satiating himself, the Blood Beast drains the life force from a woman, claiming at least one life every night. It's the only way to appease the beast, allowing the King to revert to normal."

"And then he mingles with other royals and cronies as if no brutality occurred?" Luna questioned.

Lady Clarence tightened her grip on Luna's wrist, drawing her closer, her eyes darting around the vicinity as if hidden observers lurked behind the rich tapestries and priceless urns.

"The Vampire Castle is a labyrinth of secret passages and concealed entrances," she muttered, adjusting her skirts before quickening her pace down the corridor. "In these walls, secrets have ears."

Luna struggled to keep up with Lady Clarence's brisk steps, absorbing a barrage of information about the harem. In her haste, Luna's slipper caught on the hem of her own skirt.

"Oops. My apologies." Luna had been so preoccupied with her own attire that she hadn't noticed others' skirts.

Wearing these voluminous veils was an unfamiliar experience, the colorful fabric swirling around her like a vibrant cloud.

Flanking the tall, intricately carved doors stood imposing eunuchs, arms crossed over their bare chests. They swung the doors open as Luna and Lady Clarence approached, passing through the gracefully arched entrance into the main hall of the harem.

An array of fragrances enveloped her—essences of perfumed women pampered to the extreme. Every detail in the spacious chamber oozed opulence, displaying the kingdom's prosperity. Genuine gold leaf adorned the intricately painted, domed ceiling. Marble columns exuded grace, while mosaic-tiled floors showcased the hues of the rainbow.

The sight was breathtaking, yet the grandeur couldn't conceal the truth: this was still an elaborate cage.

The chamber's grandeur would have overshadowed even the temples of goddesses in the Sacred Mountains. Yet, for the Vampire King, this served as the setting for his most prized treasures—the alluring women reclining on cushions and couches throughout the room, their attire ranging from minimal to absent.

"Escorts are the warrior's companions," Lady Clarice elucidated. "They accompany soldiers to battle, channeling stress and testosterone before the fight. This strategic advantage has long bolstered the Vampire Kingdom's military might. That's why our army remains formidable."

"Royals indulge in seduction and pleasure, often courtesy of the High Consorts, who possess exotic beauty and skills unknown even to the Kama Sutra's authors. Beware of them, though. They're cunning and lethal, capable of eliminating perceived threats—whether by nighttime assassination or poisoned drinks—in their quest to become a Concubine or, worse, the Empress."

Lady Clarence's words carried a hint of personal experience.

"The Empress will be chosen from among the Concubines. Three of them will be honored tonight at the Blood Moon Banquet."

"Is that so?" Luna's tone held a mix of curiosity and anticipation as she fell into step behind Lady Clarence. Suppressing a grin, Luna contemplated the impending spectacle of Consortium members vying for the Vampire King's favor. Secretly, she hoped the King would show preferences, offering a ringside view of potential rivalry.

Entering the harem, Luna's ears were assailed by a high-pitched tittering. Behind the gossamer veil of purple silk woven with threads of gold, she discerned the shadowy forms of the others.

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