
Chapter 14

Well, the Majah-tu are as good as their word, as they are helping us with the Hyperion's recovery mission. Mandy is once again over there taking charge and making things move. On a very sad note five bodies have been discovered, and it seems like they may have survived until the oxygen ran out. The news has hit hard. Especially me. I watched as the remains were brought on board, with great care and respect for these first travelers into the unknown. I've buried friends and foe alike; I can not get used to it. It always feels like a waste of life, cut short in its prime.

"Mandy." I have a direct channel to her. "What's the situ in there?" I ask knowing that I don't have to be worried for any of my people.

"I think were done; it's just a total mess in here." Mandy pauses for a minute. "Yeah were done, I'm calling it Ant." I sit back in the chair and just stare at the remains of the Hyperion, and let out a quiet breath of regret.

"Ok, bring it home Mandy."

"Roger that, bringing it home."

An hour later Mandy and I are sitting in my office going over the list of the Hyperion's crew. We've identified the five bodies that were recovered. Chief engineer Carl Knaus, engineer's mate first class Tina Harrison, electrician mate second class Bill Torrez, medic first class Barbra Kuhn and engineer mate second class Thomas Moore. Death for them was slow and agonizing. I can't imagine what they must've felt knowing that were going to die; that no rescue would be coming.

"Well Ant, I think we have done all we can do for these men and women from the Hyperion."

I glance up at Mandy for a moment, remembering all the good times I spent with those crew members, while in the training and development of the Hyperion project.

"Yeah, I agree." I utter in a low voice. Mandy puts her hand on my shoulder and it feels nice to have her watching my back. Together we head back to the bridge.

"Captain." I turn to the comm officer. A young woman with the fresh face of youth with green happy eyes and brown hair, who just got promoted to lieutenant; she's eager to show her talent to everyone. This is something I can understand, because I remember when I was a newly minted lieutenant, leading my first command into combat.

"Yes lieutenant Stone, what is it?" I inquire.

"Sir, the Majah-tu are requesting to speak you." I can see the excitement by the expression on her face of having spoken to an alien race.

"Alright, patch it through to my screen here please." She turns and sends it to me. The image of Jah-jahni's pops up on my screen, and again the thought of an angel comes to mind. I can't seem to have another opinion. Her beauty is unlike anything I've ever seen.

"Captain Valdez, Major Roberts, I hope you have accomplished your objective here." She says to us, and I'm glad she acknowledged Mandy as well. I suppose it's a way to show no hard feelings between them. That dinner was a bit rough, at least we got through it, without starting a war with our new found acquaintances.

"Yes we have, to a degree. And I thank you for the help during the salvage operation."

They helped us quite a bit with security of the area, while we were busy. "Is there anything we can do for you?" I feel it's only fair to ask.

She looks at us both and smiles inclining her head, which I hope means she is accepting of our words. "Now that you ask, there is something that I would like to request of you." I look turn to Mandy and she seems on edge at Jah-jahni's need to ask for something.

"Well - what can - we do for you?" Damn I didn't want to come over as though we have no trust in them, but what can we possibly have that they would want?

"Our leaders wish to meet you." What? It's all I can think. "I spoke to them and they are interested in getting to know your people." I shoot a glance around the bridge at everyone who are busy in their duties, and a shadow of doubt fills my mind. "You and your crew will be safe for you have my 'Kuh-ahta' my protection."

I feel Mandy put her hand on my chair and I can feel the pressure she's applying, so she is extremely nervous. I can't blame her. These people are still unknown to us; I mean we don't have any idea what their true intentions could be. "Allow me the opportunity to speak to my command team then to the crew. I can't arbitrarily make this kind of decision." She looks at me, but it's difficult to read her, since her face remains expressionless.

"You are a most interesting race, and I admire your concern for you crew." Her face brightens with a smile. It's different from the ones she's given before, this feels genuine. "Of course you may take the time you need and I will await your answer."

"Thank you." I say and her image disappears from my screen. I stand and turn to Mandy. "We have to get all section leaders in the conference room."


The meeting is heated since this is not really part of the mission. Recovery was a major part it and now we should be actively seeking the perpetrators however, no one else knows this part of our orders since it's to be reveled after completing the recovery, and here we are talking about going to another world. We are divided with one group being lead by Mandy of all people to go home. The rest are with me to go on and meet a new people.

With Mandy is 1st Lieutenant John Monroe the Marine's commanding officer, our ship's Doctor Lt. Commander Ben Risers. Monroe I can understand security and safety is his area and the good Dr. the health and the well being of the crew is his number one priority. But Mandy... "Major you you were in favor of bringing them aboard and getting to meet them; now the Mahjah-tu have extended an invitation to us to go to their home world, what's changed?"

She looks at me studying me. "Yes, that's true." She inhales and lets go of it. "I don't think we can trust them to that point. Going to their home world is a violation of our original purpose and orders." She looks around at everyone in the conference room. "This goes beyond the scope of this mission and we would be treading on uncharted waters, without guidance or clearance."

"Major." My Exo Lt commander Sam Mayors speaks up. "I don't understand your reluctance; we're being offered the chance of a life time by engaging, in peace with an alien race." He looks at me. "Ma'm; let's face it we need friends out here because we already know we have enemies." He adjusts himself in the seat obviously a bit nervous. "At least that's how I see it."

"Major." I interject. "I understand where your coming from, but we are very alone out here in diapers compared to them as well as those who, as the Exo stated, are enemies." I look at them all in turn each of them are excellent officers, and That's why I don't want to make an arbitrary decision. "I would like all of us behind this move because I believe it is the right choice."

"How can you keep the crew safe, as you go on this excursion into the unknown?" Dr. Risers asks a tuff question.

"Dr. I'm afraid that it would be difficult for me to give you an answer. Since we would be going into an unknown equation, to put it bluntly." That doesn't sound like a good way to promote the plan however, it's the truth. I lean forward and steeple my hands in front of me. "Listen, we are on the losing team here. We're out gunned, technologically behind and we can't snub this offer simply out of fear." I lock eyes with Mandy, her expression changes a bit because she knows what I'm going to say. "It's true that our mission was to recover what we could from the Hyperion, if there was anything to recover. But, unknown to most of you here we have a second charge." Everyone is intently lock on to me with the suspense. "We're supposed to actively seek out the attacker." They all look at each other surprised. "So here's my question to all of you. You've seen that Mahjah-tu ship; what do you all suppose would happen if we meet the other people who destroyed the Hyperion?"

"This ship is the best that Earth has to offer and it's not enough." The statement makes everyone look uncomfortable, especially Mandy who slightly shakes her head in disapproval towards me. "I say we take the chance that has been offered to us!" I make a fist to emphasize my words. "There stands a chance that they may help us by sharing their technology; making us capable of facing a more advanced foe."

"I agree with the Captain." The chief engineer was quiet through out the hour long debate. "At our current level of technology we wouldn't stand a chance in a open contest, so I think it would be in our best interest to go."

Mandy folds her arms across her chest, and I see that obstinate look on her face that used to drive me nuts. "As mission commander I don't agree with going." She lowers her eyes looking down a the table then back at me. "It's true that we are to seek out the aggressor, but I do agree that we are not ready to meet them." With an intense expression towards me, one that I have not seen in some time she holds my gaze. "I will accede to the need of this mission, only because we have the chance of gaining something; now how long do you think this will take Captain?"

Maintaining my eyes locked on Mandy, hoping that everyone here realizes this reality as well... "As long as it take for us to win their trust."