
Hel and the Emerald Sky City

this is a fantasy soulmates romance set in an Urban setting with lots of deeply traumatic backstories and many deaths on the way, in a magical ancient academy, and with one of the main plots being revenge. there are countless types of mythical creatures and all coexisting in our very world. ||| two new chapters per day at 10:30 and 22:30! ||| Torture is all I’ve known for two thousand years. Not because I’m the one causing it, which ain’t the case, but because since the old reptile, Dragon Queen Meredith Bloom and her daughter in law, Crowned Princess Philippa Bloom kidnapped me from my mother when I was 7 years old, and killed her in front of me, I’ve been treated like a material she absolutely despised but wanted to make a weapon with. All because I’m the bastard daughter of the Crowned Prince Russell Frederick Bloom, the “holy-golden-dragon” with my mom, a black dragon extremely powerful who worked directly with the Dragon Queen and King as the Royal blacksmith and stylist. Which baffles me even more is that mother and Russell were mates, but as dear grandma there didn’t want a black dragon to mate with her precious golden son, she terrorized my mom when she learned of their affair and made sure her son married a female golden dragon of high birth right away. That’s where Philippa Pepper Wreathers-Bloom comes into the picture. She got engaged to my birth father before mother could even have me, and as soon as she had me on the territory now known as New Zealand, she ran away to her family’s original territory on the Himalaya Mountain Range. Which is where she made her lair and raised me for 7 years, in physical age. That is, until dear grandma came and ended our short-lived happiness. Aye, key detail. Mom and dad were both dragons, of different founding clans but both dragons, nevertheless, I came out weird and I’m not a dragon at all, I’m something else entirely, though still in the reptile family. Which is another reason why Meredith tortured the shite out of me. If there was something she despises more than having a bastard in her perfect Royal bloodline, is having a bastard who’s an error in the system (not my choice of words, hers), something that’s only been heard in legends of the long gone old world. What are you then, Hel? I’m a serpent. But not just a serpent, I’m a gigantic black serpent with emerald scales here and there (which Meredith is to blame for), long and wide bat-like wings, with sapphire eyes, and silver sharp fangs full of a very lethal poison.

NastyRaven888 · Fantasy
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71 Chs

XXI ||| Sleeping in Gold ‘Cuz I Can

"What the hell was that, Hel?" Felix cried again, exasperated.

I looked around, sensing a big group of people getting near way too near us, and when all my senses got wary and the hair of my body stood up, even though they hadn't gotten here yet, I knew who was leading the group. "Where's your lair? Your single dorm?"

He blinked and when he pointed to the opposite direction of where the group was coming from, I let out a sigh of relief. "First underground floor, on the east wing. To get there we go that way."

Then, I took him in my arms bridal style as if he weighed nothing and ignoring his gasp of disbelief, I ran fast to where he pointed. Ignoring how my body was begging me to go the other way and meet the person who was coming from that way. And as Felix gave me the directions, we reached the double doors of his lair in a minute.

"How are you this strong?" He gasped blushing like a tomato.

I shrugged, "You uncle made me like this. I'm build different."

"No shit? I can tell that much. I felt like a Princess!"

That took a spontaneous laugh out of me, "You are an idiot."

"Maybe. But I've never been carried like a bride. You are free to do that whenever you want, by the way. It felt amazing," he beamed. "My masculinity ain't fragile."

"Thank Crone it isn't," I grinned as he opened his doors and we went inside. And my jaw almost dropped as I took it every part of his lair. It was pretty much a kilometer long and four meters wide, and with literally everything in it.

The first part of his lair had two big emerald green couches with four chairs at the sides, all made of dragon scales, a gigantic led television, three different types of dark green jeweled game consoles with a collection of twenty different jeweled consoles, five piles of games at the side, a wide bookshelf at the back, and a fancy diamond chandelier at the ceiling. Not to mention the arts on the clean forest green walls with borders of gold.

The next section was made of a five-meters wide peridot wardrobe in both the left and right wall, with a island of all kinds of jewels between them, also made of peridot, putting everything that is inside in display. So much that I could see all the fancy clothes he has inside.

Walking further was a section with a bismuth coffee table centered in the middle of the six big dark red chairs also made of dragon scales, each having three fancy square pillows all made of golden dragon scales. And at the left wall was six two-meters made of pink quartz and filled with more than a thousand types and shade of nail polish, plus tons of stuff for nails. The first shelf being entirely covered with all shades of green nail polish.

On the section that followed, there was a wide crystalline refrigerator on the left, full of all kinds of sweets, iced drinks, and many types of ice cream. While on the right was another refrigerator identical to the one in the left, but filled with all kinds of wine and alcohol. And in the center was another peridot island, but filled with diamond, gold, silver, and copper tableware.

The fifth part of his lair had an atelier with stacked white boards, a enormous collection of all types of colors of paintings, plus another collection of different pencils, green aprons in different shades, a whole bunch of painting tools, a tall seat in the center, and three covered paintings at the side that seemed to be drying up. The ground on this side was also covered with a black tile which can definitely be cleaned with water, different from the rest of the lair's ground.

And I don't know how, but I still got surprised when I saw another section of peridot wardrobes like the second one, but it was different than the first. These two wardrobes were filled with all different styles of uniforms in white and gold… the color of dragons I'll also be using starting tomorrow. And all the jewels in the island in the middle were made of gold with emerald.

Seventh came a musical section with a piano, drum, and a collection of guitars, electric guitars, violins, cellos, different types of flutes, lots of useful tools for playing the instruments, and two couches in the middle made of dark blue dragon scales. Not to mention the navy blue mini fridge at the right side of the couches, with a crystalline door that allowed me to see how it was packed with bottles of water, of juice, of iced tea, and even of chocolate and milk.

Next was an archery section, with six targets at the left wall, and about twenty-four different bows with ten times the amount of different types of arrows. And in the side was collection of different tools that you use to help out with your practice and aim.

Then the section that followed was a seven-meters long gym, with bars, weights, and all kinds of equipment, including punching dark green bags hanging from the ceiling. And in the right wall was a smaller peridot wardrobe when compared to the others, filled with gym clothes and gym shoes.

And it didn't end there, next came the trophy shelves that occupy both walls each having six six-meters-long shelves. Trophies, medals, and lots of other stuff. All of second place. Never 3rd, nor 1st, all of 2nd place.

The eleventh section was a small kitchen with a twelve-seats table sculpted from obsidian and ruby. At last, came three steps that took me to where his enormous bed made of pure gold was, with a giant mattress and more than twenty pillows made of different colors of dragon scales over it. And when I looked up, there was an emerald with diamond chandelier hanging from the ceiling, not to mention the small emerald fridge at the right side of his bed, and the huge television that was hanging from an open fancy slit in the ceiling and is definitely bigger than the one in the first section.

And on the left was three quartz shelves full of fancy types of fans.

All together without all separating, but managing to look like rooms entirely different. Everything connected by the longest gold 'carpet' carved into the ground, leading me from the entry to the front of his bed. And there he was, laying in his bed as if it was the most comfortable place to be. "So, what do you think of my humble lair?"

I gasped, "Humble?" I looked around, in pure disbelief. "If this is being humble to you, I can't even imagine what it would look like if you had gone all out. How did you get this… mansion of lair in here?"

"With time. We are able to bring anything we want to our dorms, as we live in here for years and we need to feel at home. And well, I am a dragon, you know?" He rolled his shoulders. "I enjoy fancy shiny things, and as I spend most of my time in here or in the library when I'm not in class, I needed to have everything I needed with me."

"No shit? And you do you have something with the number 6? Or the all of his dividers? Six. Twelve. Twenty-four. Over and over again the number showed in here. And why so much couches and chairs?"

He sat down and petted his bed, asking me to sit with him, which I did. "Six in my lucky number. And I always dreamed of having friends in here, so… yeah. I may have prepared my lair for it, even though it never happened, and it probably never will," he giggled anxiously. "I mean, I have you now. It's more than I ever had," he winked.

"And you sleep in… gold?" Like mom did.

"Most dragons do. We are wealthy as hell, and I'm very, very, very rich, you know?" He grinned proudly. "Besides, every race has something that makes them stronger, that recharges their energy after a long day. For dragons it's gold, that's why we sleep in it. We are that rich!"

And here I was thinking he didn't have the ego characteristic of all dragons. "That much I know, did you forget my parents were dragons?"

He tensed up for a second, getting all wary all of a sudden, "Hel, is it true that you a winged serpent? Was Ivy telling the truth? Is that what you are?" Is he scared?

["He smells like fear, so, I would say, yes!"]

Sigh, "Yes," I pointed at my necklace, "see this? It's actually this obvious and in front of everyone, but this necklace, my ring and earrings were all sculpted on my true form. It's like me… pocket sized. Apparently, mom's bloodline crossed with a wing serpent in the ancient times of the old world, and I ended up taking this extremely recessive gene."

Slowly, he began to relax, "That explain your reptilian pupils."

My what? "What reptilian pupils?"

["Tsk. I told you to look in the mirror,"] he complained.

Don't start now, Jack. "My eyes are normal, aren't they?"

Felix frowned, "You have reptilian pupils, Hel. All the time. And I mean, constantly. Since you arrived here your midnight blue eyes were all but showing your reptilian pupils."

"What the…" It wasn't like this before. "How did this happen? Is it another change caused by all I went through in the crypt?"

"Girl, how didn't you know this?" He gasped. "Hello? Mirrors!"

I flinched, "No, thank you."

"What? Does something bad happens when you look in the mirror? Like, do you turn into stone or something? Do you have a Basilisk type of shit? It won't turn me into stone, right?" What?

"Don't be ridiculous, Felix! No, I don't have that. I just don't like to look in the mirror," I avoided his eyes uncomfortable, desperate for a change in the topic. "So, what's up with all those 2nd place trophies?"

He blushed hard, "Oh, I'm the 2nd in the top of the Academy!"

Felix is WHAT?

["Oh, wow. What a plot twist!"]