

Everyone who lived in the village Chen Shuchun knew tomorrow was the day one of their fellow villagers would be sacrificed to the Forest God. The Only reason the Village elders sacrificed their people was because they wanted to prolong their own lives. Chen Shuchun was a backwater town on the outskirts of the continent of Ching Meng. Chen Shuchun had a tradition honored by some, feared by others. Some of the villagers liked to see others feel the pain that they had felt when they were offered as a sacrifice to the Forest God. Only a handful of people survived the god, but they usually died later from the loss of soul energy.

People were first born into a nursery where a fraction of their soul would be shaved off for the elders and they consume the soul energy to prolong their own lives. Then once they turned ten they would start the training. The training took place on the field next to the village. Everyone who lived in the village would be given great items of power to increase how fast and how sturdy their Magic would be. They would be given great techniques on how to guide the energy in the air to their core. The basic technique that most used could only transfer a certain amount of energy to the core. As a magic user got stronger they would be able to transfer more energy into their core. But this script, which is legendary only a handful of the villagers got access to the technique. The way the elders chose who got the scroll was by their potential. If the prophet in the village sensed someone had a potential to become a great warrior they would get accsess.

Every week someone would get sacrificed to the Forest God. He was the god and the leader of all beings who lived in the Hell Lion Forest, which covered a large strip of land on the edge of the continent. Villagers could cross over into the continent next to them, but it was ruled by tyrants and therefore there was no knowledge about the other continents.

Only a couple of travelers made it into their village and they would be immediately sacrificed. The Village was made to keep people out and keep people in. It had 15 meter high walls and guards manned the walls 24/7. The only person who managed to get inside the village was a very powerful magic-user. He is almost as powerful as a God. It took all of their men to defeat him. The Elders of the village were more powerful than anyone who lived in the village could ever reach because eventually they would get sacrificed, but the elders have been living for One Thousand Years and they are not at the apex. They will never reach that kind of power.

Only Titans can reach that kind power, not even gods can. The Titans are the creators of the world and they have the power to destroy the world. It is said that Fu Tian the Titan of war was so enraged that when one of his friends was killed by an army, Fu Tian massacred the whole army. It is said that the world was a deep crimson that day.

The heirs of the Titans are the Titan's children. They are just as powerful or maybe even more powerful because two Titans were their

parents. A very powerful magic user cast a spell over the world taking his life away from him. He was now bound to the Soul Stone no one knows where he is. The spell killed all Titans living but they did not kill the new generation; the heirs of the Titans had different DNA.

All heirs of the Titans loathe him so much that it's beyond comprehension. The Titan born are near immortal so in a fight they would almost never die, unlike most who will die in about 3000 years of age if they are powerful enough. Some magic uses outside of the continent are more powerful than that but they have different ways of magic. The life expectancy in their village was about 120 years. Anyone who was above 100 would be sacrificed.

Most people in the center of the continent live for thousands of years, the way your magic was measured was by ranks. The first rank is mortal, then warrior, followed by experts, heaven born, godly, and lastly, Titan born. The way someone can see how powerful you are is by your Aura. If you are a warrior you have the aura of a warrior and so on. When you are a titan born, you are resistant to fire, can breath under water,

and can go without food or water for weeks. You can also kill someone by channeling your power to manifest pure chi to burn them, shoot them, or smash them.

You train to become higher ranks so it is possible to get to the titan born rank, but if you actually are a titan born you have a higher affinity to become one. Titan borns sail through the ranks.