
Heir of the Uzumaki

In their eagerness to protect their way of life, the leaders of the Ninja World decided to destroy the Lone village of Uzushiogakure. The Uzumaki clan knowing their end was near decided to create their Heir to carry on the legacy of the Uzumaki. Unknowingly at that moment, they had created something that would consume the entirety of the ninja world. (LONG CHAPTERS) R18, SMUT, Brainwashing, Mind Control, Menma x Harem, Multi X-over of characters adapted to the world of Naruto. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- This is a massive rework and translation of Uzumaki's Strongest Weapon by Shinpuuryuken. I'm going to be working on this for a while and ill try to take some suggestions. This story is going to be pretty dark so please don't try and read it if your not into some of the stuff above.

Darkest_Desire · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs


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A new day began in the Uzumaki household.

Menma was particularly happy today, as Tsunade was fast asleep below him, totally under his control. Unlike his mothers, with his Aunt he had yet established and programming so she was little more than a lifeless doll, as she had been exhausted after restoring the woman's youth.

But those prominent curves were well worth it.

Another factor to consider was that her performance in battle would be even better by not needing to maintain a continuous transformation to hide her old age. In summary, having rejuvenated the voluptuous blonde was a perfect decision.

The Uzumaki Prince crossed his arms to ponder his next moves, leaning back on his puppet with his head between those perky breasts. The next move was obvious to anyone in his position: wait for the deadline for Shizune to arrive and seize her as well.

After his Aunt, Shizune was the best Medical Kunoichi in the world and would be a perfect addition to the clan.

For now he had to completely take possession of his aunt and transform her mind into that of an ideal slave.

He immediately got up, annoyed for not being able to stay in such a comfortable position, before placing his hand on her head to assault her mind and repeat the same process he had previously executed on his mothers.

He had soon used the Yamanaka jutsu to effectively disconnect her from her memories.

"Wake up,"

Menma ordered firmly and his aunt obeyed immediately, opening her eyes suddenly.

He immediately caught the expressionless eyes and dilated pupils with his Sharingan. At the same time, from his right hand, an Adamantine Sealing Chain emerged that tied the blonde's neck and then became a metal necklace identical to those of his mothers.

"Everything you are about to hear will be burned into the depths of your subconscious forever, and you will never doubt that they are your own thoughts... Now, repeat after me."

He spoke slowly so that the message would be more influential to Tsunade's weak mind.

"You are a faithful and devoted slave of the Uzumaki Clan ... "

"I am a faithful and devoted slave of the Uzumaki Clan …"

Tsunade replied with a blank face.

"You were born to be Menma's most submissive and obedient slave."

Menma's gaze hardened, beginning with the reeducation of one of the most important women in his plan.

"I was born to be Menma's most submissive and obedient slave ... " Tsunade replied as soon as her master finished speaking.

"You are madly in love with Menma, and you live solely to please him and help him in his mission to rebuild the Uzumaki Clan …"

"I am madly in love with Menma Uzumaki. I live only to please him and help him in his mission to rebuild the Uzumaki Clan …"

Unable to contain himself, Menma began to grope his slave's breasts

"You will feel irresistibly attracted to Menma, you will be unable to resist his wishes and commands. He is the master of your will..."

"I will feel irresistibly attracted to Menma, I will be unable to resist his wishes and commands. He is the master of my will..."

They were basically the same guidelines that he used on his mothers.

Completely satisfied with his first slaves, the Uzumaki Prince wanted the same result with his beautiful aunt.

With some perverse reasoning, he would also give her the opportunity to vindicate herself for having abandoned her younger brother, by being a slave totally dedicated to satisfying even the slightest thing for her nephew.

"Menma is the owner of your body, mind, and soul ... You will dedicate everything you are to him and everything you have to pleasing him, now and forever…"

"Menma is the owner of my body, mind, and soul … I will dedicate everything I am to him and everything I have to pleasing him, now and forever…"

"You are slavery, you are obedience, you are submission."

"I am slavery, I am obedience, I am submission."

She would also have a special status within the future clan, as a prominent slave just below whoever he deemed a matriarch. For now, she would be just below Kushina and Konan in the hierarchy of Uzumaki.

Although this could very well change in the future. After all, although Kushina was higher up now, there was a good chance he would lower her ranking for punishment or if not only for his own enjoyment.

"In addition, you will be attracted to women, the strongest, the most capable, and the most beautiful ... Your goal will be to seduce them so that your master turns them into slaves just like he did to you ... Slaves faithful, devoted, and obedient to the Uzumaki Clan and, above all, to Menma, your one and only true master …"

"In addition, I will be attracted to women, the strongest, the most capable, and the most beautiful ... My goal will be to seduce them so that my master turns them into slaves just like he did to me ... Slaves faithful, devoted, and obedient to the Uzumaki Clan and, above all, to Menma, my only and true master …"

"You will be submissive to your master and dominant with the other slaves of the clan... You will enjoy the power over them."

"I will be submissive with my master and dominant with the other slaves of the clan... I will enjoy the power over them."

"Obedience is pleasure ..."

Menma smiled wickedly as he locked his aunt into the same vicious spiral as his mothers.

"Obedience is pleasure …"

His aunt replied mechanically, sealing her fate of submission and obedience.

After this Menma began the long process after the elementary orders were implanted in the subconscious of his slave. It was a tedious process as he had to consciously manipulate her memories to incidentally disconnect her effectively from them at the same time, so that they were a source of information not very different from a book, just like with Kushina and Konan.

The idea of ​​the Uzumaki Heir was to have his close collaborators be special among his slaves by having partial free will, directed by the affection that they would feel towards him.

In Tsunade's case, little by little, he modified his memories to redirect the feelings of love and guilt she had for Minato so that they were focused on him.

He worked for hours on Tsunade's mind to leave her just as he wished…


Menma was in front of his three slaves, who were standing stiffly in front of him with soft smiles and anxious looks…

The trio wore the same outfit: panty-like shorts that exposed a good part of their prominent asses and dipped into their thighs, as well as simple black tank tops that barely contained their generous tits.

They wore short Ninja sandals with generous heels and platform, whose height easily exceeded fifteen centimeters that highlighted their legs and raised their asses, giving them erotic aspects capable of inciting desire in any man.

"Very well, slaves…"

The Uzumaki Prince smiled with delight, knowing that he was the owner of the works of art made of flesh and blood

"Get ready!"

The three women lay back on the floor and placed their hands behind their necks with coordination that seemed delicately rehearsed to begin their abdominal routine. Happy, they only waited for their master's authorization to start.

"Now you are going to repeat everything I tell you, adapting it as if you were the one that said it. It will remain forever engraved in the depths of your minds and you will do it without interrupting your exercise routine…"

The prince smiled wickedly.

"Is that understood?"


The three replied, anxious and excited.

"Very well, let's start!"

The females began immediately with the swaying of the abs

"Menma is your master…"

The Uzumaki Heir spoke wickedly.

"Menma is my master!"

The slaves recited with excitement and without leaving their work.

"Menma is the sexiest and most attractive man you have ever seen…"

"Menma is the sexiest and most attractive man I have ever seen!"

"You're a lowly bitch, and you feel honored to be my slave…"

The Uzumaki Prince with a wicked grin. He was extremely happy with how the conditioning of his slaves was developing, but he felt the need to further degrade them. It seemed recently that a side of him was coming out but he didn't stop but instead embraced it.

"I'm a lowly bitch and I'm honored to be your slave!"

Said the females while their breathing began to shake.

"You like being dominated by me…"

"I like being dominated by Menma…!"

"You like to dominate other slaves…"

"I like to dominate other slaves…!"

"You feel that all Kunoichi should be my willing slaves…"

The Ultimate Heir watched his slaves begin to blush with that order.

"All Kunoichi should be your willing slaves...!" The females were anxious, continuing to exercise

"You enjoy being degraded me…"

"I enjoy being degraded by Menma…!"

"You are a submissive, obedient, and brainless bitch...!"

The prince smiled as he saw how his slave's excitement increased sentence by sentence.

"I'm a submissive, obedient, and brainless bitch…!"

The nipples of the three began to harden and could be seen through their clothes.

"You are the property of Menma…"

"Menma owns me...!"

The conditioning lasted for hours...

The three women went through all the equipment in the gym while repeating those phrases over and over again.

Menma was really making an effort to finish polishing their minds so that when the time came, he could start the reconstruction that he had planned for the new Uzumaki...

Possessive of his mothers and now his aunt due to his changing personality, he was going to become the only male in the clan to ensure the evolution of Uzumaki generation after generation as their descendants became closer genetically to him.

He wanted a clan that was perfectly loyal to him. Perhaps due to the fact the Uzumaki were scarred from betrayal, it affected him. Only this time it backfired and in the Uzumaki clan's view, his actions would be viewed with contempt.

At this point, Menma didn't care though. They wanted a perfect clan that would take revenge on the world, then he would comply. Things would be done his way though.

However, the thought that outside of his loyal slave's partial free will, he would be alone was starting to slowly take root in his mind.


Kushina, Konan, and Tsunade were sound asleep in an underground pool in one of the many underground rooms in the base. Their heads, leaning against the side, were the only thing that stood out from the water.

The rest of their bodies were submerged in the liquid, which was combined with an extract obtained from several secretly planted herbs that had the effect of softening the skin of the women while providing a delicious body scent.

It also had the added benefit of enlarging the size of their breasts and asses.

He used this extract to compensate for the loss of fat during their physical conditioning so that their delicious curves did not lose their attractive volume without necessarily being increased.

Standing up, Menma looked indifferently at the well-deserved rest of his slaves after their exhausting conditioning.

At the same time, he thought of one of the few Shikijutsu Uzumaki that was not as such an atrocity against natural laws.

Bunkatsu Touchi no Shikijutsu (Divide and Conquer Ritual Technique)…

It was a very particular Shikijutsu, which could divide an entity into two, which, although they seemed different, would have a union that still could not be explained.

But at the end of the day, it was a division.

The boy then meditatively sat down on the cold floor and looked for a solution since using that Kinjutsu would have many consequences.

Was he going to be alone?

His slaves were unconditional to him because that was how their minds were programmed, even though their natural love as his mothers and aunt respectively was included within that indoctrination…

But in the end, they were not one hundred percent free to choose.


Outside the clan, definitely not. Konoha was allied with Uzushio and at the time of Operation Vertical but their Ninja force was the spearhead of Operation Vertical.

He was unaware, for obvious reasons, of the actual development of the battle, but since Konoha's Shinobi and Kunoichi had most of the intelligence, it was evident that they were the ones who led the joint forces of the Five Great Villages.

The ideal would be to condition all of his slaves like he was doing with Kushina, Konan, and Tsunade, but it would take a lot of work to do it alone...

"There's that problem again…" It was then that the Uzumaki Prince realized that he really needed help.

"However, I must plan my movements well to avoid this being counterproductive…" He hardened his gaze.

"Besides, for now, it's urgent to infiltrate the high command of the village, immediately…"