
Heir of the Uzumaki

In their eagerness to protect their way of life, the leaders of the Ninja World decided to destroy the Lone village of Uzushiogakure. The Uzumaki clan knowing their end was near decided to create their Heir to carry on the legacy of the Uzumaki. Unknowingly at that moment, they had created something that would consume the entirety of the ninja world. (LONG CHAPTERS) R18, SMUT, Brainwashing, Mind Control, Menma x Harem, Multi X-over of characters adapted to the world of Naruto. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- This is a massive rework and translation of Uzumaki's Strongest Weapon by Shinpuuryuken. I'm going to be working on this for a while and ill try to take some suggestions. This story is going to be pretty dark so please don't try and read it if your not into some of the stuff above.

Darkest_Desire · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs


Mikoto was sitting dazed on a chair in the middle of a room that only had a single light hanging from the ceiling. Her body was on complete display, showing her generous proportions.

Her body lacked the defined muscles and toned body that Kushina, Konan, Tsunade, Shizune and Koharu had from the strict and constant exercise. Although Menma didn't mind as he liked variety but she would inevitably have her body toned a bit.

All slaves of the Uzumaki clan carried out daily workouts complemented with a rigorous diet, and frequent baths in herbal extract made by Tsunade.

Menma was behind Mikoto, taking the measurements of the Uchiha's body with the help of a tape measure. Then, from one of his pants pockets, he took out what appeared to be a small thick-bound notebook. He took a pencil that was hidden in the cover of the small booklet and quickly wrote Mikoto's name next to the results of his observations.

After he had finished, he made use of Yamanaka's knowledge to explore her memories. Standing behind her and placing his hands on her temples, he began to see everything...

Her childhood, her friendship with Kushina, the forced commitment to Fugaku Uchiha encouraged and favored by her brother Sasuke, Itachi's birth when she was only 15 years old and the subsequent growth of her son.

By recounting the life of the female Uchiha, he was also able to realize that distrust and resentment were key factors that encouraged the insurrection of the Uchiha Clan. Almost all the Uchiha shared those sentiments and were willing to do anything for the offense to be repaid. Cornered, outsourced, and cut off from real opportunities for growth, they had nothing to lose except their lives…

That was also why Mikoto was totally at his mercy. Due to the stupidity of the Uchiha which had led them to extinction. Her own son, Itachi betrayed his clan and that's why the clan almost completely disappeared from the earth... Just as it seemed to be with the Uzumaki.

This strengthened Menma's idea that the only one hundred percent sure way to achieve absolute loyalty in a group was to condition said loyalty and fanaticize it to the highest possible point...

That is why he was going to reconstruct the memory of his mother's best friend in such a way that she would be reborn as an Uzumaki totally faithful to him, the very personification of the perfect Uzumaki Clan member...

"Who are you...?" He asked with a bewitching voice while he continued to play with her mind. le

"I am Mikoto Uchiha… Wife of Fugaku Uchiha, the leader of the Uchiha clan…" She replied with a monotonous tone.

"No…" He said, with a calm and charming tone

"You are Mikoto Uchiha, a slave of the Uzumaki Clan, Fanatically faithful and devoted to Menma Uzumaki…"

"Am I a slave of the Uzumaki?" She questioned herself with that blank and curious voice.

Her mind was suffering from such a direct intrusion with the intense Chakra that Menma was using, that it left her mind completely exhausted.

The few remaining mental defenses she had were falling one after another. Memories of her life were finally being separated from any feelings she had of them. After a few minutes her mind was left empty and left her lacking any direction.

Her mind was incredibly receptive now and all it needed was to have her empty head be filled with something new.

And Menma already had the perfect filler.

"You are Menma Uzumaki's slave. Fanaticaly faithful and loyal to the Uzumaki Clan…" Menma spoke as his voice enraptured her.

" I am Menma Uzumaki's slave and I serve the Uzumaki Clan…" Mikito spoke, her empty head being filled with new thoughts.

"You are so deeply in love with Menma Uzumaki…"

"I'm deeply in love with Menma Uzumaki…"

"Your marriage was a farce, it was just a disguise to hide that you have always been a faithful and devoted slave of Menma's…"

"My marriage was a farce, it was just a disguise to hide that I have always been a faithful and devoted slave of Menma's…"

"Menma is your master…"

"Menma is my master…"

"Menma is the most attractive man you have ever seen..." Menma said with a bewitching tone. It was important that they recognized with him perfection and attraction. It would only strengthen their programming due to the pleasure they received from him.

"Menma is the most attractive man I have ever seen..." Mikoto said, already blushing but still with a blank and expressionless tone.

"You were born to faithfully serve Menma…"

"I was born to faithfully serve Menma…"

"From the bottom of your heart, you want to have your master's children…"

"From the bottom of my heart, I wish to have my master's children…"

After setting a baseline, which was standard for every slave, he could give more personal programing. The baseline would act as a guide while his personal programing was something he decided to add due to her importance in the future Uzumaki clan.

"You want to be Menma's most perfect slave…"

"I want to be Menma's most perfect slave…"

"You want to be an example of a perfect slave…"

"I want to be an example of a perfect slave…"

"You want to show and teach others how to be a perfect slave…"

"I want to show and teach others how to be a perfect slave…"

"You believe that being Menma's slave is a great honor…"

"I believe that being Menma's slave is great honor…"

"You believe that its only right for women to be my slaves…"

"I believe that it's only right for women to be your slaves…"

At the entrance to the room, Konan observed the submission of Uchiha...

She watched with awe as Mikoto was brainwashed in front of her. She felt incredibly turned on and couldn't help but want to play with herself as she thought of great this scene was.

Her master taking complete control of a woman and putting her in her rightful place as his slave.

All womens rightful place… she thought to herself solemnly as she began to cum.


News of the slaughter that the Uchiha clan suffered spread like fire in a barn throughout Konoha. It was shocking that one of the most powerful clans was practically wiped out in a single night, leaving only Sarada Uchiha as the seed for their future. The assassin, Itachi Uchiha, had come to be hated by everyone in the village, when a day before he was a Ninja admired for his skill and dedication to his duty.

It came as a complete shock to the Konoha public opinion, as without the Uchiha, the village lost significant strength. However, it was decided to remain calm as the other villages were worn down by their own internal conflicts and any attack on the Fire Nation Ninja village did not seem possible at the moment.

The other clans were uneasy and began to soften their positions with their young people to prevent boys like Itachi from emerging. Less was demanded of them so that the roots of resentment due to excessive discipline or the ambition to obtain power would cause them to do anything drastic…

Without realizing it, they were sowing the seeds of their own destruction.

At the academy, teaching methods were also relaxed so that there was more emphasis on coexistence among students so there were no massacres as ruthless as those of the last great Uchiha prodigy.

The high command of the village had a notion that these measures taken out of fear within the clans were dangerous in the long term, since they implied a decrease in the quality of the Ninja... But it was a price to pay for the atrocity that they had just committed. If the clans one day found out what had really happened that night: the village exterminating a clan to prevent an insurrection, surely each one would think of preventing that from happening to them by becoming independent from Konoha.

That could mean the gradual disintegration of the village.

Especially, the council of elders, made up of the Sandaime Hokage, his advisors Koharu and Homura, as well as the gloomy Danzou Shimura, a veteran black-haired Ninja bandaging a large part of his body, had a heated debate about what to do in relation to the consequences of the massacre.

On the one hand, Hiruzen Sarutobi and the Koharu thought that it was best to keep the Uchiha betrayal a secret, since the action of the high command against the owners of the Sharingan could generate unfavorable reactions. The other position, maintained by the Mitokado and the Shimura, was to make it public to avoid potential problems in the future in relation to another clan trying something similar, as a show of power and intimidation by Konoha.

"We must make it public so other clans won't try the same thing when they know what could happen to them." said the old Homura, while adjusting his glasses with his right index finger.

"But if we make it public, we run the risk of clan separatism, whether they leave Konoha or try something similar to the Uchiha…" The woman replied under a special Henge to look like an old woman.

"That doesn't matter... " The old man who still had his natural color hair answered grimly

"In the end, the important thing is loyalty to Konoha... If we have to exterminate more clans, so be it…"

"The important thing is to maintain the Will of Fire, that way of life that consists of helping each other throughout life and giving everything for the next generations throughout time" The Sandaime Hokage recited solemnly.

Koharu, Homura, and Danzou looked at Hiruzen as if he was a jerk. That paraphernalia of the Will of Fire was pure dogmatic verbiage to them and had no real validity. It was the point where the three of them originally agreed against Sarutobi… However, the Utatane enslaved by Menma knew that the Will of Fire breeds martyrs and if she could send talented Ninja to their deaths justifying it with such nonsense, those ideas were well worth defending to progressively and discreetly weaken the village.

"Hiruzen is right" The woman replied.

"The ideological basis of Konoha is the Will of Fire and without that, the village will slowly and irretrievably disintegrate… It is useless to intimidate the clans if they end up deserting the village or we have to exterminate them like the Uchiha, in the end Konoha would be left with nothing and everything we are proposing now would be meaningless... Also, we cannot give a sign of weakness of that level to the other villages…"

The Shimura and the Mitokado simply ran out of arguments at such an approach, while Hiruzen silently thanked the unexpected support of what was once his best friend... And his true love. Although since she felt that this love was never reciprocated, she ended up uniting her life with Biwako Sarutobi, a woman who was assigned to her by her clan...

"That's true…"

Danzo had to admit reluctantly.

"Very well, for now we will keep all this as a state secret…"

"But what about the soft positions that the clans are taking within them, we must clarify that there is no risk of a new Itachi emerging if their firm training and discipline policies are maintained" Homura replied, still dissatisfied.

"No" Koharu answered immediately.

"This drop in the quality of your Ninjas will force the clans to gradually assimilate among the civilian population, and this will also allow the clans to feel intimidated in terms of their possibilities, just as you and Danzo want to oppose our decisions for the entire collective…"

Homura was satisfied to a certain extent with his partner's latest statement and for the moment, the four elders seemed to have settled in with the final resolution of the board.

However, the old man with glasses still didn't fully assimilate that suddenly, his companion had once again aligned with Hiruzen, when she had been supporting him and Danzou for decades just for the pleasure of winning over the Sandaime.

And that no longer suited Homura Mitokado, regardless of the fact that the old woman was her best friend at the time...

If she was no longer aligned with him, she had to disappear from the stage.