
A Mother

"I can't go much longer…" Menma thought to himself complicatedly.

He had come to realize that the legacy he received was tampered with its creators' emotions.

When he first realized this early on he had tried to rid himself of the influence, but after trying everything he could, he came to the conclusion that it was impossible unless he fulfilled their obsessions.

This was not a major issue as once he fulfilled their obsessions, the tampering would disappear. It seems that this was their only failsafe to make sure he followed through on his legacy.

From what he deduced, there were only two major obsessions left within the legacy he had to fulfill.

He was already fulfilling one, which was the rise of the Uzumaki, but for him to be completely free and have their emotions dissipate, he would have to give harsh punishments to Kushina and Mito should the chance arise.

Their betrayal had hit much harder to the Uzumaki people then he had originally thought as their obsession with revenge even rivaled their obsession to see the Uzumaki rise.

He had fought the compulsion until now due to his once fondness for his mother, but their emotions had recently reached a breaking point, and he decided it was time to accommodate the Uzumaki. If he didn't, he would most likely be consumed by them.

It had finally come to his limit, and this left him feeling a little complicated on what to do.

"Why did I try to fight it so much, to begin with?" Menma thought to himself.

He quickly came to an answer.

He wanted to hold some semblance of his former self by at least not punishing Kushina. He knew that before he received his legacy, he was only quiet and cold, but upon receiving it, his sadistic tendencies had risen almost a hundredfold.

Perhaps subconsciously, he was scared of himself. Scared of what he may due if he completely let go of his conscious.

"Perhaps it's time to embrace my change… embrace my true self…" Menma thought as a cold, almost maniacal grin appeared on his face.

He put his hand over his face trying to stifle a laugh but he couldn't stop it from coming out following his line of thought.

With that, any last shackle of his old self was cut, leaving only the sadistic Uzumaki Prince it its place.

"No more limitations… This world is mine to play with…" Menma as he laughed.

Menma called over Konan and asked her to go get Kushina. He had been quite nice to his slaves so far, but it seems that the monster within him had awakened and it refused to slumber.


(Kushina POV)

Walking over to Master with Konan, I could hardly contain my excitement. I had no idea why my master had called me with Konan, but the thought of pleasing him with her made me so happy.

Upon walking in and seeing him sitting on his chair I couldn't help but take in his form.

Pure black hair, icy blue eyes, and a perfect body made him look like he was in his teens even though he was only eight years old.

Master walked up to Konan and whispered a couple of things before she left with a smile. Seeing her walk off I couldn't help but feel excited knowing it would just be me and him.

I quickly looked into his eyes to try to understand how I could best please him only to be met with two crimson orbs staring into my own.

After that, my mind blanked out momentarily before I looked at my son. I was quite confused for a second before I remembered where I was. I had an accident the day that Menma was kidnapped, and I only recently recovered. Today was the first day I got to see my son again.

"How are you feeling Mom?" He said with a large grin.

"I'm feeling fine Menma how are you? Look how big you have gotten while I was gone! How are things?" I asked with a smile.

"Well a lot has changed since you left…" Menma said with a grin.

"Really? You will have to tell me about it." I said, looking at my son.

While he was looking at me, I saw him holding something in front of me. I was going to ask him what he was doing when suddenly a revelation hit me.

It was a Mother's duty to obey her son.

I don't know why that suddenly popped into my head. I mean, I've known it all my life. At least, I think I did. That bright light my son shined in my face from that object must've reminded me of it.

Menma was grinning like a Cheshire cat after he flashed the light at me, though I don't know why. Probably because I was standing there like an idiot, my head feeling a little fuzzy after that flash. At any rate, now that I'm home it's time for me to fulfill my duty as a Mother and that's to obey my son blindly and without question.

His first order this evening was to take off all my clothes. I did so, of course, removing my clothes until I was standing naked in the living room. It felt like a strange thing to do in front of my son but I didn't have time to dwell on it as Menma ordered me to follow him into the kitchen.

"Coming, Menma," I responded and started to follow. We didn't get far before Menma spun around and looked at me, "You'll address me as 'Master'. Understood?"

"Yes, Master," I replied immediately. How stupid of me. It was so disrespectful to refer to my son as anything else.

We continued into the kitchen, where Konan, my best friend and the woman I was in love with, was waiting. Only after Minato died, I realized I had become a Lesbian. I no longer felt an attraction to men, but women turned me on like never before.

Looking at Konan, she was looking at us… totally naked except for a pair of high heels.

She looked so beautiful with her blue hair, shining amber eyes, and lovely curves, but I'd never seen her naked like this in the kitchen. Again, I was confused.

"Konan, what are you—" I started to say but before I could finish, Menma held the light in front of my face and there was another flash of light…

A Mother's Duty is to let her family walk around naked whenever they want.

I quickly closed my mouth before I made a complete fool of myself, instead taking in the beautiful sight of my friend's body which was just as glorious as the day I met her—so fixated on her that I didn't notice Menma taking his clothes off as well. When he finished, he stood beside his surrogate Aunt and smiled at me.

"Konan's pretty hot, isn't she?" he said with a grin.

"I've wanted to squeeze her tits for a while."

This made me red with anger.

"All due respect, Master," I began to say angrily, "But I don't think it's appropriate for a son to talk that way about his Aunt."

Surprisingly, Menma's grin widened.

"So, you'd take issue with me fondling my Aunt right here and now…or even bending her over the table and finger fucking her MILF pussy?"

I know it's a Mother's duty to obey his son but Menma was REALLY pushing the limit right now. Just as I was about to raise my voice and yell at him, there was another bright flash of light.

A Mother's Duty is to let her son do whatever he wants with her family and friends.

My anger subsided, and I closed my mouth. It was stupid of me to feel angry at all. It's a mother's duty and a son's right to do whatever he pleases with her mother's friend, including fondling her and…having sex with her.

"No…I wouldn't have any problem with that. It's your right, after all," I admitted.

Menma's smile almost broke his face as he promptly fondled Konan's tits.

Konan moaned but didn't say anything as he wrapped his hands around her mounds and squeezed them, clearly aroused by his touch. I always imagined she would moan like this if I fondled her.

As Menma slid his hand down Konan's stomach to touch her pussy, he paused to look at me, his eyes settling on my cunt. It was…pretty dry.

Normally I had no problem getting wet while thinking or seeing Konan's naked body, especially when wearing those heels she bought for last year, but seeing another person have their way with her didn't do much for my libido, especially when that person was my own son…

"Almost forgot…" Menma mumbled with a smile before unleashing another flash of light…

A Mother's Duty is to become incredibly aroused whenever she sees her family naked or having sex, especially her son.

I had to blink a few times to clear the spots from my eyes, and, when I saw Menma, he was facing Konan and kissing her…and she was kissing him. They were going at it like lovers instead of Aunt and Nephew, Konan wrapping her arms around his neck and sticking her tongue down his throat, her beautiful tits smushed against his chest and even lifting up one leg in her excitement.

As soon as my mind processed what I was seeing my pussy began to drip as I became the most turned on I'd ever had in my life.

Konan…The woman I've come to love…was making out with Menma…my son…as his hands went sliding down her sides and squeezed her ass. She, in turn, ran her hands over his chest, moaning from how firm it was.

Menma always was very fit and handsome. Honestly, I wasn't sure what was making me wetter—my naked best friend, my naked son, or the two of them together.

I couldn't take it anymore! I raised my hand to rub my pussy at this erotic sight…

"Hey now..." I froze as Menma broke the kiss with his aunt and stared at me with a mocking grin, staring at my hand as it was an inch from my pussy.

"None of that," he said. "You're not allowed to masturbate or even cum without my permission. Got that?"

My face fell…and I nodded.

"Yes, Master…" I said dejectedly.

I lowered my hand and resigned myself to watching as Menma ordered Konan onto the table with her legs spread. Konan obeyed and watched Menma touch brush his hand against her pussy with a longing I'd never seen.

Menma shot me one last look before sticking his hand inside her.

Konan looked like she was going to have an orgasm on the spot. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she stifled a scream as Menma's hand went as deep inside her as he could go. She was so aroused by this! Probably as much as I was!

I couldn't help but let out a soft moan as I watched my son play with Konan's wet pussy while my own pussy was drenched, begging for someone to rub it but receiving no relief.

I held my hands behind my back to resist the temptation to masturbate and cum all over the woman I love and son fucking like rabbits. It was almost too much to bear! This was all so erotic!

My beautiful friend, her brains being fucked out by my manly son. Was he always this handsome?

Soon I saw Konan have a massive orgasm that almost sent her comatose.

"Well, that was quick… although what did I expect from my, little angel..." Menma said with a grin.

"Although this has gone a bit faster than I thought it's okay... I have some things to tell you" Menma said as he looked at me.

Menma then flashed a light in front of me again.

My head got a little…fuzzy after that. I remember telling myself not to blink out of fear I'd miss a single flash, for some reason. Soon I found myself going over the full list of my duties as a mother…

A Mother's Duty is to obey her son.

A Mother's Duty is to let her family walk around naked whenever they want.

A Mother's Duty is to let her son do whatever he wants with her family and friends.

A Mother's Duty is to become incredibly aroused whenever she sees her family naked or having sex, especially her son.

A Mother's Duty is to worship and obey her son like a sexual god.

A Mother's Duty is to never touch a woman without her son's permission.

A Mother's Duty is to be her son's slave and call him Master.

A Mother's Duty is to become unbearably horny when obeying or being humiliated by her son.

A Mother's Duty is to always think about her son having sex and obeying him.

A Mother's Duty is to NEVER masturbate or cum without her son's permission.

A Mother's Duty is to help his son have sex with whoever he wants.

When the flashing finally stopped, I sat there for a while as my brain processed everything. My Motherly Duties…all of them…were utterly sacred.

Yes…I am a mother.

A mother must obey her son. Worship her son. Because he's…

I finally looked up after a second towards my son and Konan. Though I was still sitting at the table, Konan had gotten up and was now kneeling at Menma's feet gently rubbing them.


Konan should worship my son. We must all worship him.

He's a living embodiment of manliness and virility, his cock a throbbing symbol of perfection. Compared to us, he was a sexual god. And gods must be worshipped and obeyed as our lord and master…

I quickly got up and quickly kneeled before Master Menma like the dutiful servant I was, my pussy dripping uncontrollably as I silently watched my Konan massage his feet.

I was so jealous of them to have the honor of pleasuring Master Menma, desperately wanting to at least masturbate to show my own admiration.

But a Mother must NEVER masturbate without permission.

All I could do was quietly wait for Master Menma to acknowledge me and grant permission. Unfortunately, he decided to ignore me and instead focus on Konan…

"I suppose it's time for you to remember… it will be troublesome to explain to you and I have recorded enough for a video…" Menma muttered.

Master then flashed his Sharingan at me, and suddenly, I remembered everything from when I fell ill. At least I thought I had fallen ill but to my surprise my son had controlled me! I should have felt rage and scared but I was only turned on by how humiliating the whole situation was.

"Now that you know the situation you will have a new status in the clan," Menma said darkly.

I quickly sat up and looked at him, giving him all of my attention.

"From now on, you will no longer be called Kushina… I'll call you Pussy Bitch…Maybe Mommy Slut..." Menma said with a chuckle.

Konan choked back laughter at this declaration.

While my face burned with embarrassment…and my cunt dripped even harder at the shame.

"Say it…" Menma said with a laugh.

"Yes, Master Menma! My name is Pussy Bitch, and I live to serve you and your manly cock as your loyal Mommy Slut! What can I do to serve you tonight?"

Master Menma laughed crazily and gave me my orders for the evening.

"I've left out an outfit for you in your bedroom. From now on, you can consider it your uniform. After you're done you can report back here." Master Menma said

I was disappointed that I'd have to leave Master Menma's glorious presence for a moment but I was honored to serve him nonetheless.

"Yes, Master Menma. I'll get dressed and report back right away." I answered with a bow and quickly retreated upstairs.

Sure enough, in my bedroom, there was an extremely small pink frilly maid dress that exposed my tits and ass waiting for me, bright pink stockings, and ridiculously high heels. To top it all off was a nose hook….

Seeing this, my jaw dropped as my cunt became so wet that I began to heat up and pant.

"Master…wants me to wear THIS?!" I exclaimed. Well…I had no choice. As humiliating as it was, Master Menma commanded me to wear it. So I did…

I hobbled down the steps and walked towards the living room where Menma, Konan, and the other slaves of the Uzumaki clan, were patiently waiting to see my new wardrobe.

Apparently, my new status was known to all of the Uzumaki clan.

The reason I hobbled down the steps was because I'd never worn such big high heels before. Or bright pink stockings. Or a frilly maid dress that was so tight and did nothing to hide my tits and ass.

As I stood before my family in my new outfit, I quietly acknowledged that I'd truly earned my new name.

Master Menma laughed with Konan and the other slaves quickly followed suit. My face burned from the shame and humiliation of wearing something like this in front of my family and friends, once again making my cunt flow like a waterfall.

Did I always get off on being humiliated like this? I couldn't recall. Anyway, it took all my willpower to remember my motherly duties and not start masturbating, no matter how much I wanted to. I wonder if…

"Master Menma? Could I pleasure myself? My body feels ready to explode with heat!"

To my surprise, Master Menma immediately stopped laughing and gave me a cold look that sent a chill down my spine.

"No…" he spoke in a cold tone.

"From now on you will serve as my private maid. Although you will be by my side most of the time, remember that you are the lowest of the clan and any woman here can order you around. Maybe I'll let you masturbate some other time! Why don't you go and clean up the estate like a proper maid…. and while you're gone, think about the fact that I'll be playing with the sloppy cunt of the woman you love."

He squeezed Konan's ass, making her smile like a little girl and swoon at the thought of being played with by him again.

I was terribly disappointed that I couldn't get any relief but…orders were orders. And I had to obey.


Hey I don't know if I will be doing more chapters like this in the future so I would appreciate some feedback. I have a couple of chapters planned from Kushina, Mito, and maybe Boruto's POV which would be just like this.

If you couldn't tell I'm really into humiliation and I'm extremely sadistic myself.

This chapter and some others are actually based on an erotica I once read but that one was "A Father's Duty" so it inevitably had some male torture and was from the father's POV.

Although I liked it, I only enjoy the sadism and humiliation, not the fact that it's the father serving his son. (I'm not bisexual or homosexual so it turns me off sometimes) I always thought it would be better from the mother's POV this way as it's more in line with my fantasies so I changed it and fit it into this setting.

I honestly feel the whole series could be faceted and reworked into chapters of this story but I haven't decided yet.

I would love some feedback and remember to leave a comment and review!

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