
Heir Of The Sun.

The roar of wyverns echoes across a land of forgotten gods. Beasts like Fenrir dominate the land, and survival hinges on magic and weapon techniques. I am Aether, reborn into this brutal existence, a slave with a painful past and a future seemingly carved in stone. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humour. When hope dwindled to a flicker, I stumbled upon an ethereal cave. Inside, bathed in an alien glow, lay a magnificent beast - a dragon, scales shimmering pink and red. Fear threatened to consume me, but a defiant roar erupted from within. "I will never bend to your will, FATE!" The echo of that challenge hangs heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the darkness. This is where my story begins.

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasy
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48 Chs


"Alright, let's pack these up," Eziel declared, gathering their haul. Aether noticed the shift in his mentor's demeanor. The easygoing fisherman was gone, replaced by a focused predator. "Time to hunt, boy. See those tracks?" Eziel pointed towards the forest floor, his voice low and sharp.


Eziel stalked through the undergrowth, eyes glued to the massive footprints etched into the earth. "Follow close, kid," he grunted, his gaze already scanning for their prey.

Aether mirrored his steps, adrenaline thrumming through his veins. Back in his old world, meat came neatly shrink-wrapped from a supermarket aisle. Here, in this world of magic and steel, survival demanded a different kind of awareness. He gritted his teeth, forcing his movements to mimic Eziel's silent, camouflaged steps.

Suddenly, Eziel froze, hand raised. Aether nearly stumbled past him. Crouching low, Eziel hissed, "There, Aether."

Aether squinted through the foliage, jaw agape at the sight that greeted him. A magnificent creature stood before them: a mountain deer, towering at least two meters high. Its fur shimmered with stripes of gold and emerald, accented by patches of pristine white. Its back boasted enormous antlers that curved gracefully behind its head, and sharp horns jutted from its sides. A long, feathered tail swished with a regal air.

Eziel smirked. A seasoned hunter, and an Awakened, he recognized this as a majestic but ultimately defenseless creature. For him, it was a routine task. But for Aether, this first encounter with a truly wild beast was a baptism by fire in a world far removed from the sterile convenience of his past life. He swallowed hard, his gaze locked on the magnificent beast, awaiting Eziel's next move.

Aether remained rooted to the spot, his gaze transfixed on the majestic creature. A mountain deer, a symbol of wild nobility, stood proudly before them. "Easy kill, kid," Eziel rumbled, a hint of amusement in his voice. "The deer has no mana, all trophy." He produced a device, muttering under his breath. Aether watched, mesmerized, as the contraption transformed with a click, morphing into a sleek bow adorned with brown and red accents.

Eziel then handed Aether a menacing black dagger. "On my signal, run in and sever the deer's throat."

Aether's breath caught in his throat. Taking a life, even an animal's, felt alien in his memory. Eziel, sensing his apprehension, placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't fret, I'll be right beside you. Remember, kid," he continued, his voice low and serious, "one life sustains another. It's the rhythm of the forest, the price for survival."

Aether stared at the gleaming dagger, a cold sweat prickling his skin. The idyllic image of the deer clashed with the brutal reality of the hunt. Could he truly become a part of this world, this cycle of life and death?

"Southern God Style, First Form: Quickshot!" Eziel hissed, a blur of motion as he erupted from cover. He launched himself several meters into the air, a human arrow aimed at the mountain deer. His bow pulsed with a faint light as mana coalesced on the arrow nock.

With inhuman precision, Eziel loosed the arrow. But the mountain deer, sensing its doom, reacted with lightning reflexes. Its magnificent antlers deflected the mana bolt at the last second. Aether, rooted to the spot, witnessed an impossible battle unfold before him.

A booming laugh shattered the tension. Eziel, eyes alight with exhilaration, relished the challenge. The deer, however, was outmatched by the cunning hunter. "Down here, beast!" Eziel roared, appearing directly in front of the deer in a blink – the power of an awakened archer.

Eziel drew back his bow once more, ready to end the fight. But the deer wasn't finished yet. With a mighty roar, it reared back and slammed its hooves onto the ground, sending Eziel flying several meters back, skillfully landing on his feet.

Despite the stumble, Eziel's arrow had found its mark – a single, precise shot piercing the deer's eye. "Aether!" he bellowed, the signal.

Snapped out of his awe, Aether sprinted towards the now-wounded creature, dagger in hand. Eziel's first shot, though seemingly weak, had been a clever ploy – a distraction to create an opening for the final blow.

Aether pumped his legs, a desperate sprint fueled by adrenaline and newfound resolve. This world demanded swiftness and cruelty, and he had to adapt. Each pounding heartbeat echoed the urgency to survive, to find a cure for his mother. He was inches from the majestic deer, dagger poised, when Eziel's roar shattered the focus.

Confused, yet determined to finish the task, Aether lunged forward. But before the blade could connect, a brutal force slammed into him, sending him flying back. Eziel, a blur of concern, snatched him mid-air, breaking the fall but not the impact. A metallic tang filled Aether's mouth – blood.

Just where the deer had stood, a nightmare materialized. A being of inky darkness, its form vaguely snake like but grotesquely twisted, pulsed with an unnatural energy. Its eyes, burning embers in the gloom, fixated on the deer carcass. With a horrifying swiftness, it lashed out, its colossal form engulfing the prey in a sickening embrace. A sickening crunch echoed through the clearing as the creature tore the deer's head clean off, crimson mist spraying across the scene.

Aether, pinned against Eziel's chest, stared in paralyzing terror. His mind grappled with the horrific scene. "What... what is that?!" he stammered, his voice barely a whisper. This wasn't part of any hunting lesson. This was a chilling glimpse into a darkness far more profound than anything he'd ever imagined.