
Heir of the Red Ribbon Army

An Android is awaken before his actually completion. He has only a few memories of his Family.

Necro_Majin · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Android 22 Real Name

In the lab I walk up to Bulma and extend my hand to her.

"Hello Mrs. Bulma Briefs, it is a pleasure to meet you, I am Android 22," 22 says with a smile.

"So you are Android 22 nice to meet you," Bulma say with small smile and shakes hands 22's hand.

"About the files that you have been going over, I gave them a second look and see that I couldn't find a weakness," 22 say with a serious look.

"I had a feeling that we wouldn't since you gave us this information," Bulma says with slight anger in her tone

"Mom!" Trunks yelled.

" It alright trunks I can understand why she is hostile towards me," 22 says emotionless.

"But it is not right you haven't done anything," Trunks say.

"Bulma may I ask why are you hostile towards me," 22 says.

"I do not know who you, The only thing I know is that you are an android like 17 & 18. I bet you are program to kill all humans, just like them." Bulma say.

"So you wish to know my mission , and who I am," 22 says.

"My mission is to defeat Goku, and become the Red Ribbon Army leader," 22 says

"Red Ribbon Army ?" Trunks asked.

"It is a criminal organization with the goal of world domination that was defeated by Goku," 22 says.

"Why is your mission to become leader of a dead criminal organization," Bulma asked.

"My Father program that into me because I wanted to become leader of the Red Ribbon Army as a kid and turn it into good and help others," 22 says.

"Why do you say father instead of creator," Bulma ask.

"Because I remember that Dr. Gero is my biological father before I was turned into an android," 22 says with a slight sad tone.

"Why do you sound sad," Bulma asked with slight worry.

"Because I heard my father go into madness for some reason from the start, he kept trying to fight it but he failed in the end," 22 says as Trunks and Bulma look at him in pity.

"Do you remember your real name 22," Trunks asked.

"Yes My name is Onyx Gero I prefer to be call 22 until I unlock all of my memories and other reasons," 22 says.

"What are you other reasons," Trunks asked.

"Because it feel weird to be called that by someone who is not romantically involve with me," 22 says.

"I want to make up for being hostile to you, I would like for you to stay for dinner," Bulma says.

I smile and nod my head and Trunks brightens up and takes me to the kitchen table to set up the table. After a while we begin eating as Bulma talk about the past.

"Can I ask a question about you 22" Bulma say.

"Yes" 22 says.

"Do you have memory loss because you talk in a tone as if your are not sure sometimes" Bulma ask and Trunks eyes widen at that question.

"I guess you can say I do, because anytime I look at my profile in my database it says I have meet requirements to have access to certain files and my memories." 22 says in a serious tone.

"I hope you can get your memories back," Bulma says with Trunks nodding agreement.

"Thanks" 22 says with a blush

After dinner Bulma showed me a room where Gohan was staying and told me to sleep here. I went to sleep.