
Heir of the Red Ribbon Army

An Android is awaken before his actually completion. He has only a few memories of his Family.

Necro_Majin · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

A risky save

22 POV

It was a few weeks later, and I was searching the twins, so I follow their trail of destruction. I ended up coming across two familiar bodies on the ground with a weak energy level getting lower. I lowered my self to them to see that Gohan was missing an an arm and both was heavily damaged. I look over at trunks to see a green bean like thing between his lips. Then I see Gohan's arm stretched out arm and figure he was trying to help his friend out.

I roll Trunks over till he was on his backside. Grab the bean and shove it in his mouth before shutting his jaws for him. After a couple of second he begin to cough but it settles down immediately. I then look at Gohan and rip his sleeve off and bandage up where his arm was supposed to be and his chest.

I look around for the twins and but I didn't sense them in the area.

"Now I need to figure out where drop these two off," 22 says.

I begin searching my database and found Capsule Corp as a possible place for Goku and see that it close by. So I pick up Gohan and put him on my back and scoop up Trunks by his waist. I flew quickly to the capsule corp coordinates and land in front of the building. Trunks blinks and is startle by me.

"Stop staring and help me help your friend," 22 says to Trunks as a Blue hair woman walks to the door of the building seeing his database recognize her as Bulma.

"Mom it's Gohan he need help," Trunks says to Bulma.

I put Gohan into Trunks hands and flew off.

Trunks POV

After some time of Gohan recuperating and starting back up our training together I finally got some free time this afternoon. I want to look for Android 22 to find and thank him for saving us. I decided to check the last place I ran into him last time. I go to the forest with a giant lake he see 22's clothes on the ground but not him.

I then hear a small splash in the lake so I turn around to see the upper half of 22's body bare. I stare at him with my face getting red.

Android 22 POV

"Take a picture it will last longer" 22 say to Trunks and he blushes at that statement.

"22 I..I want to thank… you for caring for us after our fight with 17 & 18." Trunks say with is cheeks pink.

"No need for thanks," 22 says with tone that make it seem like it was no big deal.

"Don't act like it isn't a big deal, I sure that the other androids wouldn't be happy to find out you help us" Trunks say.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," 22 says and Trunks sigh.

Trunks look at me with curiosity.

"Why did you help us and why are you so different from them," Trunks ask.

"Different you say," 22 ask slightly confused.

"I mean you don't act evil like them," Trunk say while scratching his neck nervously.

"That funny this is the place you call me a monster when you followed me," 22 says in monotone voice.

"I think.. I was wrong. I'm sorry," Trunks say surprising 22 but he smile.

"Don't worry about I am a monster in another way," 22 say while smirking and Trunks blushes realize what he meant.

"All jokes aside I was create by my Father to defeat Goku and inherit the Red Ribbon Army, Since Goku is dead I just need to become the leader of the Red Ribbon Army. When I do I will do good for others instead of evil" 22 says with a smile and Trunks look at him in awe.

"I am sure you will do more good 22," Trunks say with a smile.

"You Saiyans have gotten me attached to you," 22 says and walk out of the water as Trunk cover his eyes and blush.

I put on my discarded clothes as I was putting on my shirt on last I caught Trunks staring at me again. I walk to him and wave my hand in front of him snapping him out of it.. I smirk at him as he focuses on me.

"You may be cute but wait until you are older," 22 says and laugh when Trunks face turn red.

I then fly off out of the area.

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