
Book Of The Sun

Book Of The Sun (10th Edition)

Author: John Dee

Published: 27 February 1600

Revised By: Rosalind Fernsby

Last Revised: 27 February 2000

This book contains knowledge of magical beings.

Magical beings are often confused with spirit beasts, save for Magus'. Magical beings, unlike spirit beasts, are not purely spiritual but are made up of flesh and blood, a true physical body capable of utilising magic (with several exceptions), often having a humanoid form. Most of these beings are an evolution of ancient humans, however, there are certain beings whose origins are unknown and can only be traced back to where they first appeared.


Other Names:

Wizards, Witches, Warlocks, Sorcerers, Magicians, Mages, Shamans, Bruja, Exorcist (Practically endless)


Magus is an evolution of humans, basically humans with the capability to use magic. They can be traced back to as far as 3000 BCE where the first civilisation started. Magus is the most populous of all magical creatures and spirit beasts and is undoubtedly the ones able to cast the most varieties of magic. Their existence is hidden from humans and ever since the creation of Alium, anyone who had contact with magic before then had all their memories of it wiped. Before the creation of Alium, even though their existence is not a kept secret, they are still relatively mysterious, preferring to manipulate events in the shadows, such as the Spanish Armada in 1588 and even World War 2 that started in 1939.


Levels are commonly used as a way to categorise and determine the magical prowess of all magical beings and spirit beasts.

Awakened - Those who have just awakened their magic belongs in this category

Apprentice - When an awakened has gained a reasonable amount of control over their magic, they are an apprentice

Magus - Those that have mastered the use of common spells and have sufficiently grown their individual magical talents, they are a magus, which can often be tested with a special crystal used to test their magic

Grand Magus - Those that have reached this level are the strongest of the strongest, literally capable of great feats common Magus can't even comprehend. At this level, all supernatural beings will be able to create their own unique magical domains, characterise by their own personality and magical talents.


Other Names: Psychic


Greywalkers are variants of Magus', capable of feats related to the mind such as telepathy or telekinetic abilities, individual abilities vary but are always related to the mind. They use psychic energy to perform these feats, which is a form of magical energy. Not much is still known about psychic energy and more research are still conducted but to no avail. The first greywalker was discovered in 1909 from a family of Magus'. To date, only 23 greywalkers were known to have existed, with 2 still alive.


They are not able to spellcraft and utilise magic, believing to be due to most of the magic in them and the magic they absorbed from the surroundings being converted to psychic energy. However, in 1980, the now fugitive Ambrose Feng Ye Ci was the first Greywalker in existence discovered to have the ability to manipulate both psychic energy and magical energy.

Their powers are immense, with the weakest of them able to kill a normal human within seconds.

They are known as Greywalkers due to having a grey aura that surrounds them when they use their abilities, unlike magic which can't be seen with the naked eye.

When they awaken, their eyes instantly changes to a deep dark grey colour, those who looked into their eyes described feeling overwhelmed with fear of death.

To date, only 2 Greywalkers have reached the power level of a Grand Magus', with both their domain revolving around gravity manipulation.

Tylwyth Teg

Other Names:

Fairies, Fair Folk, Fae


It is unknown how they really came into existence, but they can be traced back to all over the world, with the prominent ones being traced to Europe, Wales in particular. In the past, they are known to create fairy rings, luring humans and kidnapping them, especially those talented in singing and dancing forcing them to perform. They are also incapable of breeding, leading to them exchanging human babies with their own weak and sick child, called Changelings.

However, with the creation of Alium, fairies from all over the world such as Yakshas, Azizas and Jogahs banded together, creating their own kingdom in Alium, called Aeronwen with Queen Mab's son, Oberon Derwyn Aeronwen succeeding her as King Oberon and his wife, Queen Titania, becoming the next rulers of Aeronwen.

With fairies of all cultures uniting together, the problem of infertility was resolved.


The traits of Tylwyth Teg varies as there are several subspecies among them.

The children of Queen Mab are known to have majestic horns like deer antlers, two pairs of huge wings resembling those of angels and bright golden eyes.


Other Names:

Diablo, Devil


They existed for as long as one can remember. Since beings with magic came to exist, they have battled demons, exterminating them. They are known as beings with dark powers, able to possess humans, or lead them to commit evil. There use to be a barrier, a veil, separating Hell, where demons reside, from earth. Ever since The Separation, the veil weakened tremendously, allowing demons to enter earth easily, leading The Age Of Armageddon.


They come in a variety of forms. Often appearing out of shadows or dark spaces. Most have described their appearance to the feeling of depravity, of intense fear and horror. They are tough and hard to get rid of, holy objects are the only known ways to banish them other than magic.