
Heir of Kyree

"by the gods, Adora, the woman who had unwillingly married him was in heat. and she was moaning out his name like it was her last day on the planet." [..] Merely days away from yielding to the dragon form that resides inside of her and gaining her full powers, 17 year old Adora of Kyree is faced with a heavy decision. After three days of slaughter and bloodshed, Adora is left with nothing. Her people are all dead, murdered at the hands of the Zylan people. Blood pours down the debris of what was once the City of Kyree and the castle, her home was now only dust. With nothing left, Adora is given a choice by the Zylan Dragon King. Either perish along with the rest of her people or marry the very man she swore to destroy. She'd hoped that accepting his hand in marriage would bring peace, that it would end her suffering. But instead of a simple union, the Heir of Kyree finds herself thrown into the Zylan court and discovers that there was so much more at play. In order to survive, Adora finds herself warming her arch enemy's bed, after their unannounced union starts a war that will ravage across the continent and drag everyone down with it. With his vibrant tattoos and the mystery trio of gashes that line his back, Adora struggles to understand why the Zylan Prince chose her as an ally in this war. But there's more to Wyld of Zylan than meets the eye. With his sharp golden eyes and the immense amount of power in him, she'd have never guessed that their forced union would bring such chaos. With murderers on the loose and when an army of Khagans out for Zylan and Kyree blood threaten to spill over the borders, Wyld and Adora unwillingly fight by each other's side in order to preserve peace and protect their people. But how could they protect each other from the growing number of enemies when they've been trained all their life to kill each other?

_moon_child_ · Fantasy
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4 Chs

prologue pt.2 | a new queen |

"Do you, Adora of Kyree, vow to serve your duties as Queen?" Adora looked up from her hands, staring out at the crown of a thousand humans, each pair of eyes seeming to bore holes into her body. She felt as if she was stark naked under their scrutinizing gaze. Goosebumps formed on her bare arms and along the backside of her neck as the Royal Pastor approached Adora. Her eyes went to the object he held in his hands. Adora felt her throat close up, panic washing through her body. The pastor whose demeanor was much more relaxed than Adora's came to halt before his new queen, extending the cushion he held in his hands.

Atop that midnight blue cushion sat a silver and gold crown. The frame of the crown was made of twisted metal and various trinkets such as salmon-colored-coral, white lily flowers, and bay leaves were attached to it. In the center, a teal-colored jewel sat glistening in the dying sunlight. Adora stared at it, feeling her stomach twist.

She didn't want this now. Adora was too young. She was only 15.

Her mother had taken up her duties as queen at the age of 20. Adora had no experience whatsoever, yet she was thrown into this position without much say. Needless to say, Adora had no choice but to thank the pastor and reply to him.

"Yes, I pledge to take up my duties as Queen." Even if I'm only 15, Adora wished she could say. Her heartfelt heavy in her chest. She was only 15 and her parents were both dead, murdered in their sleep. Sitting before the citizens of her Kingdom, Adora recalled the night of her parent's death, which only happened to be a few nights ago.

It had started as a normal night, where Adora had spent the dinner discussing her recent interests with her mother and father. Like usual, her mother had nagged her about future love interests while her father had urged her to take up sword lessons. But Adora had refused, naturally, unwilling to pick up a weapon.

"Never in my life will I voluntarily choose to wield a weapon capable of killing someone." She had vowed to her father, only to earn a chuckle from both of them.

"I doubt that vow will remain true, Adora." Her father had replied, his eyes scrunching as they usually did when they laugh. Who could have known that was the last time Adora would hear her father's hearty laugh? Who knew that would be the last time Adora would feel her mother's handgrip hers underneath the table? Who knew? No one did.

Once the dinner had been adjourned and the family had gone their split ways to wash-up before bed. Adora had bathed herself, changed into her usual blue nightgown before heading off to her parent's room to wish them goodnight.

But instead of finding them laughing and sipping wine in their bed, Adora found them sprawled across the sheets with daggers plunged into their chests. The blood had been fresh, both of her parent's bodies still leaking. The murder had been recent. Dropping to her knees and screaming out in pain, only then had Adora picked up the waif of magic in the room.

The two monarchs had been killed by inanimate weapons yet the smell of magic lingered in the air, leaving Adora still puzzled to this day. But never would she forget that smell. Never would she forget the feeling as the magic had drifted past her.


Blinking away the tears that had started to form at the brim of her eyes, Adora gazed out into the crown, finding comfort in Tyrus, her lifelong friend. Thank the gods, he'd been there to comfort her after she discovered the monarch's lifeless bodies. Thank the gods that she wasn't alone. Wasn't she?

"Do you, Adora of Kyree, swear to protect your Kingdom at all costs?" Her hands balled into fists. Her heartbeat quickened.

"Yes, I vow to protect my people and Kingdom till my very last breath." The pastor lifted the crown off of the pillow.

"Do you vow to put your life on the line for Kyree? Will you make sacrifices for the good of Kyree?"

"Yes." The crown hovered over her head.

"Then, I now crown you, Adora, Queen of Kyree." The weight of the crown felt heavy, almost as if it could force Adora into the ground.

Soon the crowd erupted into cheers sending shivers down the newly crowned Queen's spine.

While a Prince fought in the darkness in his cell, a princess was proclaimed Queen.

One would wield fire. One would wield water.

The two would shift and rock the worlds with their powers.

Mountains would shake and oceans would roar in their wake.

Enemies at birth, their destinies intertwined, what could go wrong when the two royals collide?