
Heir of Blue Moon Pack

I am Adrian, I am the heir of the Blue Moon Pack. I was going to be the alpha of my pack after my father. But a series of unforeseen events brought me here, to this hideous vault. This is my adventure to get back what is mine. Will I get my pack back, will I find my mate?

My_angel00 · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 63 Track down

Meanwhile, Vella was watching from the side and, joined in the incantation, and started to chant with the same language by bringing his enchanted locket in front of the visualization. As if by sorcery, a flickering flame suddenly enveloped one of the guards.

Turning her gaze towards him, she inquired with a mischievous smile, "Pray tell, what is your name?"

Caught off guard by the magical display, the guard hesitated for a moment before responding, "My name is Matt, from the Forest Hill Pack," his voice carrying an otherworldly resonance.

Eager to delve deeper into the guard's role, Vella pressed on, "And what is your responsibility within your pack?"

Lost in a trance-like state, Matt answered, "I am a diligent patrolling guard. I dutifully patrol the eastern border, following the orders of my Beta, from Monday to Friday. Although I must admit, my Beta occasionally enjoys mixing things up and changing the dates, keeping me on my toes."

Satisfied with Matt's response, Vella swiftly removed the locket, causing the fire to vanish into thin air. As if on cue, Vall, with a flourish, removed the visualization, bringing an end to this captivating display of magic and intrigue.

"Now, it seems that finding Matt and convincing him to share what he knows is our next step," Vella declared, her hands clapping together as she began to dance around Vall. "By doing so, we'll uncover the whereabouts of Adrian."

Vall sighed a hint of exasperation in his voice, "Oh if only everything were as easy as it seems. But let's not lose hope. We'll track down Matt and extract the information we need."

Unfortunately, due to the magic prepared by the grandfather, they couldn't directly cross the border and find Matt. They had spent days trying to find the weakest point of the magic along the border by stealthily gliding through the air, hoping to find a gap they could slip through. When they finally found it, they had to wait for Matt to pass through this route. Eventually, Vella emerged in front of him, trapping him in a fiery inferno with an enchanted locket. But when Matt refused to accompany them, Vall's patience wore thin, and he wounded him with a silver knife. Only then were they able to kidnap him.

Then he tried to escape, what they could do other than stop him? Vella had foolishly hoped that he could help them but did not take into account that he was a werewolf and is not familiar with the magic. When she asked for help he directly rejected to help them. That prepared his death. They assumed that Matt died for nothing but they did not know that he reached out to Aida and gave their name and warned her.

When they found out that Matt is dead, with a sense of urgency, Vella and Vall swiftly chanted an incantation to ward off any intruders approaching the cave. They were well aware that the wolves from his pack were relentlessly searching for him. By manipulating the very fabric of their surroundings, shifting from mountain to forest, they skilfully shielded themselves from harm.

Vall used his power to alter the surroundings and saw Aida, her Beta, and the guards.

They had been so near. "We were extremely fortunate to have covered the entire cave with our magic before they arrived," he stated relievedly.

"Do you really think we're lucky? She asked with a hint in her voice.

"Yeah, I guess not much, but at least they couldn't find where we live." He scratched his neck with his hand.

"Because Matt is no longer alive, approaching Adrian is even riskier than before. They are aware that someone is attempting to steal something from the pack. They'll be more cautious. Could they see that we are behind it, I mean our magic? Asked in curiosity Vella."