
Heir of Blue Moon Pack

I am Adrian, I am the heir of the Blue Moon Pack. I was going to be the alpha of my pack after my father. But a series of unforeseen events brought me here, to this hideous vault. This is my adventure to get back what is mine. Will I get my pack back, will I find my mate?

My_angel00 · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 59 Delivering the Message

Meanwhile, Matt's fingers scraped against the rough rock as he struggled to climb towards the opening. Every muscle in his body screamed in protest, the silver in his veins sapping his strength, making every movement a battle. But he couldn't give up.

Finally, just a short distance from the clearing, Matt heard voices coming from below. He hadn't realized that the witches were behind him. Vella and Vall were so caught up in the argument that they didn't realize Matt had escaped. When they understand what had happened, they searched for him with their magic and identified him very close to the exit of the cave.

Vall shouted to him, "Stay still where you are!"

Matt's heart pounded in his chest as Vall's voice echoed through the cave. He knew that he couldn't obey, couldn't stop. The witches were closing in, and he had to get the message to Aida.

His mind raced as he pushed his body to its limits, stumbling towards the exit. The pain was unbearable, but he couldn't give in. He had to warn Aida about the witches and Adrian. He had to make her understand.

Aida's mind was a whirlwind of emotion as she sprinted through the forest, Matt's cry still ringing in her ears. Behind her, Adenos and his guards were following, their presence a constant reminder of the danger they were all in.

Adenos's voice filled her mind, urging her to slow down, to think, to strategize. But she couldn't. Not now. Matt was in trouble, and she had to reach him. The thought of Adrian, the half-warlock, and the secrets he might hold were pushed to the back of her mind, overshadowed by the urgency of the moment.

As Matt stumbled into the clearing, he could hear the witches behind him, their voices filled with anger and determination. They were closing in, and he knew that he was running out of time.

Desperation welled up inside him. With a final surge of strength, he reached out with his mind, searching for Aida.

"Aida," he gasped, his mental voice filled with pain and urgency. "The witches... Vella and Vall... They know something... about Adrian... about us... You have to find out..."

Aida's heart stopped as Matt's voice filled her mind, his words a jumbled mess of pain and desperation. Tears welled in her eyes as she pushed herself harder, knowing that she was too late.

Finally, he made it to the top of the cave, Matt's mental voice grew fainter as he continued, "Adrian... the half-warlock... can be in danger... Be careful, Aida... They're after something... something big... something dangerous... "

He felt dizzy, and at that time Vall hurled a magic ball at him. This impending ball struck him hard, causing him to fall from the cave's roof to the ground, "AGHHHHHHHH…" his body convulsing in anguish, and remained lifeless.

And then, silence.

Aida's world crumbled as Matt's voice disappeared, the silence deafening in its finality. She knew that she had lost him, knew that she had failed. She lost the link that reminds her that he is dead.

Matt's words were a plea, a warning, a call to action. And she had to find out. Adenos sensed the same, the break of the link to Matt.

Suddenly, the majestic mountain before them transformed into a lush forest. Their run came to an abrupt halt as they exchanged bewildered glances. Just a moment ago, a towering peak dominated the landscape, and now, it had vanished, replaced by a captivating woodland.

Their breath caught in their throats, they stared at the towering trees, their leaves a mesmerizing dance of greens and golds. The once clear path was now obscured by dense underbrush. It was as if they had been transported to a different world altogether.

Hesitantly, they approached the forest. The very air seemed charged with magic, sending a shiver down their spines. As they ventured deeper, the world around them changed subtly yet profoundly.

The inexplicable occurrence left no room for doubt - an enchantment beyond their comprehension was at play.

With a determined glint in her eye, she turned to Adenos, her voice filled with resolve.

"We have to find the witches. We have to uncover what they are after. For Matt, for all of us. This isn't just about the pack anymore. It's about something bigger, something more dangerous. And we have to face it, together."

Adenos's eyes met hers, his expression filled with understanding and determination. He knew that they were on the brink of something big, something that could change everything.

"We'll find them, Aida. We'll uncover the truth. We'll do whatever it takes. However, for the safety of our pack, we need to go back, and try to prepare the pack for the incoming danger."

The witches had been watching Adrian. The witches had plans, but their ultimate goal remained hidden, shrouded in mystery and intrigue for Aida and Adenos.

The next chapters will further delve into the details of Gregor's curse, and the nature of the witches' prophecy. Keep reading…