
Heir And Heiress Series

Everywhere becomes silent as every single pair of eyes turn to us and although I'm used to attention, it's never been in this type of situation and I find myself wondering how to handle it. All worries fly out the window though when Hunter grabs my hand after locking his car. Murmurs erupt in every angle of the school ground at his actions and I glance at Hunter only to see a look of determination on his face. What is he up to? He suddenly turns me towards him and traps me against the car door. "You're right, we need to clear one misunderstanding"he states his breath fanning my face. "And what would that be?" I breathe out already dazed by him. Get a grip Daisy, you're out in public! "That you are mine and all other boys can fuck off" He answers hoarsely just as he finally closes the space between us and takes my lips for a world-rocking kiss. Daisy Heart is a friendly heiress with great friends who just wants to have a good high school experience. She thinks everything is beautiful except the heir to the Stone Empire: Hunter Stone. Hunter Stone is a playboy Heir who just wants to have a good time while young before responsibilities come knocking. He thinks everything is fun except the heiress to the Heart group of Hotels: Daisy Heart. After being forced into being partners and roommates for a school camp project, Hunter and Daisy are determined to make each other's life hell. The undeniable attraction between them certainly doesn't help. To make things worse, Hunter also knows that Daisy has feelings for his best friend. Sequel to a series of fights, failed pranks, and arguments, fate offers to deal a final blow to the situation. What will happen when two opposite characters that hate each other collide? The result is bound to be catastrophic.

Yvonne Grace · Urban
Not enough ratings
74 Chs


  Daisy's POV

  "Hey" I say "what's shaking" I add.

  Seriously! What's shaking? I should probably start crawling into the ground now. I quickly look over to where Hunter was still busy almost dry humping the girl he was mauling earlier and I internally sigh in relief that he can't ruin this for me if I don't ruin it for myself. Dean's gaze follows my gaze to Hunter and lifts a perfect eyebrow

  "Jealous?" he asks.

  No of course not "I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a spoon and eat them" I reply fiercely.

  Wow, interesting visual to give to your crush. So cute. Someone please shoot me.

  ?Just then, someone calls his name and he sends an apologetic glance my way.

  "I've got to go, see you later, seatmate" he says as he saunters away. A wave of excitement crashes over me with the reminder of spending 3 whole hours seating beside Dean. I know I'm acting pathetic but I can't help it.

  I continue my search for my friends but when I couldn't locate them, I send a text to both of them informing them that I was about to board the plane and I receive a brief "k" from both of them. After taking my seat and making myself comfortable, I plug in my earphones and start bobbing my head to the music. I close my eyes and try to completely relax and catch a few zzzzs before everyone comes aboard.

  I was almost off to my own happy place when I spot Dean and Hunter approaching; I discreetly check my appearance, sit up straight and run a hand through my hair to smooth it, not for Hunter but for Dean. I try to act nonchalant when in reality my heart was beating as loud as a super bass.

  Finally they took their seats and didn't bother me because my eyes were still closed making them assume I was asleep. I give myself a little pep talk and urge myself to start a conversation with Dean and just when I was about to pretentiously wake up from my fake sleep, Blake hollers at Dean from the back to come and give his opinion on a very important conversation i.e. who had the biggest curves between Stephanie and Tiffany. And of course, He being the player he is did not hesitate to go and put his own two cents in, leaving me with Hunter.

  "I know you are not asleep". He says.

  Can't he just take a clue and leave me alone; I shut my eye harder trying to block him out.

  "You know ignoring me won't make me go away right" Hunter tries to get me to respond again.

  I groan "Leave me alone you jackass".

  "Ah, it speaks" He says wittingly.

  "Moron" I mumble under my breath. He doesn't reply so I assume he didn't hear, and I make a move to plug my earphones back in my ears when his hand suddenly grabs mine preventing me from doing so. I'm surprised by the gentleness of his touch and how weirdly good it feels. A shiver runs up my spine. I turn to face him and he releases my hand, I ignore the disappointment I feel at his actions.

  When I peek a look at his face, he looks unaffected by the contact and raises an eyebrow at the look on my face which I'm sure was slightly dazed. I blame the way his touch affected me on hormones, I mean teenagers experience hormone imbalance all the time right? "What" I say attempting to sound unfazed.

  "Oh" he says in a hoarse voice then clears his throat and speaks again in a more mischievous tone making me narrow my eyes at him.

  "I just wanted to inform you that since Mr. Fiddles said partners will share the same tent, you should sleep with one eye open. I mean you never know what can happen in the woods" He smirks and turns away just as the flight attendant orders us to fasten our seat belt. Dean comes back and settles down. As the plane took off, I decided to finally get some real sleep.

  I start dreaming about a lion chasing a deer, the deer runs very fast for its life and when the lion finally catches up to the deer, they both stand up straight and shake hands. What the heck? Then next I see them wearing bikinis and relaxing on the beach both sipping margaritas. What? They start talking but I can't hear what they are saying because of an insistent tapping on my shoulders.

  "Daisy wake up, we're here" someone whispers in a gentle voice.

  "Geez wake up and stop slobbering all over me" another voice repeats in an annoyed tone.

  No, I don't want to wake up, my pillow smells so good; I bury my nose in it and sigh in appreciation. The deer and the lion both send confused glances at me.

  "Daisy" the person with the annoyed tone says in a strained voice. I slowly open my eyes halfway and find my face buried in the crook of Hunter's neck, my eyes snap open completely and my face heats up in mortification.

  How did I even end up there? I glance at Hunter and see him smirking evilly at me "you've got a little something there" he says pointing to my chin. I hastily swipe my hands across my face and find drool at the corner of my mouth; I blush harder if that is even possible. Thank God nobody was around to witness my embarrassment. It suddenly hits me that I was sitting between two people and that it was two people that tried to wake me up.

  Oh my God, Dean.

  I bring myself to turn around and face Dean to find an amused smirk on his handsome face. He saw me drooling! God, I should probably start planning my future. Let's see, after getting off this plane, I'll change my name to Mrs. Cat, move to Antarctica, build an igloo and have 50 penguins as pets

  Hunter clears his throat, drawing my attention to him and then points to his Jacket on which I had; oh so gracefully drooled on. I'm saved from any embarrassing comment that was about to come out of Hunter's mouth, when my phone vibrates indicating that I have a message. I unlock my phone and my jaw drops at the picture staring me back in the face.