
The start of a new age!!

It happened as i was on my way home from school that day...

I was walking home from school with a shit eating grin on my face due to having ended school and seeing the summer vacations about to start the next morning (not that i had to wake up early or anything) so the reason for my creepy as hell grin (ah! that cat just ran away..).

while i was on my way home i always take the busy route the one around the buisness and entertaiment district.. i mean what healty young man doesn't? right?.

well as i walk can't help but notice that the always busy hard to walk street it's more spacious and easy to travel than usual.. so i got curious and started to look around and boy was i unpreprared for what i saw..


Was what i saw on a screen on top of a building.. it kept repeating the same phrase over and over along the logo of one of the leading companies in games of the country (and overseas too) as one of 'THE10'.

'THE10' are the abreviation of the 10 entertaiment companies that unite to create an inmersive virtual reality console and games..

often called 'THE10' as a sign of worship and respect from the people no matter the age or race.

As i was contemplating on the meaning of those words i started to head home with an even more can't help but punch you kinda face.

I was close to home now and started to calm down as best i can because otherwise i was gonna see hell.

¨mom i'm home!¨

As i enter and make way for the living room i stoped dead on my tracks.

There was my mom along my little sister and a package placed over the cofee table and i knew almost inmediately that it was not good..

¨h.. hi momm.. erika chan too what are you doing here all alone.?¨

mom turns her head to me and danm i got a glimpse of something bad.. i mean how can a mothers eyes be that cold.. and then theres erika shes's pretty much my mom v. 2.0.

¨Hoh! welcome back dear i was just about to cook luch but then.. (she looks to the package on the table) this came from your father.. adressed to you.¨

Damn i'm so dead and all because of dad.

every time my dad forgets to send gifts to mom she gets pissed to kingdom comes..

no joke there was this time when dad literaly slept on the dog house..

¨well i'm sure he send other stuff too but haven't arrived mom..

remember that dad is working quite far.. besides the last time you punished him and the gift he had sent you came later!.. even later than dad he literaly made it home before it..¨

I'm so spending the luck of the rest of my life here.. dad you owe me so badly right now.

while a sweated like a whore in church mom was frozen for a second then tilted her head and light came back to her eyes again before she claped her hands and smiled.

¨Ara! thats right dad would never forget about us rigth Eri-chan?¨

says mom while directing her question to my little sister (mom's little clone i swear)..

and the later smiled to mom and noded her cute little head with an 'UN'

¨Well mom going back to the box on the room (literaly) what did dad send this time?¨

both mother and daugther just tilted their heads at the question!!

''''DUNNO'''' was the answer he got out of them.

And so he just near the box and inspect it a bit for reasons obvious to all three of them (dad likes to send weird things he sees when he travels)..

going back to the box after looking left and right up and down he decided to take it to the back of the house.. just in case (°-.-)..

upon carefully and nerviously opening the box he stood frozen on the spot.

not because of the weird thing that may have come to be inside the box but.. by the extremely high tech game helmet that was inside it along with a note that said..

'i know i often send unique stuff but try not to hit the box or you'll regret it'


And so i snaped!! and scared my mom and little sister in the process so i apollogised and let them read the note so that they understand my momentary outburst..

And they snaped too..

seriously dad just learn already danmit..

As we cursed in our minds for a bit i continue to check the box and find a manual for the game helmet and some other notes from dad.

some of the notes explains the use of the helmet and other about the game wich aparently will launch in a couple of days in the start of summer..

'listen up son this game is important so i need you to focus on it and develop in it as far as you can sorry i can't tell you the reason but later when i'm home i'll explain everything.. P.S.: tell your mother and little sister i have sent them some nice clothes and accesories and not to worry i didn't forget them.'

I tell mom and little sister what dad wrote and they were happy, smiled and when inside the house to prepare luch.. (bit late tho)

i got hung up on the words my dad wrote 'develop in it' what i'm suposed to develop in the game? what game is it? and now that i'm on it what was the name of the game again? none of the questions had an answer as none of it was on the notes and the manual was a more technical review of what dad said on his notes so.. i guess i gotta wait till the game launch to know.

it was just on sunday 12 am that answers came to me along with some surprises and responsabilities.