
hedgehog named Kye

Once upon a time, there was a hedgehog named Kye who live in Africa. Kye likes to run and play all day long but one day the air started to feel weird so Kye ran and hid in a hole.

Kye starts to see a tornado forming so Kye starts to run faster but it was too late at this moment a bat came in and helps Kye the bat picks up kye.

The bat take kye far away to a small island.

On the small island was a lot of Palm trees, and on the far left side was a home.

The bat drop kye at the home and the bat starts to make noise.

A human came out and saw the bat and kye the human saw kye was injured the human went back inside and came back outside.

humans have a bottle of Medicine and the humans help kye injured. The end