
#1 “Barry”

Date: Sunday, August 12, 2022

Time: 2:30 a.m

Location: 855 W Victoria St, Compton California

Club: Comptons Crow Nest

The quite Compton Nights show the glow of the moon that illuminates the City. The Comptons Crows Nest, the hottest club in not just Compton but all of California sit at the end of Victoria Street towering over everything In it's vicinity. The spot that usually has the streets filled with people either coming to or leaving has a number of rules but one that is understood by everyone in the community, "CLOSED EVERY SECOND SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH". Unconscious guards lay in front of the entrance. The inside sprawled with dead bodies and shell casing as a trail of blood leads to the back room with a sign saying "NO ENTRY". In a office 100 - 160 square feet decorated with pictures of cars and naked women, a security station sits to the fare left with a high mahogany desk sitting in the middle the office is trashed as signs of a futile struggle.

Yaa Asantewaa : "What's normal? Something I ask myself so many times and still nowhere close to an answer. Is it going to school or work every day, meeting the girls for drinks, working to be a billionaire, stressing about your new fling asking yourself, are you going to marrying them, or knowing how to remove someone's larynx with one movement of the hand? I just don't know (sigh) maybe I need to stop caring about it. My dad would always say (sarcastic tone)

" Yaa a normal life is for pussy's it's better to live a crazy and unpredictable one, makes for a better story on your death bed'

​" yea my dad wasn't the best role model, guess that's something we have in common. He wasn't even much of a dad more of a drill sergeant that lived with you. Anyways I'm monologuing again tends to happen in my line of work only way to keep sane, so enough about me tell me about yourself Barry"

Peering down is a man tied up with his hands and legs bound to each other. His crystal white suite that once blinded a room of people with its colorless glow is now shining with the crimson color of his blood staining it all over. You can see his blood leaking through stab holes in his suit as he struggles to get to a position so he can look his assailant in the eye. The blood running down his face from open gash on his forehead mixed with bound limbs and choking on his own blood makes this simple task difficult. Spitting his teeth out and wiping his head on his shoulder he leans back against the wall behind him to see the person who put him in this position. With heavy and dismal breaths the captive begins to speak in a irate voice. " Let me the fuck outta here right now you son of …( he pauses as his eyes finally make out the face of his captor) bitch!?"

​"Watch the mouth sir" -Yaa

Gazing upon her, Barry is left in a momentary awe as he quickly analyzed her features, taller than your average women, with skin as smooth as a Hersey kiss, her black attire seems to absorb the little light that passes through her curly fro. After his seconds of awe pass he continues with his verbal battering as he get louder


The assailant puts a gag in his mouth silencing the rant.

Yaa- " I thought I said watch the mouth, you wouldn't want your mother to hear that now would you ? Now Ima take this gag out and when I do I want you to speak in a civil manner ok" giving him an enthusiastic wink and smile before removing the gag.

Barry - "BOYS GET THE FUCK OVER HERE NOOWW.. a back slap to face shocks him

Yaa- "I thought I said watch the language, and no need to yell they won't be able to respond, I gave them time off".

​Barry- "Watchu mean I came her with 20 guys" Barry says in confusion

Yaa- "Yea ya little lackeys, I told them let me through but they so adamant about your order to not let anyone in so i.." barry cuts her off.

Barry- "Oh you fucked one of them to get through, worthless sl.. " another back hand hits Barry causing him to spit out more teeth

Yaa - "Not my style even though I will admit the tall one with the dreads did catch my eyes to bad though".

Barry - " shut up and untie me and I'll forget about you barging in here and assaulting me, have you work for me to pay off the damages." he says smirkingly as he assaults her body with his eyes

Yaa - "You don't have good situational awareness do you?, and here I thought you always knew what went on in this club".

Grabbing Barry by his stringy blonde hair she drags him as he lets out little whimpers and angry grunts. With a simple flick of the wrist and movement of the arm she throws his body to where his security monitors are.

Yaa- "Why don't you take a look at the monitors Barry I think you need to wake up".

Barry- "What the fuck

Confused at the statement Barry looks at his monitors closely as the visuals on them brought a cold chill of fear to his body. The camera showed the futuristic looking club now looking like a scene from a horror movie with life less bodies sprawled out everywhere missing limbs, some impaled on Barry props other with entire Casamigos bottles shoved down there throat.

The 5 seconds Barry took staring at the screen felt like days until he snapped himself out of it. "No fucking way, this is a joke right these guys are ex marines, you played with my security feed, your a smart bitch I'll give you that" he says nervously forcing a grin.

Yaa- " ughhh really are you that dense" she says begrudgingly as she makes her way to the office door. "Wait one second for me will ya".

Moments later she comes back with a 7 foot man effortless carrying his lifeless body over her head. Walking him over to Barry and throwing his body in front of him with it hitting the ground like a wet towel.

" Yea this one was actually really cute not gonna lie I even said I let him live if he just let me through, but of course he didn't listen, …said every women about a man" she says with a playful smile.

" Yup tall dark, muscle just my type and he could fight, but damn did he bleed".

She points to the lifeless body telling Barry how she caused the injuries. Flipping the body over exposing the opening in his stomach with his guts leaking out, she points first to the nose that is in a obtuse angle.

"So after getting in close and disarming him I broke his nose with a straight punch, he then quickly switched to use Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and was better than Roger Gracie to be honestly. The fighting style was obvious as well as his next move seeing his size and speed. He did a good transition to go for a takedown since I was so close, but his size alone gave him more opening for me to slip through not to mention I was faster ". She then picked up his right arm and showed a cut starting from just under the shoulder running down his arm to his palm.

Yaa - "Yea that's his cephalic vein after I slipped though and sliced it he kind of panicked for a millisecond enough time for a throat chop and quick gutting and as the saying goes the rest is history. Now that my turn is over would you like to share with us Barry".

She ask sarcastically never dropping the half smile from her face. Barry still trying to process the events only response was "you're a fucking pyscho" in a crackling high voice.

"Yaa- " Ou what happen to the tough guy act from before? But fine then if you're not going to share I guess I'll just continue with my presentation".

She reaches into her pocket to bring out a phone and she starts to read off names " let's see here Barns, Bart, ah yes Barry Sharp, age 26 height 6'5 born in Beverly Hills in 1996, sign Scorpio, that explains a lot. Born to a Wanda Sharp and Dick Sharp there's a joke their I just can't think of one now. The two best lawyer's on the west coast, they got a lot of bad people out of jams including yourself Barry. Track record as long as One Piece, drug possession, robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, domestic violence, petty theft etc. your list goes on for a couple pages, but mommy and daddy either got the case thrown out or payed your way out right".

After hearing her words Barry slowly begins to go back to his aggressive arrogance self. "You crazy bitch if you know who my parents are you know the connection I have ann-"Barry is gagged again mid sentence

Yaa- "yea yea from multi-billion dollar companies, celebrities and politicians that can sway public opinion, to the Saints of San Juan the blood cartel that deal with a lot of drugs but even more people..." Her half smile that's been up the entire time drops to a stern a soul piercing gaze as Barrys angered expression begins to break down as the 5'10 women now looks over 20 ft in Barry's eyes. His eyes widen as he feels his heart drop. She flips her phone to show him a list of people.

"Recognize any of these people Barry" she starts showing him pictures of young people, after realizing what's he is looking at Barry's expression of shock quickly turned to a mix of fear and despair.

Yaa- "Blink twice if you want to read their names Barry or should I do it?". Barry gives no response as the clinching of his teeth makes it seem as if he's going to bite through his gag. He looks down and away trying not to look her in the eyes.

"Princess Dunn age 11 she wanted to be a veterinarian, Ian Towns age 14 he was recruited by the top high school in California for basketball. Bianca Miller age 15 a aspiring photographer, Tarrah Shaw age 9 only child to a mother that lost her husband this year, and moms suicidal, Thomas Pain age 12 oldest of 5 and parents work 3 jobs each so he doubles as the third parent . All good kids with high hopes in life and who have people who dependent on them all missing within the span of 2 weeks you know where they are, talk!" she says with a stern voice taking out Barry's gag.

What was despair turned into malice for Barry as he looked up at her "Look lady I don't know nothing bout tho… " shing!

Barry stops short of his words as what seemed like a flash followed by the fading sound on his left side stops his speech mid sentence.

Yaa- " I really don't like liars Barry" she says as Barry is struggling to understand what happened he feels a growing pain on his left side. He notices the blood rushing down his left shoulder staining the suit even more and next to his left knee he spots his ear.

"Yaa- " I'm going to ask you again Barry ware.."

Barry "You're a fucking crazy (he says

Hysterically as tears run down his face and obvious cry being held in with his fear returning) I swear I'm going to make ya life hell even if I do go to jail Ima make sure my parents put your entire family in jail or they'll make a call and have them in the ground and save you for last, ima make you beg that you never crossed me ima ima.." whack

She delivered a punch to his faces turning his nose from a obtuse shape to a acute one and caused him to spit out more blood.

Yaa- "You really don't understand the position your in do you, hmmm ignorance is bliss I guess"

She gets up and walks over to a duffle bag on the ground which she hurls at Barry while he struggles trying to spit out all the blood. The duffle bag lands in front of Barry with a loud bang and light bounce as the things in the bag can be heard slamming into each other. Barry shacks his head to clear the blood from his noise and eye. Looking down at the bag his entire body stiffness up like someone rammed a broom stick up his ass.

What started as low mumbles turned into a loud scream "ahhhh WTF' Barry says as tears roll down his eyes uncontrollably from the sight of his mom and dad's heads staring back up at him, eyes lifeless as he can see his own reflection in there dead blue eyes .

Yaa- "Yea I always believe parents should go before their kids" she says as she walks over to the sobbing man child unable to form sentences she kneels in front of him and picks up his head forcing eye contact, the emotion she showed before was none existent now her soulless look could eclipse the light of the Big Bang itself. "Look Barry this isn't a 'tell me ware the kids are and I let you go, this isn't tell me and I'm sending you to jail' your out of men, and mommy and daddy can't save you.

"Barry I want you to fully understand what I'm about to say … ( she leans in so close to Barry even with his broken nose can smell the shea butter on her skin) you are going to die here, this is your last moments on earth, every choice you made in life led you here.. to me, to this moment. That little paranoid thought in the back of your head you had when you started this life, that thought of all this disappearing in a quick sweep, the thought of the carpet getting pulled from under your feet, that's me . I'm your executioner, I'm your angel of death, your very own grim reaper here to collect Barry boy. I know your not the main guy in this whole ordeal but you are a major player. I already hit the guy that was under you and I could rifle through your stuff to find the info, but this is me giving your wasteful life one chance for some redemption. So that when you see your mom and dad again in hell as they're having demons peel there skin off and the devil is deciding your punishment he can see you did a little good and maybe just maybe he won't make your eternal suffering as bad as ma and pa.

​She drops his head as Barry sits there in a blank daze, with every word that she said she extinguishing any reaming fire that was in his soul until it was fleeting ember and then nothing, Barry Sharp was broken.

"Florida" he says in a low squeamish voice.

Yaa - " what was that Barry you got to speak up if you want to be heard" she says as she pulls out her Rugar and puts the barrel on Barry's head lifting it up so he now looking at the roof of his office . "Wanna try that again Barry" she says forming a grin

'Florida, .. in Miami I sent them down there to be transported to Cuba, most trafficking goes on during super bowl week lotta confusion easy money and demand is high"

​"The buyer" she asks as she pulls back the trigger with a smile on his face forming.

Barry- "Mike Briad" he says as he looks blankly toward the celling only being held up by the gun barrel.

Yaa - "Ah the loan shark who apparently has Miami in his back pocket, Good job barry you arent complete garbage. Anything else"?

Barry just sits there starring blindly only thing on his mind is what awaits on the other side, he tries to get out one last word "h, h, how"

Yaa- "what ya say Barry'?

Barry - "how can you be any type of cheerful when doing something like this ?".

She ponders the question rolling her eyes around looking for answer, her smile doubles in size as she exclaims "it's normal". The hammer comes down as the shot rings throughout the building as the body of Barry Sharp lifelessly fall back to the ground while eyes still open starring at the ceiling with brain matter and blood splatters on the wall behind him. His blue eyes reflecting the glow of the fire that was just started. Slowly the castle he built his self has became fiery coffins that consumes him.

TV reporter- " This is Malcom Ibiki with KNBC news here at the Compton's Crow's Nest once the most profitable club in California ran by self proclaimed playboy Barry Sharp would light up the sky with its night time parties, and have lines that wrap around street corners just to get in is now lighting up the sky with orange glow and fiery blaze of the fire that engulfs the club and bodies inside. "


Yaa-"Hey MIS this is Yaa " she says talking into her com in her ear.

?- MIS here go ahead a agent YA"

Yaa- "looks like I'm going to Florida after the chat with Mr. Sharp, Miami to be exact"

? - "so basically you getting another vacation, lucky hoe. Stop in for upgrades before you go"

Yaa- "Ouu upgrades is this Briad guy special?'

?- "Not for him really, but has a pretty tough security system with his lead officer being a guy named Albert Picanno, ex SAS and served on the queen's guard as well as did many off the book missions. They say he was the one responsible for the Brazil indecent 15 years ago'.

Yaa- "ouu sound like it'll be more fun than here" she feels a buzz from her phone, taking it out her pocket she looks at the screen and lets out a huge


"Whats wrong YA?'

'Fuck me I didn't get the damn bid on my shoes, stupid app why you alert me telling me I didn't win"

" you and your shoe fetish I never understand it'

​'thats because I'm not to be understood MIS, making my way back to base agent Ya signing off"...

To be continued.