
Heavy wind (Atla)

An underaverage guy chokes on a sausage and is thrown into the world of avatar. Stuck in a time way before cannon watch as our Mc helps the avatar bring peace to the world and maybe more.

bakadesuuu · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Worst case scenario

Since I discovered my ability to aribend things have changed. My mother has told me to keep my airbending a secret, since the daughter of a firenation general having an airbending child isn't the best look and people may attempt to have me killed.

After my awakening of my airbending I couldn't use it consciously, though my bending seemed to rely on freedom.

I first attempted to bend air by forcing it to follow my will, that failed miserabley as air is the element of freedom. It is even more stubborn than water.

I decided to try and replicate the feeling of 'freedom' by remembering moments of freedom from my past life. Like times where I played games like roblox or minecraft as a child.

That seemed to do it as under my palms the air seems to condense and whisp, I can't help but smile as I realize I'm doing something once considered impossible. In my past life there were no superpowers or bending. Only guns.

I have been sneaking out to practice my bending as my mother forbade me from aribending in the estate.

Speaking of sneaking out to practice. That's what I'm currently doing, I'm trying to make the air a blunt weapon. Like air disc of some sort.

All I've managed so far were strong gust that would push someone back if caught off guard but nothing else. If I were to get into a fight with my air bending it wouldn't even be of any help more of a nuisance if anything.

I plan on going to the air nomads to train when I'm 10. Not to toot my own horn but I believe I can match jinoras record and beat aangs. If I'm lucky I will master it while I'm 10 but I won't get my hopes up.

I know im some kind of monster though since I recently turned four and I don't get tired even after airbending for hours. I have crazy amounts of chi but I have nothing else going for me since I have no proper training.

Currently I'm trying to muster enough air to blow a Boulder atleast 10 meters. Once I get enough power to do that then I can confidently say I can defend myself and my mother.

So far though, I can't even make it budge no matter how much wind I throw at it. I once held a constant blast of wind for 6 minutes and it didn't even budge more than a centimeter.

"Gah! Why won't you move!" I yell in frustration as I thrust my tiny arm forward open palmed as a powerful gust of wind shoots out. More powerful than I anticipated as the large rock begins rolling down hill traveling far enough to gain momentum. Heading straight for the estate.

"Shoot I gotta stop it" propelling my 4 year old body forward with the assistance of air bending I am barley behind the rock ad I attempt to blow it off course. Bending the air in two different ways simultaneously, something that I thought I wasn't gonna learn until I was atleast 10.

I have no time for celebration as I continue to desperately shoot concentrated blast of solid air attempting to stop the rock or atleast make it miss the estate my sthomach churning in fear as the thought of failure creeps into my mind.

"NO!" I refuse to fail. I refuse to be weak. Mustering as much of the air I can get the wind whisps and becomes visible as a ball of air forms in my open palm. Shooting forward even faster matching pace with the Boulder I jab my wind covered arm into the rock sending it right as it misses the estate much to my pleasure.

Stumbling I roll down the hill Painfully as I come to a sliding halt groaning as I rub my hair and stand up. Turning behind me after I see a shadow cast from behind me I turn slowly and come face to face with a very angry firenation long black hair and piercing golden eyes staring at me in contempt.

"Tell me child. What's an airbender doing in the firenation. And near my daughters residence!?" The man steps forward. A ball of orange flames igniting above his opened palm as my heart thumps in my head.

"Well I uh-" my stuttering is interrupted asni hear a loud "FATHER WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" My mother's voice is laced with anger and fear as I hear her footsteps before she arrives next to her dad - my apparent grandfather.

"Chen my little warrior what did you do..." My mother looks at me as I feel like something really bad is about to happen.

"Mei, your telling me this airbender is my grandchild? You had coitus with one decent fro. The air nomads!? You have disgraced this family! You have disgraced the fire nation!" My old grandfather yells as his hand moves towards my mother's face.

And at that moment time slowed to a crawl. I feel anger surging in my veins at this bastard attempting to harm MY mother. In front of me? Before his hand can touch my mother I shoot out a heavy blast of wind blowing the old coot back.

"Don't you dare try and touch my mother you old fool!" If it weren't for the seriousness of the situation I would've cringed at how squeaky and baby like my voice was.

"Boy..." My grandfather shoots out a streak of flames at me as I contain a yelp before waving my arms in a circle guiding the air to make the flames go around my figure as I leap out going for a kick enhanced by the winds itself.

My kick lands as my grandfather didn't expect me to retaliate with such precision. Knocking the old man back I land and then go for a palm strike straight to his bloated gut making spittle fly out of his mouth as he is blown back by the air flowing out of my palm.

"Grk" Smiling at the noise he makes I attempt to continue my assault but my mother's hands grab my shoulders.

"Sweetie, please... don't. Listen to mommy Okay? Go and pack everything you can. You are a smart child my little warrior. Once you gather your belongings head south hurry! I'll hold him off!" My mom speaks to me shakily as I feel tears well.

'How could this be happening.'

Even though I wanted to refuse I knew that harming this guy even more wouldn't help my case as bad as it is already for assaulting a general and noble of the fire nation.

Running into the estate I shove past maids with my little body. Entering my room I grab my backpack and pack the necessities, a week worth of clothing a painting of me and my mother and some fire nation money. I know where she wants me to go. To the southern air temple. It's across the ocean but I will figure it out as I go.

I hear a lot of commotion as I cover my head with a cloak and rush out of the estate. The air propelling me every step as I feel tears leak.

'This is all my fault.' turning back one last time I take in the image of my childhood home before blasting off even faster at the sight of firenation soldiers rushing towards the estate.

Pushing my body even further with my airbending my surroundings turn into a blur as I exit the large compound in 2 minutes.

Once I'm far enough away I slump against a tree in exhaustion. Realization of my situation kicks in as tears spill down my eyes. 4 years into this life and its already worse than my previous ten fold.

Wiping my eyes as I choke back a sob I shakily stand up before slapping myself in resolve. I will reunite with my mother. She's most likely going to be put on house arrest or placed in the boiling rock due to not only fornication with a descendent of the air nomads but also having hid a child who is an air bender. Either way I will free her.

"Get up you pathetic loser." Insulting myself I get up from the tree and head off. I will become a master no matter what. And then I will free my mother from her shackles.

'This is truly the worst case scenario...'

Chens airbending gets empowered with the stronger emotions he feels. similar to zaheer his strengths with airbending come from a different source from the traditional airbenders

bakadesuuucreators' thoughts