
The beginning

In a Bright room we see a Man no more then a man a beast. Pure muscle sweating heavily as he goes up and down doing push ups suddenly he jolts up and switches to sit ups. He is our main character atlas and currently he is working out because what else would he be doing. All the joy in life he has is working out and reading webnovels like anybody does. The reason why that is,Is because he's in a cell after getting into a fight with some people who where abusing a women in an alyway.

Meanwhile while he's doing all of this the people with him in the cell are just wondering who the hell is this guy all they saw was the officers throwing some guy in the cell and they thought because of how menacing he looked that he was going to start something but instead he just started working out which dazed everybody because who get thrown into a cell and start doing a workout.

(Back to atlas first person)

Currently what's going through his head is what should I have for dinner man maybe some sushi haven't had that in awhile no, no stay focused we have to have a balanced meal cheat day was already a week ago anyways where the hell am I I remember fighting with some guys who I absolutely wrecked anyways. Am I in a cell but I didn't do anything ahh whatever I'mma take a nap.

(Back to third)

Why did you have to say that out loud everyone thought at the same time. [fast forward 2 hours later]

Atlas still passed out when suddenly he get waken up by a guard. Hey time for you to get out you've been cleared leave ...... Hey I said get out!. I'm going I'm going give me a sec I was having a nice dream. I don't give a dam hurry up you smell. jeez alright already see ya. tsk bum.

(Back to first)

man I can't wait to polish my weapons. Hmm what's that bright light "all of a sudden a flashlight hits him"

Owww what the hell. "BOOOOMMMM" a truck hits him. What the hell is this how I die after all the training and putting my body thru hell I die by a truck God damnit what the fucccck. Is that fuck you you peice of shit why the fucccck is there a truck on the sidewalk man that bullshit. But whatever This life was boring all I did was train and polish my weapons I barely went to school because of being raised by grandpa I hope I see home where ever I end up.

In The void we see a soul mindlessly wandering all of a sudden and bright light pops up and starts sucking the soul towards it.

Wahh Wahh Wahh Where the hell am I. (reincarnated into a baby) why am I crying I never cry and why am I so small who the. as he looks around he sees hes in a room and what looks to be an old woman holding him And saying something but he can't quite make out what it is as he is turned around he is handed to a beautiful woman, Flawless skin like jade Black hair like midnight and what seems to be faint blue mixed in, piercing dark blue eyes like the deep ocean but she looks tired.

Aww my baby your beautiful. For some reason everyone starts shaking like an earthquake is happening a huge man burst through the door. Ha ha ha I came as soon as I could sweetheart "thump" right next to his head a knife could be seen as the man starts sweating. how many times must I tell you open the door don't run through it ohh husband of mine. Slowly the man walks backwards into the hallway knocks and the remaining door and elegantly walks back thru it I am here, Another comes flying this time right between his legs. as the woman just starts smiling. Are you going to stop acting like an idiot and come see your kid or am I going to have to make you. the man who is clearly scared out of his mind starts walking to them reaches out his arms and grabs the kid gently. This is his father a Gigantic mountain of a man around 7ft tall hulking muscles bursting thru his shirt it looks like like it struggling. The man has Black onyx eyes a ohh so majestic beard of salt and pepper and Black hair as well but with a purple tinge.

(Back to atlas)

What the hell who is she who is he what was that knife I just saw. Ok Ok calm down asses the situation it seems I'm in the body of a baby Well at least the books I read will come In handy man this makes me want to train I'm getting pumped. Anyway what kind of world am I in clearly some kinda magical one because of that knife earlier in any case I can't understand a word they are saying, what the hell. when suddenly a huge ear shattering roar was heard both the parents immediately look to the window and see a gigantic what looks to be lion with black lightning circling it it fur dark purple with a tint of gold it looked weird. My love would you do me a favour and shut that annoyance up. of course my dear suddenly just like that he disappeares and reappears in front of the lion shocking it. whare did this ant show up from thought the lion. Just As the Lion thinks that the man pulls out a giant great sword with a curve at the tip an odd shaped sword. As he pulls it out he rushes at it and swings at immediately it seems as it disappears and it freaks the lion out what the hell just as he was about to finish that thought a giant sword cleaves through the head of the creature and just like that the creature was no more and like nothing happened he appears right where he was previously in an instant. Anyways what should we name this soon to be great warrior. He will be nothing of the sort. of course of course meanwhile in his head the hell he won't she can't stop me and as if reading his mind just looks at him and just stares with the look of don't test me. anyway I think we should name him after a great warrior and genius his name will be. ATLAS....

Well This is my first chapter remember I'm suck at writing so feel free to criticize and tell me your thoughts also do you think he should main one weapon or many open to any suggestions. sorry if this first chapter sucked we will see if I get better hopefully alright well that be all folks talk to you guys later.