
Heavens Only Enemy


guyfromfuture · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 8 ‘mother Vana’s condition’



That's when Kai realized that he was too indulged in this mess that he forgot about his mother Vana. 

He ran outside towards the gate and saw the only remaining guard cowering in the corner with a terrified look on his face.

He has pissed in his pants and hiding in the corner with the hope to survive this disaster.

Although he sensed someone is coming out of the room but didn't even flinch while tightly closing his eyes.

Kai saw this but ignored him as he ran out of the gate. He saw a body of an old women is laying in the ground unconscious while there is a huge gap in her belly which is still bleeding.

Suddenly a sharp killing intent exploded from his body as he ran towards old caretaker Vana…. "mother Vana" he shouted out of his lungs.

The closer he's getting the more intense his emotions are fluctuating as he finds himself in a condition where he felt lost.

He elevates her head and placed in his thighs while trying to check her breathing.

Strange entity…. "she's still alive but she doesn't have much time left". 

Kai…. "No, I have to save her"

"I have to do something" he is repeating those words but he himself doesn't know what to do.

Kai 'should I take her to the main family, they can definitely do something' he thought to himself but strange entity knew what Kai was thinking.

Strange…. "are you dumb or something!"

"how you'll explain yourself?"

"what you'll tell them about the death of those ants inside"

"and don't forget they are the culprit behind this mess"

That's when kai truly understands how foolish his actions were.

Kai…. "then you tell me what should I do? I can't let her die". Tears can be seen in his eyes.

Strange voice…. "after unknown millennia I've already lost control over my maximum of powers and soon if I don't stop using my power then I'll forced in a state of unconsciousness for unknown period of time".

Kai…. "what?" 

Strange voice…. "I'll tell you everything you need to know but now we have more important matter in our hand"

"we can try to save her but whether she will survive or not it's totally depends on her"

Kai with serious a look…. "at least we can try"

"tell me what we have to do?"

Strange voice…. "first you have to unleash your spirit and let it deal with the damage in her body"

Kai…. "but I didn't have any?"

Strange voice…. "boy that brat is inside you call him right now"

Kai…. "who?"

Strange voice…. "the dragon brat inside your sea of consciousness, now call him we don't have much time just close your eyes and focus".


Kai didn't argue and closed his eyes, as he focused inside his sea of consciousness, he saw a big green dragon resting in the middle of his sea of consciousness.

Kai…. "why it's in my sea of consciousness, isn't all the spirits lives in the spirit world realm and uses body of a cultivator to travel in the mortal and immortal realm".

(he remembered the stories told by mother Vana)

Sensing the familiar presence dragon opens his sharp eyes as if he's again trying to find something in kai's soul.

It suddenly takes a leap towards kai and went passed his body while kai closed his eyes as he's trying to save himself from impact but the next moment, he found himself back in reality.

While a small snake like a dragon is hovering above his head like a crown of an emperor.

Strange voice…. "little brat, how did you find me?"

Dragon who is hovering in the air suddenly stopped its movements when he heard those words.

Dragon…. "father?"

"I knew it was you" little dragon said in a nervous tone.

"I tried to find you but for some reasons everybody forgets about your existence"

"how is this even possible and when I tried find the reason behind this, suddenly I was hunted by heavenly courts immortal army"

"that is when that bastard golden dragon came and offered me to hide in his spirit world realm"

"if not for whole heavenly court hunting me for at most 7000 years all over the world, I wouldn't have to hide in that place"

"father tell me what happened back then and how you ended up here in this backward place"

Strange voice…. "stop brat, we don't have much time"

"save her" Kai pointed towards old caretaker Vana as he knew what strange entity is talking about.

Dragon looks towards Vana and then shakes his head side wise…. "I can heal her body but due to the attack of corrosive spirit energy her soul is damaged to the core"

"I can sense she is mortal and because of the lack of spirit power it will be hard to save her".

Kai…. "she is awakened how can you call her mortal?" he didn't want to believe in the words of little dragon.

Little dragon…. "awakened?" 

"those who doesn't have a blessing of a spirits are mortals, including her".

Kai…. "you have to save her; I'll do anything you want but save her life"

Little dragon…. "what I want is not something you can give me but I'll save her as it's my father's wish"

"we can help her to awaken her spirit but remember its very dangerous and she can die if she won't be able to handle the upcoming power".

"but this is the only option we have, now that I remember you have that little bird in your divine space"

"summon it and let her make a contract with this woman, if its success than not only she'll live, there are chances that she'll regain her youth and grow stronger in future."

Strange voice…. "oh…. That's why I can sense some familiar spirit power but brat how do you have divine space, only immortals can have divine space when they enter divine realm?"


Kai with a confused look…. "how would I know!!?"

"I thought it's because of you"

Little dragon…. "we'll have time for that, right now do as I say"

"summon that spirit"

"remember its name"

Kai closed his eyes and recall the name of the spirit "immortal humming bird"


Soon his body starts oozing with the aura of wind and water as above his head materialized the bird same as the size of his head.


It gives a sharp cry of excitement as if it's been years since it came out of the spirit world realm but when she saw a small dragon hovering above kai's head it suddenly stopped moving and landed in front of kai.

Little dragon…. "hey birdy, make a contract with her" he said as if he's ordering his maid.

The hummingbird is reluctant to choose anyone other than kai as if he's attracting her towards him but because of the heavy pressure coming from the little dragon, it actually turned in small ball of water and enters old caretaker's body.


In the next moment the little dragon leaps towards the unconscious body of old caretaker Vana and breathed a green fire ball towards her.

Seeing this Kai shouted "stop!!" 

"what are you doing?" he's about tried to stop the fire ball from reaching mother Vana.

Strange voice stopped him…. "stop boy, let him do his things or it'll be late to save her"

Hearing this he stopped his movements as he saw the green ball entering Old caretaker's body.

It didn't damage her body or harm her instead two streams of light came from her body which represent wind and water spirit power.

Same at the next moment her body starts radiating a green fire which Is creating a cocoon of fire around her body. 

Kai…. "this?"

"what is happening?" 

Strange voice…. "she is going through an awakening process which will be more intense and painful than the usual process"

"now it's up to her will power to survive this battle"

Kai raises another question which he wanted to ask as he was feeling anxious about the identity of the strange entity and why this little dragon calling him father.

Kai…. "are you a dragon like him?"

Strange entity…. "who me?"

"ha-ha" "ha-ha" "no I'm not"

Little dragon…. "he's not dragon, father is father"

Kai is now even more anxious because of the strange answer from both the duo of father and son.

But then he came into a conclusion as he looked towards the dragon…. "oh, so you're adopted".

"what?" both dragon and strange entity spokes at the same time.


Meanwhile caretaker Vana found herself in a strange place where her body is chained and few people are approaching her from the distance.

She examines around to see where she is but what she found is a strange place or like an abandoned room without roof which gives feeling of a prison.

In the sky there are many stars and the night looks so beautiful that one wants to spend their whole life in a place like this.

But soon she is interrupted by the people who approached her.