
Heavens Only Enemy


guyfromfuture · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 1 'Past Present Future'


Shu kingdom, royal empire continent

(11 years ago, before the birth of kai Li)


In the Li family every person seems tensed because of certain event happening in the main chamber of the family.

The 1st wife of the current head is about to give birth but it seems that no one is happy about this event because of birth of the child who holds a secret that everyone is afraid off.

The Li family is a tier 1 family in Shu kingdom one of the three 1st tier families which is no less than the royal family of the Shu kingdom.

Shu kingdom is one of the seven kingdoms exists in the royal empire continent; The Shu royal family was blessed by natures spirit which is why they stand above all in this kingdom.

(Nature spirit like dryad and other tree spirits)


While the Li family is blessed by wind spirit which makes them one of the powerful families in entire continent.

Ye Li is the current family head and he was blessed by major wind spirit when he was 10 years old, he was named as the unstoppable hero when he was young and at the age of 37, he became the family head of the Li family.

Few years back, one day when he met Mie Chen his life takes a sudden turn, he falls in love with her and even decided to become part of the deadly event just to prove himself that he is worthy of her.

Chen kingdom is in the south of the Royal empire continent, they are blessed by dark spirit which makes them very dangerous Royal family in entire continent. 

In this same event where both Ye li, Mie Chen and young promising people from all over the continent takes part in, became nightmare for whole continent, except for two people no one came back alive while two were in such a bad condition that no one knows what their fate will be. 

The only two person who were safe from this tragedy was Ye Li and Mie Chen, because of this event they came very close and also the two major families in the continent, the Li and the Chen.

Many families lost their young family members and possible candidates for the future head of their family and everyone believes that only Lis and Chens are not affected by this. 

Soon Ye Li & Mie Chen married and becomes the youngest power couple and also the reason of the jealousy of many youths. 

But day after the marriage both Ye and Mie started having noxious effects and day by day, they started losing their power and their health started deteriorating.

But this incident was hidden from outsiders only few members of the family knew at the beginning, they did everything in their power to cure them but even the top masters of healing in the entire continent failed to achieve result.

It was when everyone lost their hope and was about to accept reality, suddenly a man descends from the sky, his face was hidden only eyes are visible but his aura alone gave a feeling of worship to everyone present there.


It is not clear to anyone what is the identity of the person in front of them but one thing was clear to everyone that he's dangerous. 

No one in this kingdom can fathom the power level of the stranger in front of them but they all knew that he can alone flatten this whole place without even lifting a single finger. 


Current Head of Li family, "gentleman may I know who are you and what you want from us?"

Stanger, "hmmm…... you are brave one"

All the people present here knows what is the meaning behind those words but Xun Li is a peak elemental stage, which is known as the peak rank powerhouse in royal empire continent.

Right now, not only he represents Li family but also Shu kingdom as one of the protectors of the kingdom.

Stranger…. "Xun Li? as expected from the wind lord of Shu kingdom hahaha"

Xun Li…. "Sir may I know your identity?"

Xun Li was the current head of the family at the time this incident happened, he is father of Ye Li and one of the protectors of the Shu kingdom. 

Stranger…. "My identity does not matter here but their life does" he pointed towards young Ye and Mie. 


The stranger unleashed wisp of his power and suddenly his eyes turned white like a clean sheet which startled others.



these are the only words resonated around the area.

People around him unknown to themselves are on their knees, the person in front of them is none other than the 'legendary seer'.

Seer…. "I had a dream about the upcoming destruction of the Shu kingdom as well as the royal empire continent"

That was the most shocking and unbelievable news for every person present in vicinity but then they received another shocking news. 

 Seer…. "Their death is inevitable and the cause of destruction"


No body knows how should they react, they don't want to believe what they heard but they can't deny the words of the 'seer'.

Xun Li being the father and father-in-law of Ye & Mie fumed in anger but he also knows that seer can't lie.

Seer…. "but" suddenly the people around him started to get their hope back.


"It can be avoided but again they have to sacrifice their love and blood only then they can be saved" 


Without any hesitation Xun Li…. "As along as both can be saved, we are ready to sacrifice anything"


Seer interrupted him…. "you're not the one to decide but only they" that's when they realized something is amiss.

It was the time when Mie spoke "Love and blood you mean is our child" her expression was serious and was not intimidated by 'seer'.


Seer…. "Yes, little girl, I understand your position but you have to choose between the child or your family".

"Both of you are cursed by an evil spirit and even, I can't deduce why?" 

"We can't compare low level spirit with high level spirit and the only outcome the heavenly way suggests is whether you have a child who'll inherit both of your curses or ignore my words but remember you'll be responsible for death of your families, loved ones and the innocent people out there"

Pin drop silence prevails and only heavy breathing Sounds can be heard around every corner of the hall.

It was Ye's turn to speak because he doesn't want to lose anyone specially his wife Mie.

Ye Li…. "My lord is there any way we can avoid this outcome, even if I have to lose my life, I'm ready to accept any outcome but please save my wife, family and the innocent life out there".

Seer…. "There is nothing I can do its you who have to make decision for every person related to this outcome"

Ye Li…. "but" before he could mutter another word seer vanished from his place which bewilders every person.

Seer…. "If his will is strong then there are chances that he will survive but if not, then only outcome is death" after those words he totally vanished from vicinity. 


After 10 months the time has come, the decision was drawn, somehow this information leaked which stir strong emotions from the remaining Royals and the elite families even public was involved which gave huge pressure to both Ye and Mie.

Some of the rival kingdoms and the elite families used this incident to tarnish the image of Li family and as well the royal family 'the Shu's'.


They blamed them for hiding this information and to risk the life of others not related to them, but to their surprise when Li family announced that Ye Li as new head of the family and also, they will not let any person suffer in this world so they decided to sacrifice the first child of the current head of the family.

Which causes huge uproar in the whole continent and after this news not only the image of Ye Li sky rocketed but Li family and the entire Shu kingdom.


Some people were happy while some are not because they didn't believe that a curse can destroy whole continent and this is propaganda from Li and Shu kingdom.

While there are people who knows that the word of a 'seer' is like a word of a god.

'Seers' are very rare and million in one can be born as a seer, seers are blessed by heavens which makes them godly entity.


They can predict future events concerning life of humans and all the other entities.

After another 10 months, 

Outside the chamber of family head where his wife is about to give birth to the child, whose fate is unknown, he prayed to the gods every day for his child's well-being. 


After having few intercourses with his wife when she got pregnant, their health started to recover and, in few months, Ye was in his peak state while Mie was recovering slowly.


When everyone was waiting outside except Xun Ye who was missing after leaving his post as family head, even Mie's family members were there.


"waah" "waah" waah" suddenly, they heard crying of a baby from inside.


Even though they're worried, it was also a happy occasion and they were praying for wellbeing of mother and child.


That was when suddenly, a middle age women came out of the chamber with a horrified face, it was clear that she was affected by something she saw inside the chamber.


Worried for his wife Ye ran towards chamber followed by the other family members and in laws.


"This is..." he lost his words when he saw the baby in the crib.

Jason Chen…. "The curse is real; this poor child saved everyone's life and truly inherited the curse" 

(Jason Chen the emperor of Chen kingdom and father of Mie Chen)


"How is he alive? It's impossible for anyone to survive after having born like this" crown prince of Chen kingdom.


hii this is author here, please support my work, your contribuiton is important for me, thank you dear readers.

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