
Heavens Clan {The Legacy Land}

For if there was something that Wanjiru hated the most,was being a common. He had spent his life as a lowlife and always envied the "have it alls". Those mega rich who knew nothing but to flaunt their inherited wealth. What pained him the most,was that no matter how much he tried,he couldn't break free from his status.But this time round,he swore to fight against the heavens and write his own destiny. The last words of that mysterious entity made his blood boil as he recalled them. ``The stone you received will help you access the Legacy Land,here strength is the king`` ``Remember, whatever you do counts in the end`` He didn't care if he was fated to be great or not, what he knew is that he was going to be great.He would make his name famous and his deeds legend. Every living being under the heavens would all worship him.

Fer_Desz · Games
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46 Chs

A mountain of scrolls.....i

The elven attendant called another of her colleague's to direct Wanjiru to the reception area....where he was served tea and chocolate cupcakes....as he waited for his orders to be delivered.

He counted his gold coins and seen he had about six thousand of the little shinny coins, his mind was at ease.

About an hour later, the first elven attendant walked in,on her arm was a woven fabric basket full of skill scrolls.

"I do hope that these skill scrolls would be to his esteemed Sir liking..."

She said as she placed the woven fabric basket on the table.

"Thank you...."

Wanjiru said as he picked up one for inspection,and surprisingly, it was the archers skill scroll he had picked before...

<Advanced Archery>

A skill based for archers and hunters.

It increases perception and the base stats agility by 40% and strength by 25%.

Usage: one time

Price: Fifteen Gold Coins

"Fifteen gold coins..."

He said as he started his mental count.

<Advanced Shield Bearing>

A skill based for shield bearers.

All shield skills are raised by +1

Strength +10, Vitality +10, Dexterity +5

Usage: one time

Price: Thirteen Gold Coins

"Damn cool....but still expensive, fifteen plus thirteen that twenty-eight gold coins...."

Wanjiru thought as he placed it aside,and picked a third scroll...

<Advanced Bowman>

A skill based for all those who wield the bow.

All archery skills are raised +1

Agility +10, Vitality +5, Dexterity +10, Strength 8

Usage: one time

Price: Fourteen Gold Coins

"Nice one....but still,forty-two gold coins."

Wanjiru picked up the next skill for inspection...

<Advanced Stealth>

A skill based for assassins and thieves.

Raise the stealth skill level to advanced.

Agility +8

Usage: one time

Price: Twelve Gold Coins

"Another good skill.... adding up to fifty-four gold coins..."

Wanjiru sighed as he picked the next scroll....

<Advanced Swordsmanship>

A skill based for all sword wielders.

All sword skills are raised +1

Strength +10, Vitality +5, Agility +10,Dexterity +10

Usage: one time

Price: Fourteen Gold Coins

"Not bad....now that adds up to sixty-eight gold coins."

"At this rate,am going to loose all my coins...."

Wanjiru thought as he picked another scroll....

<Advanced Spearer>

A skill based for all spear wielders.

All spear skills are raised +1

Strength +12, Vitality +5, Agility +10,Dexterity +10

Usage: one time

Price: Fourteen Gold Coins

"Same price as <Advanced Swordsmanship>...but still, that adds up to eighty-two gold coins."

"One more and I will hit a hundred gold coins spent within an hour....if others knew about this....hehe..."

Wanjiru thought to himself as he picked his next skill scroll,a an evil grin plastered on his face.

<Advanced Lancer>

A skill based for all lance wielders.

All spear skills are raised +1

Strength +12, Vitality +5, Agility +10,Dexterity +10

Usage: one time

Price: Fourteen Gold Coins

"Another fourteen gold coins,it seems that most weapon wielding scrolls are priced the same...but still, ninety -six gold coins gone."

Wanjiru looked at the basket where three more scrolls were left,he sighed as he picked up one of them.

<Advanced Boxing>

A skill based for fist fighters.

All barehand and fist techniques are raised +1

Strength +10, Vitality +8 Agility +10,Dexterity +10

Usage: one time

Price: Twenty Gold Coins

"What the heck....!"

Wanjiru exclaimed internally.

"Though quite expensive,it is worth it...all I I have to do is to successfully create martial arts techniques and will start by replicating my karate and kickboxing techniques in this world...and walaah!...I will have myself an army good at both weaponry and barehand combat."

The evil grin on Wanjiru's face made the elven attendant shiver in fear....

"But still,am now a hundred and sixteen gold coins less..."

He thought as he picked the next skill scroll....

<Advanced Knifemanship>

A skill based for all.

All knife skills, both combat and lifestyle, are raised +1

Strength +2, Vitality +2, Agility +5,Dexterity +5

Usage: one time

Price: Twenty-Eight Gold Coins

"Holy moly.....!"

"A skill that is not only applicable to all but also both combat and lifestyle classes..."

Wanjiru looked at the attributes once more and frown....

"I knew such a skill couldn't be so overpowering,but still, it's worth it...."

"Now am a hundred and forty-four gold coins less..."

Wanjiru lamented internally.

He thought as he picked the last scroll....

<Advanced Javelin>

A skill based for all javelin throwers.

All javelin skills are raised +1

Strength +15 Vitality +5, Agility +10,Dexterity +10

Usage: one time

Price: Eighteen Gold Coins

"Damn....such a rare skill,but still,am less a hundred and sixty-two gold coins."

Seeing that he was done inspecting the scrolls,the elven attendant gave him a minute before interrupting his thoughts.

"Esteemed Sir...were the skills to your liking or would you want me to recommend others for you...."

She said as she pulled out a billing scroll from her spatial poach, before adding....

"Though all those I brought you are the best advanced skill scrolls our shop has to offer."

Taking the billing scroll, Wanjiru just glanced at it to confirm that everything added up to his calculation before handing her the a hundred and sixty-two gold coins.

"No,I will be taking all of them.... here are the coins...."

"Thank you esteemed guest for doing business with us...."

She said with a bow.

"You are welcome but am still waiting for another order of mine,if you won't mind....I would a dozen more of those delicious cupcakes....or rather a basket."

Wanjiru shamelessly asked as if it was the norm...

As the elven left still pondering on this ordinary rich man's background,a system notification rang in Wanjiru's mind....


<System Alert: Congratulations for being the first of your kind to spend two hundred gold coins in a day.>

Rewards: >Status raised to Minor Baron

>Territory token×1

>Building Sphere ×10

>{Class Changing Gem}×5

Wanjiru jaw dropped as he summoned his status panel.....

Creation is hard, cheer me up..,

Would appreciate the power stones

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