
The Mysterious Old Man

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Su Yingxue looked at the bodyguard who had been sent flying by a kick and was stunned on the spot.

She muttered, "This... this..."

"There's no need to worry. He won't die." With the tea in his hand, Su Ze told Su Yingxue not to worry. Then he began to drink his tea.

The three members of Chen family standing in the corridor opened their mouths in shock.

Chen Hao asked his daughter, "Is this person really Xiaoxue's ancestor? Are they related by blood?"

Chen Meiling nodded. "Yes."

Chen Hao asked, "Is Xiaoxue's surname Su?"

Chen Meiling nodded, but the suspicion in her eyes grew stronger.

What is wrong with Father Today? Why is he acting so strange?

"Oh my God, how can it be?" Chen Hao said with a dazed look.

"How old is the old man?"

He asked his daughter again.

"Xue'er said he's almost 130 years old."

Chen Hao did not dare to believe it. He repeated the question.

At Chen Meiling's confirmation, he immediately ran down the stairs.

Su Yingxue had forgotten to turn off the live broadcast room, so everyone in the room the scene of Su Ze kicking the bodyguard away.

Su Yingxue's live broadcast room was in an uproar once again.

Some of the viewers had been directed to this live broadcast room by the promotion videos about Su Ze.

These netizens who had just arrived did not understand what was going on, but then, they saw this shocking scene.

This powerful kick went viral immediately!

The number of viewers soared again from one million to more than 1.5 million.

: Damn, how can this old man be so fierce?

: Did you see that? That person flew out just like that?

: How did this happen?

: Does this man in black have superpowers? He flew out so fast that I didn't have time to react.

: Is he alright?

: I don't know if he's alright, but the explosive power of the old man's kick is so great.

: If the old man went to play football, the players of the national football team would lose their jobs.

: Don't waste of this kind of powerful kick on football playing. I guess he can kick a rocket into the space.

: Hehe, on the video website yesterday, many people didn't believe the old man was so strong, saying it was some special effect, but is this also a special effect?

: Special effect? How can they use special effects in a live broadcast? They are a bunch of nuts.

: Hahaha, the trolls on the Internet are really interesting. Yesterday, some professional boxer couldn't see the old man's speed and said it was impossible. He suspected that it was a special effect because ordinary people couldn't have such quick reactions and speed.

: Get that boxer over and let him fight with the old man, then he'd know if it was a special effect or not.

: That's right, that's right. Maybe the old man will break his head with a kick and call it a special effect.

: Hahaha, those internet nuts are so hilarious.

: That's nothing new. There are always people who use their own vision to define the world, but they don't know that they are the clowns.

At this moment, Chen Hao had run downstairs.

Chen Jie followed him and went to check on the bodyguard.

Chen Hao walked to Su Ze's side gingerly.

When the viewers saw Chen Hao, the room became lively again.

: I think I've seen this guy somewhere before.

: Yes, he seems to be a famous person in Haizhou. I've even seen him in the newspapers before.

: I know! He's Chen Hao. He's a local tycoon in Haizhou with a net worth of more than ten billion.

: No wonder he looks familiar. This man is a big shot in Haizhou. My father often mentioned him.

: Is this man very powerful?

: He's very powerful. He is a collateral family member of the four big families in Haizhou. The background and influence of these old big families are way greater than those of the new tycoons from outside of Haizhou.

: He seems to be Xiaoxue's boss' father. Damn, President Chen has a powerful background.

: Of course, someone said long ago that the background of Douyu live broadcast room is not simple, and that's why no one dares to mess with this female streamer.

Su Yingxue's top ranker came out to say, "it looks like the old man is in trouble. I am also from Haizhou and had some dealings with Chairman Chen Hao. In short, he is not easy to deal with.

: + 1 I'm Haizhou native, too. I agree with what you said. The old man is in big trouble.

: 666, I'm surprised to see Chen Hao here. This big shot is said to be a representative of the Du family, the head of the four big families. After the Du family declined, the Chen family rose up. Chen Hao is from this family.

: No wonder when the old man didn't give up his seat, Chen Hao looked a little unhappy. That bodyguard tired to teach the old man a lesson. It must be his idea. Otherwise, how would a bodyguard dare to provoke an old man?

: This is very troublesome. The old man beat the bodyguard and it is an insult to Chen Hao. Too bad.

Hearing the comments of the people who were well aware of Haizhou's powers, the netizens in the live broadcast room became more and more concerned about the old man. They were worried about him.

After all, these speakers were VIP accounts holders, which meant that they came from rich families. So their words must hold some truth.

Chen Meiling was afraid that her father would vent his anger on the old ancestor. She quickly ran over and asked Su Ze with concern, "Old ancestor, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Su Ze shook his head and put down the teacup. He looked up at Chen Hao and said in a low voice, "Is he your people?"

Chen Hao's throat was dry. He nodded and looked Su Ze up and down.

He was certain that Su Ze was the person in the photo!

His face might have aged due to the passage of time, but the look in his eyes was still the same.

When he saw that Su Ze's teacup was empty, he quickly turned around and came back with the teapot to fill the cup.

Then, he held the teacup with both hands and respectfully offered it to Su Ze.

This scene was captured again by the camera in the live broadcast room.