
The Second test

Samael's result caused a massive uproar, everyone that saw that Black color appearing inside that crystal either had their mouths wide open from shock or their eyes widened due to shock as well.

Probably, it was only Samael who was calm. It wasn't much of a surprise to him and he was still holding back. This was the result that he wanted to show them, giving importance to himself and making sure that he and his friends are placed on a pedestal higher than others.

Whether it be the participants or the test officials, they were surprised.

"Genius!" the younger officials exclaimed.

"He must be well taught from now on." One of the Older officials wrote on Samael's test papers.

Just when everybody was still shocked by the result a voice broke the waves of emotions that the participants and officials felt.

"Impossible! He must be cheating!"

The other participants who were near the source of the voice moved away and everybody saw that it was that tanned youth that was arguing with Samael earlier.

"He's right! How can someone have that level of talent and still only be a Body refinement cultivator at his age?" His sudden outburst resulted in other participants that couldn't accept Samael's result.

"That guy has a point…it's weird for someone to have such a heaven-defying talent yet only be at this level."


Soon, many other participants slowly thought about it and agreed with those who spoke out in outrage.

"Humph…a bunch of know-it-alls and yet cannot recognize real talent." Suddenly a condescending yet melodious voice echoed from afar.

Everybody looked over and saw a couple standing on the higher floors of the venue where influential people were seated so they could view the event. But even then they couldn't see who this pair was, only through their clothes could identify them to be man and a woman

Some of them had the same thought as the participants down below but retort made look over and see who was it that contradicted their views and called them a "Know-it-all".

Soon this person stepped out of the shadows and many men widened their eyes, stunned by the beauty of the woman in front of them.

This person is the most beautiful woman in the entire empire, Princess Lina Crimson!

"Princess, with all due respect, if this person cheating then how can you explain his low cultivation base despite his age and supposed talent?" When Dominic saw the woman step out of the shadow, he couldn't help but feel a reaction in his groin. But he had to suppress himself as he could feel the sharp gaze of the man beside her.

He is known as the sword of the Empire and the heir of the Clyde Family, Julian Clyde.

"Humph, don't talk as if you know him. You don't even-"

"You don't need to explain to nobodies my situation, Princess Lina. Let them cry wolf all they want." Just as the Princess was about to talk, Samael interrupted her.

He knew that the Princess wasn't stupid as to reveal his situation but he didn't want anyone to know anything about him. Not yet.

"Alright…so you're accusing me of somehow cheating the result?" Samael turned towards Dominic who was glaring at him after being called a 'nobody'

"Yeah, otherwise what's with the low cultivation base." Dominic urged this point.

Inside, Samael was laughing at the Irony. He indeed cheated but not in a conventional way. Other cheaters would've raised their own result but he lowered his. Who could've thought that this was the case?

After laughing at the Irony, Samael coldly stared at Dominic. This guy started going at him after he rescued Stella from him. What a narrow-minded person.

"How about we make a bet then?" Samael said and there was a small hidden smile on his face.

"What kind of bet?" Dominic's confidence welled up inside of him at the mention of a bet. He didn't believe that this unknown person who was riding the Princess' skirt could beat him in any way.

"We all pass in the first test anyway so let's bet on the Next test. If I make it through the second test, 500 gold coins. If I lose…do whatever you want to me" Samael confidently said as he lightly spread open his arms, challenging Dominic to take the bet.

"Just 500 gold coins? You're way poorer than I thought, Ha-ha, I'll add another thousand gold coins." Dominic suddenly laughed and raised the amount of money Samael put out.

"Are you sure?" Samael was rather pleased. With that amount of money he can commission the other equipment that he wants.

"Yeah, just stay true to your words. You lose and I can do anything, including killing you." Dominic threatened Samael.

Samael responded with a smile but a hidden, brutal killing intent burned within him. He had already decided to kill this bastard once he had a legitimate reason to kill him. After all, he still wanted to operate under the law of the empire.

Soon, the commotion about Samael died down and the test continued.

The examiner walked forward and spoke, "Now, I will explain to you all the details of the second test…"

As he said that, four officials pushed a huge device that was similar to a warp gate.

"This gate connects to an independent space that the Academy controls. It is as large as a forest. Now everyone is lined up and we will enter the special space." the examiner said.

It didn't take too long for the participants to line up and hastily enter the gate. Once there they were greeted by the beautiful, clear blue sky. The wind blew on their face and it felt good.

The examiner coughed which got the attention of the participants."The second test is about forming groups. But you will not form a group now. You all would have to jump down this floating island and the first person you make eye contact with will be your pair."

"Wait…Jump down?!" One of them reacted and quickly ran and took a look at the edge of the floating island.

"Holy shit! that's way too high!"

"Wouldn't we die if we jumped down?!" One by one many participants felt fear for their lives and complained.

Slowly, the examiner got angry at the complaining participants and scolded them for being cowards. Then he continued

"Once you have a pair, quickly make your way towards the three shrines and pick a number…the two pair that has the same color and number will become a group. Once that's done, the final test awaits on the mountains over there."

"Hmm…it's a survival-type test eh? Quite elaborate too." Samael silently applauded the person who thought of using an independent separate space like this.

"Samael?" Suddenly an alluring female's voice entered his ears. He turned over and saw that it was that woman who looked at him with interest earlier.

"You are?" Samael was truly curious as to who this person was.

"Consider me your admirer. That result of yours earlier really surprised me." She coyly said, her smile was so enchanting that the men around them couldn't help but swallow the saliva in their mouths.

"It's nothing, talent doesn't always mean everything." Samael returned the courtesy and humbled himself.

"You're being too humble, give yourself some credit." She laughed, seeing Samael's antics.

Samael laughed as well and then asked "Okay miss, who are you, and what do you want with a lowly person such as me?" Though he didn't want to lower himself, he wanted to know what she wanted with him, so he had to act this way.

"My name is Sabrina Morne, eldest daughter of Duke Morne, third brother of the King." She gently lifted her skirt a bit and bowed then she continued. "I want to pair up with sir Samael and if possible have you visit my villa after this is over?"

Hmm…so basically, she is recruiting me after seeing my result earlier. But doesn't she have any doubt about that result? Never mind that best avoid her for now.

"I do apologize miss Morne but I have to decline." Samael lightly bowed back.

"May I know the reason sir?" Though only for a second, Samael saw her facial feature twitch when she asked back.

"I would rather leave the result of this test up to fate." He said and deep inside his mind

"Plus, I would rather pair up with someone he knows such as Stella." She may be weak at least he trusts her.

If the test seems familiar, because it's inspired from the test from RWBY. Hehe...

I recently rewatched the series and thought that the test on the first volume would be awesome to see in a story.

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