


Panting, Samael proudly observing the result of his trump card.

The ground upon which they battled was now littered with the burnt corpses of the little monsters, killed by the thunderbolts that rained from the dark skies.

As Samael proudly admired his work, those around him looked at him as if they saw an even more dangerous monster than what they were currently facing. To unleash such might and kill numerous little monsters that had the physical strength of a Peak Qi-Gathering realm fighter, all the while having the cultivation of just a 5-star Qi-Gathering realm.

What kind of joke is this?!

If he's already this powerful at this stage, how powerful would he be once he breaks through?

Whether it be Silvia, Lina, Julian, or Vanis, and his men, they all shivered at the thought of the strength this kid will have in the future! He could very well make the world tremble at his feet!

Of course, this should be attributed to the Supreme Heavenly arts that he was practicing. Both "Lightning Emperor's Nine Layered Heaven" and "Terminus Frozen Hell" allowed Samael to have a stronger and purer Profound Energy in abundance.

"...so, your kill counts? Ah, who cares? I'm winning, ha-ha..." Without missing the chance to brag about it, Samael laughed at Lina and the others before falling to the ground, dead tired.

"Samael!" Seeing him collapse, Lina and the others quickly went to him without paying much attention to what he said.

Soon they heard a deafening sound as the ground trembled. They all turned to the source and saw that the giant monster was forced to kneel on all four. You could even see where the black lightning struck and scorched the skin of the monster. There was still some lightning that was crackling around on its body.

There was tension in the air, Vanis and his team are all prepared in case the large one makes any life-threatening attacks. Silvia and the others swallowed their saliva and after calming down a bit they focused their attention on Samael.

Julian stabbed his sword deep into the ground and then held Samael's body, propping him up against his sword.

"Is he alright?" Silvia asked. Though her voice was flat and you couldn't see anything strange on her face, in her eyes you could clearly see worry.

Julian shook his head and said "When I touched him earlier, I sent a thread of my energy inside him. Whatever that technique was, it drained him. He's not in any life-threatening situation, just drained. It'll take him a day to recover naturally."

"Then feed him this, it can replenish his energy faster" Princess Lina brought out three red pills.

"Minor Energy Pill! Princess are you sure? These things cost a lot." Suddenly Vanis interjected from the side after seeing what the princess brought out.

"It's not much, compared to how much I owe him..." Princess Lina said, her face was solemn and a little bit of joyful expression could be seen as she remembered how he first met him when he saved her.

"...as you wish, princess" Although he was still a bit against it, it was the Princess' decision so

"Alright." Julian finally nodded and took the three pills from the Princess' hands.

After gently putting the pills inside Samael's mouth, Julian took a step back waiting for a reaction from Samael's body.

Once the pills were inside his mouth, they instantly melted and the rich Natural essence contained inside was released and flowed into his body. It quickly made its way to his core where all Profound Energy was concentrated and refined while cultivating.

But once the energy of the pill entered the core, it immediately disappeared!

"Why isn't he waking up yet?" Lina was getting worried.

"Let me take a look..." From the side, Vanis spoke and made his way to Samael's side. He placed his fingers unto Samael's wrist and sent a wisp of energy in him. It continued moving till it reached the core and like the first energy, it disappeared, or more precisely it was devoured.

"Incredible! I have never seen anyone like this before!" Vanis exclaimed, you could clearly see the surprised in his face.

"Why? What is it, uncle?" Lina asked.

"Lina, this boy...he is just too heaven-defying! His body...it's way stronger than a regular body-refinement cultivator and he has a way the larger capacity for Profound Energy! No wonder the three Minor essence Pills didn't work, this kid is simply a ravenous wolf for energy. Princess, I'm afraid you would have to use a much more potent medicine to wake this guy up." Vanis couldn't help praising Samael, once he finished diagnosing the boy.

"A much more potent medicine? But I don't have any, how about you Julian?"

"I don't have any on me as well." Julian shook his head then he said. "Well, he is not in any danger anyway so why don't we let him naturally rest, after all the big one over there is finished right?"

"Captain! It's still alive!" suddenly one of Vanis' team shouted.

This quickly alerted everyone, they all got into their fighting stance and saw the giant monster twitching. Its fingers dug into the earth, as it slowly got up.


The giant monster threw his head up towards the sky and unleashed a thundering roar! It caused waves that made the trees bend back, and dirt go flying all around.

Everyone had to cover their ears because of it. Once it ended, the giant quickly got on all fours and started speeding up towards them like an animal. The ground trembled each time it pounded its arms to the ground. With just three strides, the giant reached them. It threw its arms upwards, smashing them towards them.

"Block it!" Vanis ordered.

Three of his subordinates leaped and intercepted the monster's fist with their own.


Success! The three managed to fling away the giant's attack but it quickly followed up with another. Like this, a battle ensued once again. Vanis ordered his men to group themselves into four. There are ten of them and if you exclude Vanis, himself then each group would have three members. Vanis commanded that in a group two members will block off an attack and the other will injure the giant.

As for the leader himself, he gets to act independently which also means that he can support other teams and attack the monster all by himself.



The battle raged on again, Vanis and his team slowly led the giant away from the Princess and the others, luckily the giant monster wasn't intelligent and only acted on instinct. As they continue to lead the monster away, Silvia and the others could still hear the loud roar of the giant and the thundering explosions from their attacks.

Vanis and his team persistently defended and attacked. He even managed to cleave off a massive chuck of flesh from the giant and his team also managed to deal a significant amount of damage to their opponent. But even so, the giant would just simply roar in anger and continue to attack while its wounds heal from its high-speed regeneration.

Frustrated from the lengthy battle Vanis screamed in anger while in the air "Damn! this is getting nowhere! This son of a bitch just keeps on regenerating, does it not have any limit?! Curse this!" and then he turned towards Lina, Julian, and Silvia.

"You three come here and help us! Distract it using long-ranged attacks." although he didn't want to, he seriously needed help as the battle reached a stalemate.

While he and his men can block and damage the giant, it is negated due to its high-speed regeneration. On the other hand, even if it could endlessly regenerate, the giant can never land a hit on Vanis and his team. Adding Silvia, the Princess, and Julian can provide them with a chance to deal a massive amount of damage to the beast.

It didn't take them a while to nod and head to battle but not without settling the unconscious Samael to a nearby tree. After that, they rushed to the battle and assisted the ten experts.

Julian and the Princess, unleashed explosive fireballs on the beast while Silvia confidently confronted the beast and struck it on the joints of its feet. She didn't have any long-ranged attacks and she was quite confident with her speed so she chose the direct approach.

Her every attack added a layer of ice to the knees of the giant which had a bone-like armor and Princess Lina followed up with an explosive blast to it once Silvia got to a safe distance. Although they didn't really deal much damage, it did catch the giant's attention. Long enough for the other experts to almost sever the giant's arm with three consecutive sword attacks.

Angered, the giant monster roared, swinging its hands around and biting at the experts with its long teeth, much like a wild beast.

The experts were thankful for the extra help, now they can deal with much more than they did earlier. But this excitement was quickly shattered as the giant's arm was visibly healed.

"Continue attacking!" Vanis shouted.

Everyone once again unleashed a flurry of attacks. Silvia and the others repeated the same thing again and again. The experts were curious as to why were these kids only targeting that specific spot, is there anything special about it? But they had to throw these questions to the back of their head and focus only on the task at hand.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Silvia had a reason for choosing such a target. Well...more like a hunch.

As they continue to repeat the same thing over and over again, the bone-like armor that was covering the Giant's knees finally breaks from the stress caused by the rapid change in temperature. It was continuously frozen by Silvia's Ice attack and was then blasted by the Princess' high-temperature fire-balls.

As the bone armor crumbled and broke apart, the Giant roared. Silvia saw a red crystal identical to the previous one that it had on its chest. After the giant was initially blasted by the combined blast of Vanis' men when they first arrived, they blasted a hole in the giant's chest. It healed afterward but the red crystal didn't heal after.

Seeing this red crystal hidden inside the bone-like armor on its knees, Silvia didn't hesitate and went in. She brandished her sword and broke it using a combat art from her family.

"Blue Lotus Blade!"


The crystal shattered like glass, it didn't take long for the giant to roar in anger. Everyone has blasted away once again when they managed to recompose themselves. They saw the giant slowly shrinking in size, black runes showed up on its body and it lost the large savage teethes that it had.

"Senior! There's a crystal hidden inside the bone armor in it's body. Those are its weakness!" Seeing the transformation, Silvia's hunch was confirmed and she shared the information with everyone.

"Good job, little girl!" Vanis was astonished.

Now it was only ten meters in height and its limbs were as large as two or three trees. Its jaw has shrunk and so did its teethes. The runes on its body glowed before it rushed towards Vanis and the others.

"Look out!" Vanis shouted and went off to intercept the beast. Now that it has shrunk it has lost the overwhelming physical advantage that it had and was now more manageable.

Vanis swung his sword to meet the claw of the monster. Their attacks collided and they both bounced back.

"Fuck! it got so much faster!" Vanis cursed after one exchange.

"But now it's much more manageable, work together to subdue it!" He suddenly smirked. One after another his team flew in and did and combined attack.

10 vs 1

The experts attacked one after another, sometimes two persons would attack at the same time. They swung their swords, spears, axes, and all other weapons, cutting the flesh of the monster in the attempt to break open the Bone-armor on its shoulder, elbows, and knees.

It was a one-sided battle with the experts harassing the monster with tight teamwork and combined attacks. But with the sudden speed that the monster gained. It became hard for the expert to even dent the bone armor as the monster became aware of their target.

They needed someone to hold it in place, Silvia could do it but it was too dangerous for her to do it as her speed was much slower than the monster. She could easily be killed.

Knowing this, Silvia bit her lips in frustration, she really wanted to help them.

Suddenly she remembered someone who could freeze that monster from a distance!

She hurried towards their previous location and saw the familiar figure on the ground near a nearby tree. He must've been blown by the roar earlier. She helped him up and took something from her ring. It was a clear crystal the length of a palm, it was a snow crystal and it can replenish the essence of a person with an Ice element or Water element. But the way Samael is now, he can't absorb the crystal by himself.

Silvia firmly grasped the crystal in her hand. Although she was shy and trembling, she was also determined to help everyone. She placed her hands around Samael's neck and pulled him closer to her.

Her body Shivered once again but she forcefully told herself to calm down. After that she concentrated on operating her cultivation art then she persistently tried to connect with Samael to have his body resonate with her and operate his own cultivation art.

It didn't take long for Samael's "Terminus Frozen Hell" art to activate. Feeling the soothing feeling entering his body, Samael unconsciously tried to grasp it. He didn't realize that his hands slowly wrapped around Silvia's waist pulling her in closer. If he wasn't unconscious then he could very well feel the soft but plump feeling on his chest and the shy but heavy breath near his ears.

Silvia was clearly surprised by his actions and she even struggled to get out of his embrace but once she realized that Samael was unconsciously doing it, she gritted her teeth as she reminded herself that they needed his help.

"Damn you...once this is all over, you and I have a score to settle," Silvia thought to herself.

Luckily no one was there to see her face, after all, she's already so beautiful that countless men want to court her. What would happen if they saw her now when she's all acting shy and is blushing?

Sorry for the delay...I just graduated the day before.

Congrats to me!!!

Anyways, Sorry i wasn't able to upload much. I hope this can make up for it. I'll heed the advise of one of my readers and upload 5 chapters in a week. Starting next week.

The conclusion of this arc will be posted sometime this weekend.


TempestPointcreators' thoughts