
Heavenly Simulation: Tales of Demon and Gods

In the ruins of the last human kingdom, Nie Li, a boy with no special powers, was about to give up hope. Just then, a magical status window appeared out of nowhere. [ Notification: Simulation System Activation ] [ Player Selected: Nie Li ] [ Options on the Screen: ] - [ Continue ] - [ Load from a Saved Point ] - [ Start Over ] .... I am also uploading this fanfic on royal road

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter no.39 Legend or Victim?

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[ Option 1- I want you and me in a hot steamy night together. (Choosing this option will allow you to complete Mission "Love and Betrayal) ]

[ Option 2- I want you to leave your post as the teacher ]

[ Option 3- Why don't we take a rain check on that? ]

Nie Li weighed his options.

Option 1 could swiftly complete his mission, but the idea of a hot steamy night with Shen Xiu set his imagination ablaze.

Despite finding her personality less than appealing, he couldn't deny her physical allure.

As time stood still around him, Nie Li glanced at Shen Xiu, who was frozen mid-sentence.

He chuckled to himself, "Well, if we're talking strictly looks, she's a feast for the eyes. But then, I'd probably have to gag her to survive the night."

He shook his head, trying to clear the increasingly spicy thoughts swirling in his mind.

"Nie Li, focus!It's a mission. A mission, not your wedding night!" he reminded himself, his face turning a deeper shade of red.

His gaze lingered on Shen Xiu a moment longer before he turned away, embarrassed by his own thoughts.

Nie Li sighed, realizing the absurdity of the situation.

"Here I am, trying to save Glory City, and I'm getting distracted by... what? Steamy fantasies? Get it together, Nie Li!"

With a shake of his head, Nie Li refocused on the task at hand, pushing aside his lewd thoughts.

He needed to think strategically, not with his... other head.

"Right, back to business," he said to himself, ready to make a more practical choice.

Nie Li's mind raced as he considered the second and third options.

Option 2, demanding Shen Xiu leave her teaching post, seemed too drastic and potentially harmful.

Option 3, taking a rain check, was the safest, but it felt like a cop-out.

As he mulled over his choices, a realization struck him.

"Wait a minute. The mission doesn't say anything about Shen Xiu agreeing to a hot steamy night. It just says I have to ask. So, technically, I just have to choose the option to complete the mission, regardless of her response," he thought, a grin spreading across his face.

"Well, system, you sneaky devil," Nie Li mused, "you're not just testing my courage, but also my wits."

He chuckled.

"So, if I choose option one, I win the mission without having to actually... Shame."

Nie Li shook his head.

He glanced at the frozen Shen Xiu, imagining her reaction to such a bold proposition.

"I can already picture her face. It'd be like offering a cat a bath. A very, very cold bath."

With a deep breath, Nie Li prepared to select the option, his mind already crafting a. apology to Shen Xiu for the audacious request he was about to make.

"Well, Shen Xiu, I hope you have a good sense of humor. Because things are about to get interesting."

As time resumed its normal flow, Nie Li, with a hint of nervous excitement, boldly said the words of option 1.

"Teacher Shen Xiu, for the bet, I'd like a hot steamy night together."

Shen Xiu, utterly stunned, blinked several times.

"I think I must have heard you wrong. What did you say you wanted?"

Nie Li, maintaining a straight face amidst the jaw-dropped expressions around him, repeated, "I would like a hot steamy night together, as my reward."

The classroom was enveloped in a shocked silence, followed by murmurs and gasps. Nie Li, however, kept his gaze fixed on the system notification that popped up.

[ Congratulations! The player has unlocked a new Combat Style. ]

[ Combat Style Options ]

▶ Turn Base Combat System (Click for more Details)

▷ Free Style Combat (Click for more Details)

▷ Adaptive AI Combat System (Click for more Details)


The classroom buzzed with a mix of reactions following Nie Li's audacious proposal.

Lu Piao was grinning ear to ear.

"That's my boy! Going for the big fish," he shouted to a classmate, clearly proud of his friend's daring move.

Du Ze, on the other hand, looked thoroughly disgusted.

"That's just... gross. Can't believe he actually said that," he muttered, shaking his head in disapproval.

Shen Yue's face was a picture of horror. "He's insane," he whispered to Ye Ziyun, who was sitting beside him.

"Absolutely insane."

Ye Ziyun, her cheeks flushed a deep red, avoided looking at Nie Li.

She fiddled with a strand of her hair, her mind seemingly elsewhere.

Xiao Ning'er remained indifferent, her expression unchanging.

She glanced at Nie Li and then calmly turned her attention back to her notes.

The rest of the class was shell-shocked. Whispers and murmurs filled the air.

"Did he really just say that?" one student asked in disbelief.

"I thought Nie Li was just a quiet guy. Turns out he's a total wild card," another remarked.

A few girls in the class looked enviously at Shen Xiu, who was still hidden from view. "She gets all the attention from the talented guys," one of them sighed.

Some of the boys were visibly jealous. "Why does Nie Li get to be so bold? If I said that, I'd be expelled on the spot," one complained.

"He's either very brave or very stupid. Maybe both," another boy added.

One student joked, "Maybe Nie Li's just trying a new cultivation technique: the Art of Skirt Chaser."

Amidst the chaos, one girl whispered, "I wonder what Shen Xiu will do to him. He's either going to be a legend or a victim or both."

As the reactions continued to pour in, the classroom was a mix of shock, amusement, envy, and disbelief.

Nie Li was still contemplating his choice of combat style.

As the classroom buzzed with reactions to Nie Li's audacious proposition, Shen Xiu abruptly turned back to the blackboard, continuing the lesson as if nothing had happened.

This unexpected response only added to the students' shock and confusion.

Nie Li, however, seemed unfazed by the uproar he had caused and the varied reactions of his classmates.

Whispers and murmurs continued to fill the room, but as time ticked by, the class gradually refocused on Shen Xiu's lecture. The tension in the air slowly dissipated, replaced by the routine of school life.

Before anyone realized, the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day.

As the students began packing up their belongings, eager to leave the classroom and share the day's sensational events with their friends, Shen Xiu's voice cut through the clamor.

"Nie Li, stay back," she said firmly.

A collective "Ooh" rippled through the class, and the students hurried out, throwing curious glances back at Nie Li.

The classroom quickly emptied, leaving only Nie Li and Shen Xiu in a tense, silent standoff.

"Sit," Shen Xiu commanded, her tone brooking no argument.

Nie Li obliged, taking a seat with an air of calm composure.

Shen Xiu stood at the front, her back to Nie Li, taking a moment before she turned to face him.

Nie Li waited, his mind alert and ready for whatever Shen Xiu might say or do next.


[ Author Note: Guess what Shen Xiu is going to do to Nie Li? ]