
Heavenly Jewel Change (Personal)

I have uploaded this for myself to listen to thank you and please don't eat my brain out for this.

Tushar_Vashishta · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Ch 166 - Ch 170

Chapter 166

Zhou Weiqing said passively: "Teacher, if you have something to say, please go ahead… although I do not think we have much to talk about . After all, I still haven't settled with you about you maligning me today . "

Ming Hua revealed a rather amused smirk . "Is that really maligning? Let's not argue further . Are you interested in hearing a story? After listening to my story, you will understand why I am so sensitive to the Evil aura from you . "

Zhou Weiqing raised his brow . "Right here?"

Ming Hua shrugged and said: "If you do not want your little girlfriend to know we are together in your bedchamber, why don't we go somewhere else . The only thing is… Do you dare to follow me?"

Zhou Weiqing smiled, his old lascivious look reappearing on his face as he looked over her body meaningfully . "Alright then, what are we waiting for? To be invited by a beautiful lady, that is my honour… How could I possibly reject . "

Ming Hua crooked her finger and beckoned to him, laughing lightly as she said: "Come then . " As she said that, she vaulted back to the window, and instantly leapt out .

Zhou Weiqing also moved swiftly and silently to the window, leaping out and following Ming Hua . As he left through the window, he released his Heavenly Jewels, invoking his senses to their maximum, warily .

Naturally, Zhou Weiqing knew that for Ming Hua to call him out of her own accord, she definitely had something up her sleeve that gave her confidence . However, at this point, he had no choice but to follow her and react accordingly… There was no running or hiding from this, as the stakes were just too high .

Just as the two of them vanished into the distance, the sleeping Fat Cat, who was still in the room, suddenly snapped its eyes open, a dim glow shining forth from within .

As soon as they left the vicinity of their house, Ming Hua sped up . Although she wasn't an agility or speed type Heavenly Jewel Master, her coordination boost was extremely powerful, and in combination with her extraordinary physique, her speed was still rather impressive . With her four-Jeweled level, her speed was able to reach rather shocking levels .

Zhou Weiqing followed behind her steadily, keeping a constant distance between them . Although his cultivation level was no match for hers, he did have the Wind Attribute in his Elemental Jewels, which greatly improved his speed . As such, even without the use of his Demonic Right Leg, he was still able to keep up with her .

Just like that, the two of them ran towards the east, and before long that the east gate came into sight .

Seeing that they were at the east gate, Ming Hua suddenly stopped, waiting for Zhou Weiqing to catch up .

"We still need to exit the city?" Zhou Weiqing asked meaningfully . "Are you trying to kill me to hide something?"

Ming Hua laughed lightly, saying: "It's not like you know any secret of mine, why would I do that?" Even if there was some killing off going around, it should be the other way around, with you being the one doing it . I'm not even afraid, are you, a big man, afraid?"

Zhou Weiqing looked at the hundred metre tall wall and shrugged, saying: "I do not have the ability to get past that without being discovered . "

Ming Hua smiled and said: "Since I brought you here, how could I possibly let you climb the wall? Come, follow me . " As she said that, she said that, she darted into a small alleyway, leading Zhou Weiqing into an unassuming common dwelling .

The dwelling was quiet, and Ming Hua navigated through it familiarly as she finally entered a room . The room was void of any other people, and she walked to the bed and pulled on the bed board, revealing a dark hole . Beckoning to Zhou Weiqing, she entered the hole and disappeared from sight .

Zhou Weiqing did not hesitate as he moved quickly behind her . He did not know if there was any danger in the tunnel, and decided that it would be safer to follow closely behind her, and in her steps . That would reduce his chance of being in danger, and if anything happened he could also react quickly; if she had any companions, he could grab hold of her as a hostage .

As such, Zhou Weiqing also entered the tunnel, instantly releasing his Heavenly Energy and locking onto Ming Hua, and his left hand was poised towards the front, prepared to make a move if she did anything funny, ready to release any skills at a moment's notice .

Ming Hua seemed to be oblivious to Zhou Weiqing's actions behind her, continuing along on the dark tunnel path . The air was clear in the tunnel, but it was pitch black, but Ming Hua seemed to easily know her way around, almost as if she could see, and moved at a good speed .

After walking a while, Ming Hua finally stopped suddenly . Zhou Weiqing did not expect her to stop so suddenly, and he was following so closely and in the darkness, he ended up bumping into her .

Ming Hua felt his body press against hers, and she subconsciously turned around, lifting up her hand towards his chest to hold him off . Just like Zhou Weiqing had thought, although she seemed to act like a seductress, she was actually still a virgin .

Alas, in turning and lifting her hand, Ming Hua caused Zhou Weiqing to misunderstand her actions . At this time, his senses were on full alert and in vigilance . Her sudden motion caused him much alarm, and in such an environment, how could he possibly allow her to touch him .

In the darkness, black was naturally the colour that was easily hidden . He instinctively used the Touch of Darkness unhesitatingly on Ming Hua, and at the same time, he also used his hands to block hers . At the same time, he had still been moving, his inertia propelling him forward . The result of all the actions being him pressing directly against Ming Hua's frozen body .

Zhou Weiqing only felt two soft, springy lumps pressed against his chest, followed by an enchanting body . Subconsciously, he held onto her… Nobody would know if he did this on purpose or accidentally, but in doing so, his hands ended up on her pert buttocks as they pressed together in intimate contact .

Circulating his Heavenly Energy with all his might, Zhou Weiqing unhesitatingly moved his energy into Ming Hua . After all, her cultivation level was higher than his, and the Touch of Darkness would not be able to control her for long . As such, Zhou Weiqing wanted to continue restricting her .

However, he had not considered all factors when he did so, as his Heavenly Energy circulated into her from his hands . Ming Hua felt her buttocks being grabbed by a large hand, and a thick gust of Heavenly Energy entering her body through such an embarrassing position, instantly numbing her there . She felt her entire body going weak and soft, as the Heavenly Energy she had gathered to resist was dissipated .

With a moan, Ming Hua fell down right into Zhou Weiqing's arms . After a moment of shock, she felt a sense of shame and anger rising up within her as she called out: "What are you doing?"

However, that line was not just called out by her, but surprisingly, Zhou Weiqing and her had both called out at the same time!

Zhou Weiqing's other hand also encircled her . Luckily, this other hand was still placed normally, moving around her neck . However, in doing so, he knocked into an object behind her, realising that there was a wall right behind her, and he was pressing her right into it . In order to hold her in place, this fellow even lifted up his Demonic Right Leg, pressing it into her abdomen . This way, even if Ming Hua tried anything, he could instantly kill or injure her instantly with it .

In this pitch black tunnel, the two were in a really strange, compromising position . Ming Hua's body was still stiffened and held in place with the Touch of Darkness, while Zhou Weiqing was pressed tightly to her . One hand holding her neck, the other holding her buttocks, and his knee against her abdomen . In terms of restricting an enemy's movement, that was not wrong, but Ming Hua was feeling extremely shamed and angry .

At this time, Mu En's teachings rang out in Zhou Weiqing's mind . "When your enemy is a woman, you should never be polite . Use her shame against her, and in that way, no matter how powerful she is, she will at most be able to be at fifty percent effectiveness . Furthermore, if you have an advantage to take, why not!"

Thinking of that line, Zhou Weiqing instantly followed suit . Flexing his hand, he pinched her buttocks twice, angering Ming Hua so much that she almost teared .

"Let go of me!" Ming Hua almost roared it out in a low tone, as Zhou Weiqing sensed that her shame was definitely not an act .

That feeling in the hand, amazing! Zhou Weiqing just realised that perhaps Ming Hua's actions had not been an attack against him . Such a realisation did not change much except that he suddenly realised their positions as well, and the feeling in his hand and body caused his blood to boil . After all, he had never even touched Shangguan Bing'er, and Ming Hua was even more voluptuous than her, like a ripe peach . This was something he had never felt before, and it sure felt good . A faint sweet scent wafted into his nose, and his knee was still pressed against her, making him have to resist the urge to force himself on her there .

"I'm not letting you go, what are you up to? I'm warning you, you better not have any funny ideas, I already have a wife . " Although his mind was thinking about something else, his mouth would definitely not take a loss in any argument .

Hearing his words, Ming Hua was almost angered into a faint . She almost forgot why she had called him out today, just feeling like killing this rascal there and then .

"You bastard, let go of me! It's you who has the funny ideas! Hmph!" Ming Hua said through clenched teeth .

"Rally? You're not lying to me?" Zhou Weiqing said hesitatingly, his hands taking a last few squeezes . He was not in a rush anyway, so he decided to waste some time and take some advantage first .

"It's true, I'm not lying, the exit is just right above here . " Ming Hua was almost on the verge of tears, feeling like her entire body was melting .

She had never been in such close proximity to a man, let alone such intimate contact .

"What if you're lying to me?" Zhou Weiqing asked with a face full of suspicion .

"You… I beg you… Please let go of me . " Ming Hua pleaded . Under such intimate contact, she felt as if there were a fire in her body, burning her, and she couldn't help but give up and beg for mercy . She knew that Zhou Weiqing was no gentleman, and if this rascal had some evil thoughts, she was in no position to stop him!

Chapter 167

Seeing Ming Hua begging him, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but feel his heart soften . He first lowered his knee, then lowering his hands with a last longing squeeze, before quickly leaping away . He did not want to get beaten by Ming Hua in a moment of surprise, especially with a 'low kick' .

As soon as Zhou Weiqing leapt away, Ming Hua fell to the wall, taking deep breaths .

Although it was in the darkness, Zhou Weiqing could still vaguely feel the air around growing cold as the atmosphere changed . Quickly, a killing aura burst forth from his body .

"Didn't you say there was an exit, why aren't you leaving?" He said suspiciously… Indeed… When it came to acting and pretending to not know what was going on, Zhou Weiqing was a master .

Taking a few more deep breaths, Ming Hua used the wall as a support to stand up . The sound was clear as she gritted her teeth, but she finally resisted it . With a smack of her right hand, she struck the wall with a loud sound, and to the upper right of the wall, a hole appeared, and moon and starlight streamed in from outside, lighting up the tunnel .

Zhou Weiqing could clearly see that Ming Hua was now flushed deep red, like a ripe apple… Although her gaze at him was very angry .

After a short period of recovery, Ming Hua felt better . Pushing her hand on the wall, her legs struck the ground and she leapt up through the exit .

Zhou Weiqing did not dare hesitate, and quickly followed her out .

As soon as they left the tunnel, a gust of fresh air laced with the scent of water hit them, and they were met by the sight of a beautiful blue lake .

A seemingly boundless lake that shimmered under the moonlight, the gentle ripples causing the scintillating light rays to dance beautifully, all in all, a moving sight .

Such a huge lake could only be the Fei Li Lake situated outside the Fei Li City . Without question, they had already exited the East side of the Fei Li City .

The Fei Li Lake was a few hundred metres away from the Fei Li City, and was also drawn into the city moat . Once out of the city, one could reach the lake by passing by a small forest lining the lakeside . At this moment, in the dead of the night, it was extremely quiet, the night breeze blowing the humid air into their faces, causing Zhou Weiqing to feel refreshed .

As compared to his refreshed, energetic look, Ming Hua now felt like she wanted to kill him . The same cooling breeze, to her, somehow gave her an icy chill instead .

"I know I am handsome and suave, but you don't have to keep staring at me… What do you have to say… go ahead now . " Zhou Weiqing walked to the lakeside and sat on a large rock .

"I really feel like smashing you into bits…" Ming Hua said angrily . Even when she had been almost drained to death during their fight yesterday, she had not felt so angry .

Zhou Weiqing said helplessly: "It was a justified reaction, and I did it for my own safety . You suddenly turned around and shoved your hand at me, what was I supposed to think . Who asked you not to give any warning, and you're still blaming me? Furthermore, it's just a little contact, what's with the huge reaction?"

A little contact? That was a little contact? At this point, Ming Hua could still feel as if his hand was on her buttocks, that was a few gropes at least, hmph . He still dared call it a little contact? Not to mention the close contact of their bodies .

"Zhou Weiqing, you are the most shameless person I've ever seen in my life!" Ming Hua somehow squeezed the words out through gritted teeth .

Zhou Weiqing laughed heartily and said: "Thanks for the praise, you're not the first person to say that, and you certainly won't be the last . Hurry up and get on with business… I still want to go back to sleep . " He seemed easygoing and relaxed on the outside, but in truth, his senses were out on the maximum, trying to feel if there was anything amiss around, wary for any changes . For Ming Hua to dare to lure him out here alone, she had to have something prepared . Perhaps she had truly no bad intentions, or perhaps she had some plot, or maybe even an ambush .

Luckily, despite all his attempts, he did not sense anything around, and he felt a little better . With just Ming Hua alone around, she wouldn't be too much of a threat .

Ming Hua finally calmed herself down, saying coldly: "Let's show our cards . Although I do not know what method you used to hide your Elemental Jewel's Attributes, I am very certain that you have more than just the Spatial Attribute . Wait, do not rush into refuting me, let me finish speaking…"

"In the world of Heavenly Jewel Master, there are several unique existences… When their Heavenly Jewel Awakens or perhaps evolves, their Heavenly Jewels will have some strange mutations, forming some unbelievable attributes that are extremely rare . Because they are so afraid of this attribute, ordinary Jewel Masters call this rather icy cold attribute as the Evil Attribute . However, although this attribute may indeed be strange, weird or perhaps a little Demonic, but it isn't truly evil . 1 This is especially so since its appearance seems to be very random, and isn't determined by the person's character or will . As such, using Evil to describe it is extremely unfair to those Heavenly Jewel Masters who have that attribute… Thus I prefer to call them Demonic 2

Zhou Weiqing said: "You are talking about the Evil Attribute Heavenly Jewel Masters which are on the wanted list by all the Skill Storing Palace in the world . Isn't it rumoured that all these Evil Heavenly Jewel Masters need a Sacrifice when they Awaken, and many of them Sacrifice their families or loved ones, causing their characters to change drastically, causing trouble in the entire continent… Why is it that when you mention them, it seems they are being maligned?"

Ming Hua's eyes turned cold as she said: "Of course that is maligning them . What you just mentioned is just hearsay, and you do not know the truth behind the Skill Storing Palaces putting them on a wanted list . Indeed, what you mentioned is all truth, but a truth that existed only a few thousand years ago! Only a first generation Demonic Jewel Master will have that happening when they first Awaken the attribute, but this attribute can be passed down to his or her future generations . As such, they are very careful about when their younger generations Awaken their Heavenly Jewels or Rank up, and they do specially prepare their future husbands or wives . When they require the Sacrifice, the person prepared will be brought in front of them, and their lives will be saved at the last moment . There isn't any change of character, or any sort of evil as in the rumours . "

"Oh? Hearing you say that, does that mean that such Demonic Jewel Masters' Awakening isn't just during the First Awakening of their Heavenly Jewels?! That isn't the same version that I heard…" Zhou Weiqing said rather uncertainly .

Ming Hua gave a disdainful hmph as she said: "What do you know, that's just you being ignorant . It is only a first generation Demonic Jewel Master who will definitely Awaken his Demonic Attribute during his first Awakening . As for his future generations, it is not necessarily true . In fact, as the bloodlines gradually dilute, it requires more Heavenly Energy, power and physique for the Awakening to be possible . The earlier the Awakening, the more powerful the person's Demonic Bloodline is . "

Chapter 168

"If by the time they reach the 6-Jewel Stage and they haven't Awakened the Demonic Attribute, then even if it Awakens in the future, it is unlikely they have the strongest Skill of Demonic Jewel Masters – the Demonic Change . In truth, the real reason why the various Skill Storing Palaces in the world have put the Demonic Jewel Masters on a wanted list is because of the Demonic Change… it is just too powerful . The Demonic Change alone can allow a Heavenly Jewel Master's power to at least double during that period of time… this is a power that is not matched by most other Heavenly Jewel Masters . They were all afraid of the Demonic Jewel Masters, afraid that they would be replaced by them . As such, they made use of a pretentious reasons to kill off the Demonic Jewel Masters . Every time a Demonic Jewel Master is discovered, they will surround and hunt them down . As such, in the past few thousand years, there are very few Demonic Jewel Masters who have truly inherited the true legacy .

As for many of the new first generation Awakened Demonic Jewel Masters, many of them are slain before they can grow . As such, in order to survive, many of these legacy Demonic Jewel Masters united together to form an organisation… called the Heavenly Demon Sect . "

Zhou Weiqing listened to her words with full concentration . Ming Hua definitely seemed to know a lot more about these Demonic Jewel Masters than Shangguan Bing'er, and it did seem a lot more realistic . Of course, he did not fully believe her words that these Demonic Jewel Masters were on the good side .

"So, that means that you are a younger generation of a Demonic Jewel Master… a part of the Heavenly Demon Sect?" Zhou Weiqing still had a faint smile on his face . Although Ming Hua was trying her best to read him, she was unable to do so .

Ming Hua nodded and said solemnly: "Since I said this much to you, I naturally will not hide anything . I am indeed the younger generation of a Demonic Jewel Master, just that my Demonic Attribute has not Awakened yet . Yours has already Awakened, and you should have been able to sense it within my Hades' Flower right . "

Zhou Weiqing looked at her with a confused look on his face: "What do you mean, do you think Demonic Attribute is found just so easily? Who said I have it anyway? I don't!"

Ming Hua laughed coldly: "You still aren't admitting it? If you didn't have the Demonic Attribute, you wouldn't have been able to resist my Hades' Flower, to not only resolve its draining powers and reverse it and Devour me? Your Demonic Attribute did not just Awaken, but you were also given the strongest of the Demonic Attribute's innate abilities – Devour . Furthermore, if I haven't guessed wrongly, you still do not know how to properly use the Devour Skill right? After all, you are just at the 3-Jeweled cultivation level . "

Zhou Weiqing said passively: "What is the point of telling me all this . Whether or not I have the Demonic Attribute, how is it even related to you?"

Ming Hua saw that he was no longer trying to refute, and continued saying: "It's for survival . As I said earlier, us Demonic Jewel Masters can only survive by banding together against the Skill Storing Palaces . You are a first generation Demonic Jewel Master, and in the future your Demonic Attribute will grow to equal standing as the other three Saint Attributes . Only the Demonic Attribute of a first generation can be of such strength… Our Heavenly Demon Sect needs you to join us . "

"Oh? And what benefits can the Heavenly Demon Sect bring me?" Zhou Weiqing narrowed his eyes and said smilingly .

Ming Hua thought he was interested, and relaxed a little as she said: "There are benefits of course, for example, the proper way to cultivate the Demonic Attribute, Skill Storing, how to use and handle it properly . We can let you peruse the sacred tome of our Sect, the Heavenly Demon Saint Tome . With it, you can learn how to control your Demonic Change, and make use of your power perfectly . "

"Is that it…?" Zhou Weiqing shook his head lightly, seemingly very dissatisfied .

Ming Hua said rather angrily: "What else do you want? When you are in danger, we will also do our best to aid you, to protect you . In fact, as long as you are willing to join us… I… I can also marry you . " She bit her lip as she said it through gritted teeth .

Zhou Weiqing blinked and said: "But… I already have a wife! Could it be… You're okay with being the second wife?" 1

"You…" Ming Hua felt like tearing that rascal's mouth into two . If not for the fact that he was a first generation Demonic Jewel Master with such a pure attribute, how could she possibly be willing to marry him! After all, his looks were pretty ordinary, and that character of his had irritated her so much . However, she would do anything for the Heavenly Demon Sect .

Seeing Ming Hua angered to the point of explosion, Zhou Weiqing quickly stood up and said: "In that case, what do I have to offer? How can you all possibly trust me?"

Ming Hua gritted her teeth and said: "Of course there will have to be some restrictions . As long as you accept our Sect Leader's baptism, you will be one of us . "

Zhou Weiqing said in sudden realisation: "Baptism? I get it… probably something like those Darkness Seals right? Perhaps a Seal even stronger than that… Am I right?"

Ming Hua did not make another sound, she did not even want to speak to this rascal anymore . If not for the fact this was her duty, she did not want to have anything to do with him .

"Teacher, I'm glad for the offer, but alas… I am not your so-called first generation Demonic Jewel Master, nor do I have the Demonic Attribute . You have already seen for yourself, that I have an ordinary Spatial Elemental Jewel, the gold-green Cat's Eye . Furthermore, I am a Consolidating Equipment Master . Well, enough… I'm tired already, time to go back to sleep . "

Zhou Weiqing stretched lazily, turning around to leave .

"You…" Ming Hua finally lost control, a thick Heavenly Energy bursting forth from her, her entire Consolidated Equipment Set instantly coalescing around her body .

Zhou Weiqing spun around abruptly, an ice cold look in his eyes . Being glared at such a frosty look, Ming Hua halted her original pounce .

"Do not try my patience . I can forget I heard anything today, and I can also act like I do not know anything at all . That way, we can keep peace with each other . Ming Hua, you Demonic Jewel Masters have it difficult, I can understand that, but do not force me to kill you . "

After hearing Ming Hua's words, along with the intimate contact with her earlier, Zhou Weiqing had already lost the urge to kill her off . He was after all a Demonic Jewel Master as well, and he really did want to learn how to use the skills of this powerful attribute . However, he would never ever let himself be set with any of those Seals . If that happened, he would lose all his freedom, and could only be a puppet and slave of the Heavenly Demon Sect . That was definitely something he did not want . As such, he rejected Ming Hua without even any hesitation .

Ming Hua said coldly: "Now that you know so many of our secrets, do you really think you can leave? If I am revealed, then I will not the only one to be in trouble, and we cannot take such a risk . Now that I have said so much today… There is no other choice for you . "

"Are you threatening me?" Zhou Weiqing said passively .

Ming Hua said coldly: "Yes I am threatening you . Zhou Weiqing, there are only two paths for you now . One is to join us, to stand together with us, and be baptized by our Sect Leader . In that case, we will be comrades from today onwards . If not, your only other way out of here is as a corpse . "

"You think you can threaten me?" Zhou Weiqing's eyes turned cold, his killing intent once again erupting forth . With such unreasonable terms, even if he had originally felt sympathy to the Heavenly Demon Sect, he would no longer show mercy .

"With just her alone, of course not . However, what if you add me?" A low, confident voice suddenly sounded out, very close to him . A dark shadow flashed and someone appeared right next to Ming Hua .

Zhou Weiqing's blood froze as a chill ran down his spine, his face changing instantly . After all, he had constantly had his senses tuned to the max the entire night with Ming Hua . With the Darkness and Demonic Attributes, his senses were much stronger than any Jewel Masters of the same level . Even so, he had not sensed anything from this person till he appeared of his own accord . This could only mean one thing – this person's cultivation level was a lot higher than his own .

The person standing right beside Ming Hua was about the same height as Zhou Weiqing, with broad muscled shoulders, a head of black hair gently resting on them .

His black robes were rather simple, but Zhou Weiqing still recognized his identity with a single look . That was because he looked so similar to Ming Yu, with at least a seventy percent similarity, and also with a few similarities to Ming Hua .

"You're Ming Yu's father?" Zhou Weiqing said solemnly .

The black robed man smiled faintly and nodded, saying: "Not bad… Indeed I am . My name is Ming Wu . I'm also the previous Vice Commander in Chief of the Fei Li Empire Army . It was only after Ming Yu reached the rank of Battalion Commander that I resigned my commission to become a reservist officer . In the Fei Li Empire, we are not allowed to have more than one member of the same family in the army with a rank of Battalion Commander and above . Zhou Weiqing little friend… I think it is time that we talked . "

Although Ming Wu did not release his Power Jewels, and did not seem to give off any sense of danger, but Zhou Weiqing could feel his entire body turn cold in fear . He had never expected that although it was barely the second day he had met Ming Hua, she had already been so resolute and gone so far as to look for such a powerful person to take care of him . Such an error in judgement had now caused him to be in exceeding danger .

Seeing that Zhou Weiqing still did not open his mouth, Ming Wu smiled and continued saying: "Yesterday, Hua Hua told me about you, and I was extremely surprised . After all, it has been many years since the last first generation Demonic Jewel Master had appeared . Furthermore, when she came back today and told me that you were also a Consolidating Equipment Master, that sparked my interest even further . Besides my status and rank on the surface, I am also the person in charge of the Heavenly Demon Sect in the entire Fei Li Empire . If you are willing to join the Heavenly Demon Sect, then I can guarantee that you will definitely break through at least the 9-Jeweled cultivation level, or perhaps even higher, and may even become the next Sect Leader . I know you do not want to be Sealed, but you must understand, there is no give without take, you will have to give up something in order to gain the world . In fact, I can also agree to let Ming Hua be your concubine…"

As he said up to this point, he paused a moment . "I have laid out all our conditions . If you still reject us, then you leave us with no choice . For the sake of our Sect's safety in the Fei Li Empire, I will have to leave you here forever . I believe that you are an intelligent person who should know how to choose…"

As he said that, Ming Wu slowly lifted up his left hand, and in a flash of white, nine shimmering Icy Jade Physical Jewels appeared around his wrist . He was a Upper Level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Master, even stronger than Admiral Zhou!

Chapter 169

When the nine Icy Jade Physical Jewels appeared before Zhou Weiqing's eyes, he felt his mind go blank totally .

Having nine Icy Jade Jewels appearing at once around a person's hand, he knew what it meant . An upper level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Master . In the entire Heavenly Jewel Master world, it was not just him, but a majority of the people would look up to such a person .

Zhou Weiqing was only 3-Jeweled, and even Ming Hua had one more set of Jewels than him . However, even if they added up both their Jewels together, they still had less than this person in front of him – Ming Wu . Furthermore, it wasn't just a matter of numbers of Heavenly Jewels… For Ming Hua who was only at a 4-Jeweled cultivation level to have a Consolidated Equipment Set, how could this upper level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Master not have something better .

Ming Wu was also quietly observing Zhou Weiqing . When he had released his nine Icy Jade Physical Jewels, his gaze had locked onto this young man in front of him, and he had discovered that although Zhou Weiqing had revealed a surprised expression, it had only lasted a short while before disappearing . What a calm young man…

Ming Wu was rather surprised in his heart as well . Only then did he realise that Zhou Weiqing was far from what he appeared on the surface, his steady calm profoundness was something that perhaps not even a thirty year old adult could possess, and yet it was well hidden behind the immature and rascally front that he displayed . Earlier, when Ming Hua had told him that she had lost to the 3-Jeweled Zhou Weiqing, Ming Wu had already been very surprised . After all, he knew how powerful his daughter was, even most Heavenly Jewel Masters of the same rank as her would usually not be of a match to her . As such, he did not send any of his subordinates now, and came personally this night .

The facts had proven him correct as well, and indeed Ming Wu felt that he had made the right decision to come personally . Although this young man in front of him had not taken action yet, he could already see many things from Zhou Weiqing's words, confidence and actions . He knew that if he had sent his subordinates, this fellow would likely have escaped . Once that happened, he did not doubt that Zhou Weiqing would escape thousands of miles away before they could react, and not give them any chance to look for him .

"How are my conditions? As a father, to actually promise my daughter to you as a concubine, you should know my resolve . " Ming Wu's voice was deep and serious, and the sheer pressure from it gave Zhou Weiqing chills in his heart .

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Weiqing could feel the energy whirlpools on his twelve Death Acupuncture Points starting to whirl at maximum speed as they drew in energy from the atmosphere . Keeping himself in top form, he prepared himself .

With a bitter smile, Zhou Weiqing shook his head and said: "Senior, since you've already laid everything out, I also have no reason to hide anymore . Indeed, you all have guessed correctly, I do have the Demonic Attribute, and also the Demonic Change Skill . " Hearing Zhou Weiqing finally admit it, both Ming Hua and Ming Wu's eyes lit up, and the pressure from Ming Wu seemed to lessen .

Ming Hua said: "Hmph, you're finally willing to admit it? I thought you would try to hide it til your death . "

"Hua Hua… Quiet… From now on, without my permission, you aren't allowed to speak…" Ming Wu said passively, with no emotion in his voice, but Ming Hua's face changed instantly . If there was anyone she was afraid of, it would be this father in front of her . Indeed, Ming Hua was rather angry and feeling rather wronged . Why must I be this fellow's concubine! Thinking about how she was irritated by Zhou Weiqing, she couldn't help but grow angry again . However, as her father was here, she dared not continue speaking, or else she might have already flared out at Zhou Weiqing .

Seeing Ming Hua shut her mouth unwillingly, Zhou Weiqing gave her a mocking, challenging look, but instead said to Ming Wu . "Senior Ming Wu, looks like Miss Ming Hua doesn't really like me! To be honest, she is a little too old to be my concubine, after all, I'm not even seventeen years old yet . "

"You…" Ming Hua almost went berserk . She was being forced to become his concubine, and he even dared say she was too old?! What a bastard!

Seeing the killing look in Ming Hua's eyes, Zhou Weiqing still maintained the faint smile on his face . However, in truth, his heart sank and was rather disappointed . That was because he noticed that Ming Wu was still calm and impassive, and did not seem affected by his words . Under such a circumstance, facing such a 9-Jeweled Heavenly Jewel Master who could stay so calm, he did not even have any possible chance .

Ming Wu smiled and said: "If you do not like Hua Hua, that is no problem . Our sect is full of beautiful young girls, and you can have your pick of them . However, you need to give me your answer now… No more tricks… That is not good for you, I really do not want to see such a promising young man like you die early, without a chance to grow into your potential . "

Zhou Weiqing's heart sank . In fact, when he admitted about his Demonic Attribute, he was already angling for the best possible conditions for himself to get out of the situation .

Admitting that he was a first generation Demonic Jewel Master was in hopes that it would discourage Ming Wu from killing him . After that, he had mocked Ming Hua in hopes to get a reaction from her father, and hopefully find a weakness or opportunity to exploit . Alas, his plans had come to naught .

Zhou Weiqing sighed and said: "It looks like I am in a corner now… with no other choice…"

Ming Wu continued smiling but did not reply .

Zhou Weiqing said: "Senior Ming Wu, I am a person who is really afraid of death . However, at the same time, I also love freedom almost just as much . I believe that Teacher Ming Hua has already told you about that . Because of that, I fought so hard in the Fei Li Military Academy…"

Ming Wu nodded and said: "Indeed, freedom is very important . However, what is the use of freedom when you do not have your life? Also, I can give you my promise… As long as you join our Sec, we will not have too many restrictions on you . Only the few upper echelons of the sect will know of your existence and can give you instructions . If you require any help or aid, we can also provide it to you . "

Zhou Weiqing nodded quietly and said: "Thank you for that, Senior . However, I still want to take a risk . How about a bet with me, Senior?"

Ming Wu laughed heartily and said: "What do you want to bet on?" He found that he was starting to like Zhou Weiqing more, even under such a huge difference in power, he had not given up and was still trying everything he could to attempt to escape .

Zhou Weiqing said seriously: "You are the strongest Heavenly Jewel Master I have ever seen thus far . I would like to experience your strength and power for myself . My bet is this, I will run with all my might, and you chase me down . If I manage to escape to the Fei Li City, then I have won, and I will swear upon my Personal Jewels that I will never reveal anything about the Heavenly Demon Sect, but you all shall not force me to join the sect . If you catch me, I will have lost and will join you all on my own accord . "

Ming Wu looked at him in surprise, saying: "Young man, looks like you certainly do not lack confidence . Alright, since you want to bet, I shall go along with it . It will also let you learn that when the power difference is too huge, no amount of tricks or strategies can be of use . You can start running now, I will give you to a count of three before I start chasing . Remember your own words, after this, I do not want to see you try any more tricks . "

Zhou Weiqing did not reply him, nor did he even wait for the counting to start, and just turned and bolted instantly at top speed . Facing possible death, our dear Little Fatty ran with all his might and heart, squeezing every last possible speed from his body . His Elemental Jewels were locked onto the Wind Attribute, all his Heavenly Energy circulating at max speed, while his Demonic Right Leg constantly boosting himself forward as he charged forth in a straight line towards the Fei Li City . His current speed was even faster than Shangguan Bing'er in terms of a straight line running . That was how incredible his Demonic Right Leg was .

"One…" Ming Wu's voice seemed to follow Zhou Weiqing's ears, not softening a whit despite his speed .

At the same time, Ming Wu was also rather shocked . With his vision, how could he not see that Zhou Weiqing was using the Wind Attribute . However, what truly shocked him was the burst of power from the Demonic Right Leg . It seems like his daughter had not lost in vain! A first generation Demonic Jewel Master was definitely not something that an ordinary Heavenly Jewel Master can compare to .

The distance from the lake to the city was not great, and with Zhou Weiqing's speed, he almost had the confidence to reach the city before Ming Wu could finish counting to three . By that time, he would only need to somehow vault across the city walls and he would win, no matter who saw him .

"Two…" Ming Wu's calm voice continued, seemingly void of emotion . However, the more calm Ming Wu was, the heavier Zhou Weiqing's heart was . However, even if there was just a slim thread of success, Zhou Weiqing would still do his best to keep his freedom . The reason he came up with such a bet was because he needed to just try, to give an attempt to escape his fate here . After all, he still had some skills that Ming Wu did not know about . Even if he lost, due to the bet, Ming Wu would not kill him off right away .

Soon, the Fei Li city appeared in front of his eyes, and Zhou Weiqing sent all his energy into his Demonic Right Leg as he struck the road hard with it, sending his entire body whirling towards it like a bolt of lightning .

"Three . " Ming Wu counted the last number . Almost at the same instant as he counted it out, he leapt out into the air . Zhou Weiqing was barely seventy metres from the wall, needing barely two to three leaps to reach it . Alas, he suddenly felt a strong suction force from behind him, a force he couldn't resist .

His body which had been hurtling towards the city walls suddenly changed directions in mid air involuntarily, flying backwards further from the wall .

Chapter 170

How was that possible? He was still a few hundred metres away! Zhou Weiqing was now shocked to the core, his body in mid air, but he managed to twist himself around to look . All he saw was Ming Wu speeding forth towards him, and the suction force was from a huge red flower .

It was a similar Hades' Flower like Ming Hua's, but Ming Wu's one was larger and much more powerful than hers, more than ten, or even a hundred times! Zhou Weiqing was just unable to resist that suction force as he was dragged back unwillingly . In this way, in the next moment, Ming Wu would soon catch up with him and catch him .

It was at this point that Zhou Weiqing finally used all his power . In mid air, his left hand slashed towards the back, a ear-splitting tearing sound accompanying a silver flash – the Spatial Rend .

The Spatial Rend's effect was without doubt extremely powerful, and with it blocking, although it did not fully deal with the strong suction power of the Hades' Flower, it at least managed to block a large percentage of it, allowing Zhou Weiqing to regain control . At the same time, he used another Spatial Skill, Blink, which sent him ten metres away . Since he had reached the 3-Jeweled cultivation level, his Blink skill had improved from 3 metres range to 10 metres, and the cooldown had also reduced .

Not only did he unleash those two Skills, while in the midst of Blinking, Zhou Weiqing's first Icy Jade Physical Jewel also glowed brilliantly in a swirl of white icy mist as the Overlord Bow coalesced into his hands .

The reason why he released the Overlord Bow was because Zhou Weiqing knew that attempting to run was of no use . His only hope was to attempt to stall Ming Wu with his attacks, in hopes to get an opportunity to escape . As such, he released both Stored Elemental Skills and Consolidated Physical Jewel Equipment .

As his right leg lashed out in the air, causing a sharp explosive sound as he once again charged forth towards the city walls . At the same time, he drew the Overlord Bow to its maximum, body twisting in midair as he twirled the Overlord Bow in his hands, the bowstring formed of pure Heavenly Energy twisting around the titanium alloy arrow he had nocked upon it . With a quick release, the arrow flew out with a loud swoosh .

The archery skill that Zhou Weiqing had used was Mu En's specialty skill, making use of a massive corkscrew spin on the bowstring to greatly increase the power, and his own unique style of control to release one of the most powerful archery attacks .

Mu En was after all only a 6-Jeweled Physical Jewel Master, yet he had managed to use this archery skill to heavily injure a Zong Stage Heavenly Beast . From that, one could tell how powerful it truly was . Furthermore, although Zhou Weiqing's Heavenly Energy was currently not comparable to his teacher's, his pure physical strength had long since way surpassed Mu En's . He was also using the great Overlord Bow, a powerful Consolidated Equipment that only Strength Heavenly Jewel Masters could use .

An arrow released by such a skill already had a huge destructive power, and adding the explosive effect of the Overlord Bow to the mix would only cause an effect of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts, more than several times the destructive capabilities!

One should never forget that Zhou Weiqing was not a close combat type Heavenly Jewel Master, but an archer! Although his close combat skills were decent, especially with his Legendary Consolidated Equipment Set Hammers in hand, he was definitely not as well versed and practiced in using them as when he had bow in hand, and naturally he was at his best when using archery .

For Ming Wu to dare to allow Zhou Weiqing to start running first, he naturally had the confidence to easily catch him . With his cultivation level, if Zhou Weiqing could reach the city without him doing anything, that would be a joke .

If the current situation carried on, with the Hades' Flower strong suction powers, it would barely be another blink of an eye before Zhou Weiqing would reach within 30 metres of Ming Wu . Once that happened, Ming Wu was confident that he could totally subdue Zhou Weiqing without any issues and complete crush all his hopes of resisting .

However, just when he thought that everything was secured, Zhou Weiqing's sudden Spatial Rend gave Ming Wu a surprise . Although he had heard his daughter's description of it, it was a totally different matter experiencing it on his own! Ming Wu was after all a lot more experienced and knowledgeable than Ming Hua, and he definitely recognized the skill although she did not .

The Silver Emperor's Spatial Rend! How could this be possible… with that little brat's mere cultivation level, how could he possibly Store such a Skill from the Silver Emperor?! In that instant, Ming Wu was truly shocked to his core . What was the Silver Emperor? It was a King Stage Heavenly Beast! To put things in perspective, even with Ming Wu's power and cultivation level, should he be a Spatial Heavenly Jewel Master, he would still likely not be able to Store and Skills from the Silver Emperor!

Heavenly Beasts were similar to Heavenly Jewel Masters when ranking up, and the gap from Zong Stage to King Stage was immense, not just a huge increase in quantity of power, but quality as well, and the stage was considered quite an important breakthrough . From what Ming Wu knew, he had never even heard of any Heavenly Jewel Master below King Stage being able to Store Skills from a King Stage Heavenly Beast! That just wasn't realistic at all!

Yet, at the same time, Ming Wu was extremely certain that he had not made a mistake or have his eyes deceived him . The skill that Zhou Weiqing used was indeed the Spatial Rend of the Silver Emperor! At the same time, he knew that the Skill Storing Palace had recently captured a Silver Emperor, and it had paid quite a heavy price in doing so .

Despite the shock and bewilderment in his heart causing his mind to race wildly, Ming Wu's actions did not slow at all . Even with the Hades' Flower being blocked by the Spatial Rend, with his 9-Jeweled cultivation level, he was still very confident in taking down Zhou Weiqing before he could escape .

Just at that moment, Zhou Weiqing's Overlord Bow fired out the arrow, and once again Ming Wu was given a nasty shock at the power of the arrow speeding towards him . Judging by its power, he dared not let it strike him, as it would definitely deal some damage to him .

With his body in mid air, Ming Wu made a guarding motion with his right hand, using his fingers to strike out at the arrow at the precise time . At the same time, a white light erupted out from his hands on the point of impact, forcefully covering the massive explosion and shielding it from him .

Without a doubt, even with Zhou Weiqing's amazing archery and his Consolidated Equipment Overlord Bow, Zhou Weiqing was still unable to threaten Ming Wu . However, a something strange occurred – Ming Wu's body froze in mid air . Although his body was still carried forward by inertia, but his speed was like a snail's pace as compared to his previous motion .

How could this be?! Ming Wu's face changed for the first time, shock, disbelief and even a hint of fear displaying out . Although he had been surprised several times by Zhou Weiqing earlier, nothing had such an effect on him as this . After all, when Ming Wu had dealt with the blow earlier, he had made use of his Heavenly Xu Energy to dissolve the power held within the arrow . Yet, when it exploded, his speed had shockingly still been affected, causing him to slow drastically . Furthermore, he was now circulating all his Heavenly Energy, even manipulating the Life Attribute of his Elemental Jewels, and yet he was still unable to resolve this slowing effect… which lasted a whole three seconds .

Three seconds might seem a short period of time, but sometimes it might just seem an extremely long time . Now, in the heat of combat, it was such a time indeed .

However, after shooting the arrow, Zhou Weiqing did not even look at Ming Wu, not hesitating a bit to see the effect . Instead, he had already spun around, right foot slamming hard on the city walls . Once again, his body flew up into the air, and in the short span of the three seconds, he had already swiftly leapt up onto the top of the world like a gust of wind . As he did so, he even waved towards Ming Wu before jumping down into the city . At the same time, he also cried out loudly in a weird sound, drawing attention and causing a commotion amongst the city guards . Without question, he was trying to create a large commotion in order to aid his escape .

As the three seconds ended, a moment later, Ming Wu was already in the Fei Li City . Currently, the expression on his face was very ugly . Up until now, he still had not figured out what skill Zhou Weiqing had used to be able to slow him down for three seconds . With the huge disparity between the two of their cultivation levels, this was originally not something that was possible .

As soon as Zhou Weiqing entered the Fei Li City, he immediately ran for his life . His heart was still pounding away in fear, and his only thought now was to take Shangguan Bing'er and get out of Fei Li City immediately . Even though his studies were important, and so were the students he had planned to recruit from the Fei Li Military Academy, nothing was more important to him than his own freedom . Furthermore, it might be even death he faced .

All of a sudden, Zhou Weiqing stopped in his tracks . In front of him, a shadowy figure stood illuminated by the moonlight – it was Ming Wu .

Currently, Ming Wu was standing there, his arms crossed and brow furrowed . His gaze seemed to flicker around, as if struggling with something .

Zhou Weiqing stood in surprise for a moment, before he finally forced a smile on his face… "Senior, I never expected to meet you again so quickly . Do not worry Senior, although I am young and my cultivation level is way below yours, but I definitely am a man of my word . I will never reveal anything about the Heavenly Demon Sect to anyone else . To keep my promise is what a man has to do…"

Ming Wu sighed and said: "Enough . You do not need to try and wrangle anything out of me . I admit that you have really given me many big surprises today, and I have lost the previous bet . I had truly never expected you to not just have the Silver Emperor's Spatial Rend, but also that unknown powerful control skill! If I'm not wrong, your attributes are Wind, Spatial and Demonic… at least three attributes!"

Zhou Weiqing said: "It's getting late, senior . Since our bet has ended, then this junior will return home to sleep . " As he said that, he turned and quickly walked away .

Alas, in a quick flash, Ming Wu stood in front of him once more, the expression on his face extremely ugly . With a sigh, he said: "I'm very sorry, young man . I'm afraid that I have to break my word for once . For the sake of the Sect's future, my own personal honour is nothing, and I am willing to bear the name of being perfidy . Alas, no matter what, I need you to join our Heavenly Demon Sect today . You are just too talented, and your talent alone gives me the chills . I believe that if you join our Heavenly Demon Sect, in the future, you will bring our Sect to rise up in glory . "

Zhou Weiqing's eyes widened as he stared at Ming Wu, dumfounded… the situation before his eyes was definitely not what he expected .

For a Upper Level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Master like Ming Wu, with his status in the Heavenly Jewel Master World, he had actually gone back on his word!

Bearing the name of perfidy might sound easy, but for a Upper Level Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Master to say that, how difficult could it be? At this point, Zhou Weiqing's heart sank like a rock . Now that Ming Wu had thrown his honour away for the sake of his Sect, Zhou Weiqing was at a loss of what to do .