
Heavenly Jewel Change (Personal)

I have uploaded this for myself to listen to thank you and please don't eat my brain out for this.

Tushar_Vashishta · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Ch 141 - Ch 145

Chapter 141

The girl sitting behind the desk was of rather average looks, and being called that by Zhou Weiqing, she was rather pleased, and her attitude was extremely nice . "Alright, what's your name, age, gender… uh, that one isn't necessary . Also, your field of study and whether or not you are a noble . "

"I'm Zhou Weiqing, 16 years old… uhh… field of study… wait, let me ask . " Turning his head around to Shangguan Bing'er, he asked: "What are we registering as our field of study?"

Shangguan Bing'er was struck speechless by him, sighing in resignation as she replied: "Military Command . "

Zhou Weiqing turned back and said: "Military command . I'm also a Viscount in the Heavenly Bow Empire, does that count as a noble?" His father was after all the Commander-in-Chief of the Heavenly Bow Empire, and he had nothing against nobles; furthermore, it meant lowering the acceptance score .

The girl in charge of registration said apologetically: "I'm sorry, only nobles from the Fei Li Empire are recognized as nobles, for other countries, only the royal family will be considered nobles . Unfortunately, you can only register as commoners . "

A cold light flashed in Zhou Weiqing's eyes, and he said passively: "Commoner it is then . " A sense of humiliation and sorrow welled up in his heart, as a weak country, even their noble status weren't recognized; this was even in their ally Fei Li Empire . With their country so weak, they weren't even able to hold their heads up high as citizens . In that very instant, he suddenly understood why his father spent all his time training his soldiers and battling . This was all to strengthen their own country!

Shangguan Bing'er sensed the change in Zhou Weiqing's emotions, quickly registering as well before they headed into the academy .

"Little Fatty, don't think so much . We are here for the sake of making our country stronger in the future! We need to endure and tolerate everything, we are here to learn, and once we have grown stronger, only then can we repay our country and strengthen it! Your talent is so high, in the future, you will definitely be able to lead our country into prominence . "

Zhou Weiqing nodded his head, holding Shangguan Bing'er's hands and said: "Not me, it's us . No matter where I am, I will not allow you to leave me . "

Shangguan Bing'er saw the resolution in his eyes, and she suddenly realised that, her Little Fatty had somehow changed in that instant, no longer just that Zhou Little Fatty who was joking around all day . With a tremor in her heart, she couldn't help but think: My Little Fatty has grown up!

The registration point was at the entrance of the Fei Li Imperial Family Military Academy, while the actual examinations were within the academy itself . With the admission identification card in hand, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er entered the Academy .

As soon as they entered, they saw a wide open main square, just like a drilling ground, and this wide main square was surrounded by a 800 metre long running track . On the other end of the main square, there was a huge 6 story building which was more than 300 metres wide – it was the main academy building . The entire building was a metallic grey colour, giving forth a thick and serious killing aura .

The three registration examinations were all held in the large main square, and the outcome would be determined there and then, as such there were very clear specifications for the new registrees .

Zhou Weiqing looked towards Shangguan Bing'er and asked: "Bing'er, what shall we go for first? Looks like you will not have any problems with the registration examinations, sigh, but I'm not so certain about myself . "

Shangguan Bing'er said curiously: "Why wouldn't I have any problems?"

Zhou Weiqing said: "Didn't you see that one of the examinations is a face to face interview? With our Bing'er's top beauty, that should be a full marks! As for the other two, you can just casually get any marks and you will still pass . Sigh, as for me, with this face of mine, I doubt I will score high . As for the written military examination, I'll be happy if I do not get 0 marks . "

Shangguan Bing'er giggled, hitting him on his shoulder: "Do not put yourself down, how would you know without trying . Come, let's try the military examination first then, since you aren't confident . "

The written examination on military affairs was in the east side of the square, while the personal combat ability examination was on the west . The central portion of the square was where the interviews were held; this would prevent the noise from the combat examination from affecting the written examinations .

As the two of them entered the written examination area, they noticed that there were only a few empty seats left . Someone passed them a copy of the examination, and the teacher in charge told them no communication was allowed as soon as the tests started, and they could hand in their paper after they had finished . At the front, there were over a dozen teachers reading some completed papers . Clearly, the papers would be graded there and then, so the results of the examination could be received as soon as possible .

There were stationary provided on the table, and Zhou Weiqing sat there and looked at the paper, and he was given a pleasant surprise . If the examination were to be on details of military command like the formation of troops, he would definitely score a big zero . After all, in his younger years when his meridians were still blocked and he did not have his Heavenly Jewels Awakened, Admiral Zhou did not hope for him taking over and inheriting his duties . As a result, he had not been taught anything about the military . However, the question in the paper was not about the normal military knowledge, but an example of a battle situation .

The question was as follows: An isolated little city has been surrounded by enemy troops . Currently, there are only 5000 troops guarding the city, and several hundred thousand citizens, with many young and old dependents . The enemy troops number a hundred thousand, and they have completely surrounded the city . Reinforcements can only arrive in at least 3 days . Under such a circumstance, the enemy has driven citizens from the surrounding villages and used them as the vanguard in attacking the city . As the general in charge of the defence of the city, what would you do?

The examination consisted of only this one single question, and the rest of the paper was blank for their answer .

Zhou Weiqing hesitated for a moment, then started writing furiously, his pen flying over the paper . Perhaps because of the constant creation of Consolidating Equipment Scrolls recently, even his handwriting seemed a lot better .

Before long, he had completed a long section of words . He did not even read through it again, instead standing up in satisfaction, looking at Shangguan Bing'er at the side who was still writing, he headed to the front to hand in his paper .

The teachers at the front were busy grading, but since there was only one question, and these teachers were all experienced members of the Fei Li Imperial Family Military Academy, the grading was done pretty quickly . Zhou Weiqing had only queued for a short while before it was his turn .

The teacher who took his paper was a male of around 50 years of age . As soon as he read the first line, his brow furrowed . On Zhou Weiqing's paper, the first line was: Kill! Kill! Kill!

As the teacher read on, he saw the following: If I were the general of the little city, I would unhesitatingly issue the order to kill . The civilians outside are the citizens of our country, but so are the citizens and troops in the city wall . At this time, any hesitation might cause the city walls to be destroyed, and countless of lives lost . At that point, would the enemy let those civilians they used as the vanguard go? Perhaps they might, but as the general in charge, I cannot take that risk, take the gamble, betting the lives of several hundred other civilians and my thousands of troops .

To defend the city, that is my first duty . The civilians who were forced to become the vanguard are innocent, alas, if I do not kill them, as a soldier, I have failed in my duty . Perhaps, the little city I am guarding is just a small one of no major consequence to the overall picture of the war, but as a general, I cannot think like this . I must do what I can to complete my task of defending the city, and to do so, I will not hesitate to kill and fight with all my might, down to the very last soldier .

If the enemy's attack isn't able to destroy the city, then during the night, I will pass on my duties to my vice commander, and go alone out of the city to attack the enemy, to take responsibility and revenge for the civilians outside . I will kill as many as I can . However, before I do so, I will ensure that the city has sufficient fuel and combustibles, and give my vice commander a final command . As soon as the enemy breaks into the city, then light up and burn the whole city, and fight to the death with the enemy . Even if the city is broken and everyone perishes, we will not leave them with a single grain of food, nor leave them with any living humans to use on the next city . Casualties are unavoidable in war, and I can only do the best I can to provide the best possible outcome in the final war . As to regards on how many people will die, I can only do my best to reduce it, but beyond that, I cannot do anything .

Looking at Zhou Weiqing's answer, the teacher's face grew ugly, feeling a sense of blood from it, he couldn't help but cry out angrily: "Nonsense! This is absolute nonsense!"

Looking up at Zhou Weiqing, he said: "This is your ideal answer? I cannot imagine, if you truly become a general, how many people would die because of you . Your answer, gives me the images of mountains of corpses and blood . A general who doesn't care about life, who can kill and cause destruction and doesn't care about civilians, such a general would never be loved by the troops and civilians . Aren't you afraid of a mutiny?"

Zhou Weiqing shrugged and said: "Mutiny? Why would there be one? Couldn't I tell them those civilians are enemy troops in disguise? If I am the general, my duty is to protect the country, not just those particular civilians . I believe that no general in the world will be able to save every civilian . I do not need their love, I just need to ensure most of them stay alive . There are always sacrifices in war . What, should I have surrendered instead?"

The teacher cried out angrily: "Even surrendering would be better than your answer . No matter what your excuses are, I will give you a zero for this answer . In fact, from my perspective, I definitely do not hope that a young man with a character like yours will enter the academy and eventually go on the battlefield . "

Zhou Weiqing's lip curled in scorn . "Pedantic fool . " Towards this exam, he had never expected much anyway . Zero, so be it . Besides, as long as he managed to get full marks for another paper, he should be able to pass . He was rather confident in the personal combat ability examination .

Just as the teacher was about to put a zero on the paper, all of a sudden, a clear voice sounded out . "Wait!"

Chapter 142

Zhou Weiqing lifted his head, and his brow furrowed instantly . A youth walked up to the teacher, picking up Zhou Weiqing's paper . That youth was none other than the one he had met two days ago, the black clad youth who had been with Difuya, Ming Yu .

He was still clad in black, his face passive as he looked at Zhou Weiqing, as if he did not recognize him .

Zhou Weiqing thought to himself: Is that fellow a teacher in this Fei Li Imperial Family Military Academy? If that is so, perhaps I'm in trouble for today's examination . Furthermore, he had noticed the look of respect that had flashed onto the teacher's face when Ming Yu had taken the paper from him, even standing up and giving up his seat .

By this time, Shangguan Bing'er had completed her answer as well, coming to Zhou Weiqing's side . Earlier, the teacher had been rather loud and thus she had heard the commotion, and was now looking worriedly at Zhou Weiqing .

Ming Yu sat there reading through the paper attentively, and when he finally raised his head to look at Zhou Weiqing once again, the expression on his face revealed much surprise .

"Good… good… very good . " Ming Yu nodded towards Zhou Weiqing, saying: "This answer is the best I have seen all day . Although it is still a little naive and not detailed, but as an examinee who is registering to attend the school, it is already perfect . Teacher Ao Le, I recommend that this freshman should be given the full marks . "

"What? Full marks?" The teacher's face immediately turned red . "Sir Ming Yu, that shouldn't be right . This student's answer is just too absurd . He actually wanted to kill the civilians! Furthermore, at the end there's even more bullshit . To attack the enemy camp alone, what a foolish idea . How can this answer even pass the exam, let alone get full marks?" Looking at Ming Yu, he had an incredulous look on his face . If the person in front of him wasn't Ming Yu, he would have accused him of favouritism .

Ming Yu said passively: "Teacher Ao Le, you have always been researching all forms of military knowledge, but you have after all never been on an actual battlefield . War is after all forged by blood and life . This freshman's answer is indeed the best answer . In order not to influence the other examinees, I will not explain any further . After the examination has ended, I will personally give you an explanation . However, regarding this answer, I stand by my words, to give him full marks . As for your query about launching a sneak attack on the enemy alone being naive and foolish, what if that person is a powerful Heavenly Jewel Master? Would you still think of that as naive and foolish?"

As he said that, he actually took up the red pen beside the teacher, and wrote a big red 100 on the paper .

"Wait, who are you? You aren't even an examiner, how can you even correct my paper . " Zhou Weiqing did not feel grateful; towards this man who had been with his fiancee, he did not feel any favourable impression .

Looking at the obvious enmity in Zhou Weiqing's eyes, the teacher Ao Le finally determined that Ming Yu did not have connection to this little fellow . After all, he had never seen anyone dare rebut Ming Yu like that in public, not even the Academy Master of the Fei Li Military Academy had ever done so . He couldn't help but say: "You have registered to study at the Fei Li Imperial Family Military Academy, and yet you do not know him, the Fei Li God General, Sir Ming Yu?!"

Zhou Weiqing turned towards Shangguan Bing'er and said: "Fei Li God General? Is he famous?"

Shangguan Bing'er looked absolutely dumbstruck, staring at Ming Yu sitting there, her eyes filled with respect and worship . As for the other examinees also stood up with shock and joy in their eyes as soon as they heard that, some even squealing out loud . Only under several reprimands from the examiners did they sit back down to continue their examination, though their gazes often floated back to the front .

Ming Yu looked at Zhou Weiqing, not hiding the approval in his eyes . "Little rascal, your answer has made me look at you in a different light! If not for that battle report only being known to a few of the top military commanders, I would have suspected you actually knew the truth about that battle . You do not need to suspect my motives – what happened two days ago is one matter, today is another matter . As for my qualification to correct your paper, I think I do have that, as I am the overall supervisor of this year's registration . At the same time, I was the one who came up with this question . "

As he said that, he turned to Shangguan Bing'er who was standing beside Zhou Weiqing, a look of surprise at her beauty . "This young lady, can I have a look at your paper?"

Shangguan Bing'er subconsciously passed her paper and her admission identification card to Ming Yu, who took up her paper and started reading it leisurely .

Only then did Shangguan Bing'er awaken, moving to Zhou Weiqing's ear and saying in a low voice: "Little Fatty, this Ming Yu God General is extremely famous in the Fei Li Empire, and is one of the top members of the aggressive faction in their army . He is also one of the youngest and most famous generals of his generation, and idolised by many of the young Fei Li Empire citizens . He is considered a legend in the military world, and his battles have been considered almost myths .

Zhou Weiqing curled his lip, saying: "That legendary?"

Shangguan Bing'er continued: "He should be around 30 years old this year, but do not be misled by his age – he is extremely formidable . It is rumoured that he has been following his father, the famous general, Ming Hong since the age of six, learning all sorts of military knowledge and how to command troops . At the age of ten, his Heavenly Jewel Awakened, and at the age of twelve, he joined his father in a military exercise war game, he surprised and awed the entire military upper echelons . When he was fourteen years old, he was given the chance to enter the army early, and he worked his way up from a common soldier . In just two years, he had worked his way to Battalion Commander on his own merits, and at the age of sixteen, in a war with the Wan Shou Empire, he led his lone Battalion against 6 enemy Battalions in a classic guerrilla battle, delaying them for more than 8 hours and buying time for the rest of the Fei Li Empire armies to reach and finally winning them the battle by a huge margin . That was the battle that first propelled him to fame . After that, he returned to the Empire, and studied at this Fei Li Imperial Family Military Academy for two years, earning all the accolades possible in this academy . At the age of eighteen, he returned to the battlefield, being in more than a hundred battles both big and small, and has never suffered a loss since . By the time he was twenty eight, he had amassed enough military exploits to be promoted to Regimental Commander . With a hundred thousand troops under his command, he is one of the top generals stationed at their northern border . Everytime he fights a battle, he never leaves his enemies alive, and he is also known as the God of Slaughter . The Wan Shou Empire hates his guts, and they have sent assassins after him, and also organised large scale battles just in order to trap and kill him . Despite that, he is still alive and well . Countless of Fei Li Empire citizens, and even citizens of other countries, idolize him . Such an experience, shouldn't it be counted as legendary?"

Zhou Weiqing's eyes whirled in their sockets as he held Shangguan Bing'er overbearingly, whispering into her ear: "I just want to know, is he your idol?"

Shangguan Bing'er looked at him exasperatedly, rolling her eyes as she said softly: "I only admire his military genius, but he isn't my idol . He is fickle and indiscreet, rumoured to be very lustful . "

"Why is being lustful considered fickle and indiscreet?!" Two indignant voices sounded out almost at the same time . One of which was naturally the one who was being evaluated, Ming Yu; while the other was Zhou Weiqing . After they both said it, their eyes met, with Ming Yu smiling as he shook his head, while Zhou Weiqing giving a cold humph .

Ming Yu held Shangguan Bing'er's paper and smiled, saying: "Beautiful lady, do not worry, even though you said I am fickle and indiscreet, I will still be fair in my grading . "

"Your answer was too straightforward and rather textbook, I'm sure that out of a hundred applicants, 90 of them will have a similar answer . As such, I can only give you 50 marks . To be honest, in terms of military command, inborn talent is of the utmost importance, and makes all the difference . Although I do not like to admit it, this little fellow beside you has an impressive talent, obviously higher than yours unfortunately . I have a simple evaluation for him – resolute and willing to kill . If he is truly 16 years old as he wrote on his registration, then in terms of talent he is ahead of even me . At least, at that age, I would not have thought of burning down my own city to stop the enemy's advance . "

Upon hearing Ming Yu's evaluation of them both, Shangguan Bing'er flushed a little and bowed respectfully: "Thank you, General . "

Ming Yu stood up, his gaze returning to Zhou Weiqing, and he smiled faintly before saying: "I've discovered that you are very similar to me, and I am getting more and more interested . I'll be back to look for you . "

Zhou Weiqing gave a cheh sound, and spat out: "I, Your Father, am not interested in you . I'm only interested in women . " After saying that, he grabbed his paper and identification card and ran off with Shangguan Bing'er .

A look of embarrassment flashed across Ming Yu's face, and he shook his head helplessly . "That little rascal seemed honest, but he is indeed a rash and rebellious youth . Looks like it's gonna be an interesting few years in the academy!"

Right at this moment, a soldier rushed to Ming Yu, saluting and saying: "Reporting, Sir . "

"Yes, speak . " Ming Yu said calmly . Although he was only 32 years old, he had a dignified aura that definitely displayed the stateliness of a general .

"Orders from the headquarters for the general to head back and report to them . "

"En… I understand . " Ming Yu waved his hands and nodded to the teachers as he strode off, leaving behind many envious, respectful and even jealous looks .

Shangguan Bing'er was pulled by Zhou Weiqing to the other end of the main square . She couldn't help but say worriedly: "Little Fatty, do not think too much . After all, General Ming Yu is already over 30, and you are only 16 years old . I believe that my Little Fatty will overtake him in the future . "

Zhou Weiqing looked at her in surprise, saying: "Think too much? I didn't think of anything ah?! I have nothing to do with that cocky fellow, why should I overtake him? He is himself, and I am my own person . "

Shangguan Bing'er was speechless, thinking to herself: Looks like I was worried for nothing . "Your military examination is already with the full marks, and you don't have to take any other exams . Just wait for me, I'll go for the personal combat strength examination . "

Zhou Weiqing gave a cold humph and said: "Who wants that fellow's full marks . I'll take the test with you . Your husband's personal strength is still powerful!" As he said that, he gave a muscle flexing pose, causing Shangguan Bing'er to laugh .

Chapter 143

There were relatively fewer people gathered around the personal combat strength examination, and there were ten teachers acting as examiners there, each of them exchanging some simple blows with the students before evaluating them with a score .

Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er found a queue to join . The two of them had been parted for months and had many things to talk about . Zhou Weiqing had just been calling Ming Yu cocky a minute ago, yet at that moment, he couldn't help but brag to Shangguan Bing'er about his talent as a Consolidating Equipment Master .

Shangguan Bing'er listened to him with a faint smile on her face, being his best audience . Just as Zhou Weiqing was describing the pain he had been in during the breaking through of the twelfth Death Acupuncture Point, he was interrupted by a cry of shock .

Their gazes were drawn in the direction, only to see that the cry had originated from one of the queues of waiting students, and it had been one of the appliants taking the examination who had caused the outcry .

The applicant was indeed eye-catching, as he was simply so huge . Zhou Weiqing's 1 . 9 metre height and muscular frame was considered large amongst normal people, but when compared to that applicant, he was probably one size down!

He seemed to be at least 2 . 1 metres tall, his well build body almost akin to a small hill! At the moment, he was saying: "Teacher, your attacks do not hurt at all! By the way, can I get full marks? I got 0 from the military examination, if I do not get full marks here, I'll probably not be able to get in . "

The teacher in charge of his examination said solemnly: "Applicant Ma Qun, release your Power Jewel and let me have a look . "

"Oh okay . " The large youth called Ma Qun lifted his hands honestly and in a flash of light, a set of Heavenly Jewels appeared around his wrists . On the right, there was a yellow jade glowing, signifying toughness or defence . The purity of the yellow jade naturally showed his status as a Heavenly Jewel Master . As for his left wrist, there was a brilliant gold gemstone .

"Gold diamond, earth attribute!" Shangguan Bing'er gave a small cry of shock, saying with much surprise: "That is a good combination . The Earth Attribute is already very good for defence, and his Physical Jewel is also the toughness attribute . His defensive capabilities must be rather crazy! Such a combination of Heavenly Jewels is known as pure defense, and is even rarer than my pure agility type . "

Zhou Weiqing laughed and said: "Alas, his cultivation level is much lower than yours . After all, he is only a low level Shi Master with just a single set of Jewels, and is at max of 7th Level Heavenly Energy . "

As the two of them were chatting, the examiner said with a gloomy face: "Applicant Ma Qun, since you are a Heavenly Jewel Master, why did you attend the examinations? Don't you know that no matter which academy, all Heavenly Jewel Masters can enter without examinations? Alright, you just need to register it here with me . Not bad, not bad, the crop of students this year is really good! You are already the second Heavenly Jewel Master this year . "

"Ahh??" Three surprised voices rang out simultaneously . It was naturally Ma Qun, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er .

Both Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er exchanged looks, bemusement and laughter well up within them . No wonder Hua Fen had not mentioned anything about the registration exams, since Heavenly Jewel Masters did not even need to take them . That was actually an even better treatment than nobles received .

Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er quickly walked up to the examiner and said: "Teacher, we are also Heavenly Jewel Masters, could you help us register as well?"

All the other teachers and applicants turned to look at them, including the large Ma Qun turned around to do so .

The large fellow looked even more honest and naive than Zhou Weiqing, and as soon as he saw Shangguan Bing'er, he broke out in a grin and said: "Elder sis, you are so beautiful . "

Shangguan Bing'er smiled faintly and nodded to him .

Zhou Weiqing looked on coldly from the side . He noticed that this seemingly honest and naive big fellow was more than he looked – when he called Shangguan Bing'er beautiful, he noticeably swallowed a gulp of saliva . As a master of acting himself, Zhou Weiqing immediately spotted this fellow's true colours .

The examiners naturally did not notice such a minuscule detail, and after helping Ma Qun to register, the teacher said to them: "Please show me your Power Jewels . "

Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er did not reveal all their secrets – they both lifted up their respective right hands, using their bodies to block the view from the other applicants as they revealed their Physical Jewels .

All the waiting applicants heard an obvious string of breath intakes, but despite craning their necks, they were unable to see anything . As the teachers saw their both of them having three sets of Heavenly Jewels, they naturally kept their silence after that, rushing to help them register . Shangguan Bing'er looked at Zhou Weiqing in surprise, saying: "Little Fatty, you improved again?"

Zhou Weiqing said with a bitter look: "I totally did not want to! I almost died at Teacher Huyan's place . Without you by my side, breaking through the Death Acupuncture Points is just too painful . "

After just a short while, their registration was complete . The efficacy of the Fei Li Imperial Family Military Academy was extremely high, and the 3 of them received their entrance notifications immediately . The examiner also told them they could report 3 days later after all the entrance exams had ended and be assigned to their classes .

"Big sister, I'm called Ma Qun, what is your name? You're so beautiful, you're the most beautiful sister I have ever seen . " Just as Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er were walking off from the personal combat strength examination area, the large Ma Qun had followed them, asking with an honest looking face .

Shangguan Bing'er was about to reply him, but she was pulled aside by Zhou Weiqing who eyed the huge Ma Qun and said: "You big fool, in front of your big brother, your acting is too unskilled . Get lost, otherwise, I'll beat you up . "

"Little Fatty . " Shangguan Bing'er nudged him admonishingly .

Ma Qun laughed heartily, saying: "This big brother, I'm very tough, you can't really beat me up, even if you are also a Heavenly Jewel Master . "

"Oh? I can't beat you up?" Zhou Weiqing looked at him with interest . This time, Shangguan Bing'er seemed to know what was up, and didn't make any further comments .

Ma Qun gave a foolish grin as he laughed and said: "How about we have a bet . If you can beat me up and hurt me, I'll get lost . If not, you let me have this beautiful big sister . "

Zhou Weiqing laughed: "You have some audacity! No matter what, you do not lose . Haha… alright, it's a rare moment that I will take the disadvantage in a bet, but I agree . Ready?"

Ma Qun stood there, legs apart in a ready stance . He might look foolish and naive on the outside, but he was definitely not so, and was fully prepared, even releasing his Heavenly Jewels . The Earth Attribute Gold Diamond flashed, and a dim gold light surrounded his skin, and his already huge body seemed even larger than before, his skin seemingly rougher as well . "Alright, I am ready . Come then . "

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said: "Not bad, stone skin . In addition to your toughness Physical Jewel, that is not bad at all . Since you called me big brother, if I use my Heavenly Jewels, that would be bullying you too much . Look carefully, I am not using my Heavenly Jewels . "

As he said that, he lifted his hands towards Ma Qun to see, and the instant that Ma Qun's gaze landed on his wrists, Zhou Weiqing's leg flashed out like lightning, his right leg smashing savagely into Ma Qun's abdomen .

With a huge *Bang*, that huge and heavy Ma Qun flew off even despite all his defenses .

Indeed, he actually flew all the way back . His body being kicked into into a bow shape before flying back, and in a series of explosive sounds, the stone skin around his body actually shattered as he was knocked back almost 30 metres .

In a flash, Zhou Weiqing disappeared from beside Shangguan Bing'er . By the time he reappeared, he was above Ma Qun's flying body . Once again, the right leg flashed out, this time in a downward strike from above, once again smashing savagely into Ma Qun, this time onto his back . His body in midair instantly crashed down, landing heavily into the granite pavement . And, Ma Qun disappeared like that…

The huge commotion drew the attention of many standing around the main square as Zhou Weiqing landed gracefully on the ground . Indeed, he had not even unleashed his Heavenly Jewels, let alone any skills, and had only depended upon the terrifying strength and explosive power of the Demonic Right Leg . With a single blow of his leg, he had knocked Ma Qun back, before catching up with him and smashing him down with another blow . At this moment, Ma Qun's hulking body was actually embedded inside the granite pavement .

Zhou Weiqing was standing on Ma Qun's back, smiling as he said: "Big Fool, this big brother will teach you a lesson today . Liking women is not a bad thing, but don't you try to target this big brother's women . Tell me, does it hurt?"

Two days ago, when he saw Ming Yu and Difuya together, although Zhou Weiqing was a little gloomy, as Difuya was after all his fiancee in name, he did not really care a whole lot . However, when this big fellow was trying to put the moves on Bing'Er, that was not something he could stand . Shangguan Bing'er was the soft spot in his heart, and was his weakness! He wanted to kill off any notion in this Ma Qun's heart before it could grow any further . To such a fellow who knew how to act and chase girls, the best way was to beat him till he was afraid of continuing .

"Yes, it hurts . Big brother, I'm wrong . " Ma Qun lifted up his head, shaken . This fellow's defense was indeed stunning though, despite being knocked right into the granite, his skin was not even bleeding at all . Of course, he was still hurting all over, especially that searing pain in his gut where Zhou Weiqing had kicked him, and at the moment he felt as if his insides were flip flopping around . Ever since his Heavenly Jewels had Awakened, he had never felt such a feeling . How could he not know that he had met someone he could not possibly deal with .

Zhou Weiqing lifted up his leg, looking at the teachers running over, he quickly flipped Ma Qun up and out with his leg, patting the dust off Ma Qun's body with a sincere smile on his face .

"What happened?" A teacher approached, asking angrily as he looked at the fearsome man-shaped hole in the ground .

Zhou Weiqing smiled faintly: "It's nothing, we just got accepted into the academy, and were too excited . We were just sparring a little, right, Comrade Ma Qun . "

Ma Qun glanced at Zhou Weiqing, a strange expression on his face, but he immediately nodded and said: "Indeed! We were just sparring . Apologies teacher, I will pay for the broken granite . "

Chapter 144

After Ma Qun had paid the fine for destroying school property, the teachers left them .

Zhou Weiqing patted Ma Qun's shoulders, smiling as he said: "Very wise of you, looks like you know your place . Earlier, I only used 40 percent of my power in kicking out those two legs . Big fool, I'll see you in three days!" As he said that, he turned around, holding Shangguan Bing'er by the hand as they walked out of the academy .

Looking at Zhou Weiqing's disappearing figure, only then did Ma Qun bend down clutching his stomach, retching, as he muttered to himself: "!"&%&£(Q@, that fellow is too savage, just like a smiling tiger1 . Sigh, such bad luck on my part . Alas, what a waste of a beautiful girl, why are all the good ones always taken . However, that smiling tiger is truly strong, even without using his Heavenly Jewels, his blows hurt so much, what a terror . "

As Zhou Weiqing pulled Shangguan Bing'er out of the Fei Li Military Academy, he hastened his steps . "Little Fatty, what's the rush? Where are we headed?"

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said: "My dear beloved Bing'er, I've missed you so much! Of course, we're headed back to the hotel, to do what we love to do . " 2

Shangguan Bing'er was almost a 19 year old young lady, and how could she not understand what Zhou Weiqing was talking about . Immediately, her face turned red, and she said softly: "No . "

"Why not? Didn't you say it's okay when no one is around?" Zhou Weiqing said aggrievedly .

Shangguan Bing'er said abashedly: "When did I say that, that was you . When I left home, my mother told me not to do it with you . "

"Do what?" Zhou Weiqing said, with a look of 'innocence' .

Shangguan Bing'er's blushing face turned even redder . "That, you know! My mother said, before I actually marry you, I am not allowed to do it with you . She said, if you get it too easily, you will not know to cherish it . Besides, what if… I get pregnant?"

Hearing her say that, Zhou Weiqing was dumbfounded . After all, he was still technically a 'virgin', although he had previously had relations with Shangguan Bing'er, he had not been conscious . To suddenly talk about pregnancy and avoid it, he was also momentarily stunned .

Shangguan Bing'er's lucious red lips pouted and she said: "Little Fatty, are you with me just to do that? You…" As she said that, her beautiful eyes turned red .

Zhou Weiqing was most afraid of her crying, and was instantly flustered . He quickly said: "No, no, of course not . I love you, your entire person . Although doing that is great, but my dear Bing'er is more important . We'll listen to your mother okay, I will not force you . "

"Really?" Shangguan Bing'er asked again, tears brimming in her eyes . Zhou Weiqing quickly nodded and struck his chest in promise .

Shangguan Bing'er's tears quickly turned into laughter . "That's my good Little Fatty, come, big sis will reward you . " As she said that, she stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheeks .

"Ah?" Only then did Zhou Weiqing realise that she had tricked him . "Bing'er! You've learned to be bad!"

"Hmph, I have learned from all of you in the Heavenly Bow Unit! Ahh! Don't come here!" Looking at Zhou Weiqing advancing upon her with an evil glint in his eye, she quickly ran off . The two of them ran across the streets one after the other, laughing and joking .

Since they were about to enter the Fei Li Imperial Family Military Academy to learn, so they decided to take a break for the next three days and relax themselves . Fei Li City was so large, and there were many enjoyable places to have fun at . Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er spent the next three days exploring it and touring the entire city . Of course, at the same time, Zhou Weiqing did not forget to visit the Skill Storing Palace twice a day, completing all his Skill Storing . In the end, besides his Evil and Time Attribute which he was unable to find any suitable Skill to Store, he had completed Skill Storing for all the other attributes for all three Jewels . Zhou Weiqing finally had the true power of the three Alexandrite Cat's Eye at hand .

Since they had met, this was the most relaxing time they had spent together . Alas, our dear Zhou Little Fatty ended up failing his attempt to enjoy our beautiful Bing'er . In order to prevent him from crossing the line, Shangguan Bing'er kept her guard up and refused over intimate contact .

Happy times always seemed to pass so quickly, and it seemed like barely a blink of an eye when the three days had passed . The bustling crowd at the academy area was also slowly dissipating; those who had managed to enter all jumping with joy, while those who hadn't gloomily planning for their future, to try again next year or turn to something else .

Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er reported to the academy early in the morning, hand in hand . With Shangguan Bing'er around, she naturally did not allow Zhou Weiqing to stay in his sorry ungroomed state . Although he was still dressed in a simple cloth attire, he was at least clean and well groomed now . He was not considered very handsome or suave, but his tall, large frame and decent features did give him an imposing valiant look . Furthermore, a beautiful woman was a man's best ornament – with such a beauty like Shangguan Bing'er beside him, he naturally attracted many gazes as they walked along the street .

The Fei Li Imperial Family Military Academy entrance was much more peaceful and quiet than the previous time they were there . There were about twenty or so senior students standing around, in charge of guiding the new students in reporting .

Under their guidance, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er crossed the main square, entering the large school building, and they quickly found the reporting ground for the freshmen .

They had reached rather early, and the reporting ground was still rather empty and quiet . There were currently only three teachers who were in charge of admitting the freshmen .

"Hello Teacher, we are freshmen reporting . " Shangguan Bing'er said with a faint smile . Her unrivaled beauty naturally drew the attentions of all three teachers . Luckily, all of them were female teachers, otherwise Zhou Weiqing would have to be looming at the side glaring once again .

"You both are commoner students right?" One of the older female teachers with a head of white hair asked .

Zhou Weiqing asked uncertainly: "During the examinations, nobles and commoners had different treatment in terms of acceptance grades . After being accepted, is there still a difference?"

The female teacher explained: "Naturally, there is a difference . For example, commoner's school fees are only 20 gold coins per year, while the school fees for nobles are 2000 per year . The teachings are the same, but the dormitories and living quarters will be different . Another difference is, commoners need to be at least Jewel Masters, but there is no such requirement for nobles . "

When Zhou Weiqing heard about the difference in fees, his heart felt better and more balanced . After all, an academy needed to earn money as well, and those who paid more naturally deserved better quarters . Although he did not like such separation; everyone was human after all, with a brain, mouth, and limbs, and there shouldn't be any differentiation . However, it seemed that there wasn't any serious differentiations, and he did not continue on the topic further . "Then can we please trouble teacher to help us complete our registration . " Shangguan Bing'er nudged Zhou Weiqing, hinting him to stop with his line of questioning, as she passed their acceptance letters over .

"This semester, there are 29 new commoner students . Every year, there will only be one commoner class, and four noble classes . As such, your class is called the Common One Class . Each of you need to pay 20 gold coins, which includes staying in the dormitory, but if you wish to include food and beverage expenses, it will be an additional 50 gold per person . The living quarters are all at the dormitory building behind this main school building; the commoner quarters are on the first level, with the boy's quarters on the left side, and the girl's quarters on the right . You will be staying with 7 other roommates . "

"After the school semester starts and you stay in the dorm, you are not to leave school grounds without permission, nor should you go up to the other levels of the dorm without invitation as that is for the noble students . Here are your uniforms, two sets each . Tomorrow morning, the school's opening ceremony will be held in the auditorium, which is at the first level of this main school building, and all students will be required to attend . Alright, you two can leave now .

Zhou Weiqing received the uniforms and their dorm keys, as well as their student badges, while Shangguan Bing'er paid up the money, then the two left the reporting grounds .

As soon as they exited the room, Zhou Weiqing's mouth curled in scorn as he said: "Bing'er, look at the grey and white uniforms, the material is no better than what I am wearing . As compared to what I have seen those noble students wearing, it is definitely a huge difference, even in terms of looks . This Fei Li Military Academy is apparently very obviously attending to a difference in status!"

Shangguan Bing'er said quietly: "Softer! Little Fatty, you must remember that we are here to learn . Since we are under their roof, what else can we do but follow their rules? I know that you are indignant, but you cannot kick up a fuss . Come on, let's head to the dormitory and arrange our things, let me help you clean up as well . "

"En . " Perhaps it was because his character was gradually and subtly being influenced by the black pearl, but currently Zhou Weiqing's emotions were rather riled up and unruly .

The dormitory was right behind the main school building, and was only slightly smaller . Even still, it was of quite an impressive size . Following the numbers of their keys, they quickly made their way to Zhou Weiqing's dorm .

The instant when the door opened, he was greeted by a blast of terrifying odour – years of athlete's feet! That smell almost made Zhou Weiqing fall over, as he quickly blocked Shangguan Bing'er from entering, as he held his breath and rushed into the room to slam open the window, and let the ventilation flow . Only then did the air clear a little .

The dorm room was not small, almost 40 square metres in size, with 4 bunk beds at the corners . There was also an open area which had been split into eight regions, with 2 large metal cabinets, 2 large tables and 4 chairs . Besides that, the room was empty, except for the fact that rubbish was strewn everywhere, and the entire room was both dirty and messy . The bunk beds were still bare and showing the wooden planks below, with the mattresses, bedding and sheets nowhere to be seen . Zhou Weiqing's mouth twitched a little, this was not even comparable to his bunk in the army .

In contrast, it seemed that Shangguan Bing'er was a lot more composed . "Little Fatty, why don't you rest a bit, I will clear it up for you . Your room doesn't even have a space for us to sit currently . "

"Let me do it myself . " Zhou Weiqing quickly stopped her .

Shangguan Bing'er giggled and said: "Cleaning a room is a girl's job, why are you snatching it from me . A man should take charge of external matters while women should take care of domestic matters3, if you try and snatch it from me, I will get angry . Let me learn how to take care of you first . I'll go and buy a basin to hold water for cleaning . " As she said that, she turned in a whirl and left .

As Zhou Weiqing watched her leave, he felt a warmth in his heart . Looking at the four bunk beds which could hold 8 men, he said angrily: "Hmph, those other fellows really got the advantage . " As he said that, he did not stay idle . Although Shangguan Bing'er wanted to help him clean up, he could not bare for her to pick up those dirty trash . As such, he seized the opportunity that she was buying a basin, and quickly gathered all the trash lying around and threw them all out . By the time Shangguan Bing'er had returned with a basin of water, the room was clear and ready to be wiped down . "Bing'er, later I'll follow you to the girl's dorm and help you clear the rubbish, and also get to know where you stay . Heh heh . " Zhou Weiqing grinned and said .

Chapter 145

Shangguan Bing'er said exasperatedly: "Don't give me that . You want to go look at beauties or to help me clear the rubbish? Do you think us girls are so dirty like you boys? I popped in to have a look just now and my dorm is much cleaner!"

Just as the two were sharing a moment of warm tender feelings, there was a loud commotion from outside . All of a sudden, there was a loud bang as the dorm room was knocked open, and seven youths entered the room . The dorm was meant for eight, and with that, all of them were present . To his surprise, Zhou Weiqing found that he knew one of them, it was that huge fellow Ma Qun who he had knocked down the other day .

As soon as the seven entered the room, they saw Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er within, especially the sight of Shangguan Bing'er cleaning the cabinets, the seven of them halted, dumbfounded .

A skinny, short student asked, his jaw agape: "Heavens! I have heard rumours about the terrifying state of the boy's dorm being messy and dirty, but this looks pretty good! This brother over here, is that your girlfriend?"

Currently, Shangguan Bing'er was standing with her back facing them, as such none of the others saw her unparalleled beauty, and their eyes naturally fell to Zhou Weiqing who was sitting in a chair . Zhou Weiqing nodded his head smugly and said: "Yes! Are you guys also staying in this dorm room?"

The skinny little student nodded and said: "Yes, we all are . Earlier when we reported, we were assigned to the same room . Bro, you sure have good luck, and we have all benefited along with you . Come, let's introduce ourselves, my name is Kou Rui . "

Since all 7 of them had entered at once, the large room suddenly felt tiny and squeezy . Zhou Weiqing looked to Shangguan Bing'er and said: "Bing'er, why don't you head back first, we can finish up ourselves . "

This time, Shangguan Bing'er did not insist, nodding lightly to him before turning around . She gave the rest a smile before leaving with the basin .

With that smile, the entire room was instantly silenced . Besides Ma Qun, who had seen her previously and had some measure of preparation, the other six were dazed by her sheer beauty . They had never seen such dazzling beauty in their lives, and instantly they all fell silent . It was only when Zhou Weiqing gave a few coughs when they finally broke out of their reverie . By the time they looked at him once more, their gazes were filled with envy and jealousy .

Zhou Weiqing had chosen one of the lower bunks, and Ma Qun quickly walked over to take the one above him . Just as he was about to place his luggage in the bed above, Zhou Weiqing gave him a light kick and said exasperatedly: "Cheh, go to another bunk . Look at your size and weight, if you stay above me, what if the whole thing collapses on me . "

The other six were once again stunned . Although they had come in with Ma Qun, they had kept their distance, after all his size was just too intimidating, and they had also heard he was a Heavenly Jewel Master . As such, they were a little afraid of Ma Qun . Who knew that as soon as they had entered the room, the fellow within would give him a kick .

Just as the six of them thought a fight would break out, something even more surprising happened .

Ma Qun said with an ingratiating tone . "Boss, I just wanted to be closer to you . I shall just take the lower bed on the bunk beside yours then . "

"En, alright . " Zhou Weiqing stood up and stretched lazily before saying: "Guys, my name is Zhou Weiqing . You all unpack your stuff, I'm heading out for a stroll . "

To be honest, he was not used to having so many people in his room, especially now that they were unpacking and keeping their things, causing the whole place to be in a mess once more .

After Zhou Weiqing left, Kou Rui and the rest looked at Ma Qun with a changed expression, thinking to themselves . So this fellow just looks good but is just a weak fella! Such a coward .

Ma Qun felt their gazes on him, and he glared at them . "What are you all looking at? Looking for a fight? Let me remind you guys, in this dorm, Big Bro Zhou is the boss, and I am the Lao Er1 . Understand?"

There was a moment of silence, and all six of them burst out laughing . "Indeed, you are the Lao Er . Hahaha . "

Only then did Ma Qun realise the mistakes in his words, and he stood up with a gloomy look on his face . The dorm room was a boisterous and noisy scene indeed .

As Zhou Weiqing strolled around the main school grounds, he saw an endless stream of freshmen entering the academy to report . His eyes wandered around, looking for beauties to admire . At the same time, he was evaluating them, size, cup etc etc, all the while having a nonchalant look on his face . If not for his rapidly moving eyes, no one would be able to notice anything .

After watching for a while, Zhou Weiqing was rather disappointed . The number of females students admitted to this academy was considerably less, and even fewer were beauties . The best few he saw were above average, but in comparison to his Bing'er, it was tantamount to the difference between heaven and earth .

"What are you looking at?" A voice sounded right beside him, giving him a huge scare . Although he wasn't particularly paying attention to his surroundings, having someone approach him so closely without him finding out was still a huge surprise to him, and his pupils shrank .

As he turned his head around, he realised it was someone familiar – the Fei Li God General, Ming Yu!

Zhou Weiqing glanced at him, but did not reply .

Ming Yu continued speaking: "This year's freshmen are indeed lacking in girls, that girlfriend of yours is indeed the cream of the crop . " His observation skills were extremely astute, and he naturally could tell what Zhou Weiqing had been looking out for .

"Your name is Zhou Weiqing right? Do you know why I was surprised when I saw your answer the other day?" Ming Yu did not seem to care about Zhou Weiqing's attitude towards him, and continued speaking as if talking to himself .

"Why?" Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but ask, as he was extremely curious about it as well .

A faint light sparked in Ming Yu's eyes, and an imposing aura surged forth from him as he said: "That's because it was something that happened to me not long ago . I was in one of the smaller cities at the border on a patrol, and somehow our enemies got wind of my location . A hundred thousand strong army from the Wan Shou Empire somehow snuck past and attacked us there, with about a hundred thousand of our Fei Li Empire citizens forced to the front as the vanguard . At that time, I only had five thousand of my personal troops with me . "

Zhou Weiqing's interest was sparked and he asked: "So what did you do?"

Ming Yu said: "Pretty much similar to how you answered the question . I immediately gave the order to shoot and kill . Countless of our own civilians died under our own hands… but at that time I had no choice . Just like you said, if I had been softhearted and hesitated a few seconds, it wouldn't have just been those civilians who died that day . Alas, many of the teachers in the academy are armchair strategists, how would they possibly know the bloodlust and ferocity of the Wan Shou Empire army . Not only did I order them to shoot to kill indiscriminately, I also ordered all the civilians within the city and drafted them to dig large holes within the city near the walls, and line them with sharp spikes . When nightfall came, I led a suicide squad of a thousand men and snuck out of the city, striking the enemy from the side . At that time, I wanted to fight to the death then, but I could not do so or panic would have risen . By the time I managed to fight my way back, only 47 injured men survived together with me . However, we successfully burned most of their rations . "

"Angered by my sneak attack, the Wan Shou Empire Army launched a rather suicidal counterattack on the city walls once again . In the night, it was much more favourable to us, but even then, we only managed to kill over ten thousand of them before they broke through the walls . Luckily, what awaited them was countless of traps and archers sniping them in a fierce city battle . Finally, I gave the order to ignite all the houses and granaries, cutting off our own path of retreat, bringing the remaining troops and civilians to fight together in the city . We fought in the streets for 2 days and nights, delaying them them best we could . Finally, our reinforcements arrived, and the Wan Shou Empire Army, which had been starved for 3 days, were easily destroyed by the reinforcements, with only less than thirty thousand escaping . With just five thousand troops and a city full of civilians, we managed to hold and kill seventy thousand enemies . I felt that I had accomplished a miracle . What do you think?"

While Ming Yu was describing what had happened to him, his voice was passive and dispassionate, but Zhou Weiqing's heart was set afire, feeling his blood boil as if he were there facing the impossible odds as well . Although Ming Yu did not describe the details, his commands had been very similar on the whole to what Zhou Weiqing's answer had been, and in that instant, Zhou Weiqing felt as if he was in the midst of the bloody fighting .

"Of course, that's a miracle . With less than a twentieth of the enemies' armies in a small city without proper fortifications, being able to hold it for four days and even burning their rations! If that isn't a miracle, then what is?"

Ming Yu gave a bitter smile: "Alas, one hundred and eighty thousand of our loyal Fei Li Empire Citizens gave up their lives in that four days . Even the remaining 200 soldiers who survived that day called me an executioner . Amongst them, more than a third have gone crazy, and the civilians who actually survived that day hate me to their very bones . My career has also been affected, why do you think I am here instead of the frontlines?" 2

Zhou Weiqing's keen eyes stared piercingly at Ming Yu . In that instant, the bad blood he had for Ming Yu disappeared . He knew that Ming Yu had forged his reputation in blood and sweat, through his own hard work and countless death defying battles .

Ming Yu sighed and continued saying: "Many of the upper echelons of the military command wanted to punish me, even those who spoke on my behalf only did so because of my previous merits and contributions . How many actually know me? That day, when I saw your answer, and heard your reply… I knew you were the same type of person as I am . Alas, you are not of the Fei Li Empire, if not I would find some way for you to join my command, for us to fight together . "

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said: "Even if I'm not a citizen of the Fei Li Empire, does that mean we can't fight together? Do not forget that my Heavenly Bow Empire is an ally of your Fei Li Empire . It's just that I haven't forged the qualifications to fight together with you yet . "

Ming Yu laughed and said: "Let's hope that one day you do . The battlefield is the stage for real men in this day and age . "

Zhou Weiqing nodded silently, turning his head back towards the entrance of the Academy .

All of a sudden, his eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "Ehh? That girl is not bad!"

Ming Yu followed his gaze, only to see a young lady dressed in white walk in…