
Heavenly God Technique in Douluo Dalu

A guy die while chewing a chewing gums but luckily because of all the good deeds he does he got a second chance to reincarnate to hi favourite world. Douluo Dalu and TODAG are both not mine and this only a fanfics. Don't read it if u don't like it, it safe ur time and mine too

HeavenlySpaceDrago · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Teaching the Senior to have Respect

After cultivating for the whole night, Nie Long wakes up and gets ready to go to classes. He also saw Xiao Wu hugging Tang San like a koala. Now he knows how to tease both of them.

Nie Long stands up from his bed and walks toward the washroom. He washed his face and brush his teeth. He is the only one who wakes up early and trains his body and stamina. All the kid in the village doesn't do any training. Nie Long thought that the people in City will train their bodies even though it doesn't show in the manhua or anime.

After finishing his body training, he walks back toward his dorm and takes his necessities, and walks toward the shower room. He takes a cold shower so he will feel refreshed in the morning. He walk back to his dorm and saw everyone already wake up. Nie Long walks toward his bed and dresses up in his Academy Uniform.

Because of his training, he looks more fit and handsome in his uniform, unlike the other male in the Academy. All their uniform look too big for them but Nie Long, the uniform looks perfect. Everyone in the Dorm look at his perfect abs. Nie Long doesn't look big because he trains to make his body look like a swimmer's body,

After wearing his clothes, Nie Long walks toward his class with the others. All the females look at him. He looks like a prince charming came out of a fairy tale book. His Golden Hair shines because of the sun and his ruby-like eyes.

Nie Long just smiles kindly toward all the people he walks past and some of the girls even go "kyaaaa, he smiled at me". Nie Long just shook his head and his Dorm mate all look at him jealously except for Tang San and Xiao Wu.

After arriving at the Class, Nie Long enter the class with confidence. He knows that something like just now gonna happen again. He walked in and as he expected, the girls have stars in their eyes and the boys had jealousy in their eyes.

Nie Long smiles kindly and walks inside the classroom. He walks to the empty space and sits down. He is waiting for the teacher to come. Not long after, a Lady enters the classroom. Nie Long knows that this is his Homeroom Teacher.

"Everyone it time for you to introduce yourself." said the teacher. Nie Long introduced himself half-heartedly. He knows that everyone in the class wants to know his name and his Spirit Soul. Nie Long just say what he said to his Dormmate.

Everyone in the class was shocked even the teacher was shocked. How can there be a Spirit Master at Rank 29 at age of 6? This doesn't make any sense. Did he cultivate in his mother's womb? Furthermore, he has 2 Spirit Souls and both of them are Variant type Spirit Souls.

After a whole day of boring classes, Nie Long walk toward the cafeteria. There he saw a Senior talking sh*t toward his Junior. Nie Long just ignores them and walks toward a table. They felt humiliated because Nie Long is ignoring them.

"You little piece of sh*t, how dare you ignore your Senior." said 1 of the senior. Even though they are older, they are still in the range of Rank 8 - 12. Nie Long doesn't feel anything about them. Nie Long sighed and just show his Rank and Spirit Configuration.

After seeing that, all the Senior shut up and doesn't have any courage to provoke him anymore. All the junior that was eating also feel shocked. they are not in the same classroom so they don't know who Nie Long is.

"You guys provoke me first right? From today onward you will do all my tasks and if you don't do that, I will go to you and smack you till you do it," said Nie Long. All the seniors tremble because they feel humiliated but can't do anything.

After that Nie Long sits down and eats his food quietly. While eating, Nie Long saw Tang San and Xiao Wu enter the cafeteria with the dormmate. Nie Long look and saw Tang San and Xiao Wu fight against the Senior.

Yu Xiaogang saw this and take Tang San away, Nie Long know that Yu Xiaogang try to take Tang San as his disciple. Nie Long finished his food and walk away while all the eyes in the cafeteria were on him.