

~heavenly elemental lord is about Lucas and his seek for strength and adventuring into hidden territories and making his way in dominating the elemental world~

Jade_Oyin · Fantasy
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4 Chs

CHAPTER 2. Returning back

Lucas made his way through the busy market area and his hood mostly covering his face made him unnoticeable by the people.

He has to sell the claw and the fangs to a retailer and get his money,it could be  forged into a weapon but he didn't have money to do that now beside he already had one.

The lightning bow_

Lucas went to the shop nearby and came across a man who was in his late forties.

He was the shop owner.

"I want to sell some materials"Lucas said.

The shop owner looked up and saw a youngster in hood and had a striking golden eyes which felt peculiar and strange and had a noble feeling.

The shop owner thought that the youngster was probably from a strong family and his gaze became respectful.

He couldn't help but feel scared a little.

"Y_yes!yes!"the shop owner said immediately.

Lucas brought out the claws and stuffs and the shop owner suddenly exclaimed.

"Black scale crocodile!"the shop owner quickly returned to his original composure but he couldn't hide the shock.

The black scale crocodile was the beast that always wandered in the forest and guarded the pure lake of water that was very rare to find because the crocodile was far too strong.

' I knew it he is definitely from a strong family '.

"How much does this cost in the market?" Lucas asked not fazed about the shop owner shock.

"This cost at least 1000 Terra silver to 20 Terra gold!" the shop owner said making Lucas shocked and startled.

The amount even exceeded his expectations.

The shop owner quickly took the materials and brought out the required amount and Lucas was so happy.

"It feel good to be rich"Lucas walked away from the shop and headed to a weapon shop.

In a corner some people were watching Lucas as he brought out money from his pouch and paid.

"Hey,it seems the trash has made some fortune" a young boy said with a smirk.

"How about we take it, a trash like him doesn't deserve such money, see how he is wasting it"the black hair boy said.

"Right let's take it!"

"He doesn't deserve, maybe he even stole, we could use that to our advantage"

The young boy came to a conclusion and headed with a arrogant look.

The weapon shop owner was a cold looking man and Lucas brought out the bow.

When he took the bow away from the forest he noticed that it was somehow broken. Now he had money he needed to fix and upgrade it.

"How much will it cost?"Lucas asked.

"Around 20 silver"the man said while inspecting the bow.

Lucas brought our 20 silver and and threw it on the table.

The man saw the money and quickly took it and cleared his throat.

"It will take some time for me to finish it, this bow is different from the one made in Odin kingdom from the patterns"the man said.

Lucas wasn't quite bothered but he felt a little troubled .

"How long will it take"Lucas asked.

"I just need a day from this!"the man said and placed the bow gently on the table.

Lucas sighed in relief, fortunately it won't take long.

Lucas was about to leave when the group of troublesome youngster came forward shouting.

"Thief!, He stole our money!" A boy said with a aggrieved look.

"Yes he did I saw him, while we were practicing he ambushed us and stole our fortune"the other boy said in anger.

The market attention was now on Lucas they all looked at him with disgust.

"Hand over how money now, or we will be merciful!"the youngster said.

Lucas turned around and his golden eyes was glowing coldly which startled the group of boys.

Lucas sneered and his eye filled with ridicule.

"What do you mean?"Lucas asked.

The group were hesitant a bit they felt like they were facing an invisible force.

' he just trash, he may have changed his appearance from some treasure '

"Yes you stole our money!"the boy said.

"Ok, tell me how can a trash like me fight an ability user not to talkless of five at once?"Lucas asked.

What Lucas said was reasonable in the eyes of the onlookers and they looked at the youngsters with doubt and ridicule


"I saw you stealing how money!"

"This is unreasonable, you can't just frame someone without evidence"Lucas said.

The weapon shop owner who was also doubtful.

The youngsters are really unreasonable and they also had no evidence, They are surely framing him.

"Please I have something to attend to"Lucas walked away from the crowd leaving the dumbfounded youngsters behind.

' since when did that brat become courageous '

The boy stumped his feet in anger and avoided the adult gazes and walked away in shame.

"Stingy brat, he doesn't deserve the money"

"How do we obtain the money from him?"

"It simple let force him to, what could a trash do, am sure he would gladly give us"

"Wait we can't do that" a boy in black shirt said.

"Why is that?" The black hair boy said in  confusion.

"Haven't you seen the changes in him?"

They clearly remembered the faint golden eyes and caught a glimpse of silver hair.

"Impossible!, could he have awaken his abilities"the body said with doubt.

"There is chance he has" the body said with deep gaze within his eyes, he was clearly the wise one in the group.

"Best we don't offend him from now, even I that is in the fifth state of core formation stage felt pressured by him" the boy continued.

Lucas made his way back to the orphanage with his bag filled with resources for him to advance into the first stage.

He saw the orphanage was quite lively and the people were going in and out frequently.

"Oh! Today Is the Dean birthday, that means I have been missing for half a month!"Lucas was shocked but later calmed down and walked past the busy people.

James who was with his friends caught a sight of a hooded figure and his face smiled in malice and ridicule.

"Isn't that Lucas?, I thought he had died" Samson said beside James and smirked.

"Such a loser, he couldn't even kill a horned beast rabbit last hunting season" James said.

"Let go play with him"

Lucas lowered his existence and walked silently past the crowd that didn't even notice him.

The Dean was talking to a cold looking man and Lucas golden eyes glistened coldly.

"Hey it's trash!"Samson said and some people looked at the hooded figure.

Lucas stopped his footsteps "can't I  go away in peace!"

"Trash why don't you come here and lick my feet like you always do!"James said and unleashed his power trying to pressure Lucas.

"Hmm" Hugh Hefner hummed meaning fully and looked at the hooded figure.

Lucas turned around and stared at James has he unleashed his power which surprisingly didn't faze him.

"His strength isn't even half has strong as the black scaled crocodile I  had killed"Lucas murmured.

James was bewildered, ' I basically unleased my power and the trash didn't even go crawling on the floor, what treasure was he holding to be able to resist my aura...no a trash like him doesn't even know what a treasure is '.

"Hmph!, You may be able to withstand my intent but you are still trash"James said as he was about to unleash his fire  power into a ball.

"How about I roast you one more time" James said.

He attack the motionless Lucas and he smirked as the fire ball was about to land on Lucas.

' too scared to move! Ah fool! '

James face twisted in mockery and he smirked while waiting for the desperate screams of Lucas.

The fire moved at an unbelievable speed but to Lucas it was extremely and he dodged it with speed faster than the fire ball.

The fire ball landed on the wall and it left a slight burnt mark.

James affinity was fire and he had learned some fire offense method and was confident in beating the no affinity Lucas to pulp.

What James didn't know was that Lucas specialized in body strengthening and him awakening his affinity had made his speed higher than a core consolidating ability user.

"Impossible! How could he dodge that"James said in bewilderment.

Others too were confused and surprised, they didn't even see when Lucas moved away from the attack.

"Stop this nonsense!" Agalon said with agitation, he was scared he would offend the teacher of sky diving academy with James attitude.

James stopped under the pressure of a late-stage elemental spirit stage with a struggle and a troubled expression while Lucas expression remained neutral but he still had some struggles because of the gap in the stages.

"Am sorry Dean, I couldn't help myself seeing a trash wandering in your party"James said with a hint of mockery when glanced at the silent Lucas with ridicule.

"Am sorry for the inconveniences my children has given you,sir Hefner" Head agalon said with a sincere apology.

Lucas faced frowned in disgust at how the Dean addressed as his children.

Sir Hefner stared at Lucas with a little bit of interest, he clearly saw how he dodged the attack.

It was like he predicted it, could he be..it is only the Charlotte family that have that ability and they are very powerful, they also had a few members that could predict their enemy attack.

Sir Hefner gaze was intense and he ignored the terrified agalon, his cold eyes rippled a little bit then went cold.

He couldn't even see through the youngster strength!

Lucas was about to leave when he heard a voice.

"Wait!" Sir Hefner said which made the rest of the people confused.

' what could the sky diving academy teacher possibly want from a trash?!'

Lucas stared at sir Hefner and his eyes glowed faintly and mysteriously.

"Will you be my personal student?" The question sir Hefner asked shocked the entire crowd.

Personal student!

A mere trash!

James was infuriated and unwilling, he was clearly better than Lucas in all aspects and Lucas didn't even have an affinity with any element,how could he become a sky diving academy teacher student.

Lucas was speechless, he was attacked from the James and he was now being asked if he could be a sky diving academy teacher student.

"Am sorry sir... Hefner but I would have to decline, I would rather prefer participating in the competition and earn my position"Lucas said and shocked the entire crowd.

" He actually dared to decline!"

"Arrogant brat!

"Such confidence, what makes a trash think he is qualified to participate in the competition!"

"A trash dares to decline a sky diving academy teacher, he is courting death!"

The whispering of the crowd was filled with resentment and Lucas still remained calm.

James was somehow relieved and smiled in mockery.

' _the fool actually dared to decline a sky diving academy teacher, he sure is so arrogant to think he could participate in the competition without any affinity with any element '

Sir Hefner stood motionlessly and sighed in his heart.

_ as expected_

He clearly understood what Lucas meant, he wanted to establish his own name without any external help, and him being my personal student would only bring pressure on him.

"Okay, I understand" sir Hefner said and smiled a bit but he was little bit curiously about Lucas golden eyes.

"Thank you sir Hefner for understanding my intentions,may I leave now?" Lucas asked humbly.

Sir Hefner nodded and turned to the shocked agalon.

" Agalon I will now take my leave!" Sir Hefner said and he stepped out of the orphanage and went forward and a slight spatial ripple appeared and he disappeared.

The orphanage was silent and frozen, everything felt like a dream.

Sir Hefner asked the trash of the city to become his personal student and Lucas declined and sir Hefner didn't even get angry but talked to him In a friendly manner.

"Despicable!,how could he ask you to be his personal student instead of me, trash!"James was boiling in anger.

Lucas walked away from the crowd and headed to his room which was the basement which consisted of a bed and a small table and chair, there was a rough rug underneath his feet and a cotton draped on the only window that was beside the bed.

_Time to strengthen myself_

Lucas changes in his eyes and hair had been seen by some youngsters in the orphanage which made him the topic in the orphanage.

Even some people who were present at the party were all curious.

"Had the trash awakened his ability? but I have never seen such awakening that changes the appearance"Agalon said in disbelief and pondered

"It is most likely that, but the only concern is what is his affinity anyways?" A man in a blue cloth said.

_in Lucas room_

Lucas was seated cross legged on the hard rug and the resources he bought was placed beside him.

"Let's start with energy Crystals"Lucas murmured.

The crystal was a palm sized spherical shape and it glowed orange. The pulsing energy was not that strong as a high tier crystal, he could only afford a low tier crystal and he needed to save money.

Lucas closed his eyes and tried to connect with his soul dimension, after a long time he caught a small ball with strange markings on the body, the ball was spinning rapidly.

"This..!"Lucas was dumbfounded.

" Isn't this the strange crystal I saw in the forest that almost killed,what is it doing here?" Lucas moved closer the ball.

And the power pressure released from it made Lucas surprised.

The ball had a lightning symbol on the corner with a colour of lightning which was blue and a dark lightning followed it.

"Could it be..?"Lucas thought.

Well he didn't have time to waste and he directly absorb the crystal energy and the lightning power strengthen.

Blue black Lightning snaked around his body and a suffocating pressure contained the room.

Second stage of core formation!

Lucas was excited and took another crystal and absorbed and the lightning became stronger and the crystal absorbed the energy.

"Eh!, I thought so, this crystal ball seems to be my core but it isn't my core at the same time, like am only using a tiny bit of it power"Lucas thought.

"Because of this I may likely form two cores which is good but would be troublesome at the same time".

Lucas saw as the core formed slowly and Lucas stage raised once again.

Peak second core formation stage....

Third stage core formation...

Peak stage third core formation!

Lucas core was already formed but it was yet strong enough, until he entered core consolidating stage will his core become stronger and his lightning could  even reach at least pink rank.

"What If I could merge the strange crystal with my core?..."Lucas thought.

"Let me try"

Lucas went to his soul dimension and he began to merge the core with the strange crystal.

Sweat formed around his forehead and his body was drenched in cold sweat, he was struggling with the power that tried to repel the core.

The core slowly sipped into the strange crystal and a powerful pressure burst out of his body.

Fourth core formation stage...

Peak...fifth core formation stage...


Lucas quickly suppressed his aura to avoid attracting attention.

He was now in peak fifth state of core formation stage which was a feat that could make people cover in shock.

To enter peak fifth state of core formation stage in a day was too shocking and Will sound impossible if one did not witness it.

Lucas smiled and searched his bag and accidentally found a technique book.

It was unfortunately for fire ability users.

He regarded it as useless since he didn't have affinity with fire. He threw the book on the old study table and absorbed the remaining low tier crystals.

Lucas stood and glanced at the mirror which was hanging on the wall.

"This colour is too flashy, maybe I will dye it Later"Lucas thought.

The silver hair which was loosely hanging down his shoulders glistened through the ray of the sun.

The weak Lucas was no more!

The coward Lucas was no more!

Lucas went out of the room and decided to look for nanny Jojo.

The birthday party was still ongoing since it was just afternoon and the party was suppose to end by evening.

He heard that sir Hefner had left the party for some reasons but he wasn't bothered.

Avoiding the stares of the people, Lucas walked silently and spotted nanny Jojo who was currently holding a handkerchief and wiping her face.

Nanny Jojo is a middle age lady who had a beautiful red hair and a vibrant green

Eyes and her face was slightly wrinkled due to stress. This was the person Lucas considered as his mother.

Nanny Jojo saw Lucas who had changed with his standing out silver hair flowing on his shoulders and his eyes were faint golden.

She gasp in shock and suprise but her face showed a hint of anger.

"You brat where did you go to all this past weeks?, I was worried!"nanny Jojo said with evident fear and worry but she raised her voice a little in anger.


"Did you know how long I had been looking for you?!" Nanny Jojo said.

"Nanny Jojo, am sorry for making you worry but as for the reaaon, it will be nice if I talk to you privately"Lucas said looking at the people around.

Nanny Jojo looked at Lucas for a while and gestured fro Lucas to follow her.

They entered the general kitchen which was free of people but the noise outside remained.

"It happened like this-"

Lucas told nanny Jojo everything that had happened to him from the punishment to the time he almost got killed.

"Oh my goodness, am sorry Lucas..this must have been tough for you!"nanny Jojo said with affection.

"At least I gained by awakening my ability"Lucas shrugged.

"But that doesn't really explain that strange Crystal found in your body, and do not disclose this to anyone, I don't know if it is a coincidence but some big faction came over, I even heard that one of them was close to an elemental lord, they came looking for something"Nanny Jojo said in a lowered tone with seriousness.

"Are you saying it may be related to the crystal in my body?"Lucas said with uncertainty.

"There is a possibility that it could be that, now you haven't told me which affinity do you have?" Nanny Jojo said.

"Oh... currently lightning"Lucas said and released a ball of silver dark lightning.

"The rare lightning ability!,but what do you mean by currently?" Nanny Jojo said

"Am not sure actually but I can't tell yet,and that not the only thing!" Lucas said with a grin.

He released his aura and nanny Jojo widened her eyes and took a cold breath.

"Peak-state fifth core formation stage!"Nanny Jojo was shocked.

"At this rate you are a genius, even better than other geniuses!", nanny Jojo said.

"You overestimate me nanny Jojo, you haven't met the monster geniuses of this world yet that you regard me so high"Lucas honestly.

It was true in such a small city like sky city, it would be hard to say he was a genius at this rate since he has never stepped out of the city to know more about things outside the city.

Lucas had a short conversation afterward about his plans and he left.

Lucas heard two top things in mind

_learn useful techniques and skills_

_register for the yearly academy admission competition_

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