
Heavenly Divine War God

A tale of a god who fought up to his last breath against the heavenly demons. The god who died with his beloved in his hands. Reincarnated in his next life as a Cripple with a dark past. The blood inside him is that of a god. But was unable to protect even himself. The War god will resurface again and the bloody battle will be unavoidable. An epic story of grit, romance, martial arts, magic, action and a whole lot of adventures. My First story and i promise to update it as fast as i can.

Sabarinath_Vk · History
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23 Chs

The Green Cloud city becomes Busy

The information about the Sword emperor's inheritance spread through the city Like wildfire. Although there is no way all the top sects can practice this inheritance. But all of the top sects in the green cloud sect sent their younger generation to test out their lucks. Even if they can't practice the inheritance, they still can exchange it for a sky-high price with other people. There are many top sects in the continent like the Sky sword sect which specializes in swords. For them, the inheritance of a sword emperor is like a treasure chest that came out of the blue.

Lu yan looked at the various sects that were entering the city and gritted her teeth in frustration. She wanted to obtain the inheritance before the news spread but now the whole world knows about it. If she wanted to obtain the inheritance she can only depend on luck. She looked at the boy sitting beside her and had a belief somewhere in her heart that she could obtain the inheritance if the other party helped.

Li Yang saw the gloomy face of Lu Yan and could only chuckle. He knew that for a sword practitioner like herself the sword emperor's inheritance was very important.

"You are getting frustrated for no reason. Do you think obtaining a sword emperor's inheritance is that easy. The majority of the fools who have come here today will not have a good end after the trial for the inheritance is opened" Li yang smiled and said to her so that she can relax a bit.

Lu Yan rolled her eyes at him and replied "You speak like you know what is going to happen when the trail is opened. Even if I get chosen as the successor maybe I will die the next moment from an attack from the back"

Li Yang shook his head and said "Do you think all these people can enter the trail for inheritance. I am sure there would be a restriction for King-level cultivators and above. Sword emperor would not give his inheritance to those monsters who have lived for thousands of years"

Lu yan nodded when she heard this. What he said made sense and also she could only make herself less nervous believing this excuse.

They were interrupted by a loud cry from the sky. A huge shadow was approaching from the distance and someone was standing on the top of the shadow. The shadow was a Bird type of monster. The body of the monster was pure white. It looked ferocious from a distance. Only top sects can control a Bird type beast and several people below looked at the bird-type beast with reverence.

Lu yan looked at the Bird and narrowed her eyes. She was familiar with the beast. Yang clan has always been a top clan in the capital and they would not miss such a bid opportunity. She looked closely and found that a boy was standing above the bird. He was handsome with sword-like eyebrows and a jade-like face. He had a sword latched on his hips. soon the bird neared the Inn and feeling a pair of eyes on him, he looked down and a smile formed on his lips.

He could see a beautiful fairy-like figure looking at him from a distance. He gently flew down and came in front of her. He had always admired her but the other party always responded coldly to him. He understood that this fairy-like figure was cold to other geniuses as well. But he had expectations in his heart that one day he would surpass her and then he would propose marriage to her.

This time if he could get the sword inheritance, that would make him the strongest in the young generation and then he could marry her without any problems. He walked towards her with a gentle smile but soon his smile faded because a very handsome boy was sitting near her drinking tea. He had always been confident about his looks but looking at the other party he could only fade into the background.

His eyes narrowed as he checked the other party's cultivation and soon a cruel smile formed on his lips. Trash dares to sit beside his woman. Seeing the other party didn't even look at him while he was walking towards them irritated him even more. He could see that Lu yan was close to the boy. Lu Yan was always cold and arrogant but now she was smiling and talking to a boy. Jealousy burned in his heart.

Li yang who was drinking tea felt killing intent from the surroundings and looked around. Seeing a boy looking at him with hatred in his eyes, He was speechless, This young master is sitting quietly and drinking tea, Why would you stare at me without a reason.

He then looked to his side and understood why the other party was sending strong killing intent towards him. He sighed in his heart and complained. Beautiful women always bring trouble with them. Now, this dump head is going to get in the way of his plans.

Yang Yu walked before and with a gentle smile on his lips spoke to Lu Yan.

"Lu Yan, If I had known you were here, I would have come earlier. The trial is going to open in a few days. You should come with me so that it would not be dangerous. I can protect you"

Lu yan looked at the boy in front of her in Disdain.

"Yang yu, You are weaker than me, How will you protect me. Are you going to follow me and run while the trail becomes dangerous" Lu yan replied and then ignored him?

Li Yang almost spits out his tea when he heard what the girl said. Damn this girl is mean. That was a direct knockout.

Yang Yu clenched his fist and his face darkened. But still, he smiled and persuaded Lu yan.

"Lu yan what are you talking about ?. I would die for you. How can I run when your life is in danger"

Li yang nodded and gave a thumbs up in his heart. Although the buddy is weak, He still has a way with his words. This is a Pro. But too bad that the girl is not interested in him.

Lu Yan shook her head and replied to him pointing at Li yang

"Sorry, I won't go with you, I am going with him. I have promised so look for someone else to go with you"

Yang Yu gritted his teeth when he heard that. Looks like this trash has some special tricks to make the goddess go with him.

"I don't know which young master this is ?" Yang Yu turned to him and asked with a smile.

" I am not any young master, I am a wild cultivator" Li yang shook his head and replied. He could only say so, He has left the Li family.

The disdain in Yang Yu's eyes deepened. Wild cultivators are the scum in the cultivation world. Only people who are rejected by the cultivation sects would become a Wild cultivators. He snorted and said in his heart. Killing him would not have any problems.

Li yang could see the killing intent in the other party's eyes. He could only sigh and speak in his heart. Should I start killing again?

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