
Heavenly Divine War God

A tale of a god who fought up to his last breath against the heavenly demons. The god who died with his beloved in his hands. Reincarnated in his next life as a Cripple with a dark past. The blood inside him is that of a god. But was unable to protect even himself. The War god will resurface again and the bloody battle will be unavoidable. An epic story of grit, romance, martial arts, magic, action and a whole lot of adventures. My First story and i promise to update it as fast as i can.

Sabarinath_Vk · History
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23 Chs

Meaning of the sword and Alchemy association

Lu Yan stared at the boy standing in front of her with vigilance visible in her eyes. The information about the inheritance was considered a top-secret in her family but now a stranger who was far away from the capital has the information about the inheritance. This can only be considered as negligence of the security in guarding this secret. If this secret were to leak out. all the people in the continent would flock out to seek out the inheritance themselves. If that were to happen the possibility of getting the inheritance herself would be difficult.

Although she can be considered a genius of the young generation but compared to the old monsters that have cultivated for thousands of years she is not even an ant in their eyes. The best thing to do now would be to kill the person in front of her before the secret is leaked out but after her previous encounter with him, her intuition told her that the boy in front of her was strange, She didn't know how to put finger on it.

Li Yang still had his hands crossed against his chest observing the girl in front of him. He could see her emotions on her face, Surprise, confusion, and then her face turned cold. Slight killing intent could be felt from her body spreading out towards him. He flicked his hand the sword in his hand rotated on his palm.

"Have you made your decision, You can help me deal with the problem. I can help you with your sword intent" Li yang threw out the bait he had in his mind directly, something she could never turn down. From the first time, he saw her practicing her swordplay he knew that she was facing a bottleneck in her sword cultivation.

Lu Yan put down her sword and her lips narrowed into a mocking smile, A mortal dares to advise her on her swordplay. She did not know whether she should be shocked or should be laughing at the boy in front of her.

"Do you even know what you are talking about ?". Sword cultivation is not something a mere mortal can understand. You have no cultivation, How can you advise me on swords. For even mentioning something like this I can kill you hundred times right now" She was disappointed in her heart, She thought the guy in front of her was someone mysterious but turned out to be a braggart who doesn't know the intensity of heaven or earth. She sighed and turned around to continue with her cultivation. Although she wanted to kill him for the fear of leaking the secret of the sword inheritance but thinking about it, who would believe a mere mortal.

Li yang smiled at the woman in front of her who was walking away and he stepped forward. The sword in his hands flew through the air whizzing past towards the beautiful lady whose back was turned towards him. Sensing that her life was in danger Lu Yan turned around hurriedly and defended with her sword but the momentum from the other sword pushed her back three steps.

Lu yan balanced his body and looked at the boy in front of her with shock, a mortal who does not have a hint of cultivation pushed her back. She felt like her brain has stopped for a moment. How is that possible?.

Elder Su who was caught off guard by the sword was furious. The boy in front of her tried killing her Young lady again and that too in front of her, This was unacceptable, This young boy has to die for this offense. she rushed forward with her momentum bursting out. Her hands turned into a claw and rushed to the boy deciding to end his life. But what she saw from the expression of the boy was no trace of panic or regret. There was a slight smile on his lips and she felt like someone was staring at her like she was a fish on the chopping board. She let go of the feeling and continued forward her hands almost reached the boy but were suddenly stopped by a shout from behind.

"Elder Su stop. Spare him" Lu yan had a wry smile on her lips as she walked towards him. She came face to face with the boy and looked at him. He was still smiling at her and this made her wary of him a lot more. From a young age, she is trained to not trust others easily. She had trained her intuition from an early age and she could feel that the boy in front of her did not put them in his eyes.

She could feel a sense of detachment from him like the things that happened around him did not affect him in the slightest. He was like a stranger who was watching a play. She looked at him and sighed finally lifting her trembling hands which held the sword and then looked at him.

"How did you do that ?. You have no cultivation and there is no trace of sword intent around you. Have you concealed your cultivation, No that is not possible nobody level cultivation can hide from a king level cultivation master?" Lu yan asked him with confusion written on her face. The boy in front of her was like a box full of mysteries and she wanted to unravel all of them.

Li Yang gently patted his sword and walked away from her. The wind from the valley touched his white robes and his long black hair. The handsome face and his temperament changed when he started talking about swords. A slight gentle smile emerged on his lips as he looked at the distant sky.

"You are very talented at using swords. You have been trained from a young age to use swords. For you sword is a meaning to an end. It is a weapon to kill enemies. That is also the problem with your cultivation in sword intent. To advance your sword cultivation. You have to understand the meaning of the sword. "

The words that he uttered shook the spirit of the girl behind him. Like all the knowledge she accumulated was thrown away from her heart. Her hands trembled and the sword in his hands dropped to the ground. The feeling that she always felt out of her grasp during her training felt much clear just from hearing his words.

she looked at the boy in front of her in amazement. How could a mere mortal know all these ?.

Who is He?

Feeling the questioning gaze Lu yan shrugged his shoulders and walked back to his hut. But passing By Lu Yan. Tomorrow morning come to my residence, Maybe I have something that can break through your shackles. He walked away with a smirk on his face and thought in his heart.

The first Piece in the game has been moved. Finally, the game has begun.


Alchemist Pavilion, Upper floor

The alchemist pavilion was one of the most prestigious associations in the entire continent. It has stood for a long time facing cruel times. An alchemist was always considered a very important job, Having an alchemist in the family is a joy for the entire family and the status of the family can Rise in a blink.

Many low-class families have risen to high-class families just from having an Alchemist among them.

The upper floor of the Alchemist Association was always reserved for extremely important guests and today a lady stood beside the window with a frown on her lips reading a letter that was sent to the alchemist association. Although there was a frown on her face this did not diminish the beauty of her face. She looked at the content of the letter and then sighed.

Just from reading the letter, she could understand the cruel method that was used to deal with the Li family.

There was one elder lady in front of her looking at her with a respectful gaze. The young lady in front of her was not someone they could afford to offend. Lo you despised all the insidious things that were done to have control and power and because of that, she started studying alchemy. Studying alchemy gave her peace of mind. She did not have to get involved in all this plotting for power.

But now someone was using the alchemist association as a means to destroy a family. She wanted to oppose it but the joint report from the families made her unable to do so. The news of the tournament was spread among the common public and now all she could do was continue with the plan.

She looked at the elderly who was sitting in front of her. She was old but a wise gleam shined in her eyes. The wrinkled face showed calmness but there was a smile on her lips.

"What do you think Grandma Yu. This time Li clan will not be able to escape from his disaster"

Grandma Yu just smiled and shook her head with a smile and then said to her.

"That may be not so. These fools don't know who they are dealing with. Li's family may be weak in front of their eyes. But the person supporting the Li family is not someone they can afford to offend. This time I will go with you to watch the tournament maybe we can see something interesting"

Lo rou was surprised to hear the reply from Her grandma. She had never heard Grandma Yu getting involved in any family affairs. She looked at the distant compound of the Li clan and wondered.

Who is Grandma Yu talking about and why would she personally attend the competition?

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