
Chapter 6: Blackmailing the Demon Lord

Translator: 549690339

"What, got a blow?"

"Feeling like a real piece of trash?" The Demon Lord gloated a bit, looking at Chu Mo.

"I, I want to ask you for a favor, just a favor..."

Instead of responding to the Demon Lord's quip, Chu Mo suddenly said this.

"You can refuse, and I will still be your apprentice as promised, but, I will commit suicide!"

Chu Mo stared into the Demon Lord's cold face. "You can't keep an eye on me all the time."

"Are you... Are you threatening me?"

The Demon Lord narrowed his eyes slightly, his smirk immediately fading as a dangerous light began to flicker within his icy gaze.

He didn't ask what the favor was, instead just staring coldly at Chu Mo.

"A threat? You could say that."

"You've played your games with me before too!" Chu Mo stated confidently.


"I've come to realize that I'm not at all what they say I am: someone with blocked meridians, mediocre aptitude, completely unsuitable for cultivation."

"My grandpa may not be as powerful as you, but he is a general on the battlefield, at the peak of the Primordial Pass, on the verge of breaking through to the fifth level."

"He loves me, spoils me even, but he never lies or exaggerates."

"If he says I'm very suited for cultivation, then it must be so!"

"It's just that in this mundane world, there are not enough resources for me."

"He couldn't bear to part with me these past few years, so he kept me by his side."

"I've grown up in the army since I was little, and those uncles of mine, they all say I'm a rare cultivation genius."

"If this matter hadn't arisen, my grandpa would definitely still not let me go."

"But he said, with my aptitude, even if I started cultivating now, my future accomplishments would be no less impressive!"

Chu Mo spoke calmly.

The Demon Lord sneered, "What does that have to do with me?"

"Of course, it does!" Chu Mo looked at the Demon Lord. "You're a villain, and villains resort to any means necessary. You wanted to take me as your disciple, and you definitely wouldn't want any unexpected hitches. So, you must have messed with me."

"Otherwise, that ungrateful Seventh Elder would never dare to say in public that my meridians are blocked, my talent is dull, and that I'm not suitable for cultivation!"

The Demon Lord smirked, sarcastically saying, "Your evaluation of that damn Seventh Elder is very accurate."

Chu Mo said, "Although I have no evidence to prove that you tampered with me, I trust my intuition and judgment!"

The Demon Lord snorted coldly, but didn't deny it. Instead, he chuckled, "So what if I did?"

"Nothing much, I just wanted to let you know that I'm not that dumb!" Chu Mo said, "And I'm not blaming you. You tricked me, so now I'm asking you for a favor. That sounds pretty fair to me."

"Fair? What's fair in this world? Only the weak incessantly whine about fairness!" The Demon Lord sneered.

"Yes, I understand. So, I can only use my life to beg for some fairness!" Chu Mo said calmly, looking at the Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord fell silent for a bit before suddenly asking, "You want to ask me to protect your grandpa once?"

"How did you know?" This time, Chu Mo was quite surprised and stared at the Demon Lord in shock.

"Just because you're not an idiot doesn't mean I am, right?"

The Demon Lord was somewhat exasperated and angrily said, "Where did that shitty Seventh Elder ever have anything to do with your grandpa?"

"It's clearly because he owes your grandpa a huge favor that he can't admit but desperately wants to repay. If I guess right, he might even have some shameful secrets in your grandpa's hands."

"Otherwise, how could he give your grandfather a token of elder from the Longevity Heaven?"

"And how could he want to kill you right after meeting you?"

"He must have thought that your grandpa had shared his shameful past with you!"

"Hmph, it was also your overconfident expression that scared him."

"But then, he found out from your words that you didn't know anything, which is why he let his ruthless and vicious disciple handle you."

"Otherwise, any competent disciple of a similar age could have beaten you to death a long time ago!"

"Just because you don't know anything, he probably won't try to kill you for now, but your grandpa... he'll definitely want him dead!"

"Is it that hard to figure all this out?"

The Demon Lord finished speaking all at once, then laughed coldly, "But what does this have to do with me?"

"If he kills your grandpa, when you are powerful enough in the future, you can take your revenge!"

"Whether you want to skin him alive, cut him into a thousand pieces, or throw him into a frying pan... that's up to you!"

Chu Mo looked at the Demon Lord in astonishment, speechless at this villain's logic.

"If there is a chance to save my grandpa now, why would I wait for him to be killed?" Chu Mo was also getting angry.

The Demon Lord said indifferently, "Do you have that ability?"

"I don't, which is why I'm asking you!"

"I refuse!"

"Then I will die!"


A big stone nearby, taller than a man, was obliterated by an angry smack from the Demon Lord.

Then he glared at Chu Mo, "Your grandpa is named Fan Wudi, you're named Chu Mo. Chances are he's not your real grandpa, why do you care so much?"

"You're right, I'm an orphan adopted by him, but if it wasn't for grandpa, I wouldn't be here!"

Chu Mo retorted confidently, "You may lack humanity and feelings, but does that mean others can't have them either?"

"If you can, then you go and save him! I won't!"

"I can't save him, but I can die, leaving you without an apprentice!"

"Ah ah ah ah!"




The surrounding flowers, grass, and trees were reduced to stubble within a radius of a mile, being pounded into scorched earth by the enraged Demon Lord.

He then glared at Chu Mo, gritting his teeth, "I, the illustrious Demon Lord... even though... humpf, in my life, I've swaggered around without any regard, no one has ever dared to threaten me this way, and no one has ever dared to be as audacious as you!"

Chu Mo was utterly suppressed under the terrifying aura emanating from the Demon Lord, barely able to lift his head for breath. Yet he still weakly said, "Who asked you to want me to become your apprentice?"

"You're just a bastard!" The Demon Lord roared in anger.

"You're not really such a good person either." Chu Mo gave a cold laugh.

The Demon Lord wore a speechless expression. He discovered that this small creature, he could torment him, he could clean him up, he could easily kill him.

But making him submit seems absolutely impossible!

And one should never try to argue with him, the end result would certainly lead to an immense frustration.

A teenager of just over ten years old, faced with such a severe blow, was nevertheless able to calm down in such a short time.

He didn't face him directly, nor did he issue any harsh threats to provoke the other party—

Especially since Chu Mo was very clear, even if he said it to his face, if the people of Longevity Heaven really made a move on him, he wouldn't just stand by and watch.

But he still didn't say it!

This was already sufficient to prove that this was a youngster with a strong heart and extreme pride inherent in his bones!

And yet he values familial feelings so much!

Didn't he see that even though he was tormented by himself to near death, he never once begged, but for the sake of his grandfather, he actually demanded, threatened, and resorted to all sorts of rogue tactics... all without showing the slightest bit of shame.

Indeed, he was a freak!

In his entire life, the Demon Lord has encountered countless people, seen many so-called young heavenly geniuses, unparalleled prodigies.

But a teenager like Chu Mo, with such a nature, he was the first!

Not to mention the fact that this teenager actually has extraordinary talent, his meridians are excellent, making him an ideal physique for cultivation.

Thinking about it this way, the anger in the Demon Lord's heart began to thaw a bit.

However, his face was still dark and gloomy as he regarded Chu Mo, "Fine, I agree with you. I'll save your grandfather this one time!"

"It's not about just this one time. You have to scare off Seventh Elder, but you can't kill him. Allow him to live, but make it so he doesn't dare to trouble my grandfather again!"

Chu Mo gazed at the Demon Lord, and for the first time in his pure and clean eyes, a hint of intense killing intent was flashed, "This person...Someday, I will personally tear off his hypocritical mask and kill him with my own hands!"

"Humph, greedy." The Demon Lord huffed and his admiration for Chu Mo grew.

Truly an arrogant fellow!

Chu Mo finally heaved a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the Demon Lord suddenly looked up at the high skies and sneered, "Really impatient, aren't you?"

"What?" Chu Mo immediately stood up, anxiously looking at the Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord sneered, "That damn Seventh Elder, he can't wait to kill your grandfather."

"Then why the hell are we still waiting?" Chu Mo said.

The Demon Lord sat there as if he was leisurely enjoying himself, pulled out a bottle of wine, drank a sip, his face was even paler under the bonfire, and said weakly, "What's the rush? A lowly little elder from Longevity Heaven, what could happen if we let him go on for one night?"

"You..." Chu Mo whispered in annoyance, "You just promised me!"

"Sit down!" The Demon Lord suddenly erupted in fury, pointed at Chu Mo and cursed, "Little brat, I've put up with you for a long time! Never in my life have I been manipulated like this, you are the first!"

"Just because I promised you, you think I'm going to keep my word?"

"Do you think I'm like those dishonorable twits from Longevity Heaven?"

Chu Mo was startled and he quietly muttered, "What credibility does a bad person have to speak of?"

"..." The Demon Lord glowered, ignoring him.

However, after resting for a moment, the Demon Lord still stood up, expressionless, silently picked up Chu Mo, and in a flash they soared up into the high sky.

Perhaps it was to punish Chu Mo. This time, the Demon Lord didn't use his aura to protect Chu Mo.

In the high sky, the temperature was extremely low, you could even say it was extremely cold!

The low temperature formed a layer of frost on Chu Mo's body in an instant. Chu Mo was semi-frozen.

But he bit his lip and bore it, even if his body was so cold that he felt stiff, even if he felt that his blood was about to freeze, he didn't make a sound.

After a while, he felt his body gradually warm up.

Chu Mo knew, he had won again.

However, his feelings were a mix of emotions. Even up until now, he still firmly believed that the Demon Lord was a bad person.

Which good person would act like him?

But compared to the group from Longevity Heaven, Chu Mo would rather take the Demon Lord as his mentor.

After all, the Demon Lord shows his bad side outwardly.

His methods are ruthless, his character is tough and uncompromising, and he doesn't bother to hide anything.

For the so-called righteous sect of Longevity Heaven, some of the people inside, while appearing to be virtuous and dignified, are in reality completely rotten to the core!