

A girl named Naina have 2 strict brothers who can't bear disobedience,disrespect. They never wanted to see tears in their sister's eyes but at the same time they don't want to spoil her by love and care. Their strictness and restrictions are HELL for her and their love and support are HEAVEN for her. You are going see their strictness with their love in this story. __________ ~Preview of Chapter 1 Naina got scared after hearing his stren voice from behind she sheepishly look behind. Ariyan hold her chin tightly as said "look at me when I am Taking to you? Understand? and answere my question " Naina just looked down. "AM I TALKING TO WALLS KIM NAINA" he shouted at her little sister who can cry at anytime. ____________ Let's check what happens and what troubles she face?

Sindo_Sandhu · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 8

After dinner come in my room with your science test and maths test. I will make you understand about that topics. Am I clear?" Ariyan said.



After eating dinner. She left towards his room with her test paper. Ariyan examined her science's test and sighed in anger then took a pen and sign on it and take her book and explained all that chapter very easily and her all doubts in that chapter got cleared.

She paid her all focus on that chapter but now she is sleepy beacuse she didn't usually study at night. So when he start to Explain maths sums our sleepy head didn't focus on it and now he asked formulas and she didn't knew even one.

Ferocious Tiger (means Ariyan) got mad and told her to do each sum 5 times till tomorrow and in that exercise there was 25 sums. It means she have to solve 125 sums till tomorrow. She got astonished and whine "this muchhhhhh bhai. Please sorry Naa" but Ariyan said while glaring "can u repeat it again what you said?" she shut her mouth immediately.

"Wanna sleep with me cutie pie" said Varun from behind. "Let's sleep together bhai " requested Naina. Everyone agreed and slept there.

~Aww siblings movements

At morning Varun wakeup and go to kitchen beacuse today he want to make something healthy for his siblings and Ariyan left for GYM for his daily workout.

Varun made Quinoa Risotto With Mushroom, Vermicelli Upma and a bowl salad including vegetables like Raw broccoli, raddichio, romaine, kale and spinach leaves as well as a glass of milk all healthy and boring.

It has been 1 hour (7:00 am) Varun left to wake up Naina as if ariyan come and saw he sleeping he will scold her for not waking up on time. He go to Naina's room and saw no one there then he remember that Naina is sleeping in Ariyan's room. He left for his room saw his angel sleeping cutely.

~like a cute little bunny sleeping peacefully.

"MY kid wake up. It's 9:00 am in morning" said Varun pranking Naina but he forgot she is much smarter than him. "Bhai I know if it would be 9:00 am then your voice wasn't that much sweet it was like hungry monster and I am sleepy please let me sleep sometime" while closed eyes.

"And your pranking aren't gonna work on me" Said Naina while smiling and teasing Varun but Varun said "IF you don't woke up in next 10 minutes then I will not come to wake you up Ariyan will come beacuse it's his room and after coming from GYM he will surely fresh up" he said in return teasing her but our cutie pie shrugged it off.

She slept again while ignoring his brother's words or you can say warning. Then after around 10 mintues Ariyan came from GYM and straightly go to his room for freshen up but seeing view in front for his eyes make him little piss off.

"Naina wake up it's 7:00 am in morning come wake up" his all anger vanish he notice how cute her sister is looking while sleeping before waking her up he took her pictures of sleeping.

"Wakr up kiddo. Don't ask for scolding in early morning." Said Ariyan. She responded with a whine "Bhai please can I sleep for some time? I don't wanna wake up now" She requested But Ariyan said " No baby wake up my kid right now "

his mood is good in morning so let's not spoil it thought Naina and woke up and go to washroom for her morning routine.

After wearing her uniform she left for eating breakfast after seeing breakfast she made disgusting face beacuse it was all healthy and she Don't want to eat anything.

" I don't have appetite to eat bhai. I leaving " she said after she saw food but Ariyan said from behind in his deadly strict voice "may I know the reason why? I want this food finish in just few mintues so sit and eat it"

After hearing his voice she sat on dining table and sarted eating unwillingly.

~Like a little kid. Well she is a little kid but only infront of her brothers.

He glared at her and she immediately started to eat beacuse she don't want any trouble with his sweetest Ariyan brother in morning and don't want to eat slaps in breakfast instead of food.

She left her milk as she really don't want to drink it but Ariyan hold her ear and twist it hardly.

"Drink it before I will slap you" she sarted drinking while getting scolding. "It's daily drama of your's kid why you always show tantrums for heathy food." Said Varun. She didn't replied just taking very small sips of milk. "I think you will finish this glass of milk in next year . If you are taking sips in that speed." Varun scolded.

She loom at Varun annoying and said "Bhai can't you just stop. I am getting irritating." She forget Ariyan is sitting beside her.

"Who gave you right to talk to Varun bhai in this tone KIM NAINA" Ariyan said very sternly controlling his anger.

"Apologies to Varun bhai right now before I lose my all control and beat the hell out of you." Ariyan warn Naina.

"Sorry bhai" said Naina to Varun. Ariyan hold her ear and twist it "I thikk you are forgetting manners these days. Do I need to teach you again. Apologies in better manner." Said Ariyan.

She immediately hold her both ears and apologies. After apologising she stand up and left for her room.

"COME BACK RIGHT NOW AND FINISH YOUR GLASS OF MILK NAINA. I WOULDN'T REAPEAT IT " He shouted from behind. She immediately come and finish her milk.

"It's my very last time . I am warning you if you again show tantrums on eating. You will really taste my hardest slaps in morning then go to school with slap's mark. My one slap is enough for you so don't test my patience every morning" Ariyan said while again twisting her ear hardly. Varun is felling pity for her. She gulped in fear after listening this and tears is about to drop from her eyes in anytime.


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