
Heaven Official Blessing(English version)

For you, I will be invincible! "Have you heard? The useless heavenly officer has a secret relationship with the number one of the ghost realm?" Eight hundred years ago, Xie Lian was a Prince of the Kingdom of Xian Le; a prince who is loved by his people and the whole world. So it was natural for him to rise to heaven when he was very young. Now, eight hundred years later Xie Lian ascended to heaven for the third time and became a laughing stock for all three worlds. His first task as a god, he met a devil who controlled the ghost realm and was troubling heavenly …… but without Xie Lian realizing that this demon king had been watching him for a long time. -MXTX

Sannie01_ · LGBT+
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118 Chs

Chapter 15. Clothes Red as Maple, Snow-White Skin

From a distance it was clear that something was approaching. They are a crowd of people dressed in white who do not have heads above their necks, only wearing prison prison clothes where each of them carries one skull. They looked like a group of decapitated inmates, slowly heading for a cow wagon while the heads in the crook of their arms chatted endlessly with each other.

Xie Lian lowered his voice and said to the other two people, "Soon, when they come closer, don't make any noise."

San Lang tilted his head to the side and asked, "Looks like Gege *, you are a person with extraordinary talent and an expert in strange things."

With him who sounded very curious, Xie Lian answered, "I would not say I was someone with extraordinary talent and mastered strange things. I only knew a little. They could not see us now, but when they got closer, they would it's harder to say. "

After seeing for himself the white silk buds floating in the air, the old train driver was astonished. Aside from how he sees the headless people above, he will also die of fear. He shook his head very worriedly, "No, no, no, I can't! I won't be able to shut up! Dao Zhang *, what should I do ?!"

"..." Xie Lian answered, "Well, there's another way. I'm sorry." After saying that, he quickly knocked or patted the man's back. The old man immediately passed out unconscious on the train. 'Ok, one knocked out. What's the problem now? Xie Lian gently caught and put her to sleep, then sat in the driver's own seat.

* This is not a movement to cut karate, Xie Lian casts a spell on the man with the knock to knock it down!

Suddenly, he felt movement behind him. Turning his head to look, Xie Lian saw that the young man had followed and sat behind him too, so he asked, "Are you OK?"

San Lang supports his chin with his hands. "Of course not. I'm afraid." Even though there wasn't a half ounce of fear in his voice, Xie Lian still comforted him, "There's no need to be afraid. If you stay behind me, nothing will hurt you.

The teenager smiled, and remained silent. Xie Lian suddenly realized that he was staring at her. More specifically, he stared at the cursed collar of his neck.

This damned collar appears as a black necklace around his neck. It is almost impossible to hide and easily persuade others to make bad assumptions about it. Xie Lian gently pulled his collar even though it would not hide anything.

With the sky darkening, he could no longer see the young man's expression. Xie Lian took control and tried to quietly push the bull forward. A ghostly crowd wearing prisoner clothing approached, wanting to pass, before they realized that something was in the middle of the road that was blocking their way.

"That's strange! Why can't we pass?"

"Really ?! It's blocked? What the hell! Is this the work of ghosts?"

"F * ck, aren't we the ghosts themselves? So how can that be?"

Xie Lian finally made the ox move, and had just pushed it past this headless ghost inmate. He felt it was all funny when he listened to their quarrel while holding their heads. The ghost crowd still has a lot to complain about.

"Hey, aren't you wrong? Why does it feel like the person holding your head is my body?"

"Oh damned you! It must be your body that grabs the wrong head!"

"Friends, hurry and come back .."

"Why are the cuts cut to your head so rough?" Sighing, the ghost said, "Hah - my executioner at that time was a nemula. They needed five or six attempts to chop off my head. I'm even starting to suspect whether they are doing it on purpose now"

"Your family doesn't offer them money, right? Next time, remember to bribe them beforehand to cut fast and clean!"

"Next time your butt!"

On the fifteenth day of the seventh month *, the Ghost Festival, is the largest and most famous ghostly national holiday in the entire ghost world. On this day, the gates of the ghost realm will open, allowing ghosts who normally hide in the shadows freely leap forward and celebrate without control. The living must retreat, especially tonight, and the best course of action is to close one's door and stay at home. If someone leaves, the chance of finding something unpleasant will be much higher than usual.

* This corresponds to the Lunar calendar so it is actually not equivalent to July 15, more like August or September in real time

Xie Lian, someone who was stricken by disaster, was someone who would even hit a ghost while wearing his Taoist robe *; in fact, this just happened. Their environment is full of floating green ghost flames, along with a number of dead spirits chasing a faltering fire. Some who wore expressionless burial clothes muttered to themselves, all kneeling before a circle as they reached out to receive paper money, silver and gold bars their descendants had burned for them.

* The point here is that it is impossible for a Dao Zhang in his Taoist robes to meet a ghost, but with Xie Lian's luck, that still happens.

This scene can be described as a rousing debauchery. Xie Lian meandered in the middle, thinking that from today onwards, she must remember to check the calendar before traveling! When suddenly a high-pitched sound similar to a dying chicken screaming appeared out of nowhere.

"This is bad! This is bad! Ghosts have ghosts killed!"

The warning sent a crowd of ghosts into a frenzy. "Where? Where? Where is the murder?"

The ghost who first shouted said, "That scared me to death! I was there when I found a lot of ghostly fire spread; they were all shredded brutally! This is so cruel!"

"All were torn apart? This is a cut! Really terrible!"

"Who did it? There's no way that ... There are gentlemen of charm or monks hidden between us ?!"

The headless convicts from before also shouted, "Ah! Now you mentioned it, before on the road, there was also something blocking us so we could not pass. That is not possible ..."

"Where? Where?"

"Right there!"

Xie Lian cried out inwardly 'this is no good oh! Everything will go tragic again huhuhu ~ '. Crying in Xie Lian's heart truly cursed his bad luck. In an instant, a swarm of ghosts and other demons surrounded the oxcart, each revealing their ferocious faces, filled with evil intentions. "I smell the hot scent of Yang energy."

(yáng): Yang from yin and yang, representing 'positive' / male / sun.

They can't hide anymore!

During the ghost festival, it would be considered unreasonable in front of mortals for living humans to crash into the dead *. Xie Lian had no intention of starting a fight with all these ghosts, so he could only speed up the train. "Go!"

* During the ghost festival, ghosts get "road rights" because this is their day. So if a human crashes into them and causes a scene, it will be a human error ..

The cow is already very scared. He shifted nervously in his place while pawing the ground with his toenails, so after hearing his instructions, he impatiently dashed away. Xie Lian did not forget to hold the teenager who was behind him. "Hold on!"

Restoring Ruoye while easily defeating the exit, they stormed out of the siege, illuminated by a ring of fire ghosts. The ghost who lost his hands and feet was angry and screamed, "Really Dao Shi * !!! This damned Dao Shi must be too impatient to die !!!"

"Because the living dare to disturb our Ghost Festival, they cannot blame us if something happens!"

"Chase them!"

Xie Lian grabbed control with one hand and used the other to pull a handful of talismans. Throwing them to the ground, he shouted, "Barrier!"

Helping in their escape was Talisman = Talisman of deterrents. A series of consecutive booming sounds could be heard, each of which would send obstacles toward the ghost, hampering their movements but only temporarily. However, even if it was only for a short period of time, using many of these amulets, it would take about half the incense worth the time before the ghosts could catch up with them. Like a fire burning his buttocks, Xie Lian drove a wagon and fled to the mountain road, before suddenly saying, "Stop -!"

As it turned out, the old cow pulled the wagon into a fork in the road, and after seeing there were two routes from the dark mountain road ahead, Xie Lian immediately pulled control.

This is where they have to be very careful!

On the day of the ghost festival, sometimes humans will find themselves walking along the road only to suddenly find another path like never before. Roads like this are not meant to be passed by humans. Once someone takes the wrong path and enters the ghost realm, it will prove to be rather difficult and impossible for them to want to come back!

Xie Lian was a newcomer, and wasn't sure which mountain path to take. He then remembered what he bought in the city. In addition to the large bag containing the leftovers collected, among the other items he had bought, there was a cylindrical container filled with a lucky stick. He decided to draw a stick to take the road, so he dug up the container, held it in his hand and shook it while praying, "Heavenly Officials bestow your blessings on me! Take me to the right path! The first stick to the left, the second to the right! Whichever path is the best! having better wealth is what I will take! "After saying this, two sticks clinked in his hand, but, seeing the result, Xie Lian could not have words.

Token has bad luck; great misfortune *! Son of a bitch!

The two sticks are bad luck, both ways are bad luck. Doesn't that mean that whatever path they take will cause death?

Feeling helpless, Xie Lian gripped the container with both hands, and shook it violently. "Container oh container, we just met today, so don't be wholehearted! I'll try again so you won't save me from a few faces?" When he finished saying this, the jingling of two more stems fell. Again, the two of them are misfortune twins! Jerk!

At this moment, San Lang who was next to him suddenly said, "Let me try it?"

It seemed like he couldn't get worse than him, so Xie Lian passed him. San Lang took it with one hand and casually shook it. Come out drop two stems. He took it and handed it over without seeing the results. Xie Lian took them and saw that the two of them were sticks of luck, he couldn't help but be amazed. Because of his enormous bad luck, it tends to also have a negative impact on the fortune of those around him. He certainly did not think that this teenager had survived his misfortune. Thinking about it he wasn't sure if this was true, but quite often, the complaints he received would always say that. But even so, this young man was not affected at all, and he even got two rounds of luck!

Because the two tokens were luck, he carelessly chose one. As the train crashed and swayed, Xie Lian exclaimed in admiration, "My friend, your luck isn't too bad."

San Lang threw the token into the container, and said with a smile, "Really? I also think my luck is not too bad. Always so."

Hearing him say "always so", Xie Lian thought that the difference between two people could not be more different from heaven and earth.

Out of nowhere, they again heard the wailing of the ghosts, "We have found them! They are here!"

"Everyone is here! That damned Dao Shi is here !!!"

As ghostly heads appeared one by one, Xie Lian commented, "Ah, it seems we are still choosing the wrong path."

The 'Barrier Talent' effect has long expired, so of course once again they are surrounded!

The mass of ghosts and demons must have at least one hundred or more members. They barricaded in the road and the barrier was thick to several layers, with their numbers increasing. He was not sure why there would be so many inhuman beings gathered here, but there was no time to think about that now. Xie Lian softly said, "The people whom I have alluded to through my previous actions, I humbly ask for your generosity and forgiveness."

Headless ghosts spit, "Ha! Dao Rotten Shi, you should be generous first! Back there, aren't you the people who disperse ghostly flames?"

Xie Lian innocently said, "To be honest, it's not us. I'm just a thrift collector or who you might be more familiar with scavengers."

"Stop lying! How can you be a garbage collector? You are clearly a Dao Shi! And besides you, is there another Dao Shi around here who would do such a thing ?!"

"Dao Shi is not the only one who can disperse ghostly fire," Xie Lian said in reply.

"Then what else could it be? Ghosts?" Xie Lian quietly slipped her hand into his sleeve.

"That's not impossible."

"Hahahahahahaha, damned Dao Shi! You you you ..." The ghost who laughed loud enough to shake the sky suddenly stuttered, unable to continue.

Xie Lian whispered, "What about me?"

Right when he asked, the ghosts seemed to have lost all ability to speak, and even the stuttering stopped. They stared at Xie Lian, either with their jaws falling or their lips tightly closed, as if they had seen something very frightening. Many ghosts with headless prisoners have been scared to the point of dropping their heads. Xie Lian asked in a probing tone, "You guys ...?"

Unexpectedly, before he had even finished asking, the crowd of ghosts scattered like a flustered bird fled in all directions, as if a whirlwind shot through the scattered clouds.

"Impossible ???" said Xie Lian, stunned.

He hadn't even taken out a handful of the amulet he was holding, hidden in his sleeve. Could they find that I still have a talisman? Are they smart? Besides that, amulets aren't even that strong. Xie Lian was really confused. What are they afraid of? Is that really him? Or is there something behind it?

With that in mind, he turned to see what was behind him.

There was only the train owner who collapsed behind him, and the teenager in red, still sitting relaxed with his chin propped up by his hands.

Seeing him looking back, San Lang faintly smiled again. He put his hand up and said, "Dao Zhang is really so handsome and tough, the ghosts all run away after being feared by you."

Xie Lian was also forced to reply with a smile. "Is that so? I never realized that I could be this brave."

After that, he pulled the reins a few times and the wagon wheel started spinning once more. The rest of the trip goes smoothly. In less than an hour, oxcarts slowly crawled out of the forest, onto wide, flat footpaths in the hills. Pu Ji village resides at the bottom of a slope, warm and radiant.

That is indeed the 'luck' path, equipped with new things, but there is no danger.

The night wind blew hard as Xie Lian looked back. San Lang seems to be in a good mood. He lay down and adjusted his arms to cover his head in his hands as he watched the moon change. Under the soft moonlight, the young man's appearance seemed almost unreal.

After a moment of hesitation, Xie Lian smiled and called, "My friend."

"What?" Asked San Lang.

"Have you ever had your fortune told before?"

San Lang turned his head. "No, I don't."

"Then," Xie Lian asked, "Do you want me to tell you?"

While looking at him, San Lang smiled and said, "You want to tell my fortune?"

"Yes a little," he admitted. ....

San Lan lightly nodded, "Alright."

He sat down, slightly leaning over to Xie Lian. "How will you do it?"

Xie Lian replied, "palm reading. Is that okay?"

Hearing the answer, San Lang's lips curved upward in a smile, the meaning behind them could not be seen. "Sure," he agreed, holding out his left hand.

The fingers on his left hand are long and slender with clear knuckles, beautiful enough to be seen. It is not beautiful in a fragile sense, but rather to attract by having hidden power. No one hopes this pair of hands will ever strangle those who deal with it to death. Xie Lian remembered how San Lang reacted to his previous touches, and made a mental note not to make direct contact with that person. As such, he did not directly touch his hand but only looked down in observation.

White moonlight is not dim or bright. Xie Lian examined his hand for some time, the oxcart slowly walking through the mountain road with creaking wheels and wooden shafts. San Lang asked, "How?"

After a short pause, Xie Lian slowly answered, "You have a very good life."

San Lang said, "Oh? Where is that good?"

Xie Lian raised her head, softly said, "You are tenacious, very dedicated, and despite many bitter encounters that are very frustrated and hope for despair, you remain true to your heart. More often than not, your misfortune will turn into blessing, havoc. to prosperity. You will continue to have good fortune, my friend, your future shines and will develop spectacularly. "

Everything he said just now was made up, so it was clearly bullshit. Xie Lian doesn't know how to read your palm. Previously, when he fell, there was a period of time when he often regretted not learning palmistry and physiognomy from the Ministers in the palace. If he did, he would not have to compete with other street entertainers like those who crashed rocks into their bare chests during the time when he struggled to survive in the mortal world first.

The only reason why he asked to see San Lang's palm was not to tell his fate, but rather to ascertain whether he had lines and fingerprints.

The common ghost can make the flesh body to pose as a human being, but finer details on the human body, such as palm lines, fingerprints, and hair tips, cannot be replicated or copied to such a level of detail. However, not only did the young man's body have no signs of charm, no further clues could be detected. Apart from that, the lines of his palms are also very different.

If he is a ghost in general or a ghost in disguise, then he must be at least ranked 'wrath' to be able to make disguises without flaws like that. But if they were the king of the caliber ghosts themselves, why did they choose to take a cattle train with him in a small mountain village to spend time? Just like how Heavenly Officials in heaven were preoccupied with so many important things and were slammed to work hard day to day without rest, to the point that it could be said that their feet never touched the ground with how much they ran, so the Ghost Kings will be as busy!

Xie Lian pretended to be very confident and convinced of his lies, forcing himself to continue more, until finally he could not bring up more nonsense. For the entire duration, San Lang continued to watch him, listening to all his rubbish rubbish while laughing softly. His laugh is enough to make people wonder.

"Anything else? Hm?" Asked San Lang.

Xie Lian was afraid to imagine having to continue his nonsense. "Is there anything else you want me to read?"

San Lang replied, "Because it's fortune telling, don't you have to tell me about my predetermined soul mate?"

Xie Lian coughed lightly, and solemnly said, "My knowledge is limited, I don't know how to read about destined soul mates. But in my opinion, you don't need to worry."

San Lang raised his eyebrows. "Why do you think I don't need to worry about this?"

Xie Lian smiled. "Surely there must be many girls who like you."

San Lan replied, "Then why do you think there should be many girls who like me?"

Xie Lian will leave with a flow of conversation and answer, when he suddenly realizes. This child is planning to make Xie Lian willingly praise him. Xie Lian felt rather helpless, but found it funny.

Not sure what to say, he pinched his brows, before he said in a defeated tone, "San Lang-ah."

This is the first time Xie Lian has called him San Lang. When the young man heard it, he laughed loudly and finally stopped teasing him. At this time, the old ox was breathing heavily, pulling their cart to the village. Turning around, Xie Lian supported herself and quickly got off the wagon. San Lang also jumped. When Xie Lian raised her head, she realized that before, San Lang was lazily lying on the train the whole way. But now, standing beside him, he noticed that the young man was actually much taller than him, and their line of sight did not even approach and even differed greatly. The fact is he lost. San Lang stood in front of the cart and stretched out in his flying clothes.

Xie Lian asked, "San Lang, where are you going?"

San Lang sighed, "I don't know. I might sleep on the road, or I would find a cave in the mountains and do something."

Xie Lian answered. "That doesn't make sense."

San Lang held out his hand. "There's nothing else I can do, and I have nowhere to go,"

He glanced and laughed again. "Thank you for reading my fortune. I humbly accept the blessing you said to me and hope it comes true. Hope we meet again."

Hearing him express his fortune, Xie Lian's face turned red with embarrassment. When San Lang turned to leave, Xie Lian hurriedly said, "Wait, if you don't mind, do you want to stay in my monastery temple?"

San Lang's footsteps stopped as he half turned around. "May I?"

Xie Lian said, "That house wasn't originally mine either. I've also heard that before, pedestrians or travelers will use it as a shelter for overnight. It's just that the situation might be worse than you imagined, so you might not be able to stand it . "

If this teen is really a wealthy young master who is running away from home, he can't just let it go, without supervision. Xie Lian felt somewhat doubtful about how he only ate half the bread for the whole day. If young people take advantage of treating their good health like this, sooner or later they will surely pass out on the street, and die the next day. Listening to him speak, San Lang turned around without answering and walked forward before bowing forward. Xie Lian still hadn't found what she wanted and only felt that the distance between the two of them had shrunk. He was a bit overwhelmed, could not do anything to block it.

then, the young man took a few steps back, revealing that he had only taken a large bag of left over food that Xie Lian had carried on his back.

"Alright then let's go" he said