
Heaven Official Blessing(English version)

For you, I will be invincible! "Have you heard? The useless heavenly officer has a secret relationship with the number one of the ghost realm?" Eight hundred years ago, Xie Lian was a Prince of the Kingdom of Xian Le; a prince who is loved by his people and the whole world. So it was natural for him to rise to heaven when he was very young. Now, eight hundred years later Xie Lian ascended to heaven for the third time and became a laughing stock for all three worlds. His first task as a god, he met a devil who controlled the ghost realm and was troubling heavenly …… but without Xie Lian realizing that this demon king had been watching him for a long time. -MXTX

Sannie01_ · LGBT+
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118 Chs

Chapter 12. The Red-Shirted Ghost Burns the Military and Civil Temple

As he suspected, there was a serious burn scar on his face. However, under a stretch of bloody red scar, one can vaguely see three or four very small human faces.

Human faces are about the size of a baby's palm, spread on their cheeks and forehead. Because they had been burned before, each of the faces was very withered and looked as if they were screaming in pain. With a strange, screaming, mini-human face squeezed into a normal normal human face, it really was scarier than a ghost! Ah!

In that instant, after seeing that face, Xie Lian felt as if he were being thrown back into a nightmare. Unbelievable fear made all his form helpless, to the point that he was unconscious when he had stood up. He was also unaware of what expression was on his face right now, but it must be very scary.

The young man slowly and hesitantly removed the bandage, already feeling uncomfortable seeing the reaction that Xie Lian had caused. Seeing his reaction, he also took two steps back, seemingly aware that Xie Lian could not accept a face like this. As if to protect himself, he suddenly covered his frightening face, then jumped off the ground, before screaming and fleeing into the depths of the forest.

He Xie Lian realized that he was still in a daze and shouted in pursuit, "Wait! Come back!"

But because he stood still for some time before finally reacting, and with how the teenager was more familiar with the mountain route (had been used to hide and escape in the dark), it came without saying that the teenager would disappear. Without a trace. No matter how much Xie Lian shouted, he would not come out. With no one around to help with the search, and lacking in spiritual power, making him unable to use the ranks of spirit communication; he ran through the mountain and searched everywhere for an hour without success.

When the cold wind blew, Xie Lian's mind became clearer and knew that randomly groping like a headless fly would produce nothing. He calmed down and thought: "Maybe he will come to get the corpse from Xiao Ying."

He returned to the Ming Guang Temple - but was surprised.

He was greeted with many people dressed in black all gathered in the forest behind the temple. With serious faces, they carefully lowered forty corpses from the position where they were hung above. In front of the forest stood a tall figure with arms crossed, currently watching a group of people. His head whirled, revealing the elegant but cold face of a young man, who turned out to be Fu Yao. It seemed like he had traveled back to Heaven, before bringing back a group of officials down from the Xuan Zhen Palace Hall to come to help.

Xie Lian was just about to speak when the sound of footsteps came from behind. It was Nan Feng who had also finished sending the villagers safely and had just returned. When he saw this scene, he glanced at Fu Yao and asked, "Aren't you running alone?"

The way he said it was very unpleasant, causing Fu Yao to raise his eyebrows to show his displeasure. Xie Lian did not want them to start arguing at such a crucial time and thus interrupted, "I am the one who made it back to bring reserves."

Nan Feng snorted, "Then where are our reinforcements? I thought at the very least, you would ask the general of your family to come personally."

Fu Yao replied indifferently, "When I returned, I heard that General Pei had made it here. So, of course, I would not spend time searching for my General. Furthermore, even if I tried to find him, with how busy he is, he won't have any free time to come. "

To be honest, according to Xie Lian's understanding of Mu Qing, even if the General had the time, he still wouldn't come personally. But Xie Lian currently doesn't have time to think more about this topic and wearily says, "You guys! You can't argue now, help me find the teenager whose face was clad first! Ah!"

Nan Feng furrowed his brows and asked, "Wasn't he with you just now, watching over the girl's corpse?"

Xie Lian replied, "Uh? Yes! Hmm ... That ... I told him to take off the bandage to try to treat the wound and accidentally scared him."

Fu Yao's lips twitched very strangely. "That's impossible. Your crossdressing hasn't reached that scary point yet." * he even looks really good, how can the kid be scared? Where is the fault. *

Xie Lian took a breath. "Blame me for being so nervous that I didn't react in time. Xiao Ying has just died, so he has indirectly lost the only person who loves him. Then, he thinks I'm afraid of his face. Maybe he is unable to withstand the sadness of this kind of suffering, so he goes running "

Fu Yao frowned and asked, "Is he really that ugly to that extent?"

Xie Lian replied, "This is not a question of whether he is ugly or not. It's just ... That ... Hmm ... He has a 'plague of human faces'." ...

Hearing those three words, Nan Feng's movements and expressions as well as Fu Yao immediately stiffened.

They finally understood why Xie Lian would be so confused, being idiots could not react.

Eight hundred years ago, the City of the Ancient Kingdom, namely the Kingdom of Xian Le had been swept away by a vicious epidemic. In the end, to prevent it all the entire kingdom was obliterated.

The plague began, when people suddenly became ill, a small swelling first appeared on their bodies. The swelling gets bigger and harder, and it starts to hurt. Soon after, they will begin to notice that the swelling will begin to become uneven, three concave and convex spots, appearing to form human eyes, mouth and nose.

After that, slowly its features will become clearer until finally, it will resemble something similar to a human face. And if left unchecked, more human faces will also grow on their bodies. It was reported that they said there were some faces that had grown so long that they had developed their own characteristics (mutated) and could even open their mouths to talk or shout like humans.

And the name of this epidemic, is called 'the plague of the human face'!

Fu Yao's face underwent several changes before he crossed his arms and said, "How is that possible! It was eradicated centuries ago. It's impossible to reappear."

In response, Xie Lian only spoke one line. "I didn't see wrong. What I saw, I certainly wouldn't be wrong."

Nan Feng and Fu Yao found themselves completely unable to refute it. What Xie Lian said, no one denied it.

Xie Lian further added, "His face had burn marks before, perhaps seen from his previous efforts, he tried to burn those faces."

For those who suffer from the plague of human faces, many of them, have their first reaction such as taking a knife and slicing those horrible things to get rid of it, or using fire to burn it to death. They will not hesitate to break the branches or break their bones and crush them, if they prove to be traces to their bones.

Nan Feng spoke while muttering, "In that case, it seems like he is no ordinary person. It might even have lived on this earth for several centuries. But more importantly, is the plague that transmitted to him contagious?"

Even though this was the beginning of a big headache, this problem was still something that Xie Lian calmly pondered about. He answered with certainty, "No. The plague of a human face is very contagious. If the disease in a teenager is contagious, then everyone at Mount Yu Jun must have been infected by him now considering how long he was hidden there. He should ... have healed. It's just that he can't get rid of the scars left behind. "

The three of them can't risk being careless. Fu Yao seemed to have a rather high position in the Xuan Zhen Palace Hall, and was thus called Heaven Officials to have such powers freely explore every inch of Mount Yu Jun. Apart from that, they can still track the young man. Unfortunately, he must have escaped from the mountain and disappeared into a crowded crowd.

For now, they can only return to the Heavenly Realm and search and report to the Ling Wen Palace Hall for help on this matter before waiting for further news. Objects on the teenager's body are not contagious. At least this one fact is something to be thankful for. But Xie Lian thought back to his frightening appearance. If his appearance is found after leaving the mountain, he is afraid that the teenager will be seen and called a monster, cursed, beaten and even killed. It would be better to find it as soon as possible.

Without wanting to delay any further at Mount Yu Jun, he took Xiao Ying's corpse and started down the mountain. Because he was so dazed, only when the presenter at the teahouse shouted at him, he saw that he had almost entered the Xiangfeng Xiao Dian small tea shop while carrying a corpse. He repeatedly apologized and went looking for someone to help him bury the body before returning. After it was finished, he finally dealt with everything and sat down, Xie Lian quietly sighed.

One problem finally ended, but he felt as if the past few days after his increase had turned out to be more tiring than collecting pieces for one year in the human realm. Climb up and down, jump over roofs and jump over walls, roll, scream, and even make changes to costumes and crossdressing entertainment. Hehehe .. Is that still not enough? All the bones in his body like they would collapse and fall apart at any moment!

But there are still many unsolved puzzles and only a few parts that can be overcome. He really wanted to hang the mark on his back by saying, 'The increase is not as good as collecting * the pieces (money / reward) and promoting it in the mortal world *

* here vampli not quite sure what this means, it's just stronger in money or reward. If later it turns out not to be Vampli will immediately change it. *

Fu Yao flipped the front edge of his robe and sat next to Xie Lian's hand. Unable to hold it in any longer, he rolled his eyes at him and asked, "Why. Why are you still wearing those clothes?"

After seeing the roll of his eyes, Xie Lian was overcome with an inexplicable familiar feeling. Only then did he finally take off the wedding dress he had been wearing all this time. When he cleaned the lipstick and powder, he felt a little sad. "Then doesn't this mean I dress like this the whole time I talk to General Pei? Nan Feng, ah, if only you reminded me of this first."

Fu Yao said, "Maybe it's because you look so happy when you wear it."

Nan Feng ran all day, but now he also finally had the chance to sit and rest. "There is no need for reminders. Little General Pei will not care what you wear. Even if you are dressed ten times stranger than your current clothes, he will not say a word when he returns."

Xie Lian felt that tonight, she really had given birth to this Little Heavenly Officer with a lot of hard work to wet her back, so she poured a cup of tea for the three of them. After rethinking the ice-cold expression of Little Pei General and comparing him to the madman Xuan Ji, he said, "This Little General Pei is really calm and able to control himself. Such extraordinary balance ..."

Nan Feng drank the cup of tea and objected, "You shouldn't judge him with his polite and extraordinary appearance. Like his predecessor, both of them are difficult to overcome."

Xie Lian knew so much recently, and on this matter, Fu Yao also agreed, "Pei Su is a beginner who rose about two hundred years ago, but his strength was very powerful and he was promoted very quickly. When he appointed by General Pei, he has just become an adult. Do you know what he did for the first time? "

Xie Lian asked, "What? What?"

Fu Yao coldly spat out a line, "He slaughtered everyone in the captured city."

When Xie Lian heard this, he was pensive but not surprised. In the Heavenly Court, Emperors, Kings and Generals are everywhere scattered about Ah! As the proverb says "One military yield yields ten thousand withered bones" used to describe the problem of conquering and defending the kingdom.

If you have the desire to be eternal, you must first become a famous individual. And under our feet, we walked on a bloody path. Fu Yao concluded, "In the Heavenly Court, there are some who are easy to get along with, and no one can be trusted."

Xie Lian listened to the tone of her voice, which sounded as if it came from someone experienced in warning a young child, and had the urge to laugh. 'Does he think I'm a newborn smell of kencur huh? once.' He guessed that maybe Fu Yao had gone through a lot in the Heaven's Court, so he must have felt deeply into this topic so he could speak in such a good way.

But he also knew that even though he had risen three times, the time he spent in heaven for each ascension was short and very short oh, like the life of the cactus that bloomed at night, went away with a wink the next day. If someone discusses the subject to understand these immortals around him, he is really not suited to fight against those two arrogant little Heavenly Officers but there is this truth.

Seemingly disagreeing with Fu Yao's words, Nan Feng denounced, "Don't worry. There are many good and bad things everywhere, and there are still a number of Heavenly Officers that can be trusted in the Heaven Court."

Fu Yao answered, "Haha, Heavenly Officer you can still trust, are you referring to the General of your own family huh?"

Nan Feng, "Whether it's a general from my family or not, I don't know. But it's definitely not your family general either. Heh!"

Faced with this kind of situation, Xie Lian had long been used to it, it was no longer extraordinary to him. Besides, there was still something on his mind, so he didn't even have the energy to try to stop them and change the subject.

With things wrapped up in the north, he returned to heaven. He first went to the Ling Wen Palace Hall to tell him about the situation with the teenager whose face was wrapped, entrusting him to look for it in the human realm.

Hearing the news, Ling Wen's face fell seriously and agreed to his request. He added, "Ling Wen Palace Hall will make every effort to search. But who would think to expect that a visit to the North can bind so many things. We are really troubling you, Your Highness the Crown Prince."

Xie Lian replied, "I must thank the two Little Heaven Officials for volunteering to go help, and Little General Pei of the Ming Guang Palace Hall. I really don't know how to thank them all."

Ling Wen, "Because this problem is caused by an unlucky relationship with that Old Pei, then of course Little Pei will face it. Ah ... Take it easy he is used to cleaning up the mess, so there is no need to thank him. If His Majesty is not do anything when you return, can I trouble you back for a moment to check into the Spirit Communication Array? Everyone still needs to gather and discuss this matter. "

Xie Lian also has many unanswered questions. After leaving Ling Wen Palace Hall, he aimlessly circled like a fool, before he found himself already on a small stone bridge.

A stone bridge crosses a flowing river. The river water is very clear, therefore you can see the movement of the clouds below. Passing through flowing water and rolling clouds, you can even see towering mountains and large cities that stretch out in a square shape from the world below.

He thought: "This is a great place!" and then sat alone on the bridge, before he quietly recited the password and joined the spirit communication arrangement.

When he entered, he met with a bit of extraordinary excitement in the ranks of spirit communication. Many voices spoke to each other, all in chaos. The first thing he heard was a curse from Feng Xin, "F * ck! Have you chosen which mountain to hold it on? Xuan Ji's female ghost is a madman, no matter how much we ask her, she will only scream if she wants to see General Pei while refuse to tell us where the Green Ghost Qi Rong is! "

Little General Pei said, "General Xuan Ji is always a stubborn and persistent person."

Feng Xin's voice became even more angry, "General, little Pei General, have your General Pei returned? Hurry and let him see it, and get the presence of Green Ghost Qi Rong from him so we can get rid of him faster!"

Feng Xin is at least used to dealing with women. Making him deal with interrogating him, Xie Lian could not help but sympathize with those who dared to torture him. Have very guts. Little General Pei replied, "It's no use even if Xuan Ji sees it. He will become even crazier after he sees it."

Another voice echoed, "Forest Hanging Dead Bodies again ... Qi Rong's tastes are always very low, it's not fun to take care of."

"Even in the Ghost Realm they insulted him for having bad taste, so it was clear to everyone that his taste was indeed very low class." All Heaven Officials interact peacefully. It's clear they are all very familiar with each other. As a newcomer who had ascended eight hundred years ago before, Xie Lian should have been silent where she was and without speaking in the slightest.

But after he listened for a while, he could not help but cut, "Excuse me, is that about the Corpse Hanging Forest on Mount Yu Jun? Is Qi Rong Green Ghost in that area too?"

Because he does not often speak in spirit communication arrangements, his voice is not known to everyone. As the Heavenly Officers pondered whether they should answer it or not, the first person to answer it suddenly was Feng Xin.

"Green Qi Rong's ghost is not in Yu Jun Mountain. But what happened in the Hanging Corpse Forest was the act of Xuan Ji's female ghost, that was what was asked and offered to Qi Rong."

Xie Lian kept asking, "Is Xuan Ji a subordinate of the Green Ghost?"

Little General Pei answered this time. "That's right. General Xuan Ji died a few hundred years ago, even though he had hatred, he was always helpless when it came to causing trouble. But it only lasted for a few hundred years ago. Green Ghost Qi Rong found him according to his taste and was very he appreciated it. He took it and made it one of his subordinates, causing his spiritual strength to increase significantly. "

The meaning behind his words was basically, the ghost of Xuan Ji's woman causing problems could not be blamed on General Pei, because he initially did not have the ability to cause it. If they want to blame someone, then they have to pin it to Green Ghost Qi Rong, because it was he who took Xuan Ji and gave him the ability to hurt others.

Initially, the Heavenly Officials present all thought that this was all a disaster caused by General Pei's karma. They just could not voice their opinions loudly, but little General Pei still felt it. With gentle or severe reminders directed at all of them, they immediately hide their thoughts deeper into their hearts.

Xie Lian asked again, "Then has Mount Yu Jun been thoroughly investigated? There must be another child's spirit."

This time, it was Mu Qing's voice that appeared, sounding neither cold nor warm when he asked, "The spirit of a child? What spirit of a child?"

Xie Lian thought to himself, Fu Yao might not tell me the details. Maybe even he went out to help her, it was indeed a secret, so he didn't mention Fu Yao just in case it could cause him more trouble. Xie Lian replied, "When I sat in the sedan chair, I heard the laughter of a child speaking in children's songs as a warning. At that moment, there were two other small heavenly officials present but none of them felt it, so the power the spirituality of this child's spirit is also somewhat extraordinary. "

Mu Qing said, "No spirit children were found in a search on Mount Yu Jun."

Xie Lian thought this was very strange, couldn't the boy's spirit specifically come to warn him? When Xie Lian thought of that, he suddenly thought of something else and asked, "By the way, Anu ... I also met a teenager who could rule silver butterflies around Mount Yu Jun. Does anyone know who he is? that?"

The busy and busy line of spirit communication suddenly fell silent as the words left Xie Lian's innocent mouth.

In this kind of reaction, Xie Lian had seen him come and he only waited patiently for a long time, but finally was annoyed after waiting a long time when no one answered yet, Ling Wen finally asked, "Your Highness the Crown Prince, what just happened. After a few you say? "

Mu Qing coldly answered for him, "He only said, he had just met Hua Cheng."

'WHAT!!!' all the heavenly officials shouted in their hearts and immediately felt the weakness in their knees.

Finally getting the name of the red-clad youth, Xie Lian was in a good mood. He smiled and said, "So his name is Hua Cheng? Hm, this name suits him."

After hearing the tone and the words, all the Heaven's Officials at the scene became rather silent, their bodies shivering with anger as well as cold sweat. A few moments later, Ling Wen gently coughed to break the silence and asked, "This ... Your Highness the Crown Prince, have you never heard of the so-called Four Great Calamities?"

Xie Lian thought to himself: "Too bad, but I only know about the Four Famous Tales"

The Four Famous Stories mentioned above highly praise the anecdotal stories about the time before the four Heavenly Officers of the Heavenly Court rose - namely the story of: The Young Master Who Pours Wine, the Crown Prince Who Pleases God, the General who Breaks (breaks) his Sword, and the Princess The one that cuts (slits) his throat. Of the four fables, the Crown Prince Pleases God actually refers to the sudden appearance of Crown Prince Xian Le, Xie Lian, who during his martial arts show was horrendous, and after the ascension was able to shake the heavens. How the four stories can happen, not without reason, not because heavenly officials have more power, but which one of their stories has a deeper story and a meaning that accompanies it, spreading it far between humans and sharing their stories with enthusiasm.

News from outside the realm is always something Xie Lian follows. Saying he is uninformed and stupid cannot be closer to the truth. The only reason why he knows about the Four Famous Stories is because he himself is one of the four stories themselves. The phrase 'The Four Great Disasters' is probably a new popular term that emerged after four stories, but Xie Lian had never heard of it. However, because it contains the word 'Disaster', it might not be something good.

He said, "I feel sorry to say this, but I have never heard it before. May I ask what the Four Great Disasters are?"

Mu Qing replied coldly, "His Highness the Crown Prince has been trained in the mortal world for centuries but still does not know such news. It really makes people curious about what you have been doing there."

Naturally, it is a skill to eat, sleep, sell and collect leftovers. Xie Lian laughed when he said, "As an ordinary person, there are many things that can keep you busy and it can be a little busier. It is no easier than being a Heavenly Officer. So can anyone explain to me what are the Four Great Disasters ? "

Ling Wen replied, "Your Honor, I will explain the Four Great Disasters, please understand and note. They are Black Water Submerging Boats, Green Light Wandering Nights, Green Disasters White-Clothed Calamity, and finally the Blood Rain Reaching Towards a Flower. That refers to the Four Demon Kings from the ghost realm who have caused the Heavenly Court to suffer a great headache. "

They are mortals thinking, when someone walks up, they become gods; when someone walks down, they become ghosts.

Immortals set Heaven as their abode, separating themselves from the mortal world and living high in the sky when they neglect the mortal world and all living things underneath. As for the ghost world, it has not been separated from the mortal world. Demons and ghosts share the same area as humans. While some hide in the shadows of darkness, others take on human form and mingle among the crowd, wandering among them like ordinary people.

Ling Wen continued, "Black Water Drowning on a Ship is a powerful water demon. Although it has reached a level of destruction, it rarely goes out to cause trouble and does not show itself. Very few people have seen it before, therefore, it is not too much of a concern."

"Green Light Wandering Around the Night is a ghost with a low class taste, and who likes to hang upside down the bloody corpse in the forest, known as the Green Ghost Qi Rong. However, he is the only one of the four disasters that hasn't reached the level of destruction. Why he was part of it? Maybe because of his love for strange things that caused problems all year long, it became a big nuisance, maybe also because with the addition of him, it was made into four complete disasters, making it easier to remember. question. In short he is just a complement. "

"As for the White-Clothed Disaster, His Majesty might be more familiar with this one. His name is Bai WuXiang *."

* This means Bai = White,

WuXiang = Without a Face! *

Sitting perched on a stone bridge, Xie Liang suddenly felt a sharp piercing pain from his heart slowly spreading to his entire body after hearing this name. His hands trembled slightly before unconsciously gripping him strongly.

Naturally, he was very close.

It is said that when 'Destruction' is born into the world, they will be the only ones capable of destroying a country and throwing the world into chaos. When Bai WuXiang appeared, the first kingdom he destroyed was the Ancient Kingdom of Xian Le.

Xie Lian remained silent. Ling Wen felt a little uneasy but he continued, "Even so, Bai Wuxiang has been extinguished. We will not mention it again, and even if he was still in this world, he would not be in the spotlight now."

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, the silver butterfly you see on Mount Yu Jun is also called the Spirit of Death Butterfly. Their master is the last member of the four disasters, and which the current Heavenly Court at least wants to provoke, 'The Rain of Blood Reaches the Flowers , he is Hua Cheng.

In the Heavenly Realm, to be the only ones capable of bearing the title of "Famous" are the Heavenly Emperor Martial Gods and Crown Prince Xian Le. Although the significance of the two can be said to conflict with each other, their fame are both relative to the same level. In the Ghost Realm, which could be said to be equivalent to the reputation of fighting these two gods, it was none other than Hua Cheng. Apart from him, there is no one.

If someone wants to get to know the Heavenly Officials, they just have to walk around, find temples to visit, examine statues of gods, learn how to dress, and weaponry, be mesmerized, bring the kind of offerings they like. With that, people can understand it to a certain extent. If someone wants to better understand them, they only need to listen to some legends left behind and passed from person to person, and watch theater plays about their stories. What kind of people they were before their ascension, what they have done in the past, all this information will be extracted and stripped of themselves, for those who are interested. But when it comes to devils and ghosts, they are different. What kind of people they were before, and how they look now, this information is all shrouded in mystery.

The name Hua Cheng must be fake, and his appearance must also be fake. This is because he in those rumors is sometimes a temperamental and unpleasant teenager, sometimes a beautiful man who is gentle, kind and elegant, or sometimes a ghost of a beautiful woman with a poisoned heart. There is no end to what is said about him. Regarding his true appearance, the only thing that was certain was that he was dressed all in red and often appeared with a rain of blood and dirty wind when the silver butterfly chased his collar and sleeve.

As for the birth, there are many more versions of it. Some say he is a handicapped child born without a right eye who has been intimidated and humiliated since childhood so that he hates the world and curses him. Some say he was a young warrior who died fighting for the ancient kingdom, and his soul had not surrendered to such a fate and held deep revenge. There are also those who say that he became a sentimental fool because of the pain of the death of his lover, another one said he was a true monster.

The weirdest version, and it's called that - it's really just a rumor. But it also said that Hua Cheng was actually a Heavenly Officer who had ascended. However, after he ascended, he jumped down and lowered himself to become a ghost. But it's just a legend that doesn't circulate a lot, so whether it's true or not, it's unknown or not, and only a few really believe it.

However, even if it's true, it must still be wrong. Why? Because it is a big slap or insult to Heaven because there is someone in this world who really has been willing to give up being a god and would rather jump down and become a ghost. In short, the more people discuss about him, the more chaotic and confusing it becomes, and the more mysterious everything happens.

As for why all Heavenly Officials were especially afraid of Hua Cheng, there were many real reasons behind him. For example, the nature of darkness or its light cannot be determined. Sometimes he is cruel and likes to kill, sometimes he is strangely doing acts of kindness. Another reason was how much strength he had in the mortal world and how many worshipers he had now seemed to be no joke.

That's right, people pray to gods, pray for their blessings and protection so they are far from being attacked by demons and ghosts, so that Heavenly Officials have many followers. However, Hua Cheng, the Devil, actually also had a large number of worshipers. It was almost at the point where he had enough strength to cover the sky with only one hand. How can he ?!

Now, an explanation is needed. When Hua Cheng first appeared, he did something very famous.

He openly invited thirty-five Heavenly Officials to fight. The contents of his invitation were that he would fight the God of War in martial arts, and the God of Literature in the debate.

In the thirty-five Heavenly Officers, there were thirty-three of them who felt it was ridiculous, but they were all furious by the provocation and accepted the challenge and laughed at it. They prepared to join hands and give lessons to the young selfless ghost.

The first to compete with him was a God of War Martial Arts.

These Martial Gods were the strongest Heavenly gods at the time, each with a high number of devotees and their extraordinary spiritual power. Fighting a meaningless beginner ghost is something that can only be understood from a definite victory. But who would have thought that one battle would end in total destruction. Even their godly weapons were completely crushed into ash powder by Hua Cheng's very strange curved sword.

Only after a direct battle did they find out that Hua Cheng had just emerged from Tong Lu Mountain.

Mount Tong Lu * is a volcano, but that is not an important point. The important point is that there is a hidden city in it, it is called the City of Gu. What kind of place is Gu City? It was not a city where everyone raised Gu, because the city itself was a nest of large-scale Gu Poison *.

* Mount Tong Lu is a volcano. What's important, is that there is a city in the mountains, called Gu2. Gu City is not a place where people cultivate poisons, but the city itself is a cauldron of poison. *

* (venom: Poison can = Gu or jincan ("gold silkworm") is a poison-based poison associated with southern Chinese culture, especially Nanyue. Traditional preparation of gu poison involves the sealing of several venomous creatures (eg centipede, snake, scorpion) in a closed container, where they devour each other and allegedly concentrate their poison into one survivor.Gu is used in black magic practices such as manipulating sexual partners, creating malignant diseases, and causing death.According to Chinese folklore, gu spirit can turn into various animals, usually worms, caterpillars, snakes, frogs, dogs, or pigs. *

In every hundred years there, ten thousand ghosts will gather and kill each other, killing until only one of them is left, who will finish Gu. Although, many times, there was not a single result left. However, as long as one survives until the end, then that will be the incarnation of the devil. In the past few hundred years, the City of Gu only had two ghosts left at the end of the fight. And both of them were as expected, both of them indeed being the Ghost King known to everyone in the mortal world.

Hua Cheng is one of the two.

The Gods of War have been completely defeated. Now it's the Gods of Literature's turn.

If they can't defeat him in a fight, then they can at least beat him in a debate, right?

Unfortunately for those poor heavenly officials, they also could not win but were also humiliated. Hua Cheng has crossed heaven and earth and can talk about the past and debate the present. He occasionally educates them, sometimes evil, sometimes good, sometimes not giving up, sometimes cunning, sometimes insightful, sometimes sophisticated, and sometimes setting a trap. It was truly a watertight, sharp and eloquent debate. He cites evidence as a backup, deceives people with lies, and attacks wherever he wants. Some of the Literary Gods were scolded by him from heaven to earth, from ancient times to the present. They are so angry that they can cough up blood and reach the cloudy sky with a single blow.

Hua Cheng became famous in one battle.

However, if only that, then that wouldn't be enough to call him frightening. What was frightening next was that after that extraordinary victory, he had asked thirty-three Heavenly Officials to fulfill their promise.

Before the challenge was carried out, the two sides had made an agreement: If Hua Cheng lost, he would offer his ashes. If the Heavenly Officials lose, they will all voluntarily jump down from Heaven and become ordinary people from now on. If Hua Cheng did not act arrogantly, with such a severe bet and with how thirty-three Heavenly Officials believed that there was no way they would be defeated, they would not agree to fight and argue with him even never.

However, none of the Heavenly Officials fulfilled their promises. Although back to fulfilling their shameful promise. Think about it, thirty-three of them lost. If only one of them loses, then of course it will be very embarrassing. But when so many of them disappear together, it's not at all embarrassing. They can even flirt with each other about it. Thus, they reach a tacit understanding; they will all pretend that this never happened at all. After all, people are very forgetful, in the next fifty years, maybe no one will remember it.

They counted the points quite well, but the thing they didn't calculated was that Hua Cheng was not so easy to handle.

Didn't fulfill your promise? Okay, he can help them fulfill it without delay.

Because of this, he burned all the temples of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Officials he had defeated in the human realm.

This is a nightmare now spoken of by immortal gods with pale faces - red ghosts burning thirty-three military and civil temples without missing a single one. Yes! He didn't miss a single item!

The temple and worshipers are the greatest source of spiritual power from Heavenly Officials. With their palace temple hall burnt down, where did their worshipers go to pray to their god? And where did their incense come from? With their strength so badly injured, to rebuild their temple, the heavenly officials needed at least a hundred years to recover, and even then, they might not be able to recover their strength like before. For Heavenly Officials, this was truly a devastating calamity that was even more frightening than misery.

The stronger than thirty-three heavenly officials had several thousand temples, the weaker one also had several hundred. If one adds it all, there will be more than ten thousand temples. But Hua Cheng really burned everything in just one night. One night! more! No one knows how he did it, but he has achieved it with great success and without difficulties.

That's really crazy.

Heavenly officials complained sadly to Emperor Jun Wu, but he was also helpless, and there was nothing he could do. The challenge is something that the Heavenly Officials have agreed to themselves, and the promises are also made on their own. Hua Cheng was also very cunning, he only destroyed the temple and did not hurt anyone. So this is the same as him rolling a hole for themselves, asking if the gods will jump into it. Then, the gods chose to dig deeper holes before plunging themselves into it. So, when the problem still exists, what can be done?

Initially, the thirty-three Sky Officials wanted to defeat the arrogant little ghost in front of the whole world, so they chose to hold martial and literary competitions in the dreams of many rulers and nobles from the mortal world. The aim is to show their godly strength in front of their worshipers. Who would have thought that what they would show the nobles and kings would be their truly defeated appearance? Thus, after the dream, many kings chose to stop praying to Heavenly Officials and turn to pray to ghosts. These thirty-three Heavenly Officials lost their worshipers and temples and gradually disappeared without a trace. Many vacancies were finally filled when a new generation of Heavenly Officials rose.

From then on, every time the name 'Hua Cheng' was mentioned in the mortal world, many Heavenly Officials would tremble in fear. Even just hearing red clothes and silver butterflies will make their hair stand up and their beards swell. Some are afraid to irritate him or make him unhappy, because that way he will come to challenge them and then burn their temple.

Some are afraid because he is blackmailing them, so they can't move against him. Some were afraid because Hua Cheng had the power to cover the sky with his hands in the mortal world, so sometimes, when Heavenly Officials did something there, they had no choice but to find and ask him to guide them. After this went on for a while, some of the Heavenly Officials also became worshipers because of a strange mentality.

Thus, Heaven's attitude towards this person is hatred, fear, and respect as well.

And in the thirty-five Heavenly Officers, the two who did not accept the challenge were the martial gods General Xuan Zhen, Mu Qing, and General Nan Yang, Feng Xin.

They did not accept the challenge, but it was not because of fear of Hua Cheng. They did not pay attention to it at all and felt no need to pay attention to it, and therefore did not agree to fight. Who would have thought that this was a lucky and wise decision?

However, just because they didn't fight him, that didn't mean Hua Cheng had forgotten them. While they took a walk out at the Zhongyuan Ghost Festival * to do an inspection tour, they had collided with each other and fought many times. As such, Feng Xin and Mu Qing both had physiological shadows left in their hearts because of the catastrophic destruction caused by the silver butterfly.

* The Zhongyuan Festival in mid-July is on the lunar calendar and underworld celebrations. Offerings made for the dead to calm their souls and help them continue. July is a ghost month when the gates to hell open, so the gods patrol more diligently.

Despite listening to all of that, Xie Lian's brain was still full of silver butterflies, sparkling and translucent while flying cheerfully and cheerfully around him. No matter how much he thought about it, he could not connect them like those in the evil rumors. He couldn't help thinking, "Are those little silver butterflies scary? They aren't that bad ... they look really cute!"

* W-What did he say ?! Is that cute ?!