

Book/Volume 1 Summary: A Question telling "If you are in risky situations... in a another dimension, what will you do?", My answer is "I will fight to save my new home and our lives."

M0ll1eorW1ll0w · Fantasy
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Chapter 1 The Situation

~{Introducing} Richard Robinson~

brown haired boy with heterochromia eyes (Left is Blue and Right is Green) and freckles named Richard wakes up up in a dark place, it was so dark its like he is in a voided black hole.

"Mm... Hmm?" Richard tries to speak but quickly realizes he can't talk because his mouth is gagged with a white cloth, and he is even tied to a black chair. He knows it through the pitch black darkness.

Richard starts to panic as he begins looking around, but it is hopeless because, of course, it is so dark and he can't see. Richard was breathing heavily, not from his gagged mouth, but from his nostrils.

Richard also, of course, knew someone or... something can't see him through the darkness. It has become more hopeless for him. He wanted to see through the darkness. He wanted someone to see him and save him from god knows what situation he is in.

Suddenly, footsteps, loud and heavy like it belonged to some kind of giant monster, were heard, starting to approach Richard. Richard then saw two glowing white dots lightening up as the footsteps got closer and closer.

Richard's breathing became shallow with pure fear when he finally saw the owner of the loud heavy footsteps and the two glowing white dots. It was a greyish dark red humanoid being. It was tall and big, 8 foot 10, and muscular, about 980 pounds, like a giant brute. It has sharp and pointy black horns on his head and black spikes on his back and has one spike on his face as his nose, and he has light grey red patches on his skin, too. He wears only black pants with no top clothing, revealing big scratches on his lower chest and down on his stomach and abs and had razor sharp teeth that filled his mouth and has 10 black crystals on his head that appeared to be a crown. Along with black void eyes... there were those same white glowing dots, which were mysterious being's pupils.

The mysterious being lowered himself down towards Richard's level and peeled the white cloth from his mouth, finally allowing Richard to breathe from his mouth again.

"W-w-who... w-who are y-you?" Richard asked in a trembling voice with fear and pure confusion, fearful tears beginning to flood in his eyes. The being gives Richard a sadistic evil smile and said in a chilling raspy, hoarse, and deep voice, "Hello there, Richard. I am King Brutus, the king of all Heaven-More demons."

"H-Heaven-More? W-What the hell are you talking about?! Where's my friend? Where's my sister? W-What have you done to them?!" Richard asked out loud with concern and fear for his friend and sister who were missing. The same fearful tears finally pricked from his eyes and down to his cheeks.

The evil demon then started laughing loudly in psychotic, deep, raspy, and hoarse voice, which scared Richard even more, and then the demon said these words... "Come and find out yourself in Heaven-More, Richard."

The evil demon laughed. "Oh, Richard..." and repeated Richard's name "Richard... Richard..."





"Richard, WAKE UP!"

"RICHARD!!!" Richard woke up by what seemed to be the evil demon monster's voice transforming into a familiar voice calling for him to wake up.

~{Introducing} Nicholas Coacher~

"Yo dude, it's only me." A dark skinned boy with brown eyes and fade cut black hair, and It was Richard's friend, Nicolas Coacher. Nick was staring at Richard, who was lying down on a cold mattress, covered in cold sweat and looking so scared, with surprised eyes.

"N-Nick?" Richard quivered from the intense fear. "Hey, don't worry, I'm here." Nick replied calmly, rubbing and trembling Richard's shoulder with his hand.

Richard looked around himself and Nick. They were both in some cold shed-like cabin with no furniture, just two dirty-looking cold mattresses that the two boys would no longer be sleeping on shortly.

"W-where... where are we?" Richard spoke to Nick, "I don't know, dude. I just woke up in this shithole before you... from a batshit crazy nightmare."

"Wait, what? You saw that... demon thing, too?" Richard looked at Nick in shock.

"Yeah, have you?" Nick asked. "Y-Yes... I felt like my heart stopped from that moment on. I had never seen a monstrous thing like that, i-it was horrifying..." Richard explains to Nick, his voice a bit shaken, almost starting to cry.

"Well, thank god, that was a dream." Nick said. "Uhh... I don't think that's the case, Nick. We don't recognize this shed-shaped i think it is a cabin." Richard told Nick in response. "Or i don't think we can call this a cabin at all." Richard looked around the shed-like cabin in disgust and discomfort by its rotting and dark smell and appearance.

There was no door so the two boys got out of there very quick, there were dead bushes in front of the shed-like cabin and it was mouldy and moss everywhere on the outside which made it worse on the inside of this 'shithole' Nick has called it. Richard looked around the trees that led to a forest in front of the shed-like cabin for any living souls, but there was none.

"Oh god, my car is gone!" Nick exclaimed in shock when he realized his car is nowhere in sight and he can't find it.

Richard was also shocked when he couldn't find Nick's car anywhere, too. "How could that be? Nick, what have you been doing while we were driving?" Richard asked Nick.

"I was sitting on my ass and driving as normal, of course. But then, we were sleepy, and we both blacked out, but i don't remember falling asleep." Nick responded. "So, you crashed the car?" Richard said, eyes widen in disbelief. "No! I'm not stupid! Dude, we just woke up after some crazy nightmare and we were inside that shithole-" Nick points at the dirty shed-like cabin before continuing with "and we can't find my car outside here so how in the fuck can i be a suspect?"

Richard hummed while nodding his head in agreement as he replied, "Yes, you're right. I don't remember falling asleep in the car either... This is so strange. I don't know what's going on..." and begin to pacing around anxiously, desperately trying to find some thoughts of the unknown whole situation and think of what to do before Nick spoke up "We need to find someone that could help or find a place that could be safe."

"Yeah, good idea." Richard immediately agrees to the plan. "I guess we need to go through that forest. We have no other choice." Nick said, he and Richard staring at the forest in front of them, and they both begin to go to the entrance.

The two boys walked the pathway that led to whatever location the two boys were going. Richard was nervous, looking up at the grey cloudy sky and tall trees, down at the pathway ground, left and right at the bushes and trees, and looking over his shoulders, completely aware of his surroundings and Nick did the same as Richard for this unknown situation.

Nick had his cell phone out to check for his phone's signal, which he didn't have... "Damnit! I have no signal!", "Me either..." Richard doesn't have a phone signal either, too.

The two boys have no phone signal and... their close friends and family's numbers from their contacts were gone.

"What the fuck? My parents and other friends phone numbers are gone from my contacts!" Nick exclaimed in shock, staring at his empty contacts list except Richard and surprisingly even his mother's number were still there. "Oh... their phone numbers are gone from my phone too... This is so strange..." Richard was shocked too but thankfully, Richard still has his father's phone number.

"Can you call your sister?" Nick asked, forgetting the fact that Richard doesn't have his sister's phone number since she doesn't have a cell phone. "No, she doesn't have a phone... but my dad's number is there with your number too." Richard replied. "I feel you, man. My mom is still there too. This is so fucking weird..."

"God, We have woke up in this unfamiliar place and we have no signal... but... our other friends and family members numbers are gone except for your mom, Nick, and my father are still there with us." Richard said.

"Yeah. But now, coming to think of it... I nearly forgot that... my father is dead and your mother is dead, Richard... we deleted their numbers after they died so... i would be surprised if their numbers are back in our contacts." Nick told Richard. "Nick, they're dead! But I would be surprised too..." Richard's expression turned with half sadness.

After Richard and Nick got their mother and father's death and about the phone numbers being gone situation from their heads.

"Now, what do we do?" Nick questioned. "Let's keep on going through this forest until we get to the exit and find someone or some place that we can call safe." Richard replied. "Oh, yes, your right, that was my plan that i almost forgot, i got it." Nick replied as they both begin to go back to walking through the pathway of the forest.

"What is going on...? Where is everyone? Where are our friends and family? What's happening to us?" Richard thought anxiously whose soon will be questioning his insanity and existence.

End of Chapter 1.