
「Ch-1 - Uproar, System」

'Huh.. Where am I?' Lin Chen asked rather in a calm voice

'If I remember..' I was a college student with average grade, I work as a part timer. My parents died due to a car crash I was sent to the orphan at the age of 3, I was walking on the street on my way home, When it started to rain I quickly run to find a shelter but. I got struck by a lightning that's as far as I can remember but where am I it feels warm here

[Ding! Synchronize the system, Y/N] There was a holographic screen appeared on my mind Its like those novel characters I read

'Let's see, YES'

[Ding! Host confirmation.. Complete, Activating the God level sign in system, And *1 Novice package, *Sign in, Mother's Womb]

[Ding! Does host want to sign in?]

'Yes, Sign in' I said looking at the holographic screen in my mind happily

[Ding! Host has Obtain, Supreme Deity Sutra,Universal Calm mind,??? Sword]

Description:Supreme Deity Sutra - A God-level sutra made by the 4 Supreme deity together, But they dissappeared for unknown reason. Countless deity rushed to their residence hoping to get their sutra, But were all killed unknowingly. However little did they know is that the 4 Supreme deity sealed themself in the book hoping for a successor but all of them were either arrogant, and Evil. so this book have been floating through universe finding its sole successor.

Universal calm mind: Its a skill countless culvitator & scholars dream on, it can boost your mind & memory, and understanding. Can even memorize infinite knowledge without forgetting a single detail.

??? Sword:An unnamed sword forged by countless blacksmith deity, But it was stolen by their enemy faction and lost it thus the sudden decline from their Sect, This is a god-level divine sword, But warned the user should be at least. Immortal sovereign Realm for no danger

'.... Damn I'm too op well system sign in'

[Ding! Sign in complete, Rewards:Void deity body, Sacred-Dao Physique, Phoenix Blood, Emperor Blood]

Description:Void Deity Body - A body that can suck the sorrounding qi turning them into the, Purest qi before absorbing them continuesly as long as there is spiritual qi, 1 Breath is gonna be equal to 100 days of culvitation.

Sacred-Dao-Physique - The strongest physique almost 1 out of infinite of possibilities of getting, Even with infinite luck. In this universe history no one has it even this universe god so as long as the culvitation goes smooth, The holder can even become the 2nd's strongest god on the, Infinite verse.

Phoenix Blood - Can enhance the looks and culvitation speed by 5x, An have a higher chance of becoming an immortal

Emperor's Blood - Can culvitation speed by 4x and, is 2 Realm stronger than people on the same realm

[Ding! The host is detected to have 2 Bloodlines, it is recommended to passed it to someone the host wants]

'Can't I just have the two bloodlines?'

[Ding! You still not have unlucked the merge function, So it is recommended to wait]

'I see can I see my panel'

[Ding! Showing panel]

[Name:??? (Lin Chen)

Age:9 Months

Culvitation:Qi Rifinement - 9th

Origin skills:God's Calm Mind

Blood:Emperor's Blood, Phoenix Blood

Body:Void Deity Body


INVENTORY:??? Sword, Supreme Deity Sutra]

'Now that I think about it, While I'm still at my mother's womb won't it be convenient to learn the sutra?'

[Ding! Yes, You can learn the sutra but it is suggested not to as your still a baby]

'I see too bad..'

And with that time passed by and it was already the time I will be born


Pov:Chen Ling'er

It was already time for my child to be born, My grandparents & Husband couldn't help but worry, As the Heir to the clan he must have a strong physique and etc. Honestly I don't really mind it if his physique is weak because I would still live him, The Chen clan has been The Top 1 Powerhouse in the immortal domain for generations, We rarely visit the mortal domain because of vacation, But on the day my son was born.

Suddenly the, sorrounding Heaven & Earth Qi around 300 Miles were all sucked countless culvitator's were shocked even some ancestor of some powerhouse awaken from slumber, And the same goes for ours and the space up the sky suddenly shattered revealing a new Realm above the immortal Realm. The Trascendent Domain immortal's who reached their peak entered the Trascendent domain, Above the sky the Trascendent domain shattered reveling countless culvitators even I get shivers down my spine just looking at their gaze, But that was not all the next thing that happened were all immortal beast suddenly bowed towards this direction, Countless immortal birds were overjoyed, And the immortal phoenix ancestor were all heading towards the us our 10 ancestor then arrived at the tower I was and the baby in, The same for my grandparents and husband. (His husbands name:Chen Gaolo, Grandmother:Jun Haotian, Grandfather:Chen Baijin)

"What kind of Talent did he have to attract, Such an attention" Ancestor 8 said while the others nodded

"Ling'er are you okay and the baby.." A charming man dressed in a luxurious robe with golden pattern a long black haired ponytail, And eyes deep as a blue ocean. said it was Chen Gaolo

"Congratulations, Dear it seems like she takes after you and his father" A woman with Pink hair, Ruby red eyes elegant aura, A feminine face, Curve body complimented the couple it was Jun Haotian

"Indeed, She got her hair from his black hair from her father, And a Ruby red eyes from his mother" A man who looks like 28, With a handsome appearance black eyes blacker than void, Sword eyelashes, immortal aura, and a luxurius green robe, He is Chen Baijin

Said while looking closely to his grandson warmly smiling

"So what will be his name, Ling'er" Said Baijin

"His name will be, Chen Xiaozou" Said Ling'er

"Hmm, That sound good" Baijin said while looking at his ancestor and cuffing his hand the same goes for, Haotian, Gaolo

"Chen baijin, Greets the ancestor"

"Jun Haotian, Greets the ancestor"

"Chen Gaolo, Greets the ancestor" All the ancestor nodded on approval