

The earth is unbalanced dark which is the Underworld demons. the earth has been in the dark for so long, it is time for a chance, the earth needs to be saved, the fathers of Heaven has a plane for the earth now. As paper blow up the road. There is not a soul our this night, the street lights are busted. Anyone that tries to fix it, will be sent into the fires of the underworld. Everyone man, women, and child, old and young are under slaved of possession of the overlord of fire of brimstone, they called him Vladimir. Up and Heaven where Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Father Time, Grandfather Time, Father Love, Grandfather Hearts, and Father Hope, and Grandfather Desire. " this got to stop now. Said, The Holy Spirit." what do you want to do father? Asked. Jesus Christ, " there's only one thing to do. Said, Father Time, " As paper blow up the road. There is not a soul our this night, the street lights are busted. Anyone that tries to fix it, will be sent into the fires of the underworld. Everyone man, women, and child, old and young are under slaved of possession of the overlord of fire of brimstone, they called him Vladimir. Up and Heaven where Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Father Time, Grandfather Time, Father Love, Grandfather Hearts, and Father Hope, and Grandfather Desire. " this got to stop now. Said, The Holy Spirit. " what do you want to do father? Asked. Jesus Christ, " there is only one thing that we can do, said. Father Time, " send Her to the earth, or is this battle we are about to step into, with the league of warriors? Said. Grandfather Time, " send her to get earth out of the dark, she is going to need her army with her. Said, Father Love. " then let's send them to the earth, said. Grandfather Time,