
Heaven's Last Blade

Drystan, the sole human survivor of “The Inferno” Calamity, now is tasked with the heavy burden of rejuvenating the human race. The 7 Cardinal sins and Overlords of hell revolted against heaven and the war that ensued dragged the human race down with it as well. Although The 7 Cardinals and Overlords with their legion failed to pass through the pearly gates, humanity had already fallen, Except our one hero. “This is the biggest load of Bullshi-”

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The Last Resistance

In a city razed to the ground from the flames of hell, the smell of ash and burning corpses had taken hold. The city once buzzling with children and adults enjoying their daily lives with the golden rays of the sun enveloping every street and alleyway had fallen to darkness.

The roaring steps of an incoming legion could be heard throughout the main street of the city blockaded by two rows of buildings on its side, with all its soldiers dressed in blood colored armor and carrying weapons that varied from the different ages of humankind history. But as their marching continued, beeping sounds began to be heard as a chain of explosion began to happen.

The warriors of the legion began to panic as the falling debris from the buildings began to crush them one by one. When it all came to an end, more than half of the once menacing lesson had been reduced to nothing but pools of blood and smashed bones.

The remaining warriors began to look around in disarray and rage to find their enemy and as one came to notice a shadow moving through a 3 story high building that was overlooking the main street.


Before the warrior could finish his sentence, a shot was heard as a bullet flied through his mouth followed by another one into his head. Falling to the ground, his comrades took notice of where the bullet was shot from and rushed towards the three story high building, opening up wings that could only be described as burnt beyond recognition.

As they charged inside they found nothing but a … Scarecrow with a coat? Their dumbfounding was short with the familiar sound of a beep returning throughout the 3 floors as another chained explosion happened right through. Destroying and killing whatever was left of the legion.

The building collapsed creating a cloud of smoke surrounding it, with a dark figure slowly approaching it, apparently loading something. From the debris there were a few remaining survivors of the legions, gravely wounded but alive as the dark figure began to shoot them one by one with a dead look on his face.

"Ammunition is becoming scarce…"

A cold and eerie voice was heard from it as the last remaining demon had half her body crushed and was whaling in pain with the figure appearing right in front of her and kneeling down.

"You things, can you actually feel? The more you know in this shitty ass world am I right?"

"W-Wait, what are you planning to d-do…!?"

A look of fear took over the demoness' face as she stared helplessly with her body not responding to her.

"Me? Not much, I am going to cut your head off and be done with this whole ordeal of running around slaying your legion. You wasted precious resources and explosives."

"I-I don't even know you! I'VE NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO Y-"

Before she could reach the end of her sentence, her world was flipped upside down as her once firmly placed head rolled onto the ground. Brutal, yet he respected her enough with a conversation to deliver the final strike.

As that ordeal came to an end the figure was revealed to be a young adult around his mid 20's with black hair and jade green eyes, wearing a black coat, pants and shoes all in condition to the equivalent of a homeless person in New-York City.

"Their legions don't stop coming… The world is destroyed all because they wanted to reach the pearly gates."

This world had gone through the calamity people named "The Inferno" where the demonic souls of hell revolted against heaven and the war that ensued, dragged humanity to its doom. Countries were razed, destroyed and became inhabitant with the demons slaying all living organisms, plantations and farms were burned, Flora and Fauna were both destroyed and the humans well even those who had prepared died out from either suicide or were at the end of a demon's blade.

I do not know how I survived this long in this world but even I don't have it long before coming to the same fate and as far as I am concerned, not even heaven itself is safe from these monsters. My name is Drystan, a 25 year old Ex-German Kommando and one of the best that ever was trained. Who would have thought that the lessons my commanders taught me would actually help me survive in a literal apocalypse but ya know what they say, better late than never.

As Drystan chuckled at the thought of his old commanders, he suddenly felt a presence near him as he raised his gun and shot the last bullet in his magazine. A cackle was heard surrounding him as the fires that were burning from the buildings began to disperse mysteriously.

"So you are the human that has been causing so much trouble to us?~"

"Yea, I came from Go-Fuck-Yourself Street."

"Such vulgar language, hasn't your mother taught you manners?"

"Props to being an orphan, you can say whatever conscious free."

Out of nowhere, Drystan received a kick towards his head which he luckily managed to block in time but it was strong enough to crack his arm and send him flying towards a wall.

The impact shook him to his core as he fell to his knees.

The fuck!? This bitch hits like a truck on goddamn Steroids

Drystan stood up, using the wall as his support to look straight ahead at his opponent. A feminine figure, with long white hair and crimson red horns and eyes with a dress that was more revealing than a street whore.

"What's wrong, hell didn't have enough nickels to use you as a toy?"

"Ho ho, something caught your eye?~"

"Yes, the heart I am about to rip out of your rib cage."

The two got into their fighting stances with Drystan following a traditional Boxing + Karate fighting stance and his opponent with a bit more style as she summoned a spear out of a magical circle with a star in the middle.

"I really hope you entertain me~"

"I ain't that cheap to be fucking dolls worth the german mark during the 1912-1918 period."

The two were now ready to fight with the survivor going to be only one. May god favor you.

Please Enjoy my second ever official novel!

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