
Heaven's Greatest Professor

Warden wakes up in a wilderness with a hole in his mind, deprived of all his memories. Lost, he found within himself an aptitude for combat and magic. On happenstance, he rescues a pair of youths and an entire village, pushing him into a renowned academy of mages and warriors alike to become a teacher. Warden adventures across the divided land of Ezim, determined to unravel the mysteries of his past. However, the task becomes incredibly hazardous when his own path—the ruinous power of Void that runs through his veins—holds a connection to the Traitor Gods, who threaten to cast their shadow upon the world once more. ____________

EG0 · Fantasy
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338 Chs

First Class (2)

For the group on the left, Warden called out as all of them stood straighter. "All of you will begin with physical conditioning," he said. "Since it is the first day, you will all run 10 laps of the ground."

"But, instructor," one of the mage candidates, a girl barely 15 years old, called out, "I only have 13 points in strength. It would be impossible for me to complete the task."

As her complaints were raised openly, a few more joined, giving similar excuses, or rather admitting their weaknesses. Ten laps would be over sixty miles, an impossible number for common people. But these weren't common people. 

Warden considered that for a common human, strength was about three to five points. Thirteen was almost thrice the number of an adult male's capabilities. It wasn't impossible for her to complete the laps, though he was afraid she wouldn't be able to make it in due time.