
The Rite of Godhood

Unbeknownst to every soul in the nine heavens, Zemyna visited Earth every year during the Equinox when the gap between heaven and Earth was easier for lower level gods to cross. And as the strongest of divine royalty, Zemyna experienced no difficulty making this journey. She first came to Earth when it was time to for her rite of passage. During that time she chose to show some of the humans, in the land called Alkebulan, a means of living in harmony with nature and the universal cycles. For her wisdom, appearance, strength, and grace she was revered as their goddess. The humans she blessed with secret knowledge came to build a city so perfect, it could only be called, Paradise. Paradise became the hub of knowledge and technology for the whole continent. It's citizens experienced a level of peace and prosperity that had never been recorded before. And they were happy to share their blessings with surrounding nations. After 1,000 years, all of Alkebulan was a beacon of light unto all of Earth.

Upon seeing how much Zemyna helped humanity flourish during her trial, her parents, Chief Archon Zariah and Head Priestess Meera, were exceedingly proud. They declared her trial over and pronounced Zemyna to be the official heir to the Sun Throne. They even bestowed upon her a gift. Her own domain in the 9th heaven where she had absolute dominion. Zemyna's domain most notably held a mountain which had a special cave. Through this cave there was access to a pool of celestial water she could use as a window to look upon the mortal realm and keep an eye on the civilization she gave birth to. Seeing this Zemyna leaped into her father's arms and hugged him tight.

"Hahaha. I'm glad you're happy daughter but don't forget how strong you are my dear." Zariah said as his beloved daughter squeezed him with her godly strength.

Zemyna relaxed her embrace and then let her Father go.

"I'm just so elated, Daddy! You and Mother honor me too much with this! I can see whay all the mortals are doing from here. I'm grateful I'll get to keep an eye on them even when it's not the Equinox." Zemyna replied with her heart full of joy.

"Yes, dear. But remember the mortals realm is not our world and it wouldn't be good to be seen there too much. Lest you be punished for interfering" Head Priestess Meera warned.

"I know, Mother. Thank you for your counsel. Your wisdom is always appreciated". Zemyna placed her hand over her heart, closed her eyes, and bowed gracefully to acknowledge her mother's wisdom.

"Ah! Enough of that. On to the celebration! My daughter has passed her rites with flying colors. All of the 9 realms shall feast and dance in her honor!" Zariah exclaimed absolutely beaming with parental pride.

And feast and dance they did. All of the 9 heavens were in a state of jubilee in celebration of Zemyna's established godhood and official position as heir. There was only one who skipped out on the festivities early, the second eldest, Mordecai. This did not escape the attention of his mother. Feeling her gaze upon him, Mordecai simply turned to her, smiled, bowed, and left the hall.

"What is that child of mine up to?" Meera began to ponder this, but quickly decided to ignore the matter. She decided to let him go in peace. The Head Priestess had compassion for her other fruits of her womb whom her beloved Zariah had always shown less interest in.

But Mordecai was not leaving to do something so trivial as sulk or get some air. Instead, he went to his second home, the Gnosis Temple, where he could study and prepare for when it was his aligned time to undergo the Rite of Godhood himself. And as cycles came and went, the time drew near. And as a final act of preparation Mordecai chose to visit Earth in advance to get a closer look at how his sister's Paradise was doing after all this time. He thought he would only find ruins, but instead he saw that Paradise had become a global civilization that was experiencing an impressive Golden Age!

"Sis, sure set the bar high for me" Mordecai sighed. But before he could even start walking around Paradise, he noticed something peculiar.

"This presence...it couldn't be!" Mordecai was surprised to sense his sister's unmistakable aura in the mortal realm.

"What is the meaning of this? Is she hear to sabotage me?! No...that would be beneath her. And there's no reason for her to see me as a threat in her mind. So what is she doing here?" Mordecai thought deeply about why his Zemyna was on Earth before doing what he did best. He cloaked his energy and flew to her location taking care to not be seen by mortals nor sensed by Zemyna. When he was within range, he descended onto the ground and observed Zemyna from afar.

But what he saw when he finally got within view of her was shocking! Zemyna was lovingly walking arm in arm with a mortal man! Then she stopped as this mysterious mortal wrapped his arm around her waist, pulled her close, and kissed her deeply.

Mordecai couldn't believe his eyes. He forgot all about preparing for the rite and immediately returned to the heavens.